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The twist of the Rainbow caused the labaros to mutate in each disseminated color, an incident is already descending in the chromatic and snowy Era, fading in the entrance Antiphon that says: “I will give you shepherds according to my heart, who feed you in consciousness and experience”. O God, who has raised up in the Church Saint Joseph, Mary and their Rabbi, wise priest, to proclaim the universal vocation to holiness of the Duodecim Evangelii, grant us their intercession and example, in the exercise of ordinary debit, disposing of ourselves to our Messiah, and Let us serve with fervent passion in the Redemptive work for our Lord Jesus Christ.

This great event takes place from the Sima del Apocalypse, where everyday inhabitants bound manuscripts and ancient treasures of Sakkelion-Sakellarios. They worried about conforming a new resolution in their scriptorium, in the Byzantine period they administered gifts and tributes. Interestingly related to Zacchaeus appearing in the New Testament verses - Gospel of Luke, 19, 1–10, when Jesus Christ enters Jericho. He was a publican, chief collector, and very wealthy. The tax collectors worked for the Romans and also asked for more money than the Romans demanded, thus becoming rich easily, for which they were doubly hated. Zacchaeus was short of stature and for that reason, when Jesus entered the city of Jericho, everyone crowded to see him and he stayed behind and did not get to see him. He then went ahead and climbed a kind of fig tree, a sycamore (Ficus sycomorus), as he was going to pass in front of it. When Jesus arrived at that place, he said to him: “Zacchaeus, come down quickly; because it is convenient for me to stay at your house today ”. At this, the people murmured that he was going to stay in the house of a sinner. Zacchaeus replies that he will give the poor half of what he has, and if he previously defrauded someone he will give him four times as much. Jesus responds that salvation has come to his house because he too is a son of Abraham. From this antiphon arises the Twelfth Evangelii, it appears in a record that concelebrates the haughty morals of tributes that have to be motivated by tribal crowds of Gaugamela for the presence of God, for whatever his will and No!

The wind tunnel tessitura transfigured the next level of the 103, posterioris of the lace and mercy of Abraham muttering in his tent, to generate altitude over Israel in Jacob. The sprinkling sinkholes evaporated the matter that was transformed into celestial plasma, with ranges of coercive metric, from what that up to is down and lives versa, for the hemispheres of the Sefirot, and for the Shemot or name of the beginning of the origin, transfiguring in Idolotraía of Creation in the Universe-Duoverse.

From all corners, they will leave to read this great incident that is not easy to read, hear, or even feel in its vibrations once happened by the immortality of the memorial events of history as the regent transporter of the meeting of all the frivolous voices that sin. Of ignorance, and those who know to become exalted. That the scrolls will be quadrupled to the combatants who end up alive or dead in Gaugamela, each one carrying one of them bled in their hands. All the crossroads of relationships of an ancient society infused parallels of the sustainability of Faith through generosity, almost transferred from an essential charism praised from the esoteric nucleus of the same dogma, becoming confused on the path that will transport it without being aware of the destination. That will take it, and it comes wrong from the limen of doubt from the beginning. Ever since an impious king Manasseh was imprisoned, imprisoned, and exiled, called the impious king, he lived in the depths of the heat of Hell. For modern Christians, Manasseh is an icon of Divine forgiveness, from which the traditional orative prayer of Manasseh arises from the ejaculations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob since after being one of the most bloodthirsty and pagan kings of the Jews, he forgave him and he was even buried in the city of David, a pantheon reserved only for faithful kings, with which it follows that God completely forgave him.

