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702 · Sep 2013
wearing tube sockets
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2013
The threads wave
around, interferometric
process that form my

It's a long white
one with green, thin
stripes, the sporty
kind on

I pull them
old school up, knee
high in Cooper-fashion,
running, executing
a fast-break Worthy
enough for MBA Network
702 · Jun 2015
Mindy's song, meh
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2015
As close letting
to bending bones

As wide setting
so mending minds

As We of age,
collateral children
in time will rage

In strapless grown,
in dead damage
razed by wings flown.
692 · Sep 2016
Morning Be's
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2016
In twilight of cloudy morning
I look unglassed into a mirror
and sight nearly the old
face that use to be

In reflective hours of still
young morning
I listen for passing echos
from cars and passengers on
their Work way that will be

In greying silver of late morning
Summer I feel expire
as the class of 2020
arrives at Harvard
wondering want can be
685 · Nov 2016
Who's down with OOP?
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2016
I'm down with OOP
You down with OOP?
Yeah you know me

Somewhere before
the code was
the Word and
the Word was
the Class and
the Class was
the Word

In the beginning
the Word named
the Class God and
called an instance

This is ourUniverse
There are many like it,
but this one is ours
ourUniverse is our best friend
It is ourLife
We must master it as we
must master ourLife

There maybe many
other parallel instances
but ours is our favorite no
butts about it

Yeah you know we
Who's down with OPP?
We're down with OOP
Happy Thanksgiving!
682 · Feb 2013
Song #7
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2013
David meditates, sings and Cushes words like Yemini.

Yawn when I seek refuge,
and cover me your mouth from pride,
least lions tear apart my mercy,
each piece and part never delivered.

Yawn if I do,
doing with wrong hands
rewarding U in peace with my fist,
seeking a foe for no reason.
Yes. Pass the Fiend thru the pieces,
and yes, lay my dust,
honored on the Erd.

Yawn in anger,
so different than the wrath of my enemies,
waking for me, giving me judgement,
finding me a band of hands
beating, clapping, higher & higher.
What does the director think
of all this righteous clatter?
My Ray Charles stitched on trial
for wicked this way done.
Let's groove to the just
with heart and head.

A shield in Yawning.
A left-handed Mit,
judging in right field.
Yes. Yawn in anger daily,
while U in prison, sharpen that stick,
bend your back, pull that gut,
and shoot the broken arrow
to light up the sky.

You see? In just twice time,
you see mischief conceived
in womb of lies.
He dug that hole,
and fell head first, a minor
***** slapping him in return.
Slapping him from the heights,
yawning just twice time,
to wake, sing, and praise most high.
678 · Jun 2013
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2013
Time is curved
spaciously along
pushed strings

constrained by
thickness of
stringy ropes

A bang splits
point-like to
cooling forces
beyond spontaneity

Membrane rupture
prevented only by
seeding of
life within bilayers

Weak and Strong
forced together
again by surface
677 · Jul 2016
Higher Groundlings
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2016
it's the old Lehman
interlace again I
wonder how many I's
might some day buy The
Daily Mirror making
David the first poet to become
rich but like so many artist long
after they're dead

we're like nerve fibers
fasciculating fine word
that juxtaposes well to fardels

we bear-- words
heavy with too much bass
restricting us to only 3
degrees of freedom: Music
Word and Color

we' ld build a higher Babble
if only unbound from
a flat syllable world

we'd settle the Prometheus score
with 4D notes like cut-red-Bminor-spin

we'd render the higher ordered
flesh with 10D swirl-syncopated-reflect-bass-kisses-Lorena-Tom-***-soft-cookware­
to a fatty shard able
to cross synaptic chasm but maybe
we shouldn't for there's the rub in our xenophobic
extra dimensions

we'd find Superman
banished enemies or Buckaroo
aliens waiting to invade they always come from that extra
dimension don't they the ones

we don't fully understand the ones
wavering on the edge of perception of curiosity of fearfulness of exploring
a neighbors yard watchful for their dog
ready to run back
to safety back
to our one dimension back
to one Word
675 · Jul 2015
Indri Morning Playas
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2015
Don't hate the Playa,
hate the game.
But do you believe in a brave
new Gaming World?

A Halo sheen,
sheathing ancient veins,
pulsating, and spurting
forth the same old sins to love,
while we saunter and strut,
pointing at taunted sinners to hate.

