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Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
why do i have to be subjected to this treatment

why does one do this to me to have something taken away from you

its like a championship boxer losing his dream to compete i fight to fix everything

i am saddened yes but guess what i am been through this before i cant be broken

i fight for everything to be back to normal first a friend freaks out on me then a loved one falls to the dark vices of society what the ****
is this bad karma from the higher up well that higher up ******* i am right here  you want to **** me?

the love i once gave well i close it i worry about me and only me thats all i want to be alone away from this ******* emotion

i maybe confused you don't know you might as well quit while your ahead

prove your worth because i am not worried i had so many things happen to me in one freaking week

well i am stronger and better overall well i was staying above the water then a hurricane ******* down to the sharp rocks
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
i fought for that one moment then soon as you lose it you fall down a step

The reason may be good or really ******  but guess what life *****

i fight i put myself on the line hell i dont understand i was angry i did the wrong thing

well we all make mistakes  i live through it  like i always do well your loss
Jordan stenberg Mar 2013
the intentions of the many have a grasp on all of us

we all follow like sheep on a farm following they's command

The  fact of being yourself is the key you need my intentions are my own

Ones intention effects us all  that's the message majority  rules in there system

in my system the lesser ones like myself get more help we need it more than They
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
peace binds two entity's conflicts shut.

ones troubles go away  with the game of chance.

Peace has finally hit me i am free from the chains held down by the so called higher being.

i attained the gift with years of hard work i found the one person i was wanting to have in my life.

Serene sky's bind peace with the higher beings for  a length of time i  enjoy my melancholy free life while it lasts.
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
what is that aura in the air  as i see her gaze i don't know what is in her mind.

As one crumbles one succeeds into the realms of reality i  won't do anything i just want to be somewhat knowing  what gos on in her mind.

I do not intend on walking alone but the auras around me i realize the attempts i made in the past are mistakes.
the mistake of not taking risks but a risk has a chance of failure why take a risk

Why does one jump off ladders why does one ****?

Well you never know what aura one being carry's.
I will not fail no more i be here for a shot at being with one sweet kind gentle being
I just want to know your mysterious aura first so i do not make a mistake that may finish me off.
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
Vengance is a feeling that you get when someone wrongs you.

you see i wouldn"t hurt a fly normally but this is not a fly this a threat to my home

you took my two dogs away you take our rights away i am sick of it

i may not own it but what you do effects ALL OF US

you see i do us simple i put my mind into something you what you created because when i find out who called oh  my goodness your in for a treat.

i am gonna offer to settle this like men one guy vs one fraud in a fight to the finish  

you see i fight for those who are wronged like i fight for every boy and ******* the sideline  my revenge is gonna be sweet sure they do say revenge is bitter. well your wrong i vow to end your group of lunatics.
Jordan stenberg Feb 2013
why do you bicker why do you ruin my life well just bring it  ruin yours.

i use my skill with words all you can do is complain i make you look like the fool who thinks he can bring people down.

ok whatever i just join the fight for homeowner independance   why wait to get out when i can end their group.

I vow to fight for this harder than i fought to to make her stay last year she walked away i can be put down  beat down but i get right back up   so your british didn"t your people remember you held us back we came back stronger.
i am coming for this i fight i show you that don't mess with best
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