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Civilization has an arched inflection in its regency at the head of the favorable family caste in the blessing, in whose hiding place it will have to be entrusted to a clan, having to take inquiries from those that formerly only related to consanguinity minorities from the same family trunk, thus protecting the pantries and war accessories to consolidate the economy and invigorate its commercial coffers. The land would be and would be an essential partition insignia for the legitimate transmission of epochs and their inter-seasons, which only received them from their descendants to represent the geomorphological heraldry, given their regionality and condition. In the excitement of the seventh seal, heaven was silent for half an hour and the seven angels were standing before God, and they gave them seven trumpets, the other is to be recorded in front of the altar with a golden censer, to compile it in other prayers in all the saints, on the golden altar that was in front of and in front of the throne - And from the hand of the angel the smoke of the incense went up into the presence of God with the prayers of the saints - And the angel took the censer, and filled it from the fire of the altar, and cast it to the earth; and there was thunder, and voices, and lightning, and an earthquake - And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets got ready to blow them - The first angel sounded the trumpet, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, which were thrown upon the earth ; and the third part of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up - The second angel sounded the trumpet, and like a great mountain burning with fire it was hurled into the sea; and a third of the sea was turned to blood - And a third of the living creatures that were in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed - The third angel sounded the trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven , burning like a torch, and fell on the third part of the rivers, and on the sources of the waters - And the name of the star is Wormwood. And the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died because of those waters, because they became bitter - The fourth angel sounded the trumpet, and the third part of the sun, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars were smitten, so that a third of them would be dark, and there would be no light for a third of the day, and also at night - And I looked, and I heard an angel fly through the middle of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Oh, oh, woe, to those who dwell on earth, because of the other trumpet blasts that are to sound the three angels!

Being in six instants at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem with Saint John the Apostle, they reordered the majority for a protected subordination in the minor family descended from the eldest son, for the purpose of sustaining the possession of their theological morphology. In this door, being the only one that will remain closed ..., until the second coming of the Messiah. The camelids' scheme of their osteometry  tells us that their heads before Advent! Distorted their calypso lights on the surface of their skeletons, locking the jaws of other camelids, thus bypassing the Apostle's strap, which through the foramen of the supraorbital, thickened the strides that pretended immobile before the opening of the Golden Door. Of course, they were reclusive of their self-denial for the length of their footsteps to the rhythm of the sensitive skulls, leaving them the infra nasal root and the folds of felts, which rolled up like a tuberosity, leaving the dystonic dental alveolars, appearing contemporary consonance with those of Vernarth.

In the fourth camel Raeder, he cleared the margins that allowed them to increase their attempts to withdraw them from the golden doors, but the dislocation of the orbits of their ocher eyes, denoted them holes in the condylar fossa, distancing the vicinity of the Tehilim that he advocated  King David on the Seventh Seal of a stuck Giga Camel. The metric form innovated them of ubiquity, for an omnipresence in the camels before the gates and after the gates, thus leaving the site of the eighth gate, deserting the camels behind the gates and arcades pointing to the ancient cemetery of the prophecies that Elías holds and in procuring generational stoning of inter camelids, which would be channeled into twelve plus another dozen, but behind all of them, seeming to be six, later joining King David, would endow the homology of the Seventh Seal. This caravan was numbered from one to six, saving the vertices of the Golden Gate that joined modestly at the odd vertices, under the odd cross of the same vertex, which made the equilateral consistent with the three angles where Vernarth and Etrestles went, to later join other pairs of vertices in a crucified chain in the flat and secondary complementarity of the seventh angle, but with epilogue character of the Seventh Seal. Thus it would be numbered according to the Camels Gigas, the Golden Door, governing them for a family of six family angles and a seventh seal, for the performance of the family support of primogeniture, in the reinsertion of Saint John the Apostle, since he was exiled by the emperor Domitian.  Making themselves succulent of the gold of the Seventh Seal, on the collective unconscious of the first-born, for the good of the sub-genitor son. Here the indication goes for the purpose of populating the consecration of granting greater goods to those who support and could lead forces of abandonment and secular sedentarism, for the need to welcome sacrifices of goodness and preferences of lay annoyance and earthly secular strengthening. The kinetics would move the six numbered over the vertices of the Sun in three bevels, joining the pairs in vertices covered in the circumscribed mesh of vehemence, which is impacted with the solid Golden Gate of Jerusalem, depositing the concentric radii of the polarized magnet on the struts of the camel of the central ram, for the affinity of contraption of a trajectory for all Judah, in six predestined latitudes to Ein Karem, in the Hexagonal Baptistry of the Shepherds.