It's hard loving Playas,
cuz they smells, and cuss like a *******.
Dumb ***** singing
beautiful Indri morning
wake up gospels from an old extant
lemur memory trace.
667 · Apr 2014
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2014
We say with Glee to each other
"you're gonna miss me when I'm
gone", tap, tapping a hollow,
rhythmic heart beat tune we all
can dance 2.

Blue songs -- heart break, and heart
make -- comforting white
noise from a TV left
on because we need company
while shuffling about our
widowed empty nest.

Is the truth always sad or
does it make us angry?

The clinical diagnosis is no one
will remember when I'm gone.

There'll be no shrine in a living
room reminding us
of Vietnamese grave sites
where my father's, his
father's, my uncle's, and my cousin's
names are written.

All the boy's names are forgotten.

Modern girls need closure, shutting
the door to past boys
because it hurts too much
when the shoe is on the wrong

We wonder which gender
neutral Gloria will survive,
and which stupid
lock should have been changed,
and which door must close
forever, forgotten.

Maybe the truth does set
us free, but we don't realize
it yet and still comes back to
haunted houses,
spending ghost money from
a displaced parent's love wallet.
648 · Nov 2013
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2013 is now
the PROUD sponsor
of poorBrand!

In surveying the investment landscape,
JoJoBrand3 has identified THE MOST
RISKY place for your money on the planet!

And as we all know,
the more RISKY the investment,
the BIGGER the reward.

For a lump sum cash inject,
your potential long-term
payout are ASTRONOMICAL!

Sure, it's risky. Any
investment has risks
and this one certainly does.

It could BACKFIRE in your face.
It could CARJACK the premium you pay.
It could KNIFE you on the road to Jericho.
It could FAIL miserable just
when you need IT, but
think of the HUGE windfall
this THING might yield!

The prospectus for our
is forth coming.

If you have extra cash
waiting on the side line,
wait no more.

Make no mistake,
poorBrand is NOT poor,
people or brand.
It is PURE discounted
future earnings!

Invest in poorBrand!
646 · May 2015
Protocol Droids
JoJo Nguyen May 2015
It's quiet except for the humming
of the machines.

Do we call them machines or instruments?
Do they do or do they measure?

They're little helpers who organize
thoughts and time, blocking
hours with workers, friends and

A list manager of sorts.
It's easy -- something like:
>Monday, 5:00 pm - family.Christine
>Tuesday, 12:00 pm - friend.Giorgia

And when we miss an appointment
our helpers are fire-walled
from disappointment, sorrow
and lost.

They stay functional.

It's easy for their electronic hands
to <strikeout>
meetings held in an hour

-- something like:
>Sunday, 1:00 pm - family.Dad
<strikeout>Sunday, 1:00 pm - family.Dad </strikeout>

-- something like:
>Saturday, 7:00 pm - family.Aunt
<strikeout>Saturday, 7:00 pm - family.Aunt </strikeout>

It's done-- changed from a living one to a final zero,
binary absolution.

Our stream continues,
released from obligations
that I hold tight

We're not Protocol Droids.
We feel Ghosts in the Machine.
We see Apparitions in the Rituals,
and Sprites in the Protocols
running through our network

There's no clemency for us.
JoJo Nguyen May 2013
it’s not old style, old school plain glass. it
may look old, but it’s new, stressed new;
glass soaked in molten cation.
ensnared in furnace, one cat is exchanged for
another making glass super strong.
this is good.
what doesn't **** makes you stronger.
yes and no Pink.
if you soak your heart in molten cation.
you will come out shining and new,
strong like a ******?
you have to understand the alchemy.
you see, in a headout collision with
new Stressed glass, it
breaks into a thousand tiny
safe pieces.
you won't have sharp shards, or
receding hairline fractures,
cracks and fissures spreading across
fatty deposited windshield.
the new heart is stress tested.
no spreading wave depression,
across your fiber glass network.
The crack is localized.
When the collision is big enough
the entire windshields shatters.
I guess you have to replaced it with
a new  stress, molten dipped, cation exchanged
639 · Jun 2013
Rock Paper Scissor
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2013
Laws of the Father bind me in physical world,
a covenant with force and gravity,
irrefutable in fuzzy logic.

Words of the Son band us together,
a commune encircling one
Adam-Man-tight golden ring
till death do we part.

