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 Jan 2019 Jon York
Bea Autumn
Can I wander thru your mind

Then travel down your spine

dropping into your heart

Feel all your emotions

Deep in your soul in slow motion

Ponder in pools of love there

Its there that I know

We've lose all control

Overwhelmed still lost inside

Our love we cannot hide
 Jan 2019 Jon York
Bea Autumn
Throttled down no holding back

Burnt the bridges of the past

Feeling good and cruising in sunshine

Running life's freeway on full blast

High octane blowing out all the fumes

Rolling speed bumps playing some tunes

Jet like winds are blowing through my hair

Whipping up breezes and I don't care

Racing roads no detours or curves

Not braking just making a few swerves

Each red  intersection I'm moving past

Heading to my destination finally at last
Catch me if you can!  ;  )
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