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Jon York Apr 2019
Everyone wants to
                      be the sun,
         to brighten up someones
                 life, but why not
           be the moon to shine
                   on someones
                   darkest hour?

                 And if you are
        to love, love like the moon
                 loves. It doesn't
            steal  the night.  It  only
                 unveils the beauty
                     of the days

                  Love me like
           the moon intended, all
              the  way  through
                   the darkness.

                 The sun loves
            the  moon  so  much,
                 he dies every
          night to let her breathe.

             Never save things
          for special occasions.
                Being alive is
        the only special occasion
                       there is.
                                                                                            Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
Your  eyes  
       hold   everything  
       my  soul   thirsts
       for  and   I  only
       sleep  to  dream
       of  forever  with

        Into  you, I melt
             all of me.
                                                                                          Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
It beats,
It breaks,
It loves,
It aches,
for you.
Only you.


I'm  lost
in a  sea
of   you
know I'd
drown in
swim in
                                                                                     Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
If there's even
        a  slight  chance  at  getting
                 something or that
          someone that will make you
                  happy, risk it.
              Life  is  too  short  and
                happines­s too rare.

                   Sometimes you
            have to stop being scared
                 and just go for it.
              Either it will work out,
                        or  it  won't.
                         That's life.
                   Everything's a risk.
                         Not doing
                   anything  is  a  risk.
                        It's up to you.

               I   smile   a  little  bit  more
                    after talking to her
                          and I think
                 that's  what  made  me  
                       realize I was in
          love with her and without even
                      trying  she  makes
                 my life better and she is
                         the light finally
                            leading me
                                 to her,  
                     for she is my home.
                                                                ­                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
Where  your  world  is  me,
and my world is you, that's
               where I want to be.

No   amount  of  time   spent
       with you is ever enough.

           I   just  want   to  enjoy  
                            life with you,
         that's all I want because
                                        in you
            I have found both love
                          and friendship.

  If  you  will collapse into  me
  just  once,  I  promise    you'll
             never have to fall again.
                                                                                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
Keep going, one
               day  you   will  
              thank yourself
            for never giving up.

                And  no  matter
                 how bad things
                  are  right now,
                  no matter  how
                  stuck you feel,
                  and  no  matter
                 how many days
                   you've   spent
                  wishing things
                  were different
                   and  no matter
                   how  hopeless
                   and depressed
                    you   feel,  I
                   promise  you
                  won't feel this
                  way forever, if
              you just keep going.

                 Your soul is the
            sacred  essence  within
              you, your deepest
             purpose, your unique
          meaning and the guiding
                 force behind our
          individual lives so be ready
                at any moment
         to sacrifice what you are
       for what you could become.
                                                                               Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
You   have
         my heart,
          my  dear
          so   now
         enter there
         and grant
          me peace
           and love
          and make
           me want
             to LIVE,
             not just
             not just

     Love recognizes no
     barriers,  it  jumps
   hurdles, leaps fences,
   penetrates  walls  to
  arrive at its destination
   full of hope and if
someone makes you happy,
     make them happier.

      It's ironic that you feel
most alive when your heart
       skips a beat and mine
skips a beat every time I look
        at  you,  touch  you,
           or  kiss you.                                                            Jon York   2019
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