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Johnnie Rae May 2014
Sometimes I just wish I knew,
how to keep you happy,
without dragging myself down.

It's a constant cycle,
you're drowning and I'm a lifeboat,
but someday I'm gonna need,
some space to figure myself out,
because right now, focused on you,
I've completely lost track of myself.

Sometimes I wish I knew,
how to keep you and your cerulean eyes
from drowning in the pain that,
weighs you down.
But now I'm focused on myself,
for it's something I've neglected,
for a long while now.

I'm done saving you from the demons you refuse to shut out.
It's time for you to help yourself.
Feels so nice to finally let this out.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2014
You are as cruel as
Joan Rivers on Fashion Police,
with a tongue like a blade,
meant to carve the truth,
straight out of my skin,
you're also taking the,
ambition out of my veins.
If my feelings were a person,
they'd walk away to,
avoid further damage,
and I'm ready to start calling you medusa,
because with every word,
another part of my heart,
is broken and turned to stone.
Your point is as far fetched,
as a puppy's chew toy,
gone with a strong wind,
and I'm the only one running after it,
in seek of bringing it back,
to throw in your face,

when you start to feel regret.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2014
My soul carries the burden,
of more than a thousand unsaid words,
and on occasion, they strangle me,
grip my vocal cords and squeeze,
until mutism seems like a good thing.
When words try to find their way up my throat,
they are gagged down like a first taste of strong alcohol,
when you're sixteen, and trying to drink away the pain,
but can't stomach the bourbon or the regret,
so you pour it down the drain, and curl up,
next to the toilet, trying to heave away the poison,
you've just forced on yourself.
If I could find a speaking voice,
I'd scream at the top of my lungs,
begging you to see what your foul thoughts do to me.
Waking up to screaming, set like an alarm clock,
must not be too good for the  psyche,
for I am falling apart like the seams of,
a sweater worn with age.
But you can't be wrong.
God have mercy, never tell her she is wrong.
She justifies her mistakes,
with the pain she bottles up,
like an over-filled balloon,
ready to pop,
and knock the wind out of you,
with it's own.
This cycle will never change,
though in the midst of it all,
I don't see myself as misfortunate,
for whether or not I set an alarm,

I will always wake up.
Johnnie Rae Apr 2014
It is true,
that your eyes are as blue,
as the sky,
and that is where I get it from.
I believe that you will,
pull through and let me,
look into them.
It is true that you've,
made mistakes,
but none of that matters now,
for you've changed,
and I love you still.
It is true that masterpieces take time,
and you, have been rewritten,
what must seem like a thousand times.
This time, I believe it's been done right.
It is true, that no matter what,
I will never stop fighting for you,
and that no matter what hardships I face,
I'll always come running back.
I believe that the greenest grass grows,
from refurbished land,
and you are the sole definition,
of broken and repaired.
It is true,
that you are a fighter,
and you still remain strong.
I believe you'll pull through,
and live to see your daughter grown.
Written today in the hospital. Please pray for my dad.
  Apr 2014 Johnnie Rae
Krusty Aranda
Let the pen be your blade,

                                and the ink be your blood

      pouring down on a sentence,

              soaking up a blank piece of paper.
I care. I care so much more than even you do.
Johnnie Rae Mar 2014
You convinced me,
I'm not worth it.
I've always been,
very easily broken,
and now I'm choking
on all the reasons,
he's given me,
to stay alive.

I've never before thought,
of pushing up daisies,
as a profession,
but sometimes I think,
I'd be **** good at it.
I'm choking on all the words,
he's ever said to me,
because their sweet content,
is toxic,
and I'm simply his lab rat,
testing theories on the,
lowest depths of insanity.

The roots of these daisies,
are turning against me.
Wrapping themselves around,
my spinal cord,
tapping into my vertebrae,
telling me to,
stand up straight,
and fake it through the day,
with a smile painted,
on a plaster made face.
I honestly don't know..
Johnnie Rae Mar 2014
Oh, don't mind me,
I'm just connecting constellations,
tugging at your heartstrings,
whenever I can loosen the vines you've,
wrapped around them for protection,
they've long since been trimmed,
and now your organs are suffocating,
ever since you opened up to,
finally let someone in,
and my bony fingers can't seem to,
work fast enough to,
save you from yourself.
Vines only constrict what you can't let go of.
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