With the symmetrical scrupulousness of a certain out of time, the rounded bisector of the psychic lines of the peritoneum fold of the solitary flanks of the Camels Gigas, towards a vocal peritoneum set six times more than a seventh, was estimated, in the apothem of the two-dimensional figure of the hexagon ephebus Angel with a shorter centrality path, for the foundation of the Apostle and Vernarth, regulating them by points and sides, on the perpendicular bevels, prostrating towards a more orthodox and straight line, mutinying radial phases on the bisector ..., giving odd quotations , that cut the first round of anointing, among all those that were retained in the vagaries of being caught by involuntary deaths.

From Gaugamela's stratagem, three thousand muscular Hetairoi descended, towards the implantation of heart nuclei in the camelids, on the Susa Gate and the oblique break in March towards the war site, creating a gap between camels and the sphinx of Alexander the Great breaking into the wing left of The Golden Gate. This was the casuistry of Vernarth's psychic outpost momentum, who once was at the precise moment of stalking, hypnotizing the gap of the Achaemenides, but unaware of that mechanical moment, persists in pursuing the Giant Camels. He guided them with his right hand to both sides and equipped with heart irons that exaggerated the whisper of his pectoral channels, breaking the dawn of the Cinnabar, with the antigen, readjusting the door hinges before falling untimely. Vernarth, with his sinister, summons the Indian family who tried to open the gap of Alexander with his Macedonian baggage, thus preventing him from lying in the reliquary in contrition towards himself. The infamous moment must have passed through the swords of some who resisted when fleeing from the held Golden Gate, giving up the rear of Vernarth with the camels recovered and saved from the abandonment of their afflicted hearts, resigning themselves with empty hands and with outpourings of victory, but with two units confronted in his Portal of Imagination.
f) Hexagonal Birthright  part 6
From the hexagon, everything is dimensioned on the peaks that can be seen in the starry nights from the curved kilometers of Bethlehem. Everything goes on top of the Desert Mountains and valleys, above the vagueness of climatic heights and landslides of an entire believing community and its followers. In twelve camels they advance, of which the first six are exclusive to the Birthright, and then the seventh Giga camel is from King David of Bethlehem.

The beams are part of the architectural support of the physical-ethereal God and his ethereal-physical word, supposedly of advent and in grazing of the strengths and anomalies of secrets of a new Aramaic message advanced with the vigor of insects and birds that were grouped in the journey that goes back and forth. The Beams are stars of heaven sustained by the Cherubim and the Archangels, through the paths of conversion and the support of the Christian time; haughty and implacable hegemony for the propaedeutics of phylogeny, but more so, in the very chemistry of creation carrying its winged Lepidoptera tetra, the pheromones and obfuscations of a nascent and elemental child in his own evangelical philosophy from a dimensionality between swords and The gloom of a Kafersesuh shouted Manger, before the compendiums of two pyramidal landmarks of the inflection of his word in the animals created in the world and animalia, personalizing muleteers carriers of pollinations and all the generational language that is so concealed far, as are the turns in the musks and their legitimacies of the Baptistery of the Shepherds in Ein Karem, parabolizing the nomenclature and polygonia of a child made man, already being one!, but representing himself as a lifeless man in the fullness of a child of an advantageous canon.

