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I am not perfect
I will never be perfect
I don’t wanna be perfect
I feel fine and there is nothing wrong with me
Stop worrying about me
I wish people will let me live
Rather than push the heaviness on me
There is nothing wrong with me
Nothing nothing nothing
Nothing wrong with me
I have an illness
But I don’t want people to have these dreams about me
And I don’t want people to get me
To sell all my cool stuff for cheaper
When I could sell it for dearer
Don’t mister Glenn try and be creepy with me
I am not perfect
I am not lazy
I am not stupid
I am not a two year old
You are not my father
You have no right to mix with my mother to get rid of kayo
I like watching sport
As I said you are not my father
I am glad you got arrested
Because you were becoming too much like a bully with me
Now you are in gaol I am glad
There is nothing wrong with me
I am not perfect
I am not a two year old
I am an adult
I don’t care if Glenn hates me
I don’t care if anyone hates me
But I think I am cool
I love life
Glenn treated me like an ornament
Something for his pride
He didn’t care about me at all
He just wanted to put my picture
On the wall to say look what I did
But he is crazy
And I don’t want to try so hard to be Perfect because that is the reason I could have problems
I don’t want to walk or day and night to reach an impossible walking goal
And he has no right to get me to do that
Yes I was an ornament on his wall
He wasn’t treating me like a person
I don’t want to get on tv
Or radio or be a famous poet
I just want to work in a job I used to do
I am a family person
I am a hooligan
I am a man
But I am not getting bullied
I just want to live my life
And have fun
Dad isn’t around anymore
But I am I want to love my life
******* GMJ
Baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool
Enough for each sheep
Owner to call
The people who do knitting and stuff
Everyone wants the sheep to look rough
Moo moo brown cow
Have you any milk
Yes sir yes sir
As pure as silk
You see I want my genetals
To bring a lot of milk
For the supermarket
Meow meow tabby cat
Have you got our cuddle
Very close like a famous huddle
Go meow when a burglar comes scares him away that famous cat
Meow meow tabby cat
Good on you
Bouncing bouncing bouncing
Up and down and around the town
Trying not to **** people off
With my bouncing bouncing bouncing
Celebrate with a glass water
Do it if you really feel you ought to
You could celebrate with a glass of water
Every day and night
Get down on the dance floor with
All the chicks
Tick tick tick tick tick tock tick
Dance to songs like working class man and pour some sugar on me
And run run as fast as I can
Then the next day I will run the block
Even if I feel slow
I will still run the block
I have to put up with the pain
Remembering friends named
Pat and Dave and Wayne
Bouncing bouncing bouncing around
Party up and party down
This is fun but feeling like an elephant is sitting on you is not
You must try and move move move
You must try and move
And that will make you feel really good
Working from 8 till 3
In a ****** job mate
It is totally bad
Saying that you want a clean slate
Saying Jesus saves
To everyone around you
Hopefully your boss
Won’t imply that he is out to get you
Everyone in town loves to party
Whether you are dumb or a big fat smarty
You party with bourbon and coke
And then you light up a smoke
And say dude boy am I in trouble
You see this 8 to 3 day means
I will want to party all night
Yes it would make me happy
Yes I want to lift up my hands
And clap clap Clappy
When I do my work
People contradict ya
Saying you are slowing us down
Pushing us around ya
You need to lift ya game
If you don’t want to get sacked yeah
You see all ya want is to drink too much alcohol yeah
Working 8 to 3 only works if ya ready
At the end of the week
You drink and watch the footy
Party on and never ever fail
Party on till the old break of dawn yeah old break of dawn
Daniel is crazy
He lives in the past
He worries that the things he does
Reflects on his family and friends
He worries that me and Phil warren and Paul Andersson drink all that ***** back in our younger years
And not suffer any consequences
But Daniel is crazy cause he isn’t perfect because he used to binge on 4 ruskies and he wasn’t doing it to be social he was doing it to watch the soccer
I watched the footy in the club with a few beers and have a bit of a dance
And the reason Daniel is having consequences is because he is fucken dwelling in every part of his past and I don’t know about Phil and Paul but I am living for today and loving life and I don’t touch a beer but I still am loving life
Daniel needs to stop fucken dwelling in the past stop thinking that god has it in for him because Daniel isn’t perfect nobody is perfect even if Daniel said he is perfect he isn’t
Even if Daniel says that it would great if everybody liked the same thing
It isn’t true, life will be boring if everybody liked the same thing
Because at risk of sounding right wing we wouldn’t have interesting conversations with interesting people
Daniel says we got rewarded in having neices and nephews but that is because we love life and we don’t worry about or dwell in the past while Daniel worries that god caused his family grief but he dwells in the past
My motto is just enjoy yourself and try and forget about the past and don’t dwell in it despite of all the bad stuff you did
You can’t change the past but you can work toward the future
Mentally ill people can make a difference
Don’t listen to Daniel dwelling in the past
But he is an old fogie
Don’t ya think
Halloween Halloween
Even if it is covid 19
We still can celebrate Halloween
We can party with ghosts
We can party with monsters
We can party with Dracula
Yes it is so much fun
Come on dudes it is October 31st
And kids are trick or treating
Around all the houses in the neighbourhood
The crypt kicker five
Are playing excellent songs
Like monster mash and purple people Eater
And nightmare on my street
And time warp just for fun
Yeah yeah yeah it is October 31st
And we’ll party all night
To celebrate Halloween
Happy Halloween everybody
Go the Halloween dancers
Up on Jupiter moon
Bringing the Halloween spirit
To this nice round world
We have dancers dressed up as
Ghosts and monsters and goblins too
Witches and wizards and the witch doctor as well
Dracula comes down to celebrate this day
Drinking blood and eating worms
And anything that squirms
Go the Halloween dancers
Kids going from door to door
Playing trick or treat
With loads of yummy lollies and
Chocolates to eat
How about the devil
He is a funny stupid sod
He tries to put evil into everybody
Yes he is like mr plod
Go the Halloween dancers
Dancing all day long
Banging your head to heavy metal
And other music that is morally wrong
Cheer for the walking pumpkins
And carve plenty at your home
Putting a jack o lantern
Right in the middle
To scare away evil spirits
You see Halloween is a fun time
And everybody has a ball
Everybody at the party
Has to jump for joy
Go the Halloween dancers
Get ready to party all night
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