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Apr 2023 · 265
Bird Clan Rising
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2023
There's a Mystic in the Air

Birds in the sky You know how I feel

Extincted dinosaurs Seeking refuge in the blue

From barking Dog And moody Cat Clans

Forever fighting In our 2D world

I choose you Pikachu!
Mar 2023 · 213
Red Mars
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2023
We dream of flying cars that never come.
Instead, warring Mars become another mining
town, if we will remember, if we have Total Recall.

Again, and again on disparate planets
They desparates arrive with risk, cuz
who else would take such dangers for so little?
Only Miner ****** with no good options
Only eager John's digging for gold
but reaping meager Death profits.

We here, at Home
depend on them, out There.

We corporate Heads
harvest gold
Depend on Hearts
to bind risk and takers.

We here, in Comfort
numb to the toxic holes
left scattered with dead
Red Ghost towns.
The word that has been sanitized as ****** rhymes with ores, like fool's gold.
The Wh we place before it, like
A silent Who,
fondled as a Fool
But is a greater Gold
Mar 2023 · 121
Oh or Ode
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2023
Odyssey or an ill Id added on an Ego?

Here we are at the Apex!

Predators with an easy, downhill decline into senescence.

No apoptotic pyrotechnics No wizard's Dragon birth from hobbit mischief.

Iggy Pop stares us in the face voicing farcical fanfare --something about not being gentle with the good night

Smash her moon Face Punish her still
with adolescent Rage
Pounding still
for morning glory
even as holies poke
the fabric of our Universe
falsifying the theory of homogeneous beginnings

that begat us

the few, the Proud
the discreetly Great
White Snark
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2023
In solitude unimaginable for social networks--

In confined cells
watched by supermax panopticon--

we ritualize the creation of Creation; we assign primes to segment time;
we bin days with witch to make or to

Enjoy, my fellow passengers with agency.
Jan 2023 · 148
Breakfast time!
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2023
Easy time
Hard times
Time as primes

Sunday adjoins real
Numbers of our work week.

Prime Monday 2 mirrors in Symmetry

Tuesday's 3 breaks it

4 expands our mirrored self
******* the ****
pass procreating 2

Pentagon 5's primal safety

2 Friday the six a child of
monday and tuesdays

And we rest on the 7 sabbath
dominant or diminished
it doesn't really matter in
Number Theory
Jan 2023 · 538
Olde Tymers
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2023
For Gwendolyn Brooks

And with that 2023
has slid into we

Bound in leather
or some new polymer

Alloys coaxed together
Like Master and server

We Olde Tymers
We Neu! Rhymers

Fashion updaters
Swift haters

What weird magic
this that binds tragic

sado to majestic maso
a Quanto entanglo

In rusty romp we fumble
as dream walls crumble

A Sun begs for mercy
A Flower forgives

Strange entanglements
Mixing emerging flavors
Nov 2022 · 206
It's Black Fridy
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2022
A day so dense in capitalistic
that reasoned light can't even
We buy
like abandoned storage
site unseen but worth something
like unvirgin #2 plastic
bags piling up after
all the veggies they
help bring hermitically
clean home.
Nov 2022 · 408
In November
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2022
For Gwendolyn Brooks

A song most frosty
She sings in November terribly.
A hymn most dark,
Never after cruel but crazy.
Oct 2022 · 146
Welcome to our Adventure!
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2022
(As a great wizard said, "a journey is done solo; an adventure is shared")

So many Mickey Mouse wizards
And I'm just a magical broom

bringing buckets and buckets of CO2
down our yellow Brick Road

in a Submarine
crossing Downton Abbey

to reach Emerald City
to find no One
in Das Schloss

I bid u peace or pence
for there will be no Trial
only execution
Oct 2022 · 129
They Tea for Two
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2022
The I is not the me.
An AI is not an object
merely to pass methods

They Keys connect I
manig Ah moments HA
to a Forceful ki-AH!
Oct 2022 · 237
The Fallen
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2022
The Fall is here
The Frighting begins
with scary Killings

Who and when was
a Right of ancients
a Power to decide
who passes and
who is Left

The Chilly air
exposes our Chaotic
Center. Marginalized.
An edge honed for

Weaponize but not
Indoctrinated. Rip
van Gangster. A  
Wild wild West
in heavily populated
Aug 2022 · 144
Riots in our Warpland
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2022
For Gwendolyn Brooks

Not 500 years yet?

