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 Feb 2013 Jomini
Kelly Selvester
In the depths of this despair,
Comes a glimmer of shinning hope,
As memories floor that emptiness,
And feelings gather, hard to cope.
The cold hardness softens,
And love bubbles gently afloat,
As ticking clocks start to stop,
Through years of lost notes.
"A cheeky little smile",
That's what you wrote,
As we sat there apart,
Easily your best quote.
But those days have gone,
All seem so now remote,
As I say goodbye to those memories,
A lump in my throat.
Your lips look so soft,
and your voice; like velvet, so sweet.
You make me feel so warm
from my head to my feet.

I love the way you look at me -
your eyes blue like the sky.
I wonder what you're seeing
as you look right into mine.

I wish you'd put your thoughts into words,
wish you'd whisper them into my ear.
With that smooth voice you have
you don't know how I long to hear
you saying what you think of me.
Tell me exactly what you think -
please, stop leaving me guessing..
Analyzing every move you make, even the way you blink.

I know, I'm a hopeless romantic.
Daydreaming of you constantly,
wishing you'd man up.
Just guts up and ask me!

Maybe I'm rushing things,
but how can I not?
You got my heart racing
and now I can't make it stop..

All I want is you and your heart,
I'll do anything to get it.
I know you want mine too,
even though you already stole it.

The.first time I laid eyes on you,
you took my breath away.
I know that you're a gift from God
and I hope His plan is for you to stay.

You make me feel like a queen,
a beautiful, delicate princess.
I'm still trying to see
what I'm supposed to make of this.

Never have I felt so loved,
except by God Himself -
you make me feel so wanted,
you've helped me see myself.

Sweet boy, look what you've done;
you melted my heart, set it free.
Your beautiful heart for God
has helped to remold me.

And your beauty on it's own,
it lit a raging fire..
I don't think you know
about this passionate desire.

I just want to hold you,
make you the happiest man alive.
Darling I can't explain
how truly hard I strive.

I strive to let the "me" in me shine,
to be the masterpiece God planned.
I want to be perfect for Him so that maybe,
just maybe, He'll have you be my perfect man.
You have my heart running wild and my soul on fire for God. I love the way you love Him, it makes me want to love Him more. It makes me want to love you. It makes me want you to love me. God put you in my life for a reason, and I hope that reason is eventually supposed to make us be "us", "we", whatever you want to call it - as long as you're with me <3
 Feb 2013 Jomini
Dorothy Parker
When I was young and bold and strong,
Oh, right was right, and wrong was wrong!
My plume on high, my flag unfurled,
I rode away to right the world.
"Come out, you dogs, and fight!" said I,
And wept there was but once to die.

But I am old; and good and bad
Are woven in a crazy plaid.
I sit and say, "The world is so;
And he is wise who lets it go.
A battle lost, a battle won--
The difference is small, my son."

Inertia rides and riddles me;
The which is called Philosophy.
 Feb 2013 Jomini
February cold sneaks beneath my floor and grabs bare feet through tile
 Feb 2013 Jomini
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 Feb 2013 Jomini
Kassel D
the forest
 Feb 2013 Jomini
Kassel D
stolen flame
burnt fingers upon still heartache
wary of the trust in you
my faith stings
beneath each careful step
left believing in something
that is not confirmed or denied

i lay here
on each empty word
filled with anxiety
i am lost
you are too
but we managed to find each other
in the damp forest

i can't say how long i'll last
in your crystal gaze
frozen in your ways
for i am tired
and full of aching heartbeats
thriving on your existence
but you survive without me

i am lost
i see you no longer here
you have shifted

i am gone
© 2013
 Nov 2012 Jomini
Peyton Smith
(more lyrics than poetry, but whatever)
It scares me so much, the words that she writes,
The pills that she takes, to go to sleep every night,
The things that she says, how she argues and fights,
I just want everything to end up alright,
I’m not gonna say I can’t deal, I try and I will,
I’d fight and i’d ****, and if the beans are being spilled,
I love her so much, and my love’s the brashest, the boldest,  
I hope how much I care is never going unnoticed,
Let it be noted, my feelings are the truest I could ever express,
And I’m thankful everyday she choose me over the rest,
But I just feel useless, unhelpful and stupid,
I know how her pain feels, I swear i’ve been through it,
If I could erase it, I promise I’d do it,
If I could take it, I’d move it, i’d break it,
So next time she smiles, she wont have to fake it
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