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the only thing worse
than being wrong
and shouting about it
is being right
and not saying a word
where there is agenda there will be amendment
in the end
you do what you have to
because thats all
thats left to be done
it cant be wrong
that one
the one
the one you wanted
all along
will be your swansong
another loud american
best greatest orator
will replace him
as head of state
alma mater
trump university
nothing will change
except the tax breaks
and loose change rates
at either end of the sliding slippery scale
I expect to be pushing up daisies by spring
I cant do another winter here
in this life of hell im living
it would be better to fall now
with the autumnal leaves
and be gone before the ice comes
spill my only warmth for an eternal reprieve
gettin cold gettin old gettin gone
the best is behind us
the rest of our lives will be spent
paying penitence
for the cost of yesteryears opulence
the sins of the fathers
bestowed upon us
with consumption to bind us
internal combustion denied to us
rights being silenced
men with guns as their final defiance
of the wants of the overpopulous populace

itll be a riot.
everything is logistics
the mundane to the mystic
plans be ******
you cant wish yourself
all the way
set the target
already missed it
stamp your feet and try to insist
you werent educated in an inner city
in a state of decay
should my time in the sun
be cast in the shadow
of those
that would set themselves
above me?
when icarus falls
will i be expected
to reach out a samaritans hand
to help him up
from laying in the dust
of his own char
or will i pluck a burnt feather
for my new jaunty hat?
you dont need hands to catch you
once youve learnt how to fly
safety is the net you have to escape
if you ever expect to reach the sky
rules are for the few to control the many
so that the few can thrive
you owe no justification for your own satisfaction
no other reason than your own reason why
Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
if the cost of a grown mans sanity
is the loss of the big kid inside me
then i dont want to play
remember when we were fresh friends
remember good times neverending
remember laughter transcending
remember friends are forever
there is a rock bottom
Id just got comfortable
when the **** fell out
now Im on a spike in hells basement
spit roasted flayed filleted
wishing I was back where Id started
with a life I still cared about
which tangled loom made me me
why was my pattern never repeated
what knitted the fabric of my ideology
who cut my strings and left me
wafting through the weave
youve become vindictive
in your hatred
remember the victor
is always tainted
by the victory
how far you will go to win defines how much of a loser you are
im not allowed my own echo chamber
so yours fills my void
fulfills my every living need
by making me avoid
thinking about anything
that could make you annoyed
when questioning what living needs
you give the child more toys
daddy where do enslaved babies come from?
the days are longer
the sun shines brighter
warming my heart
we could be in the arctic
in months of darkness
its spring wherever you are
what is the State
if not a state of mind confined
and like all minds
sorely in need of changing
no mans thought persists
even within his lifetime
existence is flux
constantly rearranging
conservatism is the most unnatural of political doctrine.
change is the only constant. law is a gaol.
youll save a whale
but youll leave a man poor
poor man cant understand
his lack of value to your portfolio
poor whale has no say
in what comes from the shores
where evil resides
with its own dead on its door
we are the only beast
listen to both sides
accept the truth
no one is divisible by two
unless they speak for everyone
they speak for themselves
i wonder what nastiness happened today
while royal nonentities beguiled the gullible
lost under the dress the smiles the parade
will be the things the government couldnt make possible
any other way
beyond the news is where the news is

edit: turns out it was just Theresa May being a lying hypocritical scumbag whod shank a bagpiper to hear which screams louder as they died.
pray take your paper morals
pay the piper for his troubles
you cast your bread upon the waters
to watch your ripples fade away
you pious men of clauses
masters of words and wars
and worse
no more martyrs to your causes
will come this way again
belief should be taken with a pinch of salt to cancel out the sugar
come to me
I await you bated
take what is yours my queen
take me into you
in that way that you make me do
make my mouth yours to please
grace my lips with one of your many names
so that I may cry out in idolatrous exaltation
and in the vicious debasement of curs
that is the tongue of my lust for you
if I could take
all the lines
from my face
and lay them out
they would spell
some are born
staring at the sun
becoming blinder
as their eyes widen
with every day begun
in warmth and comfort
the shadows that are darkest
on the brightest of days
become lighter as the night falls
fading away
light comes in waves
so does the dark
so i just discovered
having all the variables
isnt normal
the mask is slipping
what if something
is said to someone
their laser gaze
will fall upon me
who knows how
this plays out
3 moves ahead
is such a small lead
only so far
you can go
on such a short leash
lash out
lay down
accept whats coming
wanting to drown
when you float
is a punishment
of your own making
do you remember
when you remembered
I do
I remembered
until I forgot to remember
until now
when I just remembered you
noone can hide in the spotlight
but the man with the torch
shapes the shadows
dont take a breath
keep speaking
until there are no words left
so called leaders of men
to remember the hearts in their chests
not to be ******* the legs
that provide progress
through this mud called existence
to bear in mind
that the hands that create
are borne on arms
that when raised
can easily decapitate
a head of state
sometimes I crack
become all I despise
overtly human
I empathise
then I remember
what being human belies
violence ignorance and hypocrisy
deserve no compromise
so I have one last task
before I can take off my disguise
but Im not a monster
Ill give you time to say your goodbyes
then leave you all on your backs
looking up at the sky
while I **** yellow tears for humanity
into your wide dead eyes
im to be pitifully joyous
for the life ive been given
to be ecstatically happy
given my lot
i should look to my betters
give them my fealty
respect my elders
give them what ive got
both barrels