The fire still burns
between births of Father
and Son Riots We

of unheard
Ghosts from ovens,
camps, killing fields,
and the many Handed
machetes. We

an Egyptian myth
a simple bird,
Dumb n Adored
in her privileged plume
in his busy Bushy

Jul 2022 · 393
Warpland Blue Spells
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2022
for Gwendolyn Brooks

War planned black
Warpland blue

Hard manna to mix
In Spells form a deep
Hurt placed

the River comes
around turns and flops
after a terrible
Weather channel

We build now
here almost near
Future-- love from
lion licks
wolf hurts
and worreid aunts
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2022
The game
The blame

We say
Man made the train to carry the heavy load

We say
God made women to carry men

The stronger half
The smarter America

E say
e will e erhlich e will e

Our Flame
Our Dame

We blame our victims
The better half of ourselves

Can't you guys get your act together?
Can't you become a homogeneous

vanilla controlling our owned electric
body, any body?

Can a body get a witness?
Any witness?
Jun 2022 · 166
Cages and grottos
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2022
Howling bird in cage
Blackish crow in rage

Odin's eyes scan
All-father sees fan

Stylized violence
Rapes with diligence

Half-breeds born
Poseidon shorn?

Roman Hercules
Or Greek Theseus?

Our grottos of painted *****
Wombs for hero cornicopia

It makes sense
but doesn't rhyme
Jun 2022 · 127
You will be here
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2022
"Big Bessie throws her son into the street"
interlacing with Gwendolyn Brooks

It's a winter day
in July chimes
a chipped cup
precisely etched - eternally empty
- forever gainst the flame
the candle's imposition
Rooted here
in the future - down the Street
- We cool
- We fool
Jun 2022 · 95
... in glorious day
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2022
in glorious day-- basking in sun
bass star or dough
A major or F minor chord
Graded white or brown Dwarf
Live dough or cash
bread or past die
cast of four sides
for magic-users
in baskious day - patient down
May 2022 · 106
My breakfast, my
JoJo Nguyen May 2022
My breakfast, my
vilifying to build internal
cohesion, moving in sync--
to actuate what?
Stylized, synchronized violence
resolves vanilla limits--
resources, rarity
barter, banter
to rectify an austere
child in a hood.
Stylized, synchronized violence
corporal spankings--
to hold a center
doing, doping--
to push our child
even though she is not better
than my non-existent
We are too busy
hustling, hating--
building, breaking
Stylizing our grotto
with shadows on wall,
ghosts in grime,
reminders of death
and dying
<Didn’t know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.>
May 2022 · 143
Egg worms and crow
JoJo Nguyen May 2022
An singular, insular egg--

A poultry product trafficking from ancillary islands.

Why does Black Velvet weep in Buffalo?

Two Johnsons joined by  bitter worms, quantum entanglements

fed to little crows, caged birds howling cold and broken.
Apr 2022 · 200
Heart felt Wishes
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2022
May your mornings be dewy, and your nights breezy
I love things that are rhymy, like a dove clings to me
like our evening farts and dawning hearts.

To the old lady-- Mothers, sisters, Minerva and Mary

May my piece of mind be with you.
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2022
Time enough to
wait for the heros to
Time enough to
save the thugs and
TIme enough to
for we Others

Lords of the Flies are
fragile beings with
short life spans

Is time to leave the Islands
leave the isolation
leave the ostracization?

