December 2nd, 2015 – you fell asleep in my arms . .
Remember the conversation we had, if you could change one thing about you what would it be? You're beautiful. You think you aren't, but this time you're wrong! Nothing anyone says, and no judgmental look will make me think any less of you, your eyes are my favorite, and your chin (even though you hate it) makes you you!
You fell asleep in my arms! You trust me!? I gazed on your face and thought quietly to myself, how lucky I am to have met you at this time in my life! Your breathing slows and becomes deeper as you slowly drift off to sleep. Your arm twitches, your warm body across my chest . . I touch your arm it gives me a settling feeling of belonging, it's like you're mine already. You were always mine.
Girl, this is the happiest I've ever been, words can't even express how my heart longs for you now, miles away in this cold bed, I fight sleepy eyes to pen these words before I forget. This is love. You fell asleep in my arms for the first time, I'll never forget and I'll never get over it.