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..In a world of my own...    they dream more than they sleep
Mckenna Lynn
find strength in pain & cherish love
Dev A
28/F/New Jersey    poetry is my way of speaking out and connecting to the world i write what i feel when i feel it...these are all my thoughts ...
JK Cabresos
M/PH    Hands are stained with poetry. / Romanticist
Joseph Paris
Chicago    Writer and poet. Recent to this site, hope to make valuable friendships here. The actions you are most afraid of taking are the ones that ...
Claire Elizabeth
I'm Claire. Over 123k views and counting. "Please do not hurt me, love, I think I've had enough pain to last the rest of my ...
Lexi Cairns
Tiny little town in Iowa    "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway
New York, USA    sporadic
Scott Madden
United Kingdom    Young, uninteresting, developing a voice.
35/M/Japan    β€œIt occurs to me that our survival may depend upon our talking to one another.” ― Dan Simmons, Hyperion
Alex Clarke
Birmingham    'Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.' - Charles Bukowski.

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