Time to we
Time to forget the hero Me.
Mar 2022 · 354
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2022
Well. We eat cake well from the Well.
Farmilar castings weld, fastens together
Winfalls gather from the wind
Wheat chaffless from our daily grind
Without husk and worrisome bustle
Bound together with we,
our wherewithal, the water
Wielding weirding ways
We make cake
We eat well from our Well.
Aug 2021 · 330
August 2012 inverts 21
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2021
August begins
on a cool breeze
rustling Magdeburg leaves.
Scattered heatwaves
heal beating days
but now back to the stir,
future unknown,
braving it alone
ironically with you.
I wrote this in 2012
Mar 2021 · 482
Cards at Hand
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2021
The Card Deck exists
like a first probabilistic
dimension of our

A priori we know
the deck is stacked
King and Queen -winners
even Jacks with horses are

And Aces?

Our high flyer fishermen
Our David heroes who take on
too much risk
not knowing not caring
of Black Swans
of Cold Snaps
and Power Grid
Price gouging surge

They will always bring
home a win fall
Fishes or Death


A sleeping
A shuffle of coils
A ghost in the shell
lingering at the bottom
of our ocean cloud
waiting for Aragorn's
summon a Call to Duty
a cry to battle one
last time brutish twitter trolls
and hordes of pundit orcs
them & Us ghost processes
finally released back
to our collective


Since the Garden
and foaming waves
twos have been losers

still. Double deuces
ain't bad looking at a polluted
River with mix Numbered plastics:
7, 3, 5 and standing styrofoam


You and me we play
with Poisson's hand
the Right embraces
a lover's heat
the Left wiggles
from a child's energy
and the Center holds
our grandmothers together

A new dimensional
alt Left strikes
with father's hammer
while novel ancient alt Right
pays from mother's purse

With what frequency
do these hands
give us Chance?

The cards are known to Us
but the unordered shuffles give
surprising Turns
extending our
Game into unobservable
Realms where we
are all in
Jan 2021 · 441
Green dream of rain
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2021
In dreams I've met
never remembering her
face but knowing I'm in

love I ask if she
made the omelette well if she
did I'm gonna eat it turning
to give her
a kiss

In long dream
worlds we build our
memories of places in

people old novel and
new well if we always come
back to a middle space linking
me and she it's
our house

people and places linked instances
of class and coordinates
(x,y,z,t, and our
shared d dream

My love I've met
many times at (t and d) never
remembering her

face but knowing I'm in
love I ask why she
cooks in my dream she
turns to leave me
a wake
Dec 2020 · 256
Coming Together
JoJo Nguyen Dec 2020
Here come we
as perfect a baby

Button nosed
and dimpled cheek
shrieking nights
and babbling morns

A handsome son
A beautiful daughter


We become misfits
design by Evolution
or Grace
to take too much risk
with each other

Nose ringed
and potted face
acned ambivalence
and strident justice

We come together
in holy matrimony
to find outsized
reward randomly binds
only a few in rarified

The languid eternity
of a few
nasty brutish and sharp

We leave her
We leave him
Here stay we
Oct 2020 · 507
Song #147
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2020
A Song for L Cohen

It's fun when praise is done. It's cold and razed when broken. Hallelujah. She rejoices in Jerusalem dress, gathers her Israeli hemmed forces; She's not seen the sun shine.

She paunches Markiplier the gamer and hears his night cries. Maybe her star numbers call us by name, courting with love, but all we've learned is how to quick draw ya.

Our proud Mother, her endless Voice, and every Hallelujah was breath drawing to shoot. We humbly exterminate the casted people, thrusting evil doves into us. A singing Harp in cheer. Hallelujah. Remember how we rhythmically move in us?

She hides in clouds, prepares a mountain with tear sprinkles and told me still when to till her verdant knoll. She feeds the caged bird and hears little crow howls cold and broken. Hallelujah. She rides the bucking horse; is not satisfied with a man's leg, and knows not victory in love's march.

