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Apr 2013 · 460
scars everyway
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
people make think scars on the outside there dead wrong

you see scars are on the inside i would know i am scarred on the inside and out

a child hood ruined by having to watch a loved one be arrested  by the evil blues

or is the fact every time i get close to someone i get smashed you see i am tougher than you critics

Instead of making jokes about ones issues why don't you talk to them and you understand why?

I dislike you so much
Mar 2013 · 520
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
the fear of living with a burden on my chest

the fear of me becoming something i am not troubles me

the mistakes i could make can effect my life

my old self could return i fight my demons everyday of my life and i win!

Fear is that one emotion you can love and hate because living life by taking risks is the only way you can get anywhere
Mar 2013 · 347
sharing is wrong
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
you can share feelings with other people you open up to someone you only pick one.

you cant have them all you have to make a choice me the nice guy or the others  

maybe but i am selfish this never happens to me so i fight for it even if i have to literally fight to the death.

so whoever my rival is thats spreading the *******  come and face me in the way i settle this in the backyard

i show you how i truly feel  about your lies when your laying there not knowing what happened i hurt my body doing that but i have to i do again to get my hands on you
so i face me we see who truly deserves it
Mar 2013 · 440
false state of mind
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
a heartbreaker walks  down the road with her thoughts gone just the devils minion.

a man vows to fix this false state of mind of hers i doubt he get his reason from her though

he has been ruined by a mystery person with a gender unknown  hes not sure if he has to take matters into his own hands or not

he wants to know if there was the same reason as before knowing someone is out to get him

Whoever you are i will find you and i will get my hands on you i want you to show yourself  i wont hurt you unless i  you deserve it

why question you deserve it either way!
Mar 2013 · 622
a closed heart
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
a heart who's been torn to pieces  may close its doors for good reason

They may be tired of ones manipulation and change of mind like a picky son of a gun

when you could have something you can trust and not a liar  who tells you false truths about him

well why dont you come and tell him who did this so he can face man to man liar against the a honest man

He expose you like the fraud you are
Mar 2013 · 611
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
why do i have to be subjected to this treatment

why does one do this to me to have something taken away from you

its like a championship boxer losing his dream to compete i fight to fix everything

i am saddened yes but guess what i am been through this before i cant be broken

i fight for everything to be back to normal first a friend freaks out on me then a loved one falls to the dark vices of society what the ****
is this bad karma from the higher up well that higher up ******* i am right here  you want to **** me?

the love i once gave well i close it i worry about me and only me thats all i want to be alone away from this ******* emotion

i maybe confused you don't know you might as well quit while your ahead

prove your worth because i am not worried i had so many things happen to me in one freaking week

well i am stronger and better overall well i was staying above the water then a hurricane ******* down to the sharp rocks
Mar 2013 · 302
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
i fought for that one moment then soon as you lose it you fall down a step

The reason may be good or really ******  but guess what life *****

i fight i put myself on the line hell i dont understand i was angry i did the wrong thing

well we all make mistakes  i live through it  like i always do well your loss
Mar 2013 · 413
waiting with intent
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
the intentions of the many have a grasp on all of us

we all follow like sheep on a farm following they's command

The  fact of being yourself is the key you need my intentions are my own

Ones intention effects us all  that's the message majority  rules in there system

in my system the lesser ones like myself get more help we need it more than They
Feb 2013 · 508
binding peace
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
peace binds two entity's conflicts shut.

ones troubles go away  with the game of chance.

Peace has finally hit me i am free from the chains held down by the so called higher being.

i attained the gift with years of hard work i found the one person i was wanting to have in my life.

Serene sky's bind peace with the higher beings for  a length of time i  enjoy my melancholy free life while it lasts.
Feb 2013 · 823
the mysterous aura
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
what is that aura in the air  as i see her gaze i don't know what is in her mind.

As one crumbles one succeeds into the realms of reality i  won't do anything i just want to be somewhat knowing  what gos on in her mind.

