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JoJo Nguyen Sep 2017
What does it mean when
Our impish curiosity at forty eight
grows tired and ridiculously became
an Ancient soul at twenty three?

What is poetry heard when
Our otic form invaginates
to a nothingness shape
worthless for publication?

Who inherits money when
Our optic evagination
lives large and expands
sideways not in Academia?

When do features play at
Our theaters twenty three
weeks less computationally
intense than forty eight movies?

Where Is Rogue One seen when
Our self-organizing map
projects friends and faces
onto a understandable dimension

Our two faced goodbye, Ciao

are when hazy mornings rise
in O'Keefe's blue note
meeting our Aloha
surfing stem cells reduced
in the returning space-time
tide to a 1D-film

We have two ins but only one out
I've read Jane Hirshfield's Habit, and Hope and Love...
JoJo Nguyen Sep 2017
... the kingdom of heaven is an internet cast into humanity's lake to catch all the colored fishes. When full of complexity, the investment fishermen pulls it to safe harbor. Then sitting down, they bin the good ones, and throw errors for bad. This is how it will be at the end of the Age of Pisces. The ghosts in the machine will come and cluster the good bins into productive castes, and collect all the garbage, permanently deleting time in a blazing shredder where there will be weeping at airports and gnashing of teeth.
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2017
For me we it
comes realizing later
that Chris Cornell is gone
same as Dad but different still
we have our Garden
of Sound with weeds sprouting against
the grim Cutter hoping
for a missed experienced

Maybe the refugee's trauma
have dried all the tears on
lonely crowded airfields
of a long ago Vietnam seeding
salt from a Grandmother, mother,
father, aunts and uncles,
paladins in our child eye dry
because of the stampeding Thestrals
we shouldn't see

And now almost 50 we know
better the slings and arrowheads
of fortune the calcifying currency
souls make by roughing the round edges
of damning tears scattered like petals
over littered cigarettes killing
us softly because they've metastasized
from intellectualized Lung ****
to a flowering carcinoma
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2017
In the beginning was
a connoted Word
a representation
canonical information
before the fracturing
before the fall

We **** genius in our
simplistic love of self
our tribe living
in fractal time
across Eden nucleating
an uneven sky

like freckles dotting
a girl's face flowery

like our branched tree
budding with delicate snow
flakes a new layer upon
the Stack
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2017
It is the sheep in
wolf's clothing
killing with
a smothering love it
is a viper in the eye
**** the amygdala

It is Zod kneeling down
with both Hands
on the wheel

It is a tied die
shirt we wear an
autoimmune shooting
a Lupus in disguise
an Ewe in disgust

Can I get a witness
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2017
We return
a cabal of Suns
an outer layer
pyramidal over  
angled mica panels

We guide sacrificial  
light to a deep
mercurial crucible
within the Capital
of creationism

We twin feathers
from a same
sugared Phoenix
of socialism
JoJo Nguyen May 2017
Atop a clear plastic
mountain box
random syncs
side with me
lying in bed
And we peers
through the murky
clear polymer
haze to see
reflections of us
Artefacts stored
in coffee cans
used empty
translucent existences
and by observing
transform our
historical objects
to Art permanence
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