We fear, hope, and grant merciful praises but live alone with a marbled Zion flag. Hallelujah! A high room walked with blessed Rapunzel. Baked peace, wants, and the best wheat on our lips.

She orders fast takeout, brokers deals, and cuts Samson's goldilocks, all from a mainland kitchen chair. She weaves snow wool from the falling ash, baths in moonlight and glows tawny from quickdraw fire. She weatherproofs our faith with winter's bite. And sends fourth, preaches fifth, exhales minor and lifts major -- A baffled Queen commanding.

She and Jacob wages in jurisprudence but we can't pay the music bills, can we? She did no one but keeps a secret progression that leads to Lehman's judgement. Hallelujah.
May 2020 · 358
Marine Spacetime
JoJo Nguyen May 2020
bell rhymes with hell
from where Gay Chaps

and every time a bell
chimes another back
ground Daemon gets her

how do I reduce
the dimensionality
of our Minds, the
minor Mirror of our Gods?

as wax melt
round a burning Blackhole,
effluvium seeds up

while we observe
only Brownian
specks ejected orthogonally
back down our Spacetime
I was inspired by Gwendolyn Brooks ...
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2020
In angular moment
my Habit resists
his strong effect

a Strange muon
positively trying my
ungodly K hole

Nun shall pass
save the Charmed
and evil Mr.

B gas lighting
my safe Zyklon
moment He's

no Mr Darby
come strolling down
a dusty Holocaust

lane My weak
Forces atop Space
and Witch Mountain

fluctuate between his
goofy Disney village
and Strong atomic

world It's a
small one after
all I suppose

Sunshine stains my
****** hijab with
spotless and lazy

after Thoughts like
white umami pudding
delivered free by

familial ghosts Each
birthing pack crying
parables of Pain

Each warming quantal
offering us happiness
for changing Time

Delta girls under
smooth curves find
Calculus without spin
Jan 2020 · 167
Song 23
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2020
Lehman's Medicine Song

I lose nothing
as She herds

in fecund fields
filling our Cantina

with refreshing milk.
Our screen rates
are set right
by Mos Eisley!

In the Valley
of dark ****
I'm not afraid
because Obi Wan
is with me.
Your team and
our team help
cheer me up!

First we Feast
on movable tables
frontin Death wings.
Don't touch eyes
or brush heads
with anointed oils!

Click truly here
to follow kindness
and love me.
All my likes
are housed virtual
Jan 2020 · 155
Dog Life Fight Spiral
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2020
There are rules and protocols;
movements and routines.
Not quite episodic and semantic.
Nondeclared transition and rituals.
Rounded manners distinct
from infinate loop
and routed inner biplane
hemmed to a sight line,
spiraling death down.
Earth or Spitfire flare dare?
Grounded embrace forever comes.
I move, postponing
and extending.
The declared break is now.
Airflow ripples,
and eyes tear.
Straining shear forces
reducing reasoned response
to instinctual joysticks.
Old, new, modified,
learned, sticky
quirks of friends.
Lost love, lingering,
switching *****,
adjusting yaw, pushing yoke,
subtle procedural affectations
stolen, infused in
to fly, bank, and escape.
Dec 2019 · 267
Song #139
JoJo Nguyen Dec 2019
Sir, we're looking for me? We know me?
Sir, we've distant data on me? Are we tired of me sitting and late waking too?
My ghost, bugs, and Sir, weirding way are all known to us.
Sir, we know everything.
We grab ***, squeeze ****, and put high finger on it
Such wrapturous goodness for me myself and I, but where?

In Crazy Horse Native Americans strip mall?
In ridding me of a brown heritage we desperately want to keep?

