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Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
a sin is a mistake on your morale code

you make that mistake on purpose or on accident

but you see  theres a key i regret some of my actions some i don't

but what i regret is that  i may have done something wrong but i am a man that will fix it on my own
a sin is a mistake but you see this sin is worse i fix it and before you know it your in to deep

a sin is no joke a sin isn't just a religious thing its a normal thing in our lives
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
love is just the emotion that drives everything many ways the right away and the wrong away.

If you love something or someone you fight for it even if you fail

But when i finally succeed something Messed up happens

i might have ******* up but WERE all human  i fight for her

Dear home wreckers its my life stay the **** out i am right here say it to my face

Love is the emotion that drives people to ****   love drives you to do the right thing its unpredictiablilty is

like the sociopaths mind you never know what he might do next

I am not one i am a kind gentle soul who makes plenty of mistakes with love driven mind set thats the

old me the new worries about my being not anyone elses.
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
people make think scars on the outside there dead wrong

you see scars are on the inside i would know i am scarred on the inside and out

a child hood ruined by having to watch a loved one be arrested  by the evil blues

or is the fact every time i get close to someone i get smashed you see i am tougher than you critics

Instead of making jokes about ones issues why don't you talk to them and you understand why?

I dislike you so much
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
the fear of living with a burden on my chest

the fear of me becoming something i am not troubles me

the mistakes i could make can effect my life

my old self could return i fight my demons everyday of my life and i win!

Fear is that one emotion you can love and hate because living life by taking risks is the only way you can get anywhere
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
you can share feelings with other people you open up to someone you only pick one.

you cant have them all you have to make a choice me the nice guy or the others  

maybe but i am selfish this never happens to me so i fight for it even if i have to literally fight to the death.

so whoever my rival is thats spreading the *******  come and face me in the way i settle this in the backyard

i show you how i truly feel  about your lies when your laying there not knowing what happened i hurt my body doing that but i have to i do again to get my hands on you
so i face me we see who truly deserves it
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
a heartbreaker walks  down the road with her thoughts gone just the devils minion.

a man vows to fix this false state of mind of hers i doubt he get his reason from her though

he has been ruined by a mystery person with a gender unknown  hes not sure if he has to take matters into his own hands or not

he wants to know if there was the same reason as before knowing someone is out to get him

Whoever you are i will find you and i will get my hands on you i want you to show yourself  i wont hurt you unless i  you deserve it

why question you deserve it either way!
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
a heart who's been torn to pieces  may close its doors for good reason

They may be tired of ones manipulation and change of mind like a picky son of a gun

when you could have something you can trust and not a liar  who tells you false truths about him

well why dont you come and tell him who did this so he can face man to man liar against the a honest man

He expose you like the fraud you are
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