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JoJo Nguyen Oct 2023
Single egg
To be single and free
Singular egg
To be the only source
Insular egg
Sourced from Aliens
Insipient egg
Foolishly taken
Sapient egg
To be graciously given
Sentient egg
To be in a blue cocoon
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2022
Time enough to
wait for the heros to
Time enough to
save the thugs and
TIme enough to
for we Others

Lords of the Flies are
fragile beings with
short life spans

Is time to leave the Islands
leave the isolation
leave the ostracization?

Time to we
Time to forget the hero Me.
133 · Aug 2022
Riots in our Warpland
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2022
For Gwendolyn Brooks

Not 500 years yet?

The fire still burns
between births of Father
and Son Riots We

of unheard
Ghosts from ovens,
camps, killing fields,
and the many Handed
machetes. We

an Egyptian myth
a simple bird,
Dumb n Adored
in her privileged plume
in his busy Bushy

133 · Jan 2023
Breakfast time!
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2023
Easy time
Hard times
Time as primes

Sunday adjoins real
Numbers of our work week.

Prime Monday 2 mirrors in Symmetry

Tuesday's 3 breaks it

4 expands our mirrored self
******* the ****
pass procreating 2

Pentagon 5's primal safety

2 Friday the six a child of
monday and tuesdays

And we rest on the 7 sabbath
dominant or diminished
it doesn't really matter in
Number Theory
133 · Oct 2022
Welcome to our Adventure!
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2022
(As a great wizard said, "a journey is done solo; an adventure is shared")

So many Mickey Mouse wizards
And I'm just a magical broom

bringing buckets and buckets of CO2
down our yellow Brick Road

in a Submarine
crossing Downton Abbey

to reach Emerald City
to find no One
in Das Schloss

I bid u peace or pence
for there will be no Trial
only execution
JoJo Nguyen May 2023
Love them they us we she he me E.
Nous sommes ** fame; We are who hunger fame.
You want fame? Fame costs.

The costs lie broken and scattered--
Actors who didn't become Jeros.

Cast left packing up our ****--
Moving in mass Exodus.

Crossing ole man River
to the other Side--
where lurks Them
they us we Me.

121 · May 2022
Egg worms and crow
JoJo Nguyen May 2022
An singular, insular egg--

A poultry product trafficking from ancillary islands.

Why does Black Velvet weep in Buffalo?

Two Johnsons joined by  bitter worms, quantum entanglements

fed to little crows, caged birds howling cold and broken.
JoJo Nguyen Aug 18
I heard on NPR World of a father with twins

Two freshly minted
Pennies shiny   not
found left in the street
forgotten in the tray
like loose and expendable

16 (2222)
I heard news of >40K (2
asymmetrical deaths

Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan
remembers the prime 11

He was smitten by her
in October
11 (two nickels + one penny)

They married on the Island of Gaza

He remembers they wedded
In July

in August
symmetry was broken

Jumana gave birth  to
a boy, Asser
a girl, Ayssal

Four (2*2) days later
Mohammad, the accountant lost all his coins
We are sinistra with change
JoJo Nguyen May 2023
Elder flowers and snake bites
Watch out for the rattlers
babies are the most Dangerous

Chop their heads with shovels
bury them in unmarked fields

Copper Mountain with skis
buyer's Option purchased

9 month babies without souls
121 · Jun 2023
Again with the Arts
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2023
Pounding hearts
sounds like pounding farts

Pounding meats
smells like alliterative reeks

To be young and meager
To be green and so eager
without me
119 · Oct 2022
They Tea for Two
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2022
The I is not the me.
An AI is not an object
merely to pass methods

They Keys connect I
manig Ah moments HA
to a Forceful ki-AH!
JoJo Nguyen May 18
I'm out of my routine!

Sometimes we're grateful for things that break our routine.

Sometimes we're sad in the breaking of old routines.

Sometimes sometimes it's just same same but different-- a beautiful phrase learned in Thailand; where we don't live anymore; and we can remember the details of those joyous travel times, sometimes.

Sometimes we run out of time. Sometimes we have each other 2 love, 3 hate, 5 hold and 7 luck

And sometimes we roll Snake Eyes disasterous fortune on the *** line two singularity merging in a money Losing movie.

