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Oct 2013 · 298
why am i so frustated
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
so i get the one taken from like that now i have no choice

So  what fine **** that i just walk alone   **** it

You see its bad enough that  my life ***** as it is  but why force somebody change everything for their own personal gain

I wont leave you  **** it you wanna take me put me in a casket and dead thats the only way i will leave
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
So i am the polarizing figure because I like to be honest with the ones i care about

You see sometimes the truth does hurt because  your idea of IT makes me sick you see i am not the typical guy

You see i am a nice guy yes but trust me there's another side of me due to emotions far from my control is that  i care to much

You see i do not care if my chances are far to slim i am the polarizing figure because no one has the guts

to speak out against the forces holding people like me down you see some people channel it through Cutting  violence , and attempting to make themselves worthless you see we are not worthless THEY are worthless

Because I am something else i am not the Guy  i been told that because of some plague i was born with i

can not  do certain things by my own freaking mother  you see i say game on because i can be the most

relentless guy on the planet  and as i channel my feelings toward that special girl in my heart you see why

I am polarizing   you see i guess being kind to others does not cut it  being a sweet gentle being does not cut it.  so  call me what you want because do not expect a fight out of me
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
I go to sleep thinking about  how my life has crumbled to to the ground

I   stand staring at the beautiful moon  realizing   what i must do  the darkness has not  told me bad advice

sometimes the dark places in ones hearts can either be their salvation or their worst nightmare i channeled both  

You see that the moon reminds me of Her it reminds me what i could have but i just due to circumstances by higher up i can not

I will take my one shot and trust me i am not your average guy because your looking at guy  who has been put down broken , stabbed in the back, treated badly because of my  stupid flaw

at this point i have  no other option but  taking this chance by throwing all i have left on the table  

because this one shot at redemption will be the higher ups downfall and it will be my salvation   because like i say the villain gets whats coming to him and the hero gets the girl
Oct 2013 · 283
one dance
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
all i  have that is between you and i at this point is one dance  

One dance that i  never forget One Dance i  have to prove how much you  mean  to  me

That One dance  is all i GOT  to look for  now because   my  life is changing  my family might be moving

And i be left here to stay in the home that the past years i been in

This one dance may either break my soul to a even worse state or it will mend it hopefully
Oct 2013 · 324
two weeks and counting
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
For two weeks i am have not thrown hope away for what a miserable life well guess what

The fact that i walk alone against a entire army to prevent me from   any and every chance i have

well for two weeks i been thinking why quit when you can say you know what take your restrictions , your replacements , your turncoats   and have them feel how i feel right now you see it does not matter  because UP THERE  i am not what is considered IT you see IT is  just a chosen piece of garbage who does not work for anything his life   so guess what  think about this how would you feel if i ruined YOUR Moment how would it feel if you were in MY shoes  huh not good because  i do not care if this ruins everything i worked for  because what i am gonna do is gonna be remembered as a mixed reaction some people will say good for you and some people will say why Jordan why  well right now they can know why because you see being the nice guy for years i been told it gets me no where you i have balanced it and now this side of me will do WHATEVER IT TAKES so  your gonna have to **** me to stop this the headline reads that i get my dreams and the pieces to fix my broken soul leaving  to the end of this  dark gloomy story the enemy gets whats coming to him and the hero gets the girl
Oct 2013 · 345
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
In a week i get my chance to right the biggest wrong in my life and if your not clear is i am not looking to ruin anyone's night by any means but i will do something that no one has to do
to break this idea that We Nice guys finish last     you see i am coming for one reason and it is to fufill lifes promise you see i am fighting everything in my path my family turning against me a jack *** and something more clear its funny that   being filled with hate is not the best for someone like  me because when your past is always trying to knock on your door you make the same mistake  i made the mistake of  letting my emotions control me you see  when something is started with me i **** well i am gonna finish it so time to show the world the truth about what i feel
Oct 2013 · 928
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
I for years been considered a social reject heck  once you accept your identity its hard not to question it   because i have tried to be nice and caring to everyone not to much a veil  
Being a reject has perks your looked down but when you pull something off you hit out of the park
and respect is shown to you i am a reject fighting the system of what THEY want guys to be  is always about what THEY want you see i do not care because i am  reject who's life has been tough since birth so who' deserves chances more people who are handed everything that is given or someone who has to scratch and claw for everything they get in there lives you can answer that
Oct 2013 · 250
One year ago
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
A year ago i first laid  my eyes on you  
I thought why am i so curious i wanted to befriend you
Hell i never ever thought i get that far
because i realized that i have fallen for you
i never thought i feel this way
Like this year my attempts to smother my emotions to death
but i realized the old me would having  given up
you see i do not care if elders, another dude  because...
I be there for you even if had to get hit by a moving car to push you to safety
i would because one year ago i met the girl of my dreams
Oct 2013 · 286
stay out of my life
Jordan stenberg Oct 2013
I do not care if i like you or not please sometimes you should not talk   because you got it easy