Where is the Spirit shadow?
Where do prowling animals growl,
free hand holding, pushing an invisible
feast, movable and sustaining?
636 · Feb 2013
Google Translate Games
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2013

يجب. به. القيام به. فعلت. ذهب.
يجب. العطاء. أعطى. حصلت. السماح.
يجب. يبحث. بدا. رأى. غادر.
يجب. أخذ. اتخاذها. استغرق. الاستماع.
يجب. تدريس. تدريسها. الصدمة. دراما

Should I? Must I?
A tender gave, gotten and allowed to leave,
looking left, sawing to the remains

Should I? Must I?
Take this catch, crooked took listening,
learning, a dramatic shock taught?

هل علي أن؟ لا بد لي؟
وقدم العطاء، وحصلت على ويسمح له بمغادرة،
وتبحث اليسار، نشر على رفات

هل علي أن؟ لا بد لي؟
خذ هذا الصيد، ملتوية أخذت الاستماع،
التعلم، علمت صدمة درامية؟
If you speak  Arabic, please give me your  own  version/interpretation in Arabic!
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2016
if we're blue right
it out in a left
handed jaundice
sky a golden sky sky
key yellow way

like we're creeping
banana wallpaper pealing
off heaven in claps
of thunder clawed
off  beneath tiny
media sausage paws
of a black & white Terrier
we've dressed

in unnatural
sarcasm difficult to rightly
see in the tall indigo
grass we're

green again if mixing
blades with lowly plain Asian
tone is a thing
626 · Apr 2013
I regurgitate.
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2013
to the. I always.
I know. Noise falls.
the necessity. Strike One.
My body. When I.
your hair. I think.
it starts. So many.
What is. when I.
If you. The world.
i read. I was.
Wearing A. You're right.
I'm pretty. everything.
Your *******. It's like
Once upon. I brought.
I'm falling. obviously.
To the. It is.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't.
Your cup. i know.
the truth. you turn.
I checked. Leo.
you brought. your eyes
your lips. you are.
because. poison.
626 · May 2013
JoJo Nguyen May 2013
My quantum politics,
occupies two Space at the same time.
Is it possible?!
Macroscopically, it doesn’t seem possible,
but at quantuam levels, I enter the center,
pulling the masses, the gravitation
that is us.
Black hole. The unknown? Not Stasis.
Not Equilbirium. Death: an uninteresting
recycling between two states.
At the event horizon?
There I am pushing too, out to the far left.
the agenda curved and futurist.
How can I fault another quantuam state
far on a momentum right in opposite spin?
We Fuse at the dense core
of a black hole sun, and meet beyond.
617 · Jan 2016
Coffee with LehmanStream
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2016
Wake, read, work
and Repeat.

Sounds like a movie
instead of coffee
with my father


with David Lehman
on March 30
living The Best Years of Our Lives

reading again David
things I've forgotten
things We'll only remember

living in the Matrix
of references and inside joke,
literature search
and transposed multiplication
instead of regularized

how funny our dad
is who knows only trees
and the bitter cold as Winter
sets in my lips are dry
what do we say
skin like parchment

how funny our Dad
who only knows
streams of information
shows as allegory
"Shaka when the walls fell"

what's a good movie
quote for Failure?

The Titanic?
always the sinking
is corrupted with an interlacing
Rose at the bow
dreaming of forever love

We dads aren't Dana Andrew
We don't even know
that is and don't care
We're frantically Raising
Arizona blossoms in concrete
soil two beautiful
We CK Lewis Dads

Lehman time is
over time to take a shower, work
and Repeat.
I'm trying to finish "The Daily Mirror" by David Lehman. I think I bought the ebook in 2011!
609 · Feb 2013
Three Wise men
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2013
Three Wise men
were dividend on money.
The First suggested drawing
a circle in dirt's poverty,
and casting fortune to the air.
If cash lands in circle dare,
give it to the job creators.
No, said the next Scholar fair.
If luck falls outside circle's care,
give it to the job suppliers.
The last Magi quickly realized
that squandered worth never returns
from Heaven, and interest earns
nothing in God's keeping.
599 · Jun 2016
coffee breakfast
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2016
a coffee breakfast last
year dad had just passed
away last month ta ree
the year before i'm away
from Home again i think
I can still call
them and talk update dad
on work ta ree for a recipe or how
to cook something I remember
everywhere there's food
and habit and repetition they
are there like the coffee
593 · Jan 2015
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2015
moving always gather dust,
swirling plumes
stuck in tiny granules of sweat,
and tears. secreting pores
cl0gged with detritus
of past life stirred
in passage to a short
sharp future.

a shocking c0llection
of earth, keratin, and
electron sheen on me,
or submerging
or subverting
0r diverting,
obfuscating or
simply schmooing
in a l0osely trailing
tendril connecting fragment,
piece, & sticky speck.

i join more fl0aters
hidden off in forgotten
co0l corners of history.
592 · Sep 2013
Oh K?
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2013
When the brothers K. are in
a knife fight in
their own house, we
tend to stay away.