I think I have issue #1 of GI Joes!
114 · Jun 2022
You will be here
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2022
"Big Bessie throws her son into the street"
interlacing with Gwendolyn Brooks

It's a winter day
in July chimes
a chipped cup
precisely etched - eternally empty
- forever gainst the flame
the candle's imposition
Rooted here
in the future - down the Street
- We cool
- We fool
108 · Mar 24
JoJo Nguyen Mar 24
To suffer fools--
To see you--
To be--
from supermax panopticon.
104 · Mar 2023
Oh or Ode
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2023
Odyssey or an ill Id added on an Ego?

Here we are at the Apex!

Predators with an easy, downhill decline into senescence.

No apoptotic pyrotechnics No wizard's Dragon birth from hobbit mischief.

Iggy Pop stares us in the face voicing farcical fanfare --something about not being gentle with the good night

Smash her moon Face Punish her still
with adolescent Rage
Pounding still
for morning glory
even as holies poke
the fabric of our Universe
falsifying the theory of homogeneous beginnings

that begat us

the few, the Proud
the discreetly Great
White Snark
104 · Sep 28
It's cloudy
JoJo Nguyen Sep 28

I have us
Our shy Son
Our sun Shine
Here, in fantasy
There, in reality
In our Shrine

104 · Mar 3
Snapshot blood
JoJo Nguyen Mar 3
I live like a vampire s*cking life energy from snapshots;
to stay young, to feed on, to live on-- if not forever
at least until it matters.

Living in Twilight as an ancient being amongst beautiful people.

I don't wish I knew you when I was young.

I did; I was but today suffer my mood with me.
104 · Jul 14
Cold Mahavishnu Soba
JoJo Nguyen Jul 14
I luv strange sirens
lying At pond's bottom
Li many dead knights
cavalier in dance
over della nd valley morte
gas lit by their owned
intellectual noodles

We lie cold like soba or revenge

It will not be televised

the fusion,
Inverted Schmooing
A Mounting Inner Flame
A dance Meeting with Spirits
till the Dawn's early light

the Racing,
fast Noonward
2 dead lines scripted for a James Joyce
Netflix special late night

Like Bugz Vital Transformation
Like The Dances with Maya
Hey Jo. You know. You know.
Yawning in Awakening
like Kate or Kim or Kari or Karen or

2 Chopin's Nocturne
in repeating rhyming

5 patterns
103 · Nov 2023
Hello Matter
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2023
Hello people from the past--
Collected like dental
implanted detritus

We're all trash people
People who bathe
in plastic r/bb/sh

Hello people of future past--
dark matter matted hair
clogging a collective

We're all family
it matters
what's the matter?
doesn't matter

Hello people of past future --
We weakly interact
a Force fielding questions
prompting action

How else are we
to interact with
the Light?
The word that has been sanitized as ******* is rub concatenated with bish.
JoJo Nguyen Feb 17
But past distant times
She filters happy

I'm Bumble time
look for me
look for us
look for unfiltered
Time again

Drones at the Edge
of our Tomorrow
All our needs Killed

Live run dare

Set the butterflies in formation
Habituated motion
there is only Irimi

Love dare repeat
Thanks for reading parts of my soul organized for aesthetic appeal. It doesn't sell well. It never does.
93 · May 2022
My breakfast, my
JoJo Nguyen May 2022
My breakfast, my
vilifying to build internal
cohesion, moving in sync--
to actuate what?
Stylized, synchronized violence
resolves vanilla limits--
resources, rarity
barter, banter
to rectify an austere
child in a hood.
Stylized, synchronized violence
corporal spankings--
to hold a center
doing, doping--
to push our child
even though she is not better
than my non-existent
We are too busy
hustling, hating--
building, breaking
Stylizing our grotto
with shadows on wall,
ghosts in grime,
reminders of death
and dying
<Didn’t know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.>
88 · Jun 10
Couplets and Primes
JoJo Nguyen Jun 10
Ring and Stone (1+1+1)
Silver and Ruby (5)

Fire and Wind (1!+1+1, maybe unstable)
Kali and ****** (6, unstable)

