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Jordan stenberg Jun 2013
one more year of youthful mistakes one more year of dealing with ludcrious teachers.
one more year of watching friends leave for the world outside of school.
one more year of  dealing with doubt  anguish  at the fact that i am a ***** up.
well one more year of a chance to achieve a dream that i vowed i would do i would make state.
that goal has driven me since i joined mock trial i started with the wrong reasons i wanted it more than that mistake being fixed.  the one i thought i wanted turned out to be a lie but heck those mistakes wont bring me to my knees i am fighting that last year to do something amazing to live a dream to find the one.
Jordan stenberg May 2013
she tells me all these things but it turns out that she  is talking that way to other guys
she says i am the only one  but i saw things that prove that she has been that way towards others
i know she is hiding it and playing innocent  her innocence  is a lie i was foolish i saw them together walking i did not think much of it but then i  saw something that proved that i could i feel like i got rid of that one thing that brought the darkside out.
Jordan stenberg May 2013
Two years ago he was brought  into this world filled with the everlasting battle of light and darkness.
the smiles over the years he gave me  brought me up from the rock and the hard place.
the darkness fell for a moment he shows his love for me as he says my jojo.
today he turns two i want to make it a great day to my best little brother  i ever had
Jordan stenberg May 2013
Bitterness eats at me like flesh eating bug chewing at my true self

Those various moments i regret i wish i could take back i must stop the darkness from taking over.

the darkness tells me its ok to do the wrong thing well darknesss go **** yourself.

You can be right once in a while but you take it to far excuse my language this dark time stays  over my head.

I live a lie in reality i just want her to cut the chain first so i am free  and that one Person i once cared for who is treating his son a terrible childhood.

I have my reasons to be this way you see i try to forget by doing so i became the person i didnt want be again. the ******* who is bitter over everything i am trying to get back to normal but its gonna be a uphill battle.

The war ends with everything is normal and no chains attached to my heart.
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
i adventured with one emotion, trying to find something?

all i found was something that was  i never should of cared about.

My friend that i remember every day that i always have cared for drifts away slowly on a piece of drift wood.

I want to swim out there and bring her home but shes found a home with someone else.

I realize that i should not  be a jealous  monster i am not macbeth i am human.

i want here to know that i am here for her no matter what  i am right here waiting for her to come home.

when  i realize she is doing great i hope for her to at least visit but all she says not sure  i try to get down there.

but theres no way to reach for it i must  figure  out somehow.
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
a piece of redemption once thought to be obtainable lost

Because i am so freaking stubborn my pride i would not give it up

the fact is the  i am the threat to your society i earned everything i ever got and you think i am gonna back down.

well your so wrong so until i get what i want your gonna have to fight the best in the WORLD at overcoming obstacles
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
A man has a dilemma take his mistake and fess up or be secretive

the fear of  losing that one person lingers but sometimes you gotta do something for yourself

the guilt he feels for trying to be alone because life is not what it used to be.

you see my choice is  you can have that one person but  there's a risk some times that risk ain't worth it
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