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They give affirmations
have high expectations
and wait..

..and wait.

What went before them becomes a talking point on some forum where crusty academics dissect limitations.

I'm sitting in Suburbanville cutting pictures from magazines to stick in a scrapbook and thinking, I wish you were here.

and still working away
no praying today
no new lamps for old
just a constant cold.

She tells me
that dreams can come true
only before midday on Sunday
and that
makes it all worthwhile.

you weren't even there.

In a luxurious setting
getting the best
and a duckdown duvet
easing my rest
not satisfied

this is where the pied piper comes in
fluting his tunes
polluting the airs
more fukin nightmares

what can one do against a zoo of monsters  but feed them, pretend that you need them and then discard them.
Last seen
heading thataway
on the lam.

Head it off at the ravine
said, Jerry.
Long John Silver screen
Back to the land of one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing, nothing changes except change and that change is being short-changed by the money men down in the city.

The Dollar and Sterling
when we need a
Grace Darling to light us the way.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul
puts food on the table
but tarnishes the soul

note: it could tarnish Saul too.

For those who didn't make it
take it from me
making it isn't the be-all and
end all
it only feels like it.
All work and low pay
makes Jack a....

The passage of time is lit by the lights of the night shift
which waits for the morning to come.

I could be
but *** me this government
doesn't make it easy.

...and so
I sleep because dreams are
cheap entertainment.
They said
we were there even when we were nowhere near, which made it quite clear to us that they disliked us being among them.

I spit in their eye
who needs men like that

let's have our own party
politics excluded.

Juan who likes his own company is the one we watch.

But Juan was one too,
one of the elite
a little effete
but the effect was stunning.
There's not much to see anymore
not since the war, moaned Maud,
if I could afford to move, oh!
wouldn't that be lovely, she said.

But where would I go? asked her husband Tom
who was eighty-one,
you could stay said Maud who had once adored him
but now hardly noticed him,

it's my age. he cried
you think I'm dried up and shrivelled he snivelled,

I've found another she said with a smile
better looking than you by a mile
and younger too,

Tom demanded to know

The man from number twenty,
you wouldn't know him
but I do.
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