The Delphic sibyl bears the crown of thorns of the Coronation of Jesus, which also happened in the Praetorium, and as in previous cases to the scene that is represented in the corresponding neutral. In the Eritrean triad, rather Herophile, if chaste and Delphic clairvoyant and apologetic, her vernacular artery made her a native of Mar Peso, Troyana-Troade. As in fantasies of being the daughter of a Nymph and a Shepherd. Her elegy escorted him to the Duodecim Evangelii, from Samos we are docking towards Patmos at the foundations of the Megaron. With the same polygon of the Sistine Chapel, in the quattrocento, where Vernarth had assistance in the parapsychological Regression of the Quattrocento Duodecim Evangelii, announcing that Vernolatry would be part of his Apologetic life, inspiring prophecies with the Iaspis Parables, praising scholarship after the grave that he was in the forest of Apollo Smintheus, returning to his origins in a sinkhole in Mount Coric.
Codex XII - Ultramundis Duodecim Evangelii
Hundreds of children could be seen coming from Patmos hanging on the stringers of the Dodecanese blue pelicans. Raeder hung with both hands on the jasper-plated iron rings; from the Greek "Iaspis", which means "stained stone". Raeder found it in hydrothermal veins, in volcanic rocks, and in surrounding sedimentary rocks. He with four webbed fingers that he wore in amethyst rings for the housewives who celebrated Thanksgiving and the celebration of the Saint John's patterns that they sent carried in their golden shoe peak. Generally, there were more than five thousand who passed through the regions; they swallowed canonized water from the Ionian Sea, with the great advantage of reproducing saltwater seas in freshwater to drink. They took them to each house to fill their pots and also in sowing periods, they watered their crops in summer periods when it was scarce. With their golden brown plumage, they skirted the olive fields and ***** vines of the Goddess Aphrodite. With their white plumage, they sprinkled the barley fields with vinegar and freshly slaughtered wheat fields from the legs of Petrobus…, his dream pelican! From here all the recipes were born in all the regions when the Bread was depressed, without firewood and weeds. Patmos has engraved on the stilts of the pelicans planning every day and going looking for houses where to go to take the Gospel to them. All the children like Raeder were accompanied by others who were blessed, to bring good news to families who sat waiting close to the outcome of their social limits, when they waited for them in the afternoons with thanksgiving. They ate in the afternoons to wait for the children to taste Tzatziki; Cucumber and caramel yogurt sauce with poppy and honey drinks. They received them in rooms near their Gynecium, and right there they exchanged the gifts they brought from the Grotto of the Evangelist on Patmos. The children from the moment the future mother knew or was suspected that she was pregnant, came quickly so that the distribution did not have problems, the only children, the first-born or those born to older parents were considered a divine gift, it was the privilege of this birthright. Reckless names and mentions that appear in the Apocalypse of John, in whose introduction it is said that the author was exiled to Patmos, where he had his encounter with Jesus in the so-called Grotto of the Apocalypse that originated everything.

The grotto or sapphire foundation was just to the attachment of the void that levitated from the walls of the grotto, they were molecules with hyperactive mass, giving clues to Raeder, close to Jasper, chalcedony, emerald, sardonic, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz and chrysoprase. But he was magnetized with the Kalymnos genealogy Iaspis. He revealed the vibrational wave on Jasper, the Armas Christi of Saint John in Revelation 21, from verse 19, it says there: "The foundations of the wall of the city are all precious stone", The first jasper foundation; in the paraphrase, he predicted that the Megaron's foundations will be made mostly of these materials, but mostly Raeder's Iaspis.

The Sibyl Agrippa bears the lashes related to the scene of Flagellation in the praetorium. Here, red blood marks ran for votive offerings simulating blood from the celestial, representing the corresponding straight folio. The natural laws of the Parables Iaspias make alchemy with immanent and hypocoristic noble minerals in the cave that revealed all this grace to Raeder, for the propaedeutic of the Mashiach by centralizing here the space-time that said that God has similarity to the Iaspis, as you set of condensed gold in the expiration and metallization of the cosmic essence. The similarity made all the walls of the vault or tunnel of the Profitis Ilias ruled by Jasper and Carnelian, the latter being Raeder's green-blue eyes shining in his iris, and in the curvature of mass that was pressed into the interior of the wind tunnel that also expanded, making rubies and acuities out of itself. The visibility of the Universe was still becoming hyper bright over the inlet of Patmos, for this Petrobus, his blue Pelican, was crowned surrounded by Apollo's superciliary arc, to reveal the similarity of metals like his metalloid neighbor.