you see my life is rough i really fallen for someone and i rather not hear about  how someone else is taking her

you see a dance is a dance so what you see i will not ruin someone else because my life is ******

love you see i am glad that you care for my sanity but at the same time the one thing that is keeping me borderline  loose cannon crazy   is my LOVE and i will not quit i will not back down from anyone
because just stay out of it this does not concern you see i be here and i always be here so people please Get the F out
Sep 2013 · 811
miserable at best
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
I am Miserable at best the truth is that i think my emotions cost me something  love

You see i would give my life to be with you but at this state  of the oppressed  

You see Darkness has been trying to take me over and i been fighting with my heart

You see i am at miserable at best because  i am not one to quit and when i see  a challenge i overcome it

Yes i have fallen and failed you see i wrote you something that showed my hearts true feelings you see i am miserable at best  and everyone whos been in my shoes knows This feeling as torture , great, a night mare, a dream   you see i know that i may never have this chance but all i ask or wish for is to be given that ONE SHOT and i will stay miserable at best because my life is not easy and it is not that i hoped for but it changes
Sep 2013 · 989
jealous flaw
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
that flaw i have foreseen has done more harm than good

i am very sorry if that was the case you see when you choose to live by your heart you bound to do something stupid

Yeah its a flaw that   has a effect in the emotion of Love friendship you name it has killed family bonds

you see yes i can be jealous yeah its so painful when you know you want or love whatever your case is that you can not attain it
the fact that i can not control how i feel is a nuisance because if it was my choice i would never let myself fall for someone unless i knew i had a chance

Yeah this jealous flaw can make or break me it has done harm yes but you see  being the nice guy with jealousy does not mix it changes you to a bitter raving lunatic with borderline lack of sanity
i carry this flaw and i fight it and i hope it does not ruin this chance  i may have
Sep 2013 · 761
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
i stand on this cliff wondering why hold back something that is good

as i watch the  ******* chosen one take the one from me you see i was *******  you see

this war i will fight until one man is left standing you see there is one ***** job you see i am always the one being ******* over and over again and trust me i don't care if you think i am gonna be  the one who ruins your  little angel you see my intentions are pure unlike this mysterious son of a gun  i know theres some prophecy to ***** me over its a matter of time your faith and crazy DIES when i finally get the pay off and you be the failure
Sep 2013 · 631
Heart break road
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
I walk down the heartbreak road just wondering what is that what he have that i dont

I stumble across the memory the first time i saw you looking at me which gave me hope that i am no longer alone

I walk down the road again with regret why does this happen to me i see the pain cuts my heart slowly.

i gaze  across  at the sight of those blood red flowers knowing that someone else but i hope for is

that you do not see him that way.    because this heartbreak i feel i know i might be going crazy you see
i realized that caring for someone is not enough you have to sugar coat it like a spoiled child

Sorry but you see this road i walk down i suffer and will hit redemption road and i will find this dude.

I say why doesn't he step in my comfort zone and i dream of knocking him out but you see that would be to rude

Because EVER since i layed my eyes  i wanted to know what  go's on in that pretty head of hers

and i see a great person that i want to be with so what i dont fit this bill i could care LESS because you do not have to suffer from a disabilty you dont have to suffer from being always broken you don't have to suffer from a ruined child hood  and you do not have to suffer from being a victim to a horrible crime!  you see i had the odds stacked against me and guess what game on mother F*CKER this is war
Sep 2013 · 392
Screw the higher ups
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
Those higher ups who i thought they were helping me

To ruin me you see whoever is trying to ruin my life is a piece of shT  

Because I poured my heart out  i shown her how i felt and i made her happy  

and for what to be  a heart broken mess filled with jealous rage yeah ***** it ok i  am done being treated this way.