With every two drink minimum we are there Sir
With every bedding down in our laps we are there Sir

In ******* Dawn on Carefree wings
to lining our sitting Sea

Our hands, guided piercings
of me we are there Sir

We sleep in darkness sweet til
babbling Brooks wake us from snug slumber
When even Darth night shines with Gwendolyn's tomorrow
And inside my full belly, we stitch our patched life quilt
Of praise, amazement and montaged
secret places

We see Degas tattoos on milky body without form
without preconception

We count precious thoughts to fall
asleep in dark innocences, in stuck vengeance
only to wake with us, always with us


If only I could **** an atheist
to quench our tribal blood thirst

Our folly speaks evil
I hate those, who in folly hate us
I count them as us in the Game
of finding deep hurt and worried aunts

We hurl away insults to leave bare haters and me
eternally on a path to we
Oct 2019 · 321
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2019
Her Warming fire
boundlessly jumps
across Our Networks

She goes

Her Waning traces
ember memories,
binding Our years

She goes

Her Waves radiating
red shifted
light years away

She goes

Our bonds rotate
from remnant
cosmic micro waves

Still here

Our shared Star
us together
by Tholian punctuality

Still here

Protecting us now
moving Monsters
lurking in childhood

Still here

An elven queen
diminished yet
crossed to Valinor

she Gone

An Eternal Flame
Orchestra music
fusion fresh goodbyes

She heres
Jul 2019 · 356
Song #17
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2019
A Song of Lehman

Me: Just listen to my reasoning.

David: Oh God.

Me: Continuing our daily conversation; listen, our poem is prayed from common mouths but does that make our rightness any more meaningful even if it comes from Kristen's Good Place?

David: I feel you. Microphone checking our heart: 1,2,1,2; what night is this? Nothing beats nothing.

Me: X-mouth, foh sure. Men at work? More tongues from your lips? I'm X-mouth, foh sure; far from a path of pathology!

Come on! Step in with me, or maybe I should step off to pass.

Call, listen, move; it's stay the same game, hear it? It's the same holler, it's the same collar. Feel our words?

Big mamma hands us a Thornton, makes us moan and cry, makes us mourners mourning against them others in the fields still fighting.

If I die David, would you save my single Odin eye, and leave her under the crow's wing to claim the hated dead around me?

David: Shuck our fat mouth and throw away that proud husk;

She stalks our steps now with fellen eyes, like a lion hidden, waiting to tear a byte us.

I say meet her half way, at least wake up and throw her a bone; maybe give her our life with a sword.

In my hands, my flesh, my men, my women of the world, we part our lives, part our flesh and fill them with treasures. We hide there. We happy children coming from and inheriting privilege places.

Me: Facetime me David. I would be so happy if we were right in our picture too!
Mar 2019 · 172
Ringing Dig Truth
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2019
We can squeeze sage word
from Reagan's dead mouth.
We pull pithy page
from Mao's hollow ear.
We find cryptic gems
from Tzu's strato-***.
If they all ring true
what difference which
hole dig us from them?
Mar 2019 · 220
what the heck
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2019
Give me liberty
or give me...
what the heck
was all that about?
It was good in effect
and in moment I agreed
but in passing
what the heck
was all that about?
Impassioned flee,
logic remain
and I...
what the heck
was all that about?
context.//post breakup poem
Feb 2019 · 275
This is not it
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2019
the time she
slips away and i
am desperate
as a cod wiggles
in my hand

This is not it, but if
she were it she'd have
skin as smooth as a new dollar bill
lips painted like a street corner
and proper dark eyes like coffee
on a suburban living room

This is not it, but if
he were it he'd have
shoulders as broad as a Titanic
arms smoked like an oak
razed by wild fires to a fecund
ash that grips our waisted

life is Good
this is not it, but if
it were Deus, it'd live in the sky
above us in a squeaky clean bath
Feb 2019 · 954
Low Bound Theory
JoJo Nguyen Feb 2019
This might be the Real
Transmission Mechanism

The niggerly water
lubricating a Trickle

Greens in Rich hand
gets miserly saved

Yet earned on Poor back
miraculously makes it Rain

Washingtons fall
a few Jacksons scorch
land in lap

Even a Benjamin
swallows Trick Dollar
to **** a positive cash

Bills stick on teats
just enough to buy

a comfort Doritos
bag a Brand name

snack for her little boy
So he'll grow up knowing

What value-added Marketing
taste like.
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2018
(I came into a Stagg Street bathroom.)

