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Johnnie Rae Jan 2015
Depression is not,
a vase of flowers.
It is not meant to attract,
or allure.

My scars are not a sign of strength,
just because I didn't nick a vein,
doesn't mean I didn't want to.

Stop romanticizing such a crippling,
fear provoking thing,
because for all we knew, it wouldn't get better.

For all we knew, we were alone,
we didn't hear about the hotlines,
over the music we had blasting to block out the sadness.

Depression is not beautiful,
it is a chemical imbalance,
it is a one way trip to therapy.

It is a tragedy in itself.
people see beauty in depression and that hurts to know,
because its the reason i can't sleep at night.
Johnnie Rae Jan 2015
You're cold like the arctic,
yet somehow, you scorch all you touch.
burning like the whiskey in the back of my throat,
only to leave me numb like the percocet,
I'd hidden away for the next time you decided
to make me feel
like leaving my body.

your side effects vary.
but I just seem to keep coming back.
you've got me hooked like you're nicotine.
and I've been smoking all your lies,
so you can ignite me from the inside,
I've been inhaling kerosene.
you're worse than drugs,
yet i'm forced to call you family.
Johnnie Rae Jan 2015
Summer staggered in like bruises
purple accents swelling under skies pigment,
sunlight dripping like red death
from hemophelic skin.
Midnight showers somersault,
into morning haze.
Lightning cracks in jagged edges,
leaving lines of wonder on tormented skin.

Autumn came and brought sorrow,
took away my fondest feelings,
and made me learn perseverance,
to be rewarded with a hand to hold,
someone to whisper sweet nothings to,
and hold me up when the marionettes have failed.

Winter brought bitter cold,
numb skin, and cracked lips,
yet somehow the butterflies still live,
in my stomach.
Johnnie Rae Jan 2015
I spent an hour or so,
crafting a letter that I'll probably,
never see as good enough for you,
to read.
But the words are genuine,
and my hands ache from writing,
such painful truths.
I await the day I can see you patiently,
though I await the day of your return,
a little less so.
One cannot wait with hands folded,
for the return of their mother,
without once saying,
the wait is too long.

May is too far away.
Johnnie Rae Jan 2015
Doors slam,
voices are shrill,
this is home.

We are family.
and in our gathering,
we pick each other apart.

The vultures wait at our doorstep,
fed with our torn apart egos,
and tears preserved in mason jars.

We are family,
and we knock each other down,
we are home.
constant battle zones,
we tear each other limb from limb,
and preserve the memory,
of what we once were,
or could have been.
Johnnie Rae Dec 2014
There are things that schools,
have simply forgotten to teach us.
Things that you're better off
once you know.
Like how the sun always follows
a rainy day.
Or that you're only as happy as
you'll let yourself be.

The simple things, that no teacher
has ever learned to teach
are the things that fuel us to keep going.
As long as your feet are on the ground,
it's never a bad thing to explore the clouds,
and to never let the negativity
grow to more than a whisper
in the back of the mind.

These are the codes to life
wake up; smile.
Be thankful for what you have,
and always be hopeful of receiving more,
because no amount of happiness
is "too much"
and remember that bad things
are only temporary.

Bad things may come in threes,
but so do good things,
and the lessons taught by our trials
are more valuable than gold.
If your nose is pointed at the ground,
you'll never smell the coffee
So chin up, smile.

Teachers never taught us happiness.
never taught us the delicacy required
to wipe away tears.
Never taught us how to deal with
sudden cases of sorrow.
These lessons will take us
the longest to learn.

So here's to a new curriculum,
one that teaches pain.
Because you can't learn to smile,
without having once felt tears
streaming down your face.
But also one that has an extensive
lesson planned on joy.
Just so you really know the difference.
Johnnie Rae Dec 2014
My head spins at the thought of your embrace.
like a flame to the drapes I erupted,
and burnt down the house that held me up.

I need you.

I need all of you in the most terrifying ways,
you're like a drug I've never experienced,
daunting, and wicked.

I crave you.

Like the plains crave the wind,
or a painter craves pastels,
you're like a potion.

You keep the bad away.

You keep me at the highest peak of insane,
lost in the greatest way,
like dancing with the absence of rain.
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