The Kabbalistic engineering of the one-dimensionality of length and breadth adds slack to the rejoicing hours of Joshua's time in the manger, giving the auxiliary dimension perpendicular to the deck of the Kafersesuh, which appeared to be in a two-horse cart, ready to be transported. towards a predominant horizontal, making tension with the itchiness of the visual in perspective of pulled establishment and compression effort of the infant in the corral, observed the results of the cops, which varied the volume of their appreciations when moving away as animal feed, towards the same nourishing for men, characterizing bedroom body volumization and reducing their body stretching them by means of their eyes. Before the company of the shepherds, Mariah and Joseph, they supported him towards the superlative of the bending moments close to him, twisting and changing their squeezing pressure on the cords that forged his path towards the cornices and trusses of the upper celestial vault, where he was the shed of doubts next to the cherubs. Giving mechanics to the prism that arched the beams in the horizontal lines, taking them towards the amplitude of other lines, which remained solid before the variation, suspecting to mutate to one of sudden two-dimensionality. The sections of the timber framing looked fatigued before the primary classification, which demonstrated the attitude of the little Messiah by bringing out its beams and rolling in other pillars, postponing the tangential vectors, contributing bits of rhomboid specialties, which blurred the field amplitude cylinders vision of all who remained in his nativity. Making straight glances so as not to be distracted and adore him with a wide and rectilinear heart, which in its transversality made them visualize for all in the one-dimensional crossed wood, which in its geometry schematizes letters and numbers of kabbalah, which differ in the dissimilar resistance of their ambivalence Christic, as anticipation of martyrdom on the tree of Golgotha. This foreshadowed his abilities to read them in the Torah and Zohar, gathering everything into one whole of those vivid tormenting lapses that he felt in advance, as reversible entropy, giving back his life to prepare them for the day of his abolished martyrdom.

In a jiffy for a moment ..., the bending of the One-Dimensional Beam separated from the inertia in bending voids, specifying the exact spatiality of the beams selected one with the other millimetrically, making the vertical ones, of which carols were still chanting penetrating into the corners of the ponderous ears of the donkeys, like braces of Hebraic trusses in the last breath that was written with symbols of their Aramaic gaze and capricious matron hood, a comparison of Queen Apollonian reflected in Mariah, who appeared era and credibly identified in her typology, gifted in the clothing of the second century BC, having to be associated in the divinity of Aphrodite, for the usual lineage of Vernarth, pigeonholing him in a Hellenistic aspect, pre-existing in patronage characteristics as a representative figure of male and female of Ptolemaic Egypt, as a great icon of religiosity coexisting as a priestess of the female order in Greek rituals together or Him.  Making inseparable the preeminence of mother and child, as a unilateral gender, and as a substantial element for the social and political order that reigned in the ancient era. Lying here the unilateral gender is indispensable for the social and political order, which is substantiated at the dawn of the empires of the time, and the patriarchal society. Symbolically Joshua in this cogitabundant providence, adds the feminine value in the society in the Kafersesuh tent of the Judah manger, dispensing mainly to women, taking her ties of demigod heroine in the powers of benevolence and of matriarchal fertile posterity, as the Eden of the Living Language ”.

