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Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
i was happy i thought she loved me but she liked someone else it tears me to pieces knowing it.
but far as i am concerned he does anything to hurt her i will ******* tear his heart out
you know what that wont stop me that motivate me to try harder
i may be in tears and destroyed but i am coming for that *******  and believe me  its a fight
you see i been smashed the last time you see i am coming and there one word there is one phrase run why you still can
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
as i think of her my chest pounds  at me like punch to the face.
there's one thing that i hear these things about her one more time that are false.
i will crack some heads to make sure they dont break her down.
i am willing to have scale ladders jump off  rooftops  heck even  have to climb a mountain the size of everest for her.   she is everything i want i may never be the one who be in the heart but i will be there as support
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
i can tell my best friend has changed because of  his denial.
as far as i am concerned i am happy this happened because i really care for her
you see he should own up because far as i am concerned he is the reason that she is broken
and i am willing to bring her up back to herself and she in the process is bringing my life to good things.
as i watch a friend change a great friend who tells me what he thinks.
as you change i will be always your best friend but   i i am not picking your side because of that as far as am concerned you try anything else i am gonna get you back  for not me for her spirit because she  is all i need so even if i have to fight someone i had their back you may be in pain now i be there but dont mess with her again or i tell you straight up    you stop or i might have knock some sense back into you i miss the old you
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
when i look at her i see her healing from past scars.
when those eyes meet mine i realize i want to be with her
i doubt i get that shot but i know one day you might be  
because  i realize your  not ready its fine because i wait days months years  even a life time.
i swoop down when your in distress and be right here  for you no matter what road block is put in my way.
because you are the one i need to heal this broken soul and trust me when i tell you  i am right here waiting for that one chance all i need is one to make you life great.
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
The little bug talks and moves about like hes  the size of his older brother
when the little bug sees his older brother he pops a smile at his brother has a broken spirit
he brightens up the world like the sun blossoms midday.
as the older brother is trying  search for himself to be back to normal
little bug hangs out with his big brother he can tell that he is happy to be around him
but the small bug  grows he can tell if somethings wrong and will try to be a great bug and fix it
Jordan stenberg Jul 2013
she asked me why i am not letting her back in my life
its simple who likes a piece of trash ruining your life.
seriously to admit she snuck behind my back and then deny it what a twit.
the heart refuses the beast that is not the most brightest thing on this planet
i may be a jealous ******* but you see i cared for her well being and she throws all of this lies about change of character in me. i changed really i am the same guys who made mistakes and cares for the people i love.
in my thoughts if felt bad at first then i savored it and burnt the memory's away i  say good bye good riddance.
Jordan stenberg Jun 2013
Theres two things i want my dream  and a good life but can you have both.

considering my life is rigid like the rocks on a cliff jagged a person above it.

I been through a lot  parental issues seeing loved ones taken over by a demon i can name it all.

you see my strength my drive my will to move on in life could lead me places or be stuck in the bitterness in my heart.

i Climb the ladder and take a  contract to achieve my dream they  may call me a yardtard but you see theres something you see  misery loves  company.
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