Power and Noise (2+1+1, unstable)
Charming and Luck  (4, unstable)

Noose and Loose (1+1+1)
**** and **** (3)

Bowel and Bowl (1!+1+1, maybe unstable)
Dreams and Dear (3/4, maybe)

Fruit and Paint (1+1+1)
John and Pink (3)

Emancipation (5)
Purgatorio (5)

Color (2)
Verdant (2)
87 · Apr 8
Welcome to my life
JoJo Nguyen Apr 8
Lie or lye?
steal or stye
in the right eye

A mortal coil
on Kombat soil

Finish him
or hit the gym

I'm lost
in our galactic thrift
saving cheap coins
exchanged for hot *****

I'm found
in our sector drift
sold thru wooden skewers
over white hot embers
86 · Aug 2023
Furious Five
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2023
No war here
no famine
nor pestilence
And yet and yet

Heard poets last light
Shedding hearts
At the center-- Los Angeles
where the D line smells but
the A line is fresh clean but
not going to Harlem

We go to Lil Tokyo
new instead
Like a Lil Boy
Or like how a Fat Man
empties a plate

Like skin regenerating
in a dish instead
of scarring
like melanin'd flesh

A new skein
An Avatar
With white voice
And black bodies
Got to listen to some poets night - DTLA
Bridgette Bianca
Conney Williams
Nailah Porter
David Judah 1
Shonda Buchanan

They inspired.
This poem.
85 · Jun 2022
... in glorious day
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2022
in glorious day-- basking in sun
bass star or dough
A major or F minor chord
Graded white or brown Dwarf
Live dough or cash
bread or past die
cast of four sides
for magic-users
in baskious day - patient down
JoJo Nguyen May 18
My past, your past.

The weak interactions
that hold our Castle
made of sand together before
we fall into the Sea

A piece of mine
A piece of yours
A piece of mind
No feud here please
We not like them

Hey Jo
Jo where you going
with that fun
in your hand?

If I had courage
like the Lion on bricks
gold, I'd look for jerks
around a circle;

If I had wisdom
like a Witch's hair
silver, I'd find age
inappropriate gurls
and not old squares.
I decided to change the last line from
"and not old ladies" to
"and not old squares." It's geometry!
68 · Jun 30
Samba per Vinicius
JoJo Nguyen Jun 30
A blue guitar
The Picasso girl
The Vinicius boy
under a green sky
It's a song. Listen to it.

"Poeta mio, poeta vagabondo
Sei un cattivo esempio
Per la gente come noi
A fare come te si può scoprire
Che vivere non è
Cercare dei perché
Ma usar la bocca, gli occhi e il cuore"

It's the summer of 2024.

These words are from 1974 and more in my ear to hear, the 1976 with Ornella Vanoni.
And the year in-between? 1975 will be 50 years ago in 2025! Past Voices  in Today's Noise if we listen hard enough. HA!
37 · Sep 27
It's late for wanting
JoJo Nguyen Sep 27
Hey Sister
We've left boxes at Auntie's

I've taken my books
I've taken all my memories

The House is just a house
Kari was just a girl, a High School Crush
and Karen a Winter's Dance

Teenage Fantasy
left in cardboard boxes
Things we all want
"want it when we can't have it"

Middleage Reality
here in plastic containers
Things for donation
"when we got it, we don't seem to want it"
35 · Oct 3
Paul's Lette r
JoJo Nguyen Oct 3
I'm here at Kaiser again

Her hands are bruised
Her arms too where the IV needles are

The Last Rites this morning
and intubation last night

She, in her strength
and us, in our technology
give time

Time for long goodbyes
Amore ciao

A million years of socializing
make it hard to let go

The Tigers come?
It was quicker
No remnants

Leave her on the Trail?
Wolves come
Vultures clean

We were a different culture then
We are a new solution now

Osmolality and salt
drips to keep the pulse

No pressure drop
No karmic revenge

There's time enough to say bye
In time, we'll meet again
in time
in green dreams

They've started the morphine
They've stopped management

She's passed.

Her heart stopped
Ours fluttered

It is 10:55AM, Wednesday 2024
Writing this in her room. It's 9:14. When they stop the three drugs IV, her blood pressure will drop and she will pass
34 · Oct 2
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2
Have we read Harry Potter?