So yeah ***** the higher ups theres a reason i do not believe in God  or anything you see in reality they just want to ***** me over it makes me sick to my stomache

so i want the truth and i want to know who is it gonna be the guy who cares about you and is willing to DIE FOR YOU or some piece of sh
T who has not payed his dues  in life
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
I showed my secret that i was hiding  i realized what i was doing.

The fact is that the restrictions came down upon her but whatever because that means more effort

a challenge to my true feelings  i let you know because either way i will get there and it takes a a lot

more work well i help because i am not giving up the last good thing in my life
Sep 2013 · 334
that beautiful smile
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
every time i see that beautiful smile of yours my heart erupts like a volcano

No matter how hard it is for me in my life i am glad you show concern for me

that smile i see it i realize i am looking at the girl of my dreams

i see something i care about you see friends  Lovers  i always be here that smile makes me feel like  that i am someone not some thing to help as a coping mechanism

Your smile is what drives me to get up every day the chance to talk to you makes happy
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
Rumors you can slander me you see i did not  care if your jealous of me because that person you say

Quote on quote ******* around with someone rumors are not gonna hold me back because...

I care about someone else i worry she has heard it and that scares me because i might lose my chance

I hate to say it  but that person they say i did things with  i do not see that way so your just making yourself look like a fool i find you f*CKERS  and trust me give you a piece of my mind
Sep 2013 · 500
Nerve racking
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
Nerve racking moments are always there

the most nerve racking thing is that i could fail on trying to be there for you

Nerves get in the way they tell me do not act its the right thing to do

Those nerves are idiots in the dark falling down its abyss

Nerve racking but i am gonna do it for me for everyone else who has ever felt the sting of  falling for someone or something

so here i go and yes or no friends or not i need to try because i am not being alone anymore
Sep 2013 · 667
the road of redemption
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
Redemption that's the only road i been on for a while now

A chance to right something inside me that i been missing

I have shown strength time and time again each time i fall and get my heart stabbed

I get up and keep on walking down the road  one day i see the light at the end of the tunnel and i have

a beautiful thing in my life
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
The river that holds me back from acting upon my true emotion

The deep river rapids carry's as i try to cross the rapids
I see you across the river as i try to reach it i fall down and almost drown into the rapids
Fear kicks in as Myself encounters this wild emotion as much as i try i have a fear that i never make it
to the heartland where you are in my heart
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
those sparkling eyes
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
Every time i see you is see this twinkle in your eye that draws me in.

i know i have feelings now i cant stop thinking about you day and night

i want to know if there is a chance i will try my best because when i saw you give me that look of happiness

It gave me hope that i do have a future  i wish i could come clean but  i just can't    those sparkling eyes
just  may have saved my life
Sep 2013 · 766
Jordan stenberg Sep 2013
i wonder if  i am gonna live my dream?

I wonder if one day i be  going to state as  a part of a team that is great

i wonder if i find that one girl to fill that hole in my heart

i wondering if i can ever  look down the aisle and see me standing in their the champion of the rejects
Aug 2013 · 485
why do i care so much
Jordan stenberg Aug 2013
why do these feelings return to me  you see i may be not what THEY see

There's one thing we don't have in common you do not have the guts

theres one reason why i care about people because i been broken been  heartbroken you name it

you see i do not want others to suffer my same FATE  yeah i brought you UP and you through it away but face it  no matter what discouraging thing i hear i do not care you see i dont LOVE you i just want to be your friend i did but i decided against it
Aug 2013 · 895
the longing
Jordan stenberg Aug 2013
i long for something new in my life i long for a chance to do something to live a dream

i long to be out there  alone trying to forge my own destiny i long to finally find that one

i long for it as much as i long to be   not held back by anyone anymore because of my disabilty

the longing will come true the truth does hurt for you critics because i can do more than you guys could
Aug 2013 · 343
i got over it
Jordan stenberg Aug 2013
you see dont trust me because i dont care  the fact is you dont know what know