But what if
their struggles spills,
knocking over A. lamp?
A jinn smoke signals the sky,
and a fire catches, spills.

These are row houses, built
side-by-side with adjacent thin walls
and a shared inner courtyard.

Are we ready to douse
the flames? Can we risk
the community?

In the end, we bury
chard remains, blacken flesh
because the only thing left
will be chipped bone,
and broken blade.

We bandage
an orphaned Daughter,
and steady the vacant stare
of a wobbly Son.

There is nothing we can do
for the Brothers k. It's too late
to separate them now.

Maybe if we give them guns,
the killing suicide will be faster
this thing over easier,
and the Community
razed sooner.

No. I don't need Mom's
accusatory glances, nor
Father's displaced fury.

I am morally bankrupted
and save only the house
because the family is messy,
and cheap like all families.
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2013
There is one distance or diameter through the center. There is only one D. Cir equals two pir or just pid, big D with e's pie-eating smile. If you look at e'm askant you can see how the i's drop out in a furtive way to leave only cr/p.

E wears cr/p as a badge of honor on e's tee. It's how e chooses to identify with the infinite Volume. Pir or pid, both are too circumspect. D quantifies directly, but really E's just two r or r as a diminutive D half step down.

As a minor E didn't fly. Twice promoted now, D is much happier as a major, three quarters of a Volare. E gets to fly three quarter skies with three roots dug deep, deep down twice into the sunken earth, a visceral connection to a Cantare.
588 · Dec 2017
JoJo Nguyen Dec 2017

A child traces animal ghosts on a cave
wall Left
pictures we had before
our memories and youth
were in them


We dig down Trees in primordial
dirt Left
hidden as roots-- a Dad our Moms
found still loving us diverging
green offshoots

The furrowed brow on an infant's
face Left
impressions within a big sister's
emerging intelligence the natural

to an ancient
matriarchy Left
here full of media streams
saturated with siblings
nieces and cousins


Will social constructs
connections Left
on neural networks firing
locally across our communal souls
be remembered?
579 · Mar 2013
Moving Boxes
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2013
It's really happening.
The leftover boxes
from the last moves
are being filled up again.

Enigmatic handwriting
across shipping tape, remnants
from another script
being lost in translation, somehow
scrawled on the wall, understood
and turned meaningless
as paper, shirt, and souvenir
change places,
coalescing in another box
or completely vanishing
behind a dividing line.

It's time to say goodbye
to so many things.
Long goodbyes,
thru work days
and youthful nights
when all added up,
too short to catch
my breath.
571 · Aug 2015
as if.
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2015
we read enough poetry
or short stories from steve
Millhauser, the "as if"s
become like

splotches there, interstitially
holding visceral fragments
together as if by
logical cement.

it's as if our heads have become
saturated, or supersaturated
till the now and then moments
crystallize around "as if"s.

we wonder why
our loves doesn't nucleate
like <from> a more solid rock
or why
our agreeable phrase
spreads as creamy cream cheese
on thoughtless bagels?
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2015
Though we vacationed in a castle, though I
rode you hard one morning to the hum
of bees that buggered lavender, and later
<quote />
It reminds me of riding in trains, in Europe, in Italy, in love.
Read the rest of this lovely poem @//poets dot org//
Use their search bar to find the two poems by Beth.
545 · Apr 2016
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2016
We're at Harvard, the same one as Bill Gates and Mark what's his Facebook, except we're not students anymore and our safety net are passing away from cancer and infection leaving us eating pizza and working long hours on things we're passionate about but if we fail we can't go home again because Love isn't there anymore to cook us delicious food that we pack back to school every weekend because she really did walk the walk and not just the talk, walking in the sand of Christ's Word she believed in so much, loving everyone even though we all have little cheats, private incentives and selfish priorities-- but really, is protecting favorite nephews from a harsh world so that we won't have Viet Minh from a forgotten war haunting our dreams, coming to get you because we're French Colonial bad brand, bad? In the end it makes no sense-- we all become practical capitalist selling catfish to a buddhist America who talks a good talk about free love trade zones but the not so hidden agenda unilaterally transfers wealth with USDA inspected protectionist condoms.
545 · Feb 2013
Dancing Change
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2013
We dance on Kali's sword,
watching memories fade
away in real-time.
Dance, fool, dance.
Arms looped in arm,
we circle, chanting, holding
on to each other
as the world is cleaved,
and shaped into...
Or just plain old something new.

