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Johnnie Rae May 2015
Memories of yesterday
have started to feel like
dark chocolate tastes: bittersweet.
We used to exist as one.
Now, the dead grass crunches
and sings melodramatic harmonies,
as I am forced to walk away.
The springs of your mattress would
screech out lullabies underneath
the weight of our sleeping bodies.
Now there is only silence to keep me warm.
Your ignorance now screams in tones
low enough to shake the ground
beneath my aching feet.
I am tired of standing around waiting.
Tired of existing only as your past.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2015
And for hours,
I sat in this same lonely corner of my head,
remembering what it was like to call you my happiness.
I've forgotten to feed the dog,
and the plants in the window wither,
right before my crust-filled eyes; they are not important.
Nothing is important,
when I'm remembering how
the curve of your neck felt like home,
and my fingers used to fit perfectly within your own.
I found myself sneaking up to your bedroom tonight,
and crying with drought worthy eyes,
when I saw you had taken my picture down.
The text message I sent wishing you well,
has not yet been found, and I am very aware
that you most likely ignored it,
as you have been ignoring me.
I don't know what hurts more,
the thought of never speaking to you again,
or the feeling of other peoples ******* pity.
The never ending string of questions,
"are you okay?"
"feeling better?"
"have you been sleeping?"
I'm simply wondering what the point of asking is,
when you already heard the answer yesterday,
as well as the ******* day before that:
I'm still looking for distractions,
whether it's in school work, or friends,
or walks along busy main roads,
tiptoeing along the insanity that is,
four hours of sleep, three cups of coffee, two ibuprofen,
and one lousy apple to eat; repeat.
My days are numbered,
at least until I find the strength
to eat for more than the lowest class of survival.
You took away my appetite with your lies.
my stability is about as easy to find
as that needle in the hay stack called life.
Anxiety causes me to memorize breathing patterns,
and inhale so deeply my lungs may burst,
but my heart rate still spikes whenever I hear your name,
and remember that we used to be known as a couple,
now people are asking me to move on,
but I'm still wearing the jewelry,
still cringing at the thought of you gone,
still sleeping with the ******* teddy bear;
you are apparently better without me in your hair.
I am deeply damaged; you are repaired.
  Apr 2015 Johnnie Rae
Krusty Aranda
Your name.
Your sweet name.
Even when I hear it from someone else
it has a particular sonority
that affects my soul, weakens it,
and surrenders to you.

And it haunts me. And it follows me.
Wherever I go someone calls your name.

Oh, your name.
Each letter hurts me, digging in my heart
like seven tiny daggers,
bleeding out.

It hurts to know.
Reaffirm day after day the fact that you are not mine,
and that you never will.

Far away.
I want you far away, but not distant.
The pain of your absence is greater than the pain of your presence.
Violent convulsion that my heart suffers every time I lay my eyes upon you.

Visual representation of a name.
A name that kills me and gives me life.
A name that moves me and paralizes me.
A name.
Your name.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2015
If it makes you feel better,
I'll forget how blissful it was,
to hear you speak my name.
I'll pluck the petals off every single
flower I've ever received.
I'll forget all the times I've wanted
to bury my face in your chest and scream.
I'll forget how badly I always needed you.

I'll find a new favorite scent.
Your cologne won't make me forget how to breathe.
I'll find a way to mask the love in my eyes if we speak.
If it makes you feel better,
I won't love you.
If it makes you feel better,
I'll probably never love again.

Take pride in your power over me.
day 3 and I'm crumbling.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2015
Like a moth to flame,
I sizzled and died, so quickly.
After months of happiness, I plummeted from cloud nine-
Your very essence fueled me;
I'm replacing you with nicotine,
hoping my yellowing nails will
distract me from the loss.
-our separation has become comparable to swallowing daggers-
You took all the faith I had in us,
and used its weight to crush me.
Now I'm stuck, choking on
what could have been,
and praying that it still could be.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2015
It's been a day since we parted.
There is a hole in my chest.
Last night, I slept with
the teddy bear he surprised me
with on Valentine's Day.
Worse yet, I'm wearing the necklace,
he gave me for my birthday.

There are remnants of him, everywhere.

On Monday, I'll have to see him in class,
and act like I'm not broken without him.
Act like I don't want him back.
Hold back tears so he doesn't see.
And to think I swore against crying over boys.

He wants to be friends; I want to be his.

Just a few months ago we were cuddling in his bedroom,
now I'm stuck sulking in my own.
I miss the taste of his lips,
and the feel of his skin,
and the look in his eyes,
back when I set a fire in his heart.
But yesterday he snuffed out
the remnants of a dwindling flame.
I want him more than i've ever wanted anything.
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