I do not intend on walking alone but the auras around me i realize the attempts i made in the past are mistakes.
the mistake of not taking risks but a risk has a chance of failure why take a risk

Why does one jump off ladders why does one ****?

Well you never know what aura one being carry's.
I will not fail no more i be here for a shot at being with one sweet kind gentle being
I just want to know your mysterious aura first so i do not make a mistake that may finish me off.
Feb 2013 · 1.6k
the mindset of revenge
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
Vengance is a feeling that you get when someone wrongs you.

you see i wouldn"t hurt a fly normally but this is not a fly this a threat to my home

you took my two dogs away you take our rights away i am sick of it

i may not own it but what you do effects ALL OF US

you see i do us simple i put my mind into something you what you created because when i find out who called oh  my goodness your in for a treat.

i am gonna offer to settle this like men one guy vs one fraud in a fight to the finish  

you see i fight for those who are wronged like i fight for every boy and ******* the sideline  my revenge is gonna be sweet sure they do say revenge is bitter. well your wrong i vow to end your group of lunatics.
Feb 2013 · 512
a verbal war
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
why do you bicker why do you ruin my life well just bring it  ruin yours.

i use my skill with words all you can do is complain i make you look like the fool who thinks he can bring people down.

ok whatever i just join the fight for homeowner independance   why wait to get out when i can end their group.

I vow to fight for this harder than i fought to to make her stay last year she walked away i can be put down  beat down but i get right back up   so your british didn"t your people remember you held us back we came back stronger.
i am coming for this i fight i show you that don't mess with best
Jan 2013 · 969
the ditch of injured hearts
Jordan stenberg Jan 2013
I walk down the street thinking about life" and my road to redemption that i have never finished.

I fall into the ditch seeing broken hearts victims of the classic disease of friend zone."

When will i be cured of friend zone when i clearly see something great along the way of this public enemy.

The diseases carried of these victims are melancholy, depression , heartbreak.

not wanting love is just trying to be alone when in reality that you can"t fight the heart.

Why is friendship get the way sure its a risk but its a risk i am willing to take even if i have to jump through fire.  

The flame is huge every time i am thinking of this topic why friend zone have to exist why?

Well ask me about this topic i tell you that you girls always choose the guys on the field not on the sideline.  

As i leave this ******* forsaken ditch you see what your actions can create.
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Jordan stenberg Jan 2013
i walk by in a solumn state of mind.

I realize what i have missed in my lifetime."

The heart can do strange things to a man love can change you."

i know i have had to fight my inner demons not change i have fought it off with scraps and a fist.

Can a man who does not care what people think about him what his actions are.

Considering his love has not been returned will she take in consdieration that he would take a bullet for her.

The fact that he is a great friend just a misunderstood fellow who could fit in a  indy film with a crew of rejects.

As he hits the end of the road he sees her alone realizing walking away from the hearts true feelings."

The man walks back and starts to run into the battle field of war the bullet hits him and his inner demons say any last words.

The man simply replys i won"t let you control me bleeding and all he charges them with his hearts desire and when the dust settled."

he stood in the hearts battlefied full of broken bodys and failures of his past. As he is walking back for her he"s *****  and injured.

Has peace finally come to him it has no more battles,no fighting demons  as he reaches for her the hand into the world he once knew crashed.
His bitter rage he smashes the wall freeing it but the battle that was over had hit them. Egos clashing, , arguing ,backstabbing but people were happy. Not for long though   as people felt the bitterness the man had gone through as he finally finds her she is there for him. His happyness was there the whole time but doesn"t like to reveal to much.  he realizes melancholy seconds later equals to succession.
Jan 2013 · 313
times passing
Jordan stenberg Jan 2013
The times we had.

"The times i turned your frowns upside down.

Ad Times passed i realized that my efforts was something i was proud of.

I quit when there was no chance if you want anything just forget our past and cometh with your reasoning.

and i forgive my inner wrongs you should to.