A chaotic whites
at least not stained red
this time too much.
We small band
looping, preserving,
what we think best
for Vishnu to fill up
the next green sprouts
with purple majesty.
544 · Jun 2013
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2013
Lost and alone my thoughts fall
through seas of doubt and apprehension.
I pace across desolate hall
wanting to fill vacant chambers with fruition
And yet lacking a quick tongue
to woo my siren who walks the earth.
Lacking a sweet song when sung
will kindle a fire to heat my hearth.
I search my desert husk
For those stray, shy words to light
a bonfire against this lonesome dusk.
I search for the rush, that if right
will bring a warming voice
and soft eyes so that I may rejoice.
More rhyming couples from the past.  I had graduated from UCLA, was living in Brentwood, and writing sporadic poems to no one in particular. Don't listen to this poem. Those were good times!
527 · Oct 2016
Sia inspired
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2016
I'll love you till
the day I die
but I ain't living another
day with a handful
of weekend vacations
and spurts of popcorn comfortable

I'll love you on
my death bed, but
I ain't your mamma

Give it to me
I'm worth it it's
you and me
in our rough *** cell

You'll  stand at my funeral
after working the most boom
***** to death
and say

I ain't sorry
I'll love you till the day I die
but I ain't your daddy
me or the machine?
525 · Jan 2017
Again with the Kali!
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2017
Where can I find Kali?
I have no Gold to Gamble
No body wants me
A cyclopic *******
Perhaps I can find her
In my massive consumption
of Drink<strikeout\ing\>  and Swine?
524 · Jan 2013
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2013
She wanted magic, not rationality.
She wanted me to prove that 1+1=2.
I don’t think she wanted an empirical proof.
I thought logically, if we assign yellow = 1;
yellow + yellow should equal yellow,
but it doesn't, it equals 2.
Next, rationally, if we assign both yellow =1 and blue =1;
yellow + blue should equal green, empirically!
Irrationally, it equals 2 too.
What 2 do, yellow or blue?
Has 1 been overloaded with two colors?
How does one, overworked carry two loads of green?
524 · Oct 2017
I have my breakfast
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2017
I have my breakfast
I have fool's art

I have my bass
that never learns
a slapping face
wears fine lines
between syncopated opiates
and rhythmic beats

In our Populous cities
success crescendos
to demands for a stadium
full of gladiators dying
in entertaining tragedy

We have time
We have loose change

We have youth
that imp which finds

Romans still sneak
under progressive lust
beneath beer fences
and Coliseum bleachers
with girlie giggles
and stiff speared Heroes
into history
What's going on, what's going on
523 · Jan 2023
Olde Tymers
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2023
For Gwendolyn Brooks

And with that 2023
has slid into we

Bound in leather
or some new polymer

Alloys coaxed together
Like Master and server

We Olde Tymers
We Neu! Rhymers

Fashion updaters
Swift haters

What weird magic
this that binds tragic

sado to majestic maso
a Quanto entanglo

In rusty romp we fumble
as dream walls crumble

A Sun begs for mercy
A Flower forgives

Strange entanglements
Mixing emerging flavors
521 · Mar 2016
thin things
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2016
The Alert
says I
should take a shower
the spray comes thin
like Twiggy from
the 70s
like Kate Moss from
magazines that can't turn a
profit like David Lehman's
warm shower trickling down
a cold April back
it's the tip of March
and the thin rain
like my Blood loving
into mist memories
519 · Feb 2013
Three in One
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2013
In the Beginning,
just 1/10^1,000,000,000,000,000 second
after a Big Bang,
before Strong and Weak
before Strings formed
from broken Circles,
Song, Dance and Word
were One.

When we dance,
when we sing,
when we write
these written words,
don't we glimpse
that 1/10^1,000,000,000,000,000 second
who's name comes
close only when
these three
whirl in me?
514 · Nov 2016
Ode to the Sparrow
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2016
What is the Sparrow to me
or I to Spared sorrow be?

They like we dart
in visual space
trying not to ****
from exertive Race!

We fly on Change
loose jangling face.