Nothing was given to me. I was never given the option to say no. It was forced into me.
talking to myself
is like talking to a brick wall
cant get any sense at all
from a man talking walking
the long walk
from a short pier
into the abyssal
we are all born a blank canvas
yet few become artists
most lay down their uniform lives
grateful to catch the drips
if you collaborate with the enemy
then you are the enemy
if you perpetuate hegemony
you must die
no vote no say you say?
that's no choice anyway
there's no hope for a change
while we're living your lie
no consideration
no toleration
no quarter
know this
in time even the unchangeable changes
flat unending plains raised into peaked mountain ranges
swirling seas became the deserts reign
immutable is movable
things will never be the same
paranoid eyes
run infinite eights
try to see the angles
in this tesselated state
look beyond the holographic
mind recalibrate
repeat the mantra
to the self
where would bundy be
in the media age
presenting daytime tv
from the presidential stage
calling aileen out
for her feminist ways
fighting chikitilos foreign policy
tooth and nail
Whether its the Don, Maggie May, The Butcher of Grozny or something like a Piers Morgan or a Katie Hopkins, the proportion of narcissistic psychopaths in the public eye is growing.
It's an attention ****** world. i asked myself
"what do you know of love?"
then sat waiting
for the fire to subside
its never clever to dwell on forevers that never came. those where you feel the pain before you even remember her whole name. there may be smiles one day but for now nothings changed. every accidental recollection adds more fuel to the flames.
a flash of light in the dark
our fiercest flames merely a spark
compared to what they are
we are the fire tamed
our embers rearranged
contained within their grated hearths
these tinder men of means
afraid to be seen
near any one of us
for fear the fires free
to take their twigs for kindling
burning everything
that maintains their hated hearts
your tree is an affront to this Green Man
it's not the winning
it's the taking apart
conspirational aspiration
would be a flying upstart
revolutionary metaphor
can only take us so far
solid action is required
before we're wiped out
like a wet ****
i wish i was happy youre happy
but in truth im just glad youre not sad
i hope that the part of me i left with you
wont forget all the happiness we had
the life that I would have to live
to get out of the life that I have been living
requires more life than I have life to give
and more time than I was given
how much must I lose to find myself
I need the world to stop turning to try to tell
whether Im moving forward or standing still
if I am up to my eyeballs or up to my elbows
"I guess it comes down to a simple choice: Get busy living, or get busy dying."
cant do right for doing wrong
been caught short for far too long
repeatedly beaten down for being proud
refusing to play along
thats the weakness in being strong
as the sun came up
on the day I died
I began to weep
to my eternal surprise
for if I had known
in my black and white life
colours like these
I wouldnt have had to die
yet if I had known all along
what I would find
I would have died much sooner
with the sun in my eyes
know where youre going
accept what youve done
look yourself in the eye again
remember when
then forget and move on
lessons cost

the bill is mine to pay

loss has taught me more
than all the education
i could ever assimilate

you have to pay the piper

for the melody

but you dont get to second guess
when the dirge is delivered
in a flat minor key

you just do your dance

and you pay the fee
my impending future
is my personal vision of hell
an inescapable carnal carnival carousel
of pity and wishes of well
pain as my only friend
until my accelerated desiccated demise
id rather die
in a few days time
flying with the sun in my eyes
its been a long day
its been a long hard day
its been a long hard lonely ******* day
but thats alright
i feel fine
because i know that youre out there
and i know that youre mine
inequality must be maintained
no two things in nature are the same
it is a fallacy for us to force them to be
when so much more is gained from the differences
than the similarities
Accepting what you are means accepting what you are not.
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