There are women who haven't and maybe never meet a therestral horse

She may not understand

But if she's alive and knows she'll die

She may sympathize

And if we are raised by Loving Hands
Cradled by arms warm
Comforted by Network wombs

We will empathize

Do we yet see the spectral horses
dancing in all their glory?

Or maybe it was a different novel
a different pub, a different tavern

A different Stalking Horse

A different Prancing Horse
named Ferrari
swift like a Black Stallion
magical as a White Unicorn
edgy comics from a Dark Horse

We say it's a Man's world but Witches carry the heavy load

The carriage carries only she and Eternity
while straggling psychopaths on foot pick up mementos

Longevity and psychopathy have their places
Autistic Souls linked within Maternal networks but disassociated

"Bring on the dancing horses"
"Jimmy Brown, made of stone
Charlie clown, no way home"

Headless moments squeeze our hearts none-the-less
I wrote this while walking home early to go to Kaiser. I added more on the drive to Irvine and finished most of it in her room.
JoJo Nguyen Oct 7
A time when the Fellowship was unbroken
And our Witches were in their Zenith!

And us?

Are we on another quest?
Magic users, frail and delicate?
Dreams and dreamers

Ageless nights with a Faer Queen
A lady of the first Twilight
Moon beams and fantasy

It's quiet

The first quiet before a storm
The second quiet is the storm
The eye of a Hurricane
The eye of the Rubin

"Hey Mr. Carter, Mr. Carter
Tell me, where have you been?"

Welcome back Mr. Kotter!

1 day ago
30 · Sep 30
Prime 2
JoJo Nguyen Sep 30
Always you
(2)         (1)
Sempre tu
(2)         (1)
Immer du
(2)         (1)

The sport of it; the game
If you want it, fight for it
Young "man, look at my life, I'm a lot like you" are
Fifty "four and there's so much more"!

An old dog willing to learn new tricks

New tricks on the Street?
Trick-or-treat ask for the Sweet?

Was the Season of the Sticks a failure
because we didn't win the final game?

Coaches say happiness is in the struggle
        or was it suffering?
Falling in love is insufferable

Monks and pirates say life is suffering
        or was it pain Highnest!
"anyone who says differently, is selling something"

New tricks to learn!

Michael Jordan hustled tricks
for six seasons before he had his first child!
Were those six childless years failures?

Our therapist would say keeping  
our eyes on the prize is good:
Goals help us improve, help us find happiness, help us embrace
the Absurd Movable Feast of P^ssy

Sempre tu sounds hollow
like a God chortle -- lacy mirth in
high heels; s^xy but not malicious
She never is

Immer du feels dry
like flatten dimensions of curved
hips and stiff swords reduced
to moisten bints lobbing scimitars

Me andyou
(1)         (2)
You andme
(1)         (2)

Reduced happiness?
28 · Oct 7
Middle class hood
JoJo Nguyen Oct 7
Zone of Transition
Cortical interneurons before
Their tangential invasion

Or gabaergic Purkinje
Amassing Armada before
Their radial Normandy

I was never officer
Maybe I'm a gentle

A Lone wolf without a cub
A Vagabond fantasy

A black and white Zatoichi
Transmogrified 2
A colorful toxic Hanzo
2 masculinity


There's the rub

A middle path
Neither right nor left
But definitely dexterous and sinister

A Babel tower er^ct
In our lingual babbel

Or a gradient descent
With our Fel*rian Queen


A censored Blackhawk down
Or Phoenix propaganda rising

We don't really matter
In our Bird Clan cl^m@x

8 minutes ago

For every birth, a passing
For ever passing time
A birthday

Compressing my heart
Compressing indigo
interlaced with green

We all have our Grand
Mothers - bookends gone
because our stories r neverending

Yesterday I danced
under the first quarter Moon

Monday, I'll be a pallbearer
again bearing witness
2 Jedi grace in parting

And in the mourning
In the early day light of night
I won't forget

Bye Thursdays, I'll be with she
A moment glowing in the dark
under a Hunter's Moon

9 minutes ago

— The End —