A great Zohar light, gathered all towards a whole in those errors that Joshua felt in advance, as reversible entropy, giving back his wise existence to prepare them for the day of his sacrifice. Pre Existing in catharsis and substance of divinity connected with the phylogenetic species, classifying up to an Aramaic pontificate of pheromones settled in the lithospheric site of Gethsemane, in a biological sense and in close coincidence in the lapse wading, or in the phenomenological simultaneity of Eukaryote and from Glaucophyta to late Animalia, giving parental relationship in the characters of the vibrational timbre of the Beams and the atavistic pedestal, readapting in the evolutionary elliptical of winged tetra species.  Allowing changing ancestral linguistic accoutrements in processes of redesigning the divine genetic historical tree and increasing anomalies in the human and non-human anthropomorphic earthly culture, in a reviving profanity of fruitive frequency amplitudes, for those who resort to it, monopolizing synchronicity in the diachronic of their specimens. The lights of Joshua's gazes are the Light of Life and Christian Time, in the entity of Joshua born and lifeless from the nature of Child-Man, but of mortal design in the same compulsion to see him in luminescence in a life of the Kafersesuh manger and only of ethereal unity. Being in exemption from Ego with his structure of a living child and a dead man, he rushes rebellious and ostentatious in the architecture of the One-dimensional Beams, giving up the glimpse of his aforementioned progenitor "Eye versus Eye", seeing himself like this ..., son hovering in the arteries of a Universal-Duoversal life, from a single dimension of cyclical unidimensional length, encompassing conjectures and biological, the symbolic-allegorical conception of extreme co-divinity, as the exclusive precept of the delicate infinity of the Being of a Messiah, with paraphrases or glosses of exegetical affinity Aramaic, tracing from a linguistic period. Here are the conditionalities of the Olive Berna transfigured into everlasting orality and refractory syllable, to incubate eternal rabbinic gifts of perpetual reluctance, beyond the reach of the ego-annihilating will and of ultra-affections of inert apathy and miraculous phenomena, understanding that the language is born and dies being reborn empathic ..., idem as a neighbor of well revived and also, in the same way, emitting himself alive and reborn in his anarchy, for the subsequent splendor and theological gibberish, with thunderous loans and phantasmagoric elixir, except for limited magnets on the Lemurs, with double codes of duplicity and bene-malignant spectra, adducing words in which to reside for languages to destroy and vice versa, insecure states of chrysalis in those Olives Berna fruits, as gastro-larvae of great living genus and their seasons in "Beams turned into tongues of magnetic iron"
Duoverse -Dimensional Beams part 5
From the bases of Theoskepasti, the physical system emerged in two sums after the movements of the pendular censers that surpass the elliptical of the Cinnabar and the potential of the ejectable force field, for ductility of its forces that emanated from the triad with the archpriest, helping him Etréstles and Kanti, who would take them to the Hellenika necropolis. They make of their golden bodies the ephemeral speed mechanized in the originality of the system of the homily, to break the guardian friction of the gravitational axial of the body of Light of the cinnabar, which received the sulfur kinetics and the defective organic matter that were wrapped in the bizarre alloy of sulfurous light and all the forces gathered, not rubbing against the cinnabar obelisk, already invaded by energy that made it superficial, between the casing of the roof of the Panagia Theoskepasti and the strange normality that made them physical-organic. No scrubbing would continue the movement of the fleeting angle of the anvil of Hephaestus, but the static on the surface, lay unchanged before the forces of the back and forth of the molecules that sank late, shooting out of the pendular area of ​​his bowl and then starting with full power for new angles that will take advantage of the mechanics of the forge and the friction clean and **** before the splice and the resistance of the reactivation of the second period of the movement, to forward them to Tsambika in response. Quantifying later between the inferiority and the intangible shock reaction in the radiosities of the cinnabar light reimposed towards Rhodes, forming resistance, but of immanent entropy, with a high degree of fineness, in such a way that once the conservation rays are fired, the response to Rhodes will come from Kímolos with the particles and combustion of sulfurous gas and mercury, generating entropy of two quantum and physical times between the Dodecanese and the Cyclades, knowing that the inert matter is inactivating the living, thus envisioning the contingent presence of iron in the geology of both islands, with more than eighty percent and gravitating oxygen for the Vas Auric and its materialization, as a ****** impression reducing its physical dimension and expanding its water content in pelagic beings of the Aegean. This would suggest that the homogeneity of both island territories would appease the concept of substitutions that jump from north to south, to break their normal equilibrium, depleting what is insular land towards oceanic land. Thus they will be entropically mixed for a new generation of fertile life to balance in chaos, already in the hands of Saint John the Apostle and Vernarth, in the main nave of the Monastery that seemed to be atomized and vanished, but then atomically restructured, sneakingly breaking the canons of the traditional entropy and making it disproportionate to the ordering of biodiversity of the sterile and the fertile, reordering itself as a mutable and excluding force of the reality of act-effect, to invest it in the integrity of life-death-life, as molecular entropy and goal in double unity physical dimensional, making the universe prospectable by splitting from any other format, to become another and another physical dimension. Universe-Duoverso, they shake like two spheres, almost joining each other, but separating heterogeneous classical ones, but as a homily, under the invocation effect of Conviction and Faith. The universes self-recompose and redistribute before our eyes, but before The consistent devotion of this homily makes them astonishing and phenomenal (everything that happens is recomposed - if the tree is fractured, but then it straightens fractured, before our eyes being recomposed). Thus the chaos of the Universe is resolved, appropriating a new sequence of continuous creation, starting from the same creative property, but of molecular entropy, almost defective or adverse, but of constriction of the yielded body, to be incorporated into the beams of lights of the dynamic cinnabar, generating combustion at the ends of each part of the obelisk of the structure, in order to release and stimulate on the absorbent ..., of entropy and of Tsambika Hexagonal Birthright and the Theoskepasti Triad, as conciliators of two magnitudes and members of a sub-group of physics, relativizing and rearranging its common origin, towards a phenomenal one of the same base, but of mystical devotional prodigy in the Vas Auric.
d) Physical energy (molecular entropy)
The Duoverse being thrown from its entrails from Vernarth's mouth, an objectual free fall is noticed after disengaging from the quantum Universe, rather than an illusive cacophony that unfolds separated from their bodies in all dimensions, except Verthian time, alluding to to stone him to ignore himself in agony and return to look for him to revive him as a Light-Space, in the presence of matter reflected from itself, which will unfold throughout the Hellenic chapels, from Kímolos to Tsambika, to make the curves the direct passage that it bends time again toward a divided dimensionality. Barefoot was the apostle next to Vernarth in the three quarters of axioms and mathematics, where the conceptuality would overcome the low calculation of what already ministered by them. Creating space for lapses in the dreamlike staircases, with Topaz steps, in this particular case of Saint John the Apostle, "seeing open heavens and angels of God going up and down on the son of man." Here are illuminated some sidereal Solar glitters that have nights for a sunny day, Vernarth resting on the side of the Monastery with a stone on its head and dozing to dream like Etréstles in the Hexagonal Baptistery of the Shepherds of Ein Karem, but of the compact sweet of the famous luminous Cinnabar ascending vertically where the Yahvic Being, who was presented to him as his Abrahamic patriarchate nexus. Endowing him with celestial dreams on stones that inherit west and east and noon to the north, in a space of dreams of Jacob's subconscious, which would make him materialize descendants but when he returned to the spaces of Yahweh again, but as a reflection and space, dominating the essence and leitmotif of Etréstles in the Cisterns fleeing from the Praetorians, but at the same time from the Hexagonal Primogeniture very close to them, perhaps in the fourth mounted giga camel ..., in another instance, returning to the site of the successive Yaveh, to anoint oil on the small stones that slept in his primitive remote consciousness, in whose hippocampus stones were propelled between Bethelem and Ein Karem for the office of residence of lineage and Hebrew-Aramaic, still in property of luminance of ascending and ascending transit stairs. descending lineage, in spaces that were born from others but from flat structured ideals, but with cubic tendencies towards a quantum linear metamorphism, in phases of alignment and synchronicity of existences and pastoral dreams, embodied in the paternal visceral of the evolutionary field of the Zigzag Universe, relating the chronology of Etréstles in the bell tower of the baptistery with his poisonous incompassionate dream that upsets the period of chemical nightmare and hallucinatory Jacobin fantasy, rather than rudiment of his nature ..., poured out to his Brother Esau of internal lineage and of curved change of psychic permutation.

