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Come on
Come on
Come on parramatta
Come on
Come on
Come on parramatta
Come on parra you need to win this match for me oh yeah
Just beat the knights in their home oh yeah
Come on
Come on
Come on parramatta
Come on
Come on
Come on parramatta
Come on parra we must win
Or I will ****** spew
Go the eels show the knights who’s boss
We must win this match
To keep on the top place
But if we lose we will be under pressure
Come on parramatta we must beat the knights today
Oh yeah if we don’t I will spew away
When I say I am positive
I don’t mean to covid
But I really don’t know that
I mean I love life
But I could have Covid
But really it would be so awful yeah
I dream of playing concerts in the sky
And I don’t want people to give
The virus to me
Cause I want to be positive
In a loving life kind of way
Not not not to covid oh no
I want to live my life
Talking to my friends
Giving high fives oh yeah
But because of covid 19
You can’t do that
It could drive you fucken insane
I don’t like this virus
Cause it ***** up footy
I don’t like this virus
Cause you can’t watch movies
If you were out of work
Before it came
You have buckleys of ever getting
A job right now
Especially if you ain’t young oh yeah
And you have no chance of being
In an essential service job
When I say I am positive
I don’t mean to covid
At least that it is I hope I hope I hope not
I prefer to be positive in loving life
I am glad that movies and theatre
Is online but you still have to pay
Oh yeah you pay
You can watch concerts and footy games
Having fun guessing players names
If you are old and you can’t go to church
You have to stay home and pray pray pray
To keep being positive
But not to covid
Oh yeah you need to be careful
If you party at all
You have to do it on your computer
At home
And if you are singing loudly
Your neighbours will be upset
So you say to them
Fucken live your life
We can’t party in our clubs
Or festivals so let us party at home
It shows that I am positive
But not to covid
Even if I am it won’t **** me
Well I hope I am right
I won’t go at it without a fight
I haven’t got covid yet
But I can assure you mate
It won’t silence me
Nothing can silence me
Wash your hands wash your hands
Wash your hands
Get rid of the coronavirus
Get rid get rid of it now
Make sure we wash our hands
Use hand soap
And hand sanitizer
As we work our way
Of beating coronavirus
Wash your hands wash your hands
Wash your hands
And keep your house ****** clean
You see it is hard to beat this bug
And we need to not do high fives
Or shaking hands in the clubs
There is no dancing or social distancing no
Because if we do we will catch it
The coronavirus is made by the evil trapper so the way to stop is to
Wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands
And stop trapper from winning
Enjoy the sports and tv shows
Relax and have fun yeah
Just just just
Wash your hands ya mug
To stop Corona
****** oathe ****** oathe
That I am a man
I love life just like a really cool man
I don’t do bad stuff cause that is
For the kids
I am a cool man
****** oathe ****** oathe
I am a man cool oh cool
I am a man
The coolest man in Canberra
Might even be Australia
****** oathe I am a really cool man
Loving life footy etc
Really makes me happy
Loving family life and family shows
Really really neat
Yes that is so cool
****** oathe I am a man
Who loves the footy no matter who is playing and watching other cool sports really makes me cheer
****** oathe mate I am a man
The coolest in Australia
And Canberra too
I have memories of me partying on the dance floor in the club
Yes I am a family man
I will watch the voice to see the up and coming stars pounding out their songs
To win big money and a recording contract
I don’t get drunk no more
But I am still a cool man
I get high on life
As I get older and as I have fun
I hate people committing crimes
Because it is quite bad
But I say mate ****** oathe I am a man
Keep your nonsense out of my life
I am a family man who loves life
I will enjoy partying at home on a Saturday night
But if somebody wants me too
I will go to a family event
Where everybody parties
****** oathe ****** oathe
I am a cool man
I hate adults throwing tantrums like children
If they ask you to wear a mask
Because it protects other people
From Corona wear it
Even if it violates your adult
Because if you throw a tantrum
In any way you are a child
Even if you feel you are speaking up for yourself you are still throwing a tantrum
And that makes you like a little child
A little baby child
I know these are tough times
But I feel we must follow the rules
Because I am an adult
Like my mate Daniel threw tantrums
With his mum because she watched the news on prime7 when he wanted to watch the news on channel nine
And that is throwing a tantrum like a child a little spoilt child
Daniel is a child
He wasn’t standing up for himself
He was just a little spoilt child
Kicking his sister out on her ***
When she was just wanting to be with him
I understand he wants to be on his own so he can watch the sport
But instead of throwing a tantrum like a spoilt kid he should negotiate like an adult, but Daniel is a child of the world
Anyone who uses violence to stand up for themselves is alright
But throwing groceries on the floor because they don’t want to wear a mask is throwing a childish tantrum
Yes we are living in a world full of Daniels
Daniel is a scared weak as **** little boy, lost in the world of men and women
He doesn’t want to grow up
He doesn’t want to work
He just wants people to help him
Like a spoilt little child
So Athena please find a vaccine for coronavirus NOW
Ahh push the
Push the hooligan out of my feet
Push the hooligan out oh my hands
And get rid of my evil past
Ahh push the
Push the hooligan out of my head
The part that makes it itchy
C’mon baby baby
Get rid of my shady past
C’mon baby baby
Stop me from doing crime
Keep me out of the psych ward
Where ****** young girls
Are trying to stab you with the plastic
Where bikies are constantly going to the door yelling at thrscrews
People saying they are Jesus Christ
And elvis and god
Ahh push the
Push each hooligan out of your body
Get rid of the hooligan in your thumbs
As you write this story
Ahh push the
I don’t know why my hooligan is bugging me
I support the Christians
I support the Buddhist’s
I support the homosexualls
I support the homeless
I support the mentally Ill
I support the children
I support the Asians
I support the African Americans
I support everyone
Ahh push the
Push the hooligan out of me
Get rid of my hooligan so I don’t commit crimes sending me to the psych ward
Ahh push the
C’mon baby baby
Push the hooligan out of me
Right now
Barcelona Barcelona
We drew 2-all
Barcelona Barcelona
We rule the world
Barcelona Barcelona
We can’t have crowds
Because of the coronavirus
And people are saying to me
Take my family person away
And give my hooligan back
Make me go to the pubs
Telling corny jokes
Name me go to the shop
To buy my groceries
Make me listen to the radio
To talk back while I sleep
Heating people laugh at me
Thinking they have fooled me
I want my previous lives
To give me power especially
When I get my job
I know when I work I know my duties
And I do them well
I want Albert Waldron and Greene Thorne who are my previous lives
To give me power to conquer any bullies that want to bully me
Wants to tease me
Wants to fight me
I know I was a bad person back then
But I wasn’t as bad as you think
I just wanted to PARTY
And that made me a good positive person
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