Isaiah says 28:16: "Therefore, Yahweh the Lord says like this: Behold, I have laid a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tried stone", let's look at where it begins, a stone, but first proven, then angular, then precious of stable foundation; he who believes. From this stage the Iaspis and the Carnelian, on Mount Zion, the throne of the Lord that accompanied Raeder, and the lamb flashing next to his idol Petrobus. All the stones were made angular; some were finally pulverized, and all pyramided through the sinkholes, in the primorosity of the son who appeared in the cavern in the most refractory way to radiate light that warned Raeder to go for his progenitors. The glory of Raeder made the glow an enhanced garrison in children's voices across Patmos, speaking that their parents were Iaspis-like gemstones.
Codex XI - Ultramundis Raeder
From Lepanto, the Armis Christi appeared exhausted, with fiery eyes volatilized in stratospheres that Belligerent received them. As if they were extraterrestrial castes seated in inflexible breath, floating from their chin in fuss and idiosyncrasy. They arrived cracking the pristine sections from Tel Gomel…, when they arrived a military strategist attacks him, asking for clemency to extend.

Falangist: “With the crest in my hands and the Dorus on my chin from the ground, I said; every arrangement I tried on the double edge of my sword bruised it. The upper sheet Sansevieria nominated me towards a Hebraic past and a medieval future ..., it was the Sword of Saint George, notifying that my family in Kalidona was under a paradoxical state, given to my two older children who were summoned to the service of the military. "The second lower edge of my Xiphos, the Sansevieria, betrayed me vile before the prosopopeia when I entered with discouragement to support them ..., the sclerosis of my soul continues to explode ..., surpassing and driving my wife into easily disposable splinters. I know that my descendants were buried under the effect of a mortal reunion in the catharsis of Pompeii; the becoming of Saint George made it clear! All will emigrate and flee after being devastated, and the inopportune comrades manage to return when they reintegrate in the festival of Holy Mary in Athens, the Holy Patroness consoled me and prepared my resistance of such bad money, so that one day I would drop my seeds in cultures of peasant archangels with sacred devotional fruits. I sighed and moaned rubbing myself in my animals! My empty eyes day and night were mesmerized as they became ethereally magnetized. They did it together with me, with the singularity of not affecting me ..., they went through nearby streams to sob so as not to see them demagnetized by certain fatalistic and consummatory effects”

Etrestles moved by the tribulations of the Infant of the Phalanx, he bowed imposing nonexistence, after her words implied the exhortation to Hera for her benevolence, prohibiting and parasitizing him to be able to reside with her. Thus they would be immune to progressive lives under the influence of sharp primary and secondary stews in the arms of the Falange. Hera's eyes shone when the Falangist's soul entered her, they were not vanities, but the advent of the vanistory in her pretense towards the Acropolis, taking him to her.

The Sibyl Tiburtina supports him, gathering him in her arms, saying: “you will receive the heat that will imprison you in the house of the high priest, a scene that will be represented in Procoro on the corresponding neutral folio. Events and expletives were from the past; they no longer targeted or abused him. The Armas Christi again swirled with the Souls of Trouvere in the last irascible recesses of the Eolonimi winds in the holistic of all the winds that named Vernarth. "Your children did not live again, the military Macedonian heard", the physical resurrection of the unconverted takes place after the tree of Mars, when they liberate the innocent fallen in the versicular belief that segments the ray with its half, where no minute will be able to get it right. The passages of the wind tunnel are the wasteland that dies revived by the almocaffre, cutting fibrils overflowing with vitality from on high, to overflow it downwards for those who still await astonishing miracles, walking alongside the living with hypocoristic trifles reborn in the same blood that it was spilled. Every famous person walks with pennants that rise from his own grave, cutting smaller capillaries in the impetuous rise of his pale cheeks, where the Greco-Western scepter will be the self-control of whoever escapes free and resolute from the tree of Mars. Now you will lie next to your children and you will be between the hazelnuts and Eolonimis doing the revival of Tagmati or order of succession of the Polis as an elite unit, tribulating the final sections of the Ultramundis straight, by tightening the glorified 103 meters”

