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 Sep 2012 Johanna May
joel juanes
I'd rather be with you 
Cause what's two 
Without my one
subtracting my happiness 
Adds on stress
Which multiplies to me being a mess
And divides me in two
All this equals me without you
goodby Betty,don’t remember me
pencil your eyes dear and have a good time
with the tall tight boys at Tabari’
s,keep your teeth snowy, stick to beer and lime,
wear dark,and where your meeting ******* are round
have roses darling,it’s all i ask of you—
but that when light fails and this sweet profound
Paris moves with lovers,two and two
bound for themselves,when passionately dusk
brings softly down the perfume of the world
(and just as smaller stars begin to husk
heaven)you,you exactly paled and curled

with mystic lips take twilight where i know:
proving to Death that Love is so and so.
Beyond rippling paddy, runs a river,
Across the river, is a verdant hill,
Atop its pinnacle is a palm grove,
Above the tallest coconut  palm, sits  a civet cat,
drinking toddy, inebriated dreaming a strange light.
After having stomach full of toddy, the civet cat grows bold,
makes himself  a ball and simply fall down, avoiding the impossible task of  climbing down stone drunk.
The panther is in love with me, I can tell,
her eyes gleam, whenever I am near,
Her problem was this,"Are you an animal?"
"truly my love" I said, "I only wear a man's dress"
cougar, puma, leopard, black can imagine all these and more..
 Sep 2012 Johanna May
The Internet has this amazing way

of making art

feel so accessible

yet so demeaning.
 Sep 2012 Johanna May
James Joyce
Gentle lady, do not sing
Sad songs about the end of love;
Lay aside sadness and sing
How love that passes is enough.

Sing about the long deep sleep
Of lovers that are dead, and how
In the grave all love shall sleep:
Love is aweary now.
i will love you
till you feel me
in your bones
in the marrow
On the verge of tumbling,
I suddenly remembered how I disliked the act on fumbling.
Would I break my face?
Or would I get up again, always wary of when the next fall would take place?
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