The pointer of an autumn night showed conditions absorbed in the successive bars and bastions, bustling in cylindrical temporalities, with escapes of internality and vertical externality, detailing dynamics of ups and downs, but with empty hands, towards an expected magic that moves the span like a Laser maneuvered from origin to destination, external and internal, absorbed in its entirety by the uncoupled Universe in its entirety, delivering it to the Duoverse in metaphors of lights after others uncontrolled, boasting about Venetian ultraviolet lights over crystalline copper bite waters, and overwritten in the plates diluted from the canvas of graduated pigment, but with drops of sweat of light and white water that were reflected around the perimeter of the monastery, enveloping them in fragments and greenish fountains, to the satisfaction of the luminous pictorial ligament. It is thus detected as a timid but decisive reflection pointer of space and reflection, which includes fragments of spectrum and tonalities of machine unconscious to raise the Duoverse in a depressive day of scathing moment.
Reflection space (Light matter)
On Rhodes the auroras could be seen retreating, to attract the new luminances crossing between the atmospheres of the old worlds, with stars that were ordered among others, descending at high speed from the Universe fascinating all Greece, coming from celestial bodies that brought from great Relative distances, proximity between the Duoverse and its satellite widening, allowing to grant life and pathways to the nascent species of Verthian sub-mythology.