Etréstles during the millennial of Satagenesis and Deidagenesis, together with the Heosphoros and the Uomo di Valplacci, prostrated Lucifer before Etréstles (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Ch. 45 - Palibrio USA), ebbing and emulating the Peloponnesian wars, this being a stronghold of the general of the Athenian fleet in western Greece. The Mentor Fleet was led by Admiral Phormio, who defeated all the Lacedaemonians on Naupacto. When they approached the province of Nafpaktia, of the Nome of Aitoloakarnania, confined they followed the undivided and weightless musks scattered, disintegrating immortal souls with the impairment of the exhaled breath that was extinguished in their offering. This is how he could provoke some aversion so as not to be condemned to the Hadic underworld. The castes of gods and demi-gods, with Sansevierias in green leaves and clover, were chained towards freedom from the raging gases of Xenon and Lithium. Sneaking through drains and spaces where no sword or spear crossed the atmosphere of Gaugamela Macedonian. Only Vernarth there hadic, will have to be channeled through the unscathed pavilions of the immaculate back room with heroic lineage. No undulating or flagrant blade will slice sanctified flesh acquired in said sessions in the handcuffs of the Bumodos with the drugs and the potions of Medea.
Codex X - Ultramundis Lepanto
Some of his faithful crews of Alexander the Great could be seen from Asia through the labaros of the Phalanx. Ursids and Amphibians appeared coming through the nearby pass from Gorgan. "The Red Serpent" was a defensive construction, from here came the palfreys of Alikanto, provided with large litters of animals for the entity attached to the cavalry of Alexander the Great. This incredible barbican begins on the Caspian coast, north of Gonbade Kavous, and continues to the northeast and disappears into the Pishkamar Mountains. They continued on the buttresses together with Bears and Leviathans, they were part of the totemic dreams that Vernarth had when he assumed hallucinations doped by regressive tours through hieratic spaces when falling in trances and joining in connection with his pet animals, in rhythms and waltzes of the ovation of the timpani. Alikantus, came flying swiftly almost without stopping and without being distracted, he brought the potions and armory instruments from the panoply. He came already ready for the hours that they came to fill out details before taking the game with the Heavy, Light and Thessalonian infantry.
Among the most elementary of his mission was to make the protocol of the potion, broadcast the preaching together with the Woodcutter, and distribute the javelins to the Hetairoi of Vernarth.
By anchoring the cerulean hooves of the unknown fire of the Gods, he manages to glimpse how Vernarth was taken from the back of an attacking Elephant, he was also accompanied by Alexander's cunning guard dog called Péritas, who insinuated him to get ready and get up with the wind in bellicose stratagems. Vernarth was coming from his last frugal ****** session, to institute sinewy vegetal lianas that commonly remained with some of them, and were cut off in his cephalic and jugular vein, harassing his ******, which always spread on Cocoon laurels, and by averages of intricacies that he had to gulp down for a few days. He would continue to be united daily with the infinite that saw him born, as the greatest Commander of Alexander the Great, neither imagined nor collated ... The Gorgan wall had a length of at least 200 kilometers, greater than any of the Roman walls that were outlined in archeology as bastion works. It was exhausting to exceed it and to take a course with the beasts, since they were restless when being near Tel Gomel, when they sensed that they were approaching the bed of Vernarth; because they were his very adored pets along with the Tupak Crocodiles. The chestnut was prescribed by a guard of the wall of Gorgan, being of the Persian army that was seduced by the bears to fight next to Vernarth.

Next to Bumodos, Vernarth could already be seen playing with his pets, Bears, Crocodiles, and Alejandro Magnus's hound. Further, she would submissively approach, shaking his frosty neck, Alikanto or Alikantus proceeded with donations and drugs for his master brought from phalanxes conjured by Medea. Vernarth was seen almost emancipated from branch harvests and venal strains, which mostly populated his chest, and both arms full of pestilential tattoos that had colonized him. Almost at dusk on the sprouts and hairs of Zeus, the phalanges of Vernarth begin to arrive. The Macedonian Phalanx was an infantry formation created and used by Philip II, and later by his son Alexander the Great in the conquest of the Persian Empire. The Macedonian phalanx arose, in fact in response to holistic Hellenistic modifications and tactics by Theban, Epaminondas, and Pelopidas strategists of land forces, who deployed in the early 4th century BC. C. to oppose to the superiority, although already decadent the Spartan hoplitic formation had exerted in the terrestrial combats between the Greek polis until that date.