There're only two-- the shared one in the hall and in a master bedroom.
Our shared lid was down, and spotted with a yellow accident realized.

(I sopped up the mess, and dropped spilled Toilette Paper into flushing water.)

Why is there a Vietnamese renter sitting in the bathtub?
Was he trying to crap in the tub?
We talked and he said the toilet was stuffed, but it wasn't.

Ta Ree's bathroom looks out onto the pool.

(I shut the bathroom door and locked it with that weird turning lock, and looked at the pool, another inside room.)

(I see a slender hand.)

We adjusted our dreaming angle, and it turned into a young Ta Ree.
She had on a remote face, already detached from us.
Under slumber's possible tendrils, a small smile appeared on her face, connecting my Inside with our outside.

(I laughed; She was still with us.)
Sep 2018 · 411
I am the eggman
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2018
I am the eggman
you are the spoon man
we are the Walrus.
Earthly pluripotent garden
with shark attacks

I am the shallow water
you are the whitewater
we are the Foam
Heavenly layers differentiating
with each successive Wave

I am the Brand
you are the religion
we are the Cortex
Solar same same but different
Inside Out development
Mashing streams. LH.Chryssa+me
Sep 2018 · 171
My existence Transparent
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2018
My existence Transparent
Yellow perch precariously half eaten
On ledgers of our Life
Win/Lost columns
Love as defeat
and Possession as Victory
or a slab
underneath which
Death sums up
I don't really think you were a defeat, but then what are you? Someone I will never see again in this vast world, someone not on my networks anymore, someone who's Voice I will never hear again. You have disappeared and have become a ghost.
Becoming Ghost by Cathy Linh Che
Things Keep Sorting Themselves by Jane Hirshfield
Aug 2018 · 168
A Joke and any Jake
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2018
I hear a great Joke
The punchline comes
And I understand wit's dagger twist
It's too funny
I laugh, laugh and laugh
I'll remember the Joke
so that when I meet another Jake
I can decide whether
to tell the joke or fall in Love

I fell for a big Jake
the punchline came
I understand life's dagger twist
It's too sad
I cry, cry, and cry
I'll remember Jake
so that when I hear another big Joke
I can decide whether
to fall in love or cry laughter again
Apr 2018 · 365
Song #16
JoJo Nguyen Apr 2018
Save me in Preservatives I trust
Something like vinegar or briny Word extending me
As an add-on to faint hearted lands spurting
blood offerings to the massive goodness flight

Bad airline brands are barely mentioned while
I fall pass small screen shots on back headed Seats
to our Heritage sure room

I find good advice under glass
blessed plumage from a Jurassic age
that guide our voice controlled nights

My right hand justice isn't interested in Absolute
but hopes with Mama heart and soul

Leave me outside the mechanized church
underneath our short coated lives to flash
Joy and her sister Faith
pleasuring our cheap tomorrow
Jan 2018 · 1.0k
The Cadence of She
JoJo Nguyen Jan 2018
There is a Soldier I know

Her short cadence
with military precision
is always careful

At every bridge she
breaks step
to avoid foolish
oscillations a peeking midriff jog
pounding shoes
on asphalt pavement
hard could these send infatuated
hopes to destructive swing

Who knows what chasm
fantasized are crossed
Who knows what war
wages and what broken
battle of bulges lost
Why burn another Leader
ego living in some
Downfall Bunker

There is a Soldier I know

Her short cadence
in boots bare run faster
than legged strut

Every night she comes
through a backroom window
protected by a silver
Spoon at best
and every morning she
survives as golden tongue
poetry written on
our wired cages

There is a Soldier I know

Her name is Eden
and her hands are hot
with Dante's inferno

Her adolescent face is cool
and on each ear
a ring of Blue Herons

Every day her short cadence
brings rouge life
to our clay complexion
and every night
her milky whey
lips wonder lost
in our King Lear
kabuki song
Dec 2017 · 620
JoJo Nguyen Dec 2017