The Sabbath energy Light is over breathed repair; here Saint John the Apostle influences through the Cinnabar conduit towards the Light of the Mashiach, with the intemperance of life on drops of crystallized water as gifts of Taphoric Light, with synoptic signs of transformation of all the green herbage growing like a beard on the slopes of the Willows, where Saint John the Apostle goes back to prayers; as in repetitive sentences and prayers towards the Universe, which were falling as it was on Mount Tabor in the Transfiguration. All this in fervor of the willow chins that fell from the galaxies, with their cascades one after another in orderly colophons of the fervor of making the sky a great source of Moshaic and Eliaic voices. (Moses and Elijah) to Christianize the holy oils of the radiant glory of the Universe that was complemented by the Heliac Ortho that was appreciated in different coefficients according to this new position of the parameter of Greece, observed from the Constellation of Pisces, being a piece symbolized as SOS, since Eratosthenes tells us about a fish that saved Derceto (Goddess of Assyrian mythology), after plunging into a large lagoon. Seeing therefore in the sky as Fum al Samakah, Arabic for "snout of the fish" (or Formalhaut from the Greek translation). Pisces being bright and of great dimension to mold it as an entire iris, which was rooted from the formal pelagic accent, towards a spectral related to the Duoverse, like leaves of Willow temperatures, on the reflection of the Multi-evocation. For the referendum against the Pleiades between light years that diminish behind the stars of the magnetic field and its exo planet. It is necessary to consider that in the wisdom of God, there would be his ordering consciousness, on each constellation, and then detach itself before each other that guards each one in centuries of light years and in each one of them children as light years of millions, but of numerical present time quantum; that is to say, all translation on average over ups and downs of spatiality and at remote ages, for zero or null numerals in the integrality of millions of non-existent light years, but accumulated and equidistant between the Universal Being and Multi-evocation. An example of cartographic observation shows us Greece at Latitude 39.074208 and Longitude 21.824312, influencing the Duoverse as a complement to the ortho of Greece with the latitude of the Heliac Ortho, being Sirius eleven days after Ekadashi and eleven days before the other at 10 °, Maximizing the luminous herbalism of the unconscious, to systematize the rise of the Universe imbuing itself into Greece. Radiant and small electromagnetic systems, led by the Divinity, are freeing themselves from all the units that bind them into the minimum Units that can be expanded with apostolic energy, rather than a trans-human receptor, in units of wave circulation, related to a Defined spatiality, Divine and with its own opening energy of small worlds of provision of light and radiation emitted by the deleterious convex of the invisible essences and properties that are released from overflowing stagnations of creation and from the skylights that are more distant than the longitudes of waves, that from a breath of creation, in the chemistry of a hyper multidimensional whole, live between widely displaceable energy frequencies, by lines of how many ..., in static energy of rest. Ultra colors intensify on the coasts of Rhodes, as a photoelectric effect of Cinnabar, formalizing mechanics in those sedimentary particles, which undulate in anticipation of the precise amalgamation of both universes, evolving towards the matrix of origin of physical and non-biological state and period, but of eternal divine inspiration, from the mouths of Vernarth, as a resurrected Electro vigorous Being, dwelling spacious and sinuosities of curvature and psychic spiraling, to appear from the differentiated tangential towards the core axis of body and spirit in the time of its impacted Being.