The European Sibilla carried Gladius in his hand but he exchanged it with the Xifos in alternation for the death of innocents entrusted by Herod the Great, and for the evasion of the Holy Family into Egypt. This confirms the liturgical grouping of the Easter Triduum; alluding to the passion of Christ, and perpetrating the pain of the Devout at his death, and triumphant at his resurrection. The sense of surrealism transports Saint John digging in all the layers and hordes of the Faith, his composition of tribulation moved in the Egyptian and Greek cartography, mobilizing the triangular areas of the Phalanx, which moved in a geometric block reaching the edges of the hypotenuse gradient and the wind tunnel that raised them, cornering the beast that visited them, pretending to be weak and imprecise.

While the sinkholes collapsed into myriads of suspended substances, while the two swords Gladius and Xifos were filled with Greco-Roman blood. Here he vegetated the verb of Elijah in the ****** resurrection with similarity to the triangular body Lazarino that was seen crawling by the towing power of the ionic Phalanx in his equistadio. They were X Beings who abstracted a Ser x start in its algebraic contradiction; an unknown, or something that could take any amount, in other words, something unknown, for the algorithmic links to provide resurrection corporality in Lazarus of Bethany within its angles of Sacred Geometry. The airones of the oscillation presented viviparous futures in observance of visions and perplexity of conscience, ruling physicality that becomes resurrected in the rabbinic worlds from the highest, occupying thrones in parentheses, more than three times ignoring belief through greater disbeliefs than the direct and shorter truth. Elijah is attracted by the Cinnabar he pondered in a Jewish apocalyptic, in the fourth Esdras ..., at the end of the dissolved worldly reign, and who dies in the Messiah itself. Satan never tires of attacking the credibility of the Phalanx in collectors of dispensationalism, being strongly subject to the Carmel of the infidels who never revive in their own unconverted bodies.
Codex IX - Ultramundis Phalanx
Alikantus archetype of his astral travel just three days ago was crowned in Gaugamela...! It boils in hiding and uneasiness after lightening its fiery hooves by Lasithi's slippery Ierapetra in footsteps that seemed to be the same influxes of endeavors brought by Kanti from Crete, who pyrographed the Thracian soil before reaching the request for his address. . He turns to Medea, before arriving in Thrace after wandering through different places in search of protection and advice to protect his master Vernarth, while he underwent the last ****** libations of vivid Liliaceae and angiosperms encapsulated in his right pectoral, in the anonymous of Alikanto, asking Medea for a potion to be able to supply his master and deflate his breastplate, in order to use his Áspis Koilé breastplate in combat, since there were three days left for the duel. Medea arrived in the city of Athens on a stormy day, with a Dantean gray Fusco on the palm of the cliff, escaping previously, now near Abdera, in which the east proceeded to evacuate sooty plectrums to the west. As Medea looked up at the sky, she took a piece of feldspar anthracite to create aluminum javelins that Alikanto would have to carry on his return, along with the potions to deflate his infected pectoral. She painted the sky with gray lattice lines and subsequently lodged in his crooked loop. Signs could be seen from the infinite that came coupling in an alloy beam, whose countenance seemed to be a king ..., it was Aegean, who not only offered him hospitality but would bond with Medea in the hope that his sorceries would allow him to conceive a child despite his advanced age. The sorceress fulfilled her expectations, having a son they named Medo. When Theseus, Aegean's secret son, arrived in Athens willing to have his father recognize him as heir, Medea took him as a threat to the future of his son and tried to poison him. But Theseus discovered her, accusing her of committing horrible crimes and witchcraft, Medea had to flee again. In this crusade she had the assistance of Alikantus who transported her flying from Abdera, so as not to be captured and to be able to supplement the stews that Alikantus had requested, also with javelins that she had to take to Vernarth, to escort him from the splendorous injury.

