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Who's pointing the finger at
who or whom?
no room at the Inn?
it depends upon your
point of view.

I point at you or
you point at me
pointing out the obvious
that anyone can see.

It's the weekend
and I'm working
I can't seem to put a perk
into my step.
Newton's law of gravity
has nothing to do with
but if you
eat healthily
and drink copiously
Newton's law of gravity
will find you
Turning blue with the cold when I should be turning right to go home,
chilled to the bone and my bones are chilled to the marrow, but not far to go now.

Tomorrow I shall put on thermals.

These are my trials,
people with eyes on their mobiles instead of watching where they're going, blundering along, it's just wrong,
electric cars on the street that are silent, not even a beep, it's enough to make me weep.

Tomorrow with my thermals on I shall be warm, but I'll still find something to moan about.
On the tenth day of the first month in the year of our good gawd is that the time?

tame yourself Grammarly and stop moithering me with suggestions.

Everything wants to chime in without putting the time in to stop and think of how I would feel,
but I feel fine.

It's another day and I shall ****** away until the day is done and then back home for tea,

She asks me
what are you making?
taking a liberty
I say,
love to you.
The ocean was not me
nor was I the sea.

I was drowning on dry land
gasping for breath,
that's when I saw her
She appeared out of thin air
and was suddenly there
to give me a hand.

It doesn't take a genius
figure out the rest
someone with imagination.
You want to connect but the wiring is wrong and though you long for the day that the fault is corrected you do nothing to make things possible,
all things considered when you've considered all things and find no one to blame but yourself,
you take the stamp album off the shelf and realise no one is coming to see your collection.
Don't be fooled
it's not the war that we're fighting for,
it's the battles and the blood and gore
and we always, always want more.
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