Verthian nature will call this phenomenon the Son, since it is the similarity of the halo in the Taboric Light and in its effect of the baptism of this Christian Universe called Duoverse, in conformity with the presence of Saint John the Apostle light, among the attending raptor white strangers, in arrival-departure and between the twinning nebulae of the gaseous cloud nimbus of the fields that could be heard towards each other recognizing each other ..., leaving only Saint John the Apostle in the perfection of heaven as something universal and Duoversal, above all being of light being baptized, crucified and risen-ascended, in metaphysical transfer of his body, as a universal body, as a quantum point between earth and sky, between the universe and the Duoverse as a complement of gaseous and spiritual atmospheric earth. Ministering in the judicious and prophetic occlusion, being part of the jurisdiction among the myriad beams of Constellar Pisces that supported the transfigured and converted prophets, before a brand new universe, "Duoverso", witness of amazement at the proximity
Being Universal multi-evocation:
Eternal Existentialism:

He talks about how compassionate creation is and its factotum, that it will be better that way. At the entrance to the Vernarth mouth, within its buccal cubic meters, the Zig Zag Universe, the promoter that caused the Duoverse, broke out. Here your thoughts of eternity are born; not from your brain and discernment, psyche or mind. It exists in a present that will be distributed without end or beginning, in the holistic of the anticipated existence of the being itself, so that everything holistically arises from the mouth of Vernarth, becoming the light of its ejector and luminance thought, being of some In this way, the Zigzag Universe that emerges from the protruding access of its mouth and that manifests itself in some change of quantum physics in a state of hyper connectivity and always present. The Zig Zag, coexists in the eclectic variability of its angles, creating regularities in its time and displacement. For the good of the results and the parallelism of its translation as a promoter of the Duoverse, based on the holistic that brings together the effect of the word-fact, but eminently aimed at an extra-language morphology of its intellect, rather in the kinetics of language of the human and physical material zigzag, typical in various line segments of lightning and space storms, resembling his lost and bleeding soul in full battle at the site of Gaugamela. The other is his salvation to the Council of Patmos, being already Installed in the Eclectic and invisible portal of the Evangelist of Saint John, levitating in his sacred basaltic Katapausis cavern, in the Patmos archipelago (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Chapter 16 / page 114. Editorial Palibrio -  USES). They would find themselves in communion with the archaean clan, which would resemble its proper ectoplasm; thus each one forming a unique part in the masonry dictated to redirect them towards their messianic labors in this stage of the ascension. Vernarth;  being aware that he will have to enter the cave, after having ceased his work on hold for three months. He continues to fester in the myriad wars and parasychological regressions; he will remain in a daze to dedicate himself to the beautiful open spaces towards a horizon ..., a neighbor to rock painting and astronomy. In the colors of your mathematical prayer, you will be capturing the spiritual intensity that inspired Saint John to build the temple near his cave of the Apocalypse on the island of Patmos. The saint appears only on certain days looking at him from afar to encourage him in his progress ..., he is seen as a beautiful young man dressed in a tunic of delicate pink tones, in whose delicacy he repeats psalms of the angel that normally accompany this Evangelist around him, with the green and blue colors of the quadrinomial landscape of the sky that appears in redemption beyond the glory of a resurrection, rather super in spiritual intelligence.

Eclectic and invisible portal is the facet of the face of light, after the invisible that manages to be appreciated with the principle of transferring its connectivity of the immaterial with the material, but made in the finished quality of "Merciful", deriving everything in what supports the splendor of the facts and their objective analysis, by no means the same, since the Zigzag universe originates theory or thoughts from the perspective of external language and unites it holistically through the optimal results, always imponderable and categorical, to follow them and attract them to eternal spiritual good. Being restrictive in the fact of the action although it is subdivided in its executability ..., it will continue to be timeless, therefore eternal, in the hands of a universe of thick eternity and stationary death.