The convulsed Sibyl Cimera customized the symbols of the arranged ceremonial, forging classic gestures of prodigality, and that nothing less was a cornucopia given to the Zephyrs of the Ultramundis, who revolutionized the boss around that trembled in the pickets of the stone dermis that dressed the walls of the final tubule of 103 meters. The channel nursed referred inclinations of Likantus who harassed, and customized the final discretion of Theseus, to finish with the folio of the descendant Aegean, breaching the sentence of his son, and avoiding him from his stepmother. In this coliseum, Theseus took root along with his mother Etra his, who did not reveal the name of his father until he was sixteen years old. At this age, Theseus was able to lift the stone, put on his father's sandals and sword, and begin his journey to Athens to be recognized as the king's son. From this obviousness, Vernarth in the Gaugamela arena dressed him in the Persikaia sandals, which made him whoever he was, and if he died you would take them seated to the altar of the Tristania comedies, where all that surreal surpasses the deep straits of reality, more than anything in racked muses in forced symptoms of paranoia or ****** Sybil, that mediated in the Arms of Christi, in the iconology of the Codex Raedus.

Vernarth sat on the edge of the Ultraworld and broke before the cosmos and the solitude that hid all the beings that floated in the gutter that collected him in his hiccup, in such a judgment that he refused all creations when he felt their laments, where the demons watched him from the darkness, fragilely pressing his meager occipital, attacking him in front of Medea, evading the Satanic circumscription, to contravene the agreement with Aegean. Perjure reigned in the doubts of tragedy sponsored by Komedia, marching in a victorious procession, and singing triumphs of tragic paranoid duality, enthroned in the martyrs of tribulation, and in the seed of the one who does not cease Ubis Tragediopathic, and in facts that speak of hunger of loneliness in every man immersed in the Ultraworld, as the only dimensional one who burns in his doubts and a frustrated Anastasia. Vernarth says "ekáthisan" and the Duoverse consequently of the Universe sat down to dry his tears, then Vernarth received from the darkness of the Ultraworld a golden light of Hippeis with an aura of Thessaly, where the krima or criminality occurred in three quarters lurk from Maceo to the confront him in the Arbela half hour. Vernarth self-compresses by giving up procrastination trials, and reconstructing severed bodies there, rather than isolating himself from his own souls and sins, with Hebrew souls of Nefesh root, who cling to phantasmagoric anxiety, decapitation of those who live exposing themselves in the solitude of the Ultraworld. The infrarenal sanctity of surrealism, inexorably surpasses any verse, if Lazarus here in the wind tunnel rises before Vernarth embracing him, and relieving Likantus' anguish to fulfill his mission for him.
Codex VIII - Ultramundis Alikantus
Vernarth soothes his lying on the bunks of Sheesham's fire. Beam and Incense with ultra olfactory and sensory powers, delineated the elemental and phenomenal nuclei, housing and adapting hyper-connectivity, with Hindu probity, the akasha executed the essential foundation in all things of material worldview; the first tangible and concrete material element was created by the god Brahma (air, fire, water, earth are the others). It was one of the classical elements of Hinduism, pañcha-majá-bhuta or "five great elements"; its main characteristic is the sabda (sound). In Sanskrit this word means "space." It is the physical and eternal substance Akasha, of the ether that flows through the Akasha-Nautas and through Vernarth in each parapsychological regression. Vernarth takes hold of a staff called "Staff of Sheesham" he acquired it once anxious to deliver him to his beloved Tuscany in the Cathedral Santa Maria dei Fiori, in one of his Regressive Lives. They waited for him astonished by the Tyrannized impulsiveness of the nobles in Florence, from which once again he was delayed from the barley and barley fields. of the foolish gods next to Porcellino. He waited long hours for his beloved Maddalena to leave the ceremonial eucharistic ceremony, while he carried his staff in his right hand and in his left a rectangular box that could be grasped for his hand, he carried essences of a potpourri of lavender and vellorita, a ring with an amethyst stone covered by a concave gold bolus, in the supra-circular contour it wore medieval Etrurian silver ornaments from the Feast of the barley pass. Before this acquiescent Samian Sibyl, he continued to carry the clairvoyance where the prophet Isaiah had unleashed the conflagration of the heart that resists death and that agonizes several times in the ...? From today, from Kafersesuh in Ein Karem, the overnight seal is opened in the cradle where Mary perches with her son, already being part of the Gethsemane and Vernarth lithosphere in the heart of Maddalena.

