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Singing and dancing while you work
Is what I really like to do
I get the broom out of the closet
And I go to the front door
And sing and dance while I work
People worry about me
But I ain’t doing nothing wrong
I am still doing the job good
It is just that I am singing and dancing
While I work
Some say I look like a loud hooligan
Some say I need help
Some say I am mentally sick
But I Just say to you, this
I was just singing while I work
Dancing while I work
Having fun loving life
Doing a good job
But partying very hard
Picking up *******
And cigarette buts
Singing smoke that cigarette
Cleaning the 2 kitchens singing
Don’t stop me now
Which I sing very loud
People telling me to quiten down
But all I wanted to do is
Singing while I work
Dancing while I work
Partying at work loving life at work
Just singing and dancing
Loving life oh yeah
Singing and dancing at work
Quarantining is a joke
We can’t go out and have fun
No club no sport no movies no shows
Really is fucken annoying
But if we think about
The fun we can have at home
Watching YouTube and Netflix
And we will bring our time
Letting trapper win oh yeah
Quarantining is a joke
No sitting on the beach
Can’t sit in the park
Talking to your mate
What a fucken joke it is
But if we follow all the rules
We won’t catch covid 19
And hopefully we won’t die
It is a jolly big sacrifice
But it is important
Just follow the rules the politicians say
And stay at home oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah stay at home
Quarantining is a joke
No watching bands at the clubs
No poetry slams or bingo sessions
Really drives me insane
But if we follow the rules
You can see all that on YouTube and on zoom
And have a party at home
Enjoying life oh yeah come on party dude
Yes rock and roll
No kareoke except for singing along on YouTube
Just listen to the authorities and you can still have fun even if fun looks like fading just have fun at home
Once a happy young dude
Came into Canberra
To see the dudes and dudettes there
He met a nice person
Named Patrick Enright
Who was his father type
Then Patrick said he doesn’t like
The young dude life
Cause they make to many mistakes
But Brian came in and said
Making mistakes is how we learn
On how to be a real person
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
And pat was a man
You see Brian loves life
Looking back at the life he had
Knowing Patrick will never have that
Then pat told me
I committed a bad crime
And that ruined the life we have
I told Patrick that he was too perfect and needed to get a reality check
Life isn’t really like he has
I get his voice saying me and Chris ain’t like him
Well that is true because he was a nerd
Which is a man who never ever really lived
I lived a very exciting life oh yeah
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
And pat was a man
You see Brian loves life looking back
At the life he had
Knowing Patrick will never have that
You see pat hated me
So he chose to follow god
With his mate Greg Harris
I saw the old man in pat
Following my fathers lead
I was a young dude and pat was a man
I went to Scott’s and then I went to James’s to hang around like a young dude does
I took pat with me one day which was alright untill he got cranky because
I was a normal young dude
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
And pat was a man
You see Brian loves life looking back
At the life he had
Knowing Patrick will never have that
Now Brian misses Patrick
So he dreams about him all the time
Thinking what would Patrick
Do in covid 19
I know my poems are better than
What he can do
Patrick, how are you coping mate
You see I ain’t visioning Patrick
I am seeing me when I was young
When I was a party dude
I am dealing with it
But I vision Patrick not
As I see him turning into a hating life ****
And with my writing I show I can deal with my life
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
Brian was a young dude
And pat was a man
You see Brian loves life looking back
At the life he had
Knowing Patrick pretty stupid Patrick
Knowing Patrick will never have that
Fred Fred Fred
Mate yes he is Fred
You have to meet Fred
So go to bed little boy
Never winge and whine
Just go to bed little boy
Because Fred loves life
And enjoys it yeseree
Fred Fred Fred yes go to bed
Little boy
I know you ain’t tired
But you are a little kid
So go to bed go to bed little boy
Don’t copy Fred no don’t copy Fred
Fred Fred Fred Fred
Go to bed little boy
If you are a woman
Don’t choose Fred
Cause he is a ****** fucken *****
Who drinks too much *****
If you are a kid don’t choose Fred
Because he will do nasty things to you
Like hold you in his house
And say to you I want your blood
Because Fred Fred Fred
Is a man that can’t be trusted
So go to bed little boy
Don’t muck with Fred
Fred Fred Fred
Go to bed little boy
Never muck with Fred
Cause he is evil as
No little boy
He isn’t Fred flintstone
He has no best mate named Barney
He is just a nasty guy
Don’t muck with him
He is Fred Fred Fred
Go to bed little boy
Never muck with Fred
Cause you are young
He is middle aged
So Fred Fred Fred
Never muck with Fred
He is bad news
So stay away little boy
Never ever ever little boy
Muck with Fred
Cause he is bad news
Gotta live your life
Gotta live your life
Gotta live your life
Oh yeah mate yeah
You gotta watch the footy
You gotta see w show
Of theatre or cinema
How cool will that be
You gotta go to concerts
And have fun at festivals
Getting drunk loving life
Oh yeah mate ****** yeah
You have to be a ballerina
As you enjoy making the moves
You could be a poet
And perform in the poetry slam
And get people to cheer you on
To make you feel better
You could go on a round the world cruise
If you have the money
You have to be as rich as Rupert Murdoch if you want to afford that
You could be the world’s first trillionaire and that way will make you love life
But you could be a drug dealer
And risking going to gaol
Every stretch of life
You could be a tiger
On the loose in the city
But hopefully they won’t have to **** him
That will be a pity
You could go to a night club
On a Saturday night
And party to all the hits
You could sit at home watching
Old movies or concerts on YouTube
Yeah mate just a bit
You might be a person
Who goes to bed early
To enjoy the next day
And hoping you won’t wake her
When your partying is over for the day
Gotta live my life
Gotta live my life
Gotta live my life
And have some fun
I still got young fresh legs
I still got young fresh legs
I know I am old I know I want to be cool yeah
I still got young fresh legs
Maybe I want to be young
As opposed to growing old
Everyone likes me
And respects me yeah
Because I have young fresh legs
I walk around, having a lot of fun
I try and avoid eating a cream bun
Because I want my young fresh legs
I would even go and beg
I feel demons are chasing me
So I run with my young fresh legs
I remember when I was young
I used to call them shiny
My hormones were driving me crazy
Making me try and avoid being lazy
With my young fresh legs
I could be cool
I break no rule
You see it is me enjoying partying
Showing off my young fresh legs
Despite me being 50 yeah
I still have young fresh legs
When I was young I got teased
By a lot of people that are dumb
So I got my young fresh legs
And kicked that ******* up the ***
With My young fresh legs
You see I am so fit
And I am so cool
I break no rule in every way
I feel cool with my young fresh legs
My young fresh legs
My young fresh legs
You see I am cool and break no rule
I feel people are trying to keep my family away from having fun
So I decided to show my young fresh legs
I will be the coolest dude in the world my friend
With my
With my
With my young
Fresh legs
Even if I am 50
It is still cool
To have young fresh legs
I am in my house and I am having fun
Being cool oh yeah it is fun
I don’t want to go to the psych ward mate
Cause that place is for losers
They try and bully you cause their sick
But the best thing Is try and keep well
The psych ward is a rotten place
Nobody there has a pretty face
They are ugly and they are crap
The psych ward has no people taking naps
The psych ward the psych ward
I don’t want to go there
It is full of losers yeah
The psych ward the psych ward
No way in the world it is a happy place
No way it is warm embrace
I say if I go back I will bring my iPad
And stay with the happy family people yeah
But I don’t want to end up there
Cause as I said the place is full of losers yeah
My house makes me happier than the psych ward
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