"Times pass all humans change for the better or the worse .
Jan 2013 · 387
Jordan stenberg Jan 2013
why must  a lovelorn fellow have to wait for that chance."

why must i walk the path of the hero of every man who failed?

considering i fight this fight forever have been a good friend to her?

or why must i be subjected to silence   what matters  why wait?

when you can risk yourself put your body on the line."

when your on the broken road theres no one but loves victims.

that changes now i am the muse of the world i fight for that cause nice guys finish last i don"t think so.

why am i  fighting this fight? i fight it because knowing whats it like to have your heart smashed into pieces.

why is the lovelorn fellow doing i am the lovelorn fellow i wait that one moment of truth.

Even when i may end up die trying.
Jan 2013 · 422
Jordan stenberg Jan 2013
how can one hide things from their oldest and treat them like a freaking child".

i am almost seventeen and am not treated right and clearly i am done with it."

well she does not know many things about me either i guess you want to know be honest or burn in the fiery depths of hell."  i dont want hiding i want control of my life  my money i do whatever i want with it.
its america not freaking china"  so theres a legal adult age well if thats a case holding back because i am bad with money". well time to start a revoltioution to end this blasphemy.
Dec 2012 · 391
whos the one
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
whos the one" is she right in front of my face or someone i least expect.

is she perfect is she what i want i not sure the one will come in a while "

but i hope that my waiting working or am i forever alone i know i am not she will come just hope its sooner than later down the line.
Dec 2012 · 433
coping with death
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
how can you move on after your loved ones lives end by the tip of a weapon of mass destruction?

how does one  **** children that have their whole lives to grow i don't understand how some people do acts of evil.

the valiant heros who fought for their students in their school  thats who we should be.

the steel 'the carbon the ' bullet of destruction is that to blame?

people blame Guns in reality there not so violent until someone uses it for satanic purposes

i pity who survived the massacre of souls there healing will be in effect death is natural it all depends on how we die.
Dec 2012 · 529
what is humane
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
is it humane that peoples blood sweat and tears are spent in sweat shops

how is it considered humane to burn villages with hellish flames killing family

how is it humane that animals are mass slaughtered in modern day death camps

humanity has its dark crevices considering that people who steal from toys and tots

blind followers of a cult of false beliefs what is considered humane  has humanity sold out to   the dark side of humanity if  it is inside of us how we not embrace it  if we embrace some of it and keep our good side could that be the problem to this recurring event in the earths history the world will never know
Dec 2012 · 2.0k
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
The feelings of others are up then down my heart follows

what i want  and what i care for i don't have a choice if i had a choice i would wait

But since the heartache attacks me like a disease i hope your happy  but i suffer from heartache

well i 'll heal from heartache always sure i never had it leave my system time for a change

for this ache to go away i'll need you to help me to live life to the fullest i would give everything up to change your mind
Dec 2012 · 546
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
why i am still waiting for the one

how long do i have to wait considering love is just mess of emotions combined into one

waiting is right for the girl to basically pick the wrong guy while theres the right one right there

i stand here waiting for the girl of my dreams but when will it come only time will tell
Dec 2012 · 763
memorys good bye
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
her stare her voice so sweet

last year i remembered we talked we poured our hearts out

i was a great friend to you but all you did in the end was walk away

because i truly loved you at the time i didnt make my move when we hung out

well i moved on i said good bye to you i no longer do but those memorys made me who i am today

one day we can be friends again whenever but right now you dont want to even try so whats the point

now i walk the line of the nice guys who failed but this war does not involve you it didn't have to end with silence one day i want answers to finally to learn the ways of a crazy year gone wrong
Dec 2012 · 317
Jordan stenberg Dec 2012
if you were here i would be proud
my true feelings you dont know the shock everytime we talk
if you were here i would know true feelings from the heart
hope you take it and accept me  
if you were here a earthquake would be inside my chest

Jordan Stenberg ''TM

— The End —