The final communion of Zig Zag with the Duoverse, will make of this key momentum to replace the Universe of the former Verthinian world, to inflect the continuous present, more in the distance of the limits that has to originate than by a simple gesturing cliché of the disbelief, abounding more than a universe that is created in eternity, and that will never resurface as a physical dimension. The successive potentiality of this holistic theory subtracts actions and not facts, as it always culminates at the threshold of infinity, always beginning and never ending, and then starting again in a present that is reintegrated into the access of the embouchure and not the brain, since it must be limited in its shock and subsequent confusion of language-emotion and feeling, for the change of all eternal emotion, always going hand in hand with the light of the unequivocal and assertive, even of the constant hyper cyclical of a present without a present, overcoming barriers even though it was considered tautological. Perfect, however, of an existence of death, in the Verthian world, which considers the overcoming of death with Christian eternity, and with the vicissitudes of the Pneuna that drags breaths of life, although nothing exists inserted in the World of the existentialist Eclectic Portal in Patmos.
Duoverse – Part One
Tsambikas Monastery

In the metaphor of the ceremonial, Saint George appears crossing with the Dragon, but both enemies, one of each with different roles and distinctions, trying the dragon with another trick, so that they would banish him from the horror of his bad father, this being his first-born, already in his meekness must have been adopted by Saint George and his legend. This dragon-master is regularly represented by the persecution of the benefactor, who wanted in this first-born to amend the reputation of his father, believing that this was the opportunity; in addition to that he would ally himself with Saint George, this being half Greek by descent from his mother. Neither princesses nor maidens in the jaws of the ill-fated, rather to adhere outside the walls of the monastery, knowing that the Dragon needed water ..., his descendant son offered to take him to an imaginary lake in Asklepios. His first-born being unfaithful to his father, he collaborated with the transformation of the ill-achieved legend of his father, which he now kept in the ashes of his dragon father and in the armories that Saint George would donate to him after this mythological affront. All the inhabitants of Asklepios, attended to see the ashes of the original Dragon, identical to his son, but turned into an ally in sermons of a city, therefore not requiring to see for the second time that all were baptized and then killed the dragon. Not being this way, a banal victory to eliminate mythologies, the metaphor would be governed rather by the moral and incentive good, than by genealogy through or inheritance in between, they preach self-selective genetic alterations, to amend errors and vices by repairs and promotions thriving towards a posthumous tribute to the town, participating in a legend that, even though it was mythological, made it self-patrimonial to honor the Christian coffers.

Saint George, being victimized before the harsh reality of a merit and of a believer defending the defense of the principle and the alternation of faith, even in times of siege and castration of free thought, maintains his public immortal transmission, even after be executed and beheaded. For good, having the dragon heir his decapitated head and the ashes of the rest of the body, he would be able to bring him from a volatile royal dream, to Nicomedia, Turkey. In both lines of argument, he heard Vernarth and Saint John the Apostle, of his own image and erected, raising other legends of fabulous animals, perhaps as here in the chapel, as an eschatological union, of the ****** tortures that reality is exhibited with the line of fiction, in some real passages, but with the imagery of legends with metaphors, that are intricate in the plots and that go beyond their unique historiographical version. Saint George is benefactor and sanctified, Jewish Christian and secularly Orthodox, in Palestine, Lydda, his tomb "Hagio Georgioupolis" is venerated, mainly by Greek Orthodox.

Saint John the Apostle says: “he is a Saint Michael the Archangel, they both brought down demonic animals, but here in Tsambika their young have become under the metal of the spear Dorus and Xifos of Vernarth, contributing metals where souls fall prisoners, they go before history, until mythology reaches them, confusing them with the traced reality, under the crossing of the roofs of the Sarissas lances for a good tribute to the vertigo of peaceful combat, wrapping themselves in the flaming tassels of the Vexillum, acquired from abandoned blood spilled. Kanti the steed, delimits us from Hellenika, when he neighs with his Macedonian equus vox, feeling that behind the riles all the fallen dragons, still reborn in others and justifying apocryphal and mythological evils, in quasi awakening as a great silent reptile, with the clothes of Judas Iscariot, who seemed to be coiled in the dragon's tail turned into a serpent's big swallow "Being Polychrome the mother of Saint George, supposedly Greek, she will appear in the homily, with the Gordian knot not resolved by her or by no one, rather by leaving it lying behind the cinnabar gale, which would be unleashed only in the experience of Hellenic heritage, before two poles of the Aegean in Rhodes and Kímolos.
Saint George and the Dragon
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