I know you have someone else well he can have you because as far as i am concerned i moved on

and i got over it because i am the better  man  and i will prove it because i am moving on   and by the way  

im over the false confidence you gave me you acted like you gave a **** then you throw it to the ground for some piece of  Sh*T    
i am done and i am over it
Aug 2013 · 1.7k
Jordan stenberg Aug 2013
what happens to friendship when some outside  power comes in  trying to **** it
you see your my best friend but i need to tell from this dark place is you gave everything away for nothing

and you had the nerve that i would do the same thing no i prefer my friends than my **** buddy excuse my language

you see dont come crying to me when your down on the ground  because i just say it was your fault

you always will be my best friend but once again your making  a mistake  so good luck with that pyscho because for now i walk alone
Aug 2013 · 719
Jordan stenberg Aug 2013
you see  you can ignore me you can treat me like crap but you need to  know the truth

So you found a jack *** from another town good for you because you just started something that you cant stop

i will find him i will hurt him i will show that you are making the biggest mistake on the planet because i dont care because you come back to me crying  and do you want to throw away a friendship for some *******   wow very professionally

you see you want me to get over this but you see it drives me to be better do i care what he thinks no

you see i jumped every roadblock in front of me and you place  more you see tell him that he has a target on his back and  for you well good luck because you might lose me i am done with all of this crap
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
i  thought of you again i really can tell you need someone there to be there
because i will  be here and i did miss talking to you  i thought you were mad at me
you need me to save you  i maybe not the guy you think of but hell i am here to prove that you need is me not that fat lying ******* i call a former friend not that one guy hell not my best friend you need is a guy who is not like the rest of those guys   you need someone who is always on the sideline you need a man who will make you smile not leave you for the next big thing  hell    i fought for you  i stood up for you when no one would
Jul 2013 · 269
nice moon light walks
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
as i walk with a friend who  i am glad to know and will miss we talk about all things and he gives my advice on my situation  i think  of Us and why shes been so strange i know i would love to be there its  noticeable that she is bothered and needs left alone   i understand i been there  but as i talk and watch the moon light glimmer it tells me she needs you she needs you swoop out of no where and fix her  because she changed   and i  need to fix it and myself
Jul 2013 · 270
returning thoughts
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
my thoughts return attempted to drive me crazy
you may not talk to me as much you see i am here for you no matter what you do
you see   no one can change my feelings for you are real and heck you can pick the wrong guy thats cool
because after a while  you may regret  it because i refused to be stopped by him or anyone else   because until i find a way into your heart consider it to this man a war that he cant win because  if he knew that i am the most patient and most relentless man when i want someone to be safe from a big fat mistake like HIM  i know who it is and trust me when i tell you  i may be ignored i may be not what you consider the type of guy but let me tell you something i am nice until you break my heart      into pieces and talk to me like i can detect something  its not funny this wont happen again  and tell him  i got a a phrase run while you can because i do whatever it takes to prove that i should be THAT GUY
Jul 2013 · 403
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
so i build you up and you still love him and like someone else so this guy likes you to so do i.
hey may be bigger than me he may be stronger than me but i know what he is a ****** bag i have proof.
he is just your next mistake and come on my best friend told me you wait for him really i am right here i treat you right i wont discard you for the next big thing   heck i  am not no bone head ****  i am kind man who's life is rougher than anyone  else but i still care about you and i wait and i make sure you  wont wait for the past you have someone like me one day believe me i am right here  in this world waiting for you
Jul 2013 · 2.4k
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
how does one  manipulate others   how does one  manipulate each other i dont get it.
this world was at peace then  random one pokes at them until a ****** war starts.
you may be the biggest ****** for it but you can cry and moan and ***** because you recieved a beating that you started  i say your manipulation   will be your down fall you can tell your mom your dad hell call the cops  because    theres one option in mind shut the hell up and fight what you started jesus   these people are the  biggest hypocrites  i ever seen   because this one person has ruined my life ever since he was born so when your falling off a cliff you can fall to the rocks   like a the little coward you are  your pestilence smells like   a rotten apple core
Jul 2013 · 651
walking through darkness
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
as i am walking through the darkness staring at the moon light thinking of all i been through