Phylogeny in Gethsemane: **** erectus crossed multiple pieces of evidence of pro-evolutionary-adaptive beings, Neanderthal / HomoSapiens. Children of Israel wrote parables, epistles, verses, stories, and books ..., their vocal and phonetic tract spoke of storms and environmental factors between heaven and earth, of the "Great noise outside of us, but little silence in us." The elementary thing is the larynx that only pronounces the image that denounces minimal evocative concepts of sound in different placements of the melisma in mega sound. Speaking to us how language varies according to history, and the civic-climatic environment instructing us to its threshold and descent, by detaching itself by the air effusions of language in regular tracheo-laryngeal levels. Authoritatively charging intervals of vocalization, and relationship of connection with agriculture and all its dimension descending through its internal walls, but rising through overexcite parietals outside itself.

From the little air that remains to the world, to continue to digest temporarily, it assumes itself by letting its extra-air flow, which is possessed by mechanically inert particles, and not in sanctified prophecies with miraculous inference and Inherence that innovates factotum, in the super existence of the that still do not perish by the hand of a monarchical mandate. Thus, the world swallows air in entire asphyxiating and contaminated halves, while others redistribute it for those who need to sit at the table to collect the Bread and share it with others in half. "Here the echo of the Christic body resounds." That in Aramaic, it will syndicate much more than a language in its blood, grapheme, and stylistic phonemes, in vibratory shock beyond its deep stretch, reverberating with the grace of its divine enunciation ”. Joshua, swallows spikes and olive leaves simultaneously arranging us in his arms, like children of olive trees-infants, we risk a sheep in his arms giving us milk-hydro lactation from the sustenance of a creative verb. "A strict fact of preserving the Aramaic and not losing it by turning the turns of the leaves in history". Aramaic must be incorporated for the times when Joshua grazes us after more than two thousand years yet. The one who is walking from one side to another to tell us that he is still here, only suggestive comforts your walk by plagiarizing with your larynx the sound of his expression. The sheep is a mammal ..., more mammal than man, because its statement formulates bleats always reflected in the bases of its skull, for the rest of its young as biblical language, under all the rainbows of the Cherubs bellowing, together with children surrounding them in identical intention! **** habilis – **** Sanctus, in a process that has an orthodox base and peripheral anatomical capacity, a Pythagorean linguistic shortcut of the winding up and sternum by confusing them with each other, not altering their structural or functional complexity. From the potential of the Lepidoptera and winged insects, the phenotype will arise that will relate and relativize the Aramaic mechanics or the Aramaic method, so as not to misplace the divine language, as well as the laryngeal torque of those who have blood and Aramaic body is sublime since its mechanized mystique it devours the smallest words with the maximums in a whole range of cacophonies and prototyped field: "Come to my field, here the spikes and insects will speak more than the mechanical potential of your Voice."

The wind tunnel was filled with Lepidoptera that flew ascending in a helical way, everything was sensitized with the imminent advent of the magnanimous arrow of Zefian that had been crossing the perihelion from the high Áullos Kósmos, dialectically with abundant credibility inside the geological tunnel of the Profitis Ilias, in turgid enlist of theological doctoral lactation. Timorous and lengthy righteous was ajar in those who were still fatigued, half-opening the ****** of the days that began with the identification of the Sheesham staff, naming themselves regent of the tribulations that drain through their length of displacement, towards static basality, and focusing idiosyncrasies and concerns of the Prophet Elijah who received them at level 103 with passages from Corinthians “That the saints are going to help in the administration of the millennial saints. His capacity will not have the limits of his previous earthly life”
Codex VII - Sheesham Crosier
In the spring of 331 BC C., Alexander the Great left Egypt returning to the port of Tire, where his fleet was. From there he went to Antioch, crossing the valley of the Orontes River, and reached the Euphrates River at the height of Tapsaco, where he founded the city of Nicephorus to be a stronghold and storehouse for army supplies. Here he learned that Darío was in Arbelas, so he crossed the Tigris and headed north along the eastern bank of the river.