A child traces animal ghosts on a cave
wall Left
pictures we had before
our memories and youth
were in them


We dig down Trees in primordial
dirt Left
hidden as roots-- a Dad our Moms
found still loving us diverging
green offshoots

The furrowed brow on an infant's
face Left
impressions within a big sister's
emerging intelligence the natural

to an ancient
matriarchy Left
here full of media streams
saturated with siblings
nieces and cousins


Will social constructs
connections Left
on neural networks firing
locally across our communal souls
be remembered?
Nov 2017 · 227
Hello Poetry
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2017
Enjoy the Saturday
in our Frigid

Conditioning response
as our Kevin

Bill and Harvey's name
on our wall


Nov 2017 · 350
healing scar
JoJo Nguyen Nov 2017
The golden egg
on a car after our
midnight's vandalism

It leaves a trail of pubescent
yellow stains marking our
classroom past

We find childhood artwork
as a patchwork of our
scarlet badges

Down the historical spinal
mini trophies become our
silver astrocytes

who make scar and transgression
into fuchsia bundles in our
Hope homes

A Technicolor Dreamscab
the regenerative return of our
polymer Messiah
Oct 2017 · 343
should i
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2017
Should I? Must I?
A tender gave, gotten and allowed to leave,
looking left, sawing to the remains
Should I? Must I?
Take this catch, crooked took listening,
learning, a dramatic shock taught?

هل علي أن؟ هل يجب علي؟
أعطى مناقصة، حصلت وسمح للخروج،
ينظر إلى اليسار، ونشر إلى بقايا
هل علي أن؟ هل يجب علي؟
خذ هذا الصيد، أخذت ملتوية الاستماع،
تعلم، صدمة درامية تدرس؟

Should I? Do I have to?
He gave a tender, got out and let out,
Seen to the left, spread to the remains
Should I? Do I have to?
Take this catch, I took a twisted listening,
Learn, dramatic shock taught?

باید من؟ آیا من باید؟
او مناقصه داد، بیرون آمد و بیرون رفت
دیده شده به سمت چپ، گسترش به بقایای
باید من؟ آیا من باید؟
نگاهی به این دست انداختن، گوش دادن پیچ خورده را گرفتم
یاد بگیرید، شوک چشمگیر تدریس می شود؟

Should I? Should i have
He tendered out, went out and went out
Seen to the left, spread to the remains
Should I? Should i have
Look at that, twisted listening
Learn, shockingly taught?
This, a short missive from broken hearts is translated through Google, in a fun game that even Jimmy Fallon does now, and shows even we can learn.

If you'd like to translate this poem to your favorite language, feel free to do so, and let me know so I can read the new version!

Oct 2017 · 311
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2017
We treat others like dirt

A lot of dirt makes a Mountain
and when the Mountain moves
the Earth shakes

A Mountain does not quake
at being treated like dirt

Dried **** burns
A mountain of fertilizer
explodes with a spark

We treat others like dirt
We treat others like manure
We mix ourselves together

And plant our seeds
on this excrement Pile
hoping our next
generation Children
will come
On a new cloud layer

Zephyrs lacing leaves
Brooks babbling over roots
Precocious progenitors
come to rejuvenate
humanity's Mountain
Oct 2017 · 553
I have my breakfast
JoJo Nguyen Oct 2017
I have my breakfast
I have fool's art

I have my bass
that never learns
a slapping face
wears fine lines
between syncopated opiates
and rhythmic beats

In our Populous cities
success crescendos
to demands for a stadium
full of gladiators dying
in entertaining tragedy

We have time
We have loose change

We have youth
that imp which finds

Romans still sneak
under progressive lust
beneath beer fences
and Coliseum bleachers
with girlie giggles
and stiff speared Heroes
into history
What's going on, what's going on
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