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Those restless limbs
by future talk of psalms and hymns

they crooned and sighed
then crucified

Neighbours talking over the garden gate
headscarves high
late sixties on the council estate.

I'm going shopping
said Mum
and off she'd run to
catch the bus
which came at twenty past and twenty to
the hour.
I miss her.
If you have not received a card
don't be sad
please don't take it hard
after all it's just a card

the referee's got more.
Oh Fauntelroy you annoy me take the images only you see
cast them in the bright sunlight
and me in the midnight of my dream.

you never really knew me as I, never knew my identity but your camera sees right through me, apparition that I am,

She gives me love quite freely
Oh really?
quite freely
someone up there deals me
an ace of hearts
So many tears
Sears and Roebuck
were my contemporaries,
Methuselah was my secretary
so many years ago.

..and here we go again
bleating out more pain
makes me sick.
These are trying times
if you're not doing lines
or smoking some 'horse'
but of course we have
shouldered those blames
smouldered then burst
back into flames.

It's a chess game
knight take bishop
pawn checks King
and the Queen is in
the counting house
bathing in inheritance.

I try,
tried, died a few times
and not doing lines
of course that rhymes
but mostly it's true.
The platform fell through on Level fifty two and that was unexpected, the way I fell for you was unexpected too.

Changes for the better,
brush my hair
take care of my skin
look after my diet
why am I not thin?

Thursday tends to the business at hand as I tend to
Dreams and the reasons behind them,
with men, it's easy, sometimes graphic,
something to do with,
I laugh at it.

With females
they know much more than we do.

When I stop dreaming my world
becomes silent
please find me a plot
because that'll be my lot

I'm getting on with it
loving this life
a bit more.
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