i  may  not be seen by others as  what HE should be but i could care less
i overcame road block and road block i beat the odds  i look at that moon and think is she worth it
as far as i am concerned i am calm it wont phase me but she always have a place in my heart
my heart may beat for her it may pain me  to think of her and him but you see at least theres peace in the dark.  i see  that i did is bring her up why would i expect her fall in love me.  i should not be like that i may care about her a lot but you see there's one thing this moon light  reminds me of that feeling that i thought i  had a chance well he could be a ******* he could be  man ***** he could be nice or he could be something that i foresaw a another mistake you see this darkness and my thoughts think a like you could just make the biggest mistake of your life overlooking someone who cares about you more than him so he can tell me  back off in the future i say game on you took what didnt belong to you so i say its fair that i stay in her life and you make a mistake well haha  i win   and i am at peace while you walk into the light sad and broken like i was.
Jul 2013 · 444
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
how do i get over this feeling i want just fall into a casket and not wake up.
this wont phaase me and believe me this guy whoever it is is gonna get some sweet sweet vengance
but as far i dont need to because  he has to **** up once and i pick up the pieces and make sure you dont get another chance and i take the chance and this time the result will be diffrent you be broken and i be back up!
Jul 2013 · 314
how emotions change
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
i was happy i thought she loved me but she liked someone else it tears me to pieces knowing it.
but far as i am concerned he does anything to hurt her i will ******* tear his heart out
you know what that wont stop me that motivate me to try harder
i may be in tears and destroyed but i am coming for that *******  and believe me  its a fight
you see i been smashed the last time you see i am coming and there one word there is one phrase run why you still can
Jul 2013 · 288
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
as i think of her my chest pounds  at me like punch to the face.
there's one thing that i hear these things about her one more time that are false.
i will crack some heads to make sure they dont break her down.
i am willing to have scale ladders jump off  rooftops  heck even  have to climb a mountain the size of everest for her.   she is everything i want i may never be the one who be in the heart but i will be there as support
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
i can tell my best friend has changed because of  his denial.
as far as i am concerned i am happy this happened because i really care for her
you see he should own up because far as i am concerned he is the reason that she is broken
and i am willing to bring her up back to herself and she in the process is bringing my life to good things.
as i watch a friend change a great friend who tells me what he thinks.
as you change i will be always your best friend but   i i am not picking your side because of that as far as am concerned you try anything else i am gonna get you back  for not me for her spirit because she  is all i need so even if i have to fight someone i had their back you may be in pain now i be there but dont mess with her again or i tell you straight up    you stop or i might have knock some sense back into you i miss the old you
Jul 2013 · 436
Those eyes
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
when i look at her i see her healing from past scars.
when those eyes meet mine i realize i want to be with her
i doubt i get that shot but i know one day you might be  
because  i realize your  not ready its fine because i wait days months years  even a life time.
i swoop down when your in distress and be right here  for you no matter what road block is put in my way.
because you are the one i need to heal this broken soul and trust me when i tell you  i am right here waiting for that one chance all i need is one to make you life great.
Jul 2013 · 590
little bug
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
The little bug talks and moves about like hes  the size of his older brother
when the little bug sees his older brother he pops a smile at his brother has a broken spirit
he brightens up the world like the sun blossoms midday.
as the older brother is trying  search for himself to be back to normal
little bug hangs out with his big brother he can tell that he is happy to be around him
but the small bug  grows he can tell if somethings wrong and will try to be a great bug and fix it
Jul 2013 · 626
good bye liar
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
she asked me why i am not letting her back in my life
its simple who likes a piece of trash ruining your life.
seriously to admit she snuck behind my back and then deny it what a twit.
the heart refuses the beast that is not the most brightest thing on this planet
i may be a jealous ******* but you see i cared for her well being and she throws all of this lies about change of character in me. i changed really i am the same guys who made mistakes and cares for the people i love.
in my thoughts if felt bad at first then i savored it and burnt the memory's away i  say good bye good riddance.
Jun 2013 · 305
Dreams and life
Jordan stenberg Jun 2013
Theres two things i want my dream  and a good life but can you have both.

considering my life is rigid like the rocks on a cliff jagged a person above it.