Venom eyes range
with furtive cover
for succulent dress
to stripped under
talon's caress.
513 · Dec 2013
Flying from Belarus
JoJo Nguyen Dec 2013
My friend's mother is from Belarus. Recently, she got on a plane to visit him in DC, and sat next to another Belarus woman who had never flown before. After several hours flying, they hit turbulence. The plane dropped and tumbled in pockets of dead air. The woman turned to my friend's Mom and asked,
"Have you prayed?"
"Yes" was the reply.
She nodded and then continued her stare at the vast Atlantic Ocean out the window below. After a few moments, she turned and asked,
"Do you know how to swim?"
My friend's Mom replied,
"Yes... but I'm not sure in which direction"
509 · Mar 2013
magnetic poem exercise (ii)
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2013
wearing champagne
moist circle
of green salty lips
a concrete glass
girl pierced
throbbing dirt
red bone
506 · Jul 2015
Fuck Stuck by Naomic Morris
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2015
Do I ******* or hate you?
<quote />
So direct!
Read the rest of this short poem at poetryfoundation dot org
505 · Jul 2016
light poems
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2016
we write poems about the Sun
because long after we
are gone long after
We have changed
She will be still be here

perhaps the poems will persist
harder than any stone or
ring any steel germ
or marriage guns

perhaps the pink voices
of early morning dawn
will resonate
faster than momentum
because our measured
lyrics are lost bathing

we write warm
golden octaves hoping
the Diogenes light
will find an honest Son
502 · May 2016
Grey Somerville with Patsy
JoJo Nguyen May 2016
Another grey, rainy day
in Somerville
maybe that's why Patsy
Cline loops back
in baby's arm
bringing back Tom
ole Brentwood roommate shortly
after OJ murdered Nicole
and Bob who wrote the song
died in 2014 but it didn't
ripple through any brook
of our shared nook


Strange how we can only tell
stories with other peoples
Strange how yours still in all
my dreams

How strange
495 · Jun 2016
It's just a heartache
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2016
I live in a dark coal-de-sac
giving off Bonnie Tyler sparks
the Rod Stewart of loneliness,
feeling heart arch at Market Basket

I go up and down elevator
music with hooks
and loops bringing
back Ghost and Word

Modern interlacing
ritual and food
in my head and in our
breaking bread

Why do you think the feast
is movable?

Weekend food shopping;
stocking; cooking some,
but most of it,  wasted,
rotting away even with
modern coolness

It's just me. It's just she
The time is gone,
the nest is empty
wish I had something more
to say

It's just Dad visiting
every weekend
to sit with his daughter
to watch his granddaughter
play soccer

It's just Mom cooking
a minor chord meal,
nothing like the Major
meals of her missing
older Sister

It's just weekend sushi
or Pho in Simi Valley
modulating one
Key memory to another

The voices go
ghosts fade
and yet the ritualistic
love persist in my
looped head in my
OCD play
at every meal
repeatedly self cutting
our geometric thought
Elements within a Euclidean
For Dad, one year gone; Ta Ree two year gone.
495 · Apr 2014
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2014
494 · Aug 2016
Nobody ever expects
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2016
Cancer takes us to dinner
then ghosts me never
calling again

The anger, sadness
and disappointment
metastasizes to every
node of our social

In desperation we rip
me out leaving wires

Eventually, new growth cones
form and try again to connect me
with we but perhaps the two
scared ends have given up

And the fibers connecting us
will fade in a slow Wallerian

Cancer will never know
and never cared
492 · Sep 2017
Hirshfield's Invagination
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2017
What does it mean when
Our impish curiosity at forty eight
grows tired and ridiculously became
an Ancient soul at twenty three?

What is poetry heard when
Our otic form invaginates
to a nothingness shape
worthless for publication?

Who inherits money when
Our optic evagination
lives large and expands
sideways not in Academia?

When do features play at
Our theaters twenty three
weeks less computationally
intense than forty eight movies?

Where Is Rogue One seen when
Our self-organizing map
projects friends and faces
onto a understandable dimension

Our two faced goodbye, Ciao

are when hazy mornings rise
in O'Keefe's blue note
meeting our Aloha
surfing stem cells reduced
in the returning space-time
tide to a 1D-film

We have two ins but only one out
I've read Jane Hirshfield's Habit, and Hope and Love...
492 · Jan 2013
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2013
Moving, we are all in transit
stops, packing things into boxes,
thinking about where now
feeling tugs from there then.

Bubble-wrapped Indeed.
com, searching for Jobs
as we pack traces
because people move on
refusing plastic stasis.
488 · Nov 2016
Left of Center?
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2016
Love the Center thing
Miss that
and miss Everything!

Love the Center thing
We miss that
We miss Everything?

Love the Center thing
if we Miss that
2e'll miss Everything#

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