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Jon York Jun 2019
Resonating  invisibly  in  
              my  heart it was,
                    but  still
   able to hear the call was my
                 brightest star,
       having  been  designed
              by the universe
                to enable us
          to find one another.  

           As whole lifetimes  
       passed,  lost in  sorrow  
          without  the  unity
             of you and I,
        I  never  lost you  as
         I was feeling you
             all along in
       the  depths  of  my
resonating  heart  knowing.

That  when  the  time  came
                  you and I
  would merge as one and we  
         would shine for
       the  universe  to   see,
           yes  you and me
     feeling  the frequency of
                love eternal
      as I merge with you, my
              brightest star.
                                                           ­            Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
Half    naked

          cuddling      &

          slow     nasty

          tongue kissing

          needed   now.

           Only   females

           with  beautiful

          souls, blue eyes &      

            beautiful    lips

            wanted,  please.
   ­                                                                 ­ Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
All of the
hope  I  have,
  with  you.

       I find
you  in  sad  
  the sounds
      of rain,
  and all of the
    in my life.

   heart holds  
       my arms
       cannot.                                                          ­               Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
          it Ever
                                    ­                                                             Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
a 10 word poem     a  7 word poem               Shining Like I Do      
      TRUTH                         A                        They gossip  about  me
                                        speaker­                   and I  wonder why and
       sounds                         of                         also   know   that   their
          like                       TRUTH                   opinions  about me  are
        HATE                         has                       not   my  prob;ems  and
           to                              no                        if  tho­se opinions  about
        those                       friends.                   me are wrong, they will
         who                                                        be   the  ones  who   will
        HATE                                                    ­  have  problems, not  me.

          the                                          ­                I  stay  kind,  committed
                                                                ­          to  love, and free  in  my
       TRUTH.                                                   authenticity.  No   matter
                                                          ­                what  they do  or  say,  I
                                                 ­                         don't   dare   doubt    my
                                                     ­                      worth  or  the beauty of  
                                                            ­               my  TRUTH.
                                                      ­                     I will  just  keep shining
                                                                ­                                       like I do.
                                                                                             Jon York   2019
Jon York May 2019
I don't want
             ***  with  you,
         want all the things
               lead up to it.
           the slow kissing,
                  then the
          passionate kissing,
                  then the
              pulling closer,
           the  neck  kisses,
              the grabbing,
             heavy breathing,
         the  pauses  while  you
             catch your breath,
                one   another.  

                    Oh my.

                 Then  ***.
I'll make you scream out my name...
     till it drives me insane,
         and then we both
      lay spent on the bed.
                Don't you
       even  think  that  I'm
                with you yet.                                                   Jon York   2019
  May 2019 Jon York
Empty space in my heart
Can never  be filled
With anything but you
Nothing compares to you

In your absence
I am always feeling blue
You pull me to my deepest core
Making our soul unite
I realize
Our connection is so strong and true

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