I been through a lot  parental issues seeing loved ones taken over by a demon i can name it all.

you see my strength my drive my will to move on in life could lead me places or be stuck in the bitterness in my heart.

i Climb the ladder and take a  contract to achieve my dream they  may call me a yardtard but you see theres something you see  misery loves  company.
Jun 2013 · 565
One more year
Jordan stenberg Jun 2013
one more year of youthful mistakes one more year of dealing with ludcrious teachers.
one more year of watching friends leave for the world outside of school.
one more year of  dealing with doubt  anguish  at the fact that i am a ***** up.
well one more year of a chance to achieve a dream that i vowed i would do i would make state.
that goal has driven me since i joined mock trial i started with the wrong reasons i wanted it more than that mistake being fixed.  the one i thought i wanted turned out to be a lie but heck those mistakes wont bring me to my knees i am fighting that last year to do something amazing to live a dream to find the one.
May 2013 · 585
Can i trust any girl
Jordan stenberg May 2013
she tells me all these things but it turns out that she  is talking that way to other guys
she says i am the only one  but i saw things that prove that she has been that way towards others
i know she is hiding it and playing innocent  her innocence  is a lie i was foolish i saw them together walking i did not think much of it but then i  saw something that proved that i could i feel like i got rid of that one thing that brought the darkside out.
May 2013 · 290
Two years ago
Jordan stenberg May 2013
Two years ago he was brought  into this world filled with the everlasting battle of light and darkness.
the smiles over the years he gave me  brought me up from the rock and the hard place.
the darkness fell for a moment he shows his love for me as he says my jojo.
today he turns two i want to make it a great day to my best little brother  i ever had
May 2013 · 661
bitter raving lunatic
Jordan stenberg May 2013
Bitterness eats at me like flesh eating bug chewing at my true self

Those various moments i regret i wish i could take back i must stop the darkness from taking over.

the darkness tells me its ok to do the wrong thing well darknesss go **** yourself.

You can be right once in a while but you take it to far excuse my language this dark time stays  over my head.

I live a lie in reality i just want her to cut the chain first so i am free  and that one Person i once cared for who is treating his son a terrible childhood.

I have my reasons to be this way you see i try to forget by doing so i became the person i didnt want be again. the ******* who is bitter over everything i am trying to get back to normal but its gonna be a uphill battle.

The war ends with everything is normal and no chains attached to my heart.
Apr 2013 · 476
the realization
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
i adventured with one emotion, trying to find something?

all i found was something that was  i never should of cared about.

My friend that i remember every day that i always have cared for drifts away slowly on a piece of drift wood.

I want to swim out there and bring her home but shes found a home with someone else.

I realize that i should not  be a jealous  monster i am not macbeth i am human.

i want here to know that i am here for her no matter what  i am right here waiting for her to come home.

when  i realize she is doing great i hope for her to at least visit but all she says not sure  i try to get down there.

but theres no way to reach for it i must  figure  out somehow.
Apr 2013 · 407
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
a piece of redemption once thought to be obtainable lost

Because i am so freaking stubborn my pride i would not give it up

the fact is the  i am the threat to your society i earned everything i ever got and you think i am gonna back down.

well your so wrong so until i get what i want your gonna have to fight the best in the WORLD at overcoming obstacles
Apr 2013 · 374
the ultimate choice
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
A man has a dilemma take his mistake and fess up or be secretive

the fear of  losing that one person lingers but sometimes you gotta do something for yourself

the guilt he feels for trying to be alone because life is not what it used to be.

you see my choice is  you can have that one person but  there's a risk some times that risk ain't worth it
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
a sin is a mistake on your morale code

you make that mistake on purpose or on accident

but you see  theres a key i regret some of my actions some i don't

but what i regret is that  i may have done something wrong but i am a man that will fix it on my own
a sin is a mistake but you see this sin is worse i fix it and before you know it your in to deep

a sin is no joke a sin isn't just a religious thing its a normal thing in our lives
Apr 2013 · 410
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
love is just the emotion that drives everything many ways the right away and the wrong away.

If you love something or someone you fight for it even if you fail

But when i finally succeed something Messed up happens

i might have ******* up but WERE all human  i fight for her

Dear home wreckers its my life stay the **** out i am right here say it to my face

Love is the emotion that drives people to ****   love drives you to do the right thing its unpredictiablilty is

like the sociopaths mind you never know what he might do next

I am not one i am a kind gentle soul who makes plenty of mistakes with love driven mind set thats the

old me the new worries about my being not anyone elses.
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