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Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
i  thought of you again i really can tell you need someone there to be there
because i will  be here and i did miss talking to you  i thought you were mad at me
you need me to save you  i maybe not the guy you think of but hell i am here to prove that you need is me not that fat lying ******* i call a former friend not that one guy hell not my best friend you need is a guy who is not like the rest of those guys   you need someone who is always on the sideline you need a man who will make you smile not leave you for the next big thing  hell    i fought for you  i stood up for you when no one would
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
as i walk with a friend who  i am glad to know and will miss we talk about all things and he gives my advice on my situation  i think  of Us and why shes been so strange i know i would love to be there its  noticeable that she is bothered and needs left alone   i understand i been there  but as i talk and watch the moon light glimmer it tells me she needs you she needs you swoop out of no where and fix her  because she changed   and i  need to fix it and myself
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
my thoughts return attempted to drive me crazy
you may not talk to me as much you see i am here for you no matter what you do
you see   no one can change my feelings for you are real and heck you can pick the wrong guy thats cool
because after a while  you may regret  it because i refused to be stopped by him or anyone else   because until i find a way into your heart consider it to this man a war that he cant win because  if he knew that i am the most patient and most relentless man when i want someone to be safe from a big fat mistake like HIM  i know who it is and trust me when i tell you  i may be ignored i may be not what you consider the type of guy but let me tell you something i am nice until you break my heart      into pieces and talk to me like i can detect something  its not funny this wont happen again  and tell him  i got a a phrase run while you can because i do whatever it takes to prove that i should be THAT GUY
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
so i build you up and you still love him and like someone else so this guy likes you to so do i.
hey may be bigger than me he may be stronger than me but i know what he is a ****** bag i have proof.
he is just your next mistake and come on my best friend told me you wait for him really i am right here i treat you right i wont discard you for the next big thing   heck i  am not no bone head ****  i am kind man who's life is rougher than anyone  else but i still care about you and i wait and i make sure you  wont wait for the past you have someone like me one day believe me i am right here  in this world waiting for you
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
how does one  manipulate others   how does one  manipulate each other i dont get it.
this world was at peace then  random one pokes at them until a ****** war starts.
you may be the biggest ****** for it but you can cry and moan and ***** because you recieved a beating that you started  i say your manipulation   will be your down fall you can tell your mom your dad hell call the cops  because    theres one option in mind shut the hell up and fight what you started jesus   these people are the  biggest hypocrites  i ever seen   because this one person has ruined my life ever since he was born so when your falling off a cliff you can fall to the rocks   like a the little coward you are  your pestilence smells like   a rotten apple core
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
as i am walking through the darkness staring at the moon light thinking of all i been through
i  may  not be seen by others as  what HE should be but i could care less
i overcame road block and road block i beat the odds  i look at that moon and think is she worth it
as far as i am concerned i am calm it wont phase me but she always have a place in my heart
my heart may beat for her it may pain me  to think of her and him but you see at least theres peace in the dark.  i see  that i did is bring her up why would i expect her fall in love me.  i should not be like that i may care about her a lot but you see there's one thing this moon light  reminds me of that feeling that i thought i  had a chance well he could be a ******* he could be  man ***** he could be nice or he could be something that i foresaw a another mistake you see this darkness and my thoughts think a like you could just make the biggest mistake of your life overlooking someone who cares about you more than him so he can tell me  back off in the future i say game on you took what didnt belong to you so i say its fair that i stay in her life and you make a mistake well haha  i win   and i am at peace while you walk into the light sad and broken like i was.
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
how do i get over this feeling i want just fall into a casket and not wake up.
this wont phaase me and believe me this guy whoever it is is gonna get some sweet sweet vengance
but as far i dont need to because  he has to **** up once and i pick up the pieces and make sure you dont get another chance and i take the chance and this time the result will be diffrent you be broken and i be back up!
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