The sibyl Cumana was at level 97 of the wind tunnel when listening to these waves, very close to the doline karst, in avidity of Pythia Delfica with divinatory proselytes that crossed folds of her attire, in pleats of a brain divinatory flock. His Cumana relativity was spent on the mausoleum, prophesying life for all in the passion of living together with the bodies abandoned by the souls of the Devotee, and in the innocence of the soul that slips away, daunted by not being desolate, amidst the parchment of Lilith, and in the offerings of the Strigoi, for breaches of troubling visions of darkness from the cavern of Chauvet, by sacrificing competing sense-emotions of Lilith's malefic Votum. Only one can exist as an inviolable part of chaste Wonthelimar tradition, groping the Xifos with human sheepskins, tectonic offerings, and fringing the altitude 103 of the Strigoi wind tunnel.

Vlad Strigoi Sings: “Mardiath, noble and loyal hussar of the Vernarth Sea, Chief of the Gulf fleets, came from the deck when he turned around the bowsprit; he was picked up and hit by ropes in parasitism, which shone like strays. Oars of gods in supplications that were felt in the whistles of the wind. He approaches and descends dark staircases in the direction of the water piston, whose heresy in a Vladiana ship was pending. “When I train myself to write by saying who I am or what I am, I only receive massive abscesses Saecula Saeculorum, not finding the basis to confess. They say they do not know what to reveal because there is no content that compares to someone who does not have Age, Life, or Compassion, that I only have to communicate as a Strigoi messenger?. Now I know that no one will sing my thoughts, there is no ink that dares smear a comparable calamus that resists my word of Strigoi ammonia, usurped from a Balinger ship to some Flemish pirates, seconded to the side by a Panescalm barge, which shot 64 thousand bodies massacred from the Bubonic Plague.

Mardiath graduates from the Ballinger and leaves his sword to Vlad next to a geographical table to rediscover destiny in a maiden who attends to his disorders, more than a ganglion suppurating prostration. He goes back to Tire to meet Vernarth, and his henchmen to finally head to the wild fields of Gaugamela "

Chthonic Prehensiles referred to the gods or telluric spirits of the tectonic underworld, as opposed to celestial deities, appearing in the tubular ascension of warm wind, which crowned the consecration, and those who were above waiting for them. Oblations of light illuminated particles of woodworm that were suspended, expelling those that were magnetized from the phosphorescent matter. The disjointed syntax became periodic in the words of Strigoi, from the Capite Velato or veiled head from the Strigoi Ballinger who managed to reposition him. In double increase of sap, it made him less to resist his life and his closeness, lying minimally before Wonthelimar, and Mardiath who filled him with the company in the eyebolt that supports the path of his sullen life.

Sings Mardiath: “Vernarth's troops would depart from Tire where his fleet was, which came from Sudpichi, from the Horcondising Empire. Legend has it that in the heights of the Gulf, when his army was sailing, a mysterious tempest of hot air from Hormuz broke out on his squads, at height 665 miles from Um Kasar, they had found a ship from present-day Romania. When they spotted them and intervened inside this frigid ship, there was nothing ... just creaking masts and their main yard that was spurring, presenting palisade curtains that came from Sighisoara / Transylvania; where the very similar Vlad Tepes was sitting behind a captain's room writing on his desk. Every so often he would take out a handkerchief to dry his ****** nose, like a pinch of gelatinous ink, shady and stained”

Isaías sings: “The presence in the corresponding versed folio makes relative the prophecy of Immanuel born of a ******, who is associated with a similar Virgilian prophecy of Cumana, justifying its prophetic symbolism. Here is the admonition that blackens the skies where the light retracts, thousands are chained during the announcement of a thousandth that climbs abysses like the fateful Strigoi, and only tribulated pasture will have to transplant rebellions, which lie asleep for the awakening of the ideal of incipient spiritual ******* dressed in execration. Has the conflagration of the heart that resists death been unleashed and that agonizes several times in the ...? The conditions wait for the apostates to refuse the water that does not make them optimal, and makes the radius of obedience of the Vernarthian heart elliptical, full of granules of Physconia lumpy, whose frequency encysts in the bodies of treacherous, kingdoms and fungal lineages. The reign of the saints will judge plurality on the thrones with devastation in the fatuous beatifications in Pergamum, already admonished by me.
Codex VI - Strigoi Asthenosphere
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