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theyre out there in the ether
patterns are repeated by definition
cannot be an isolated incident


coincidentally mental efficiency
allows a nonsentient entity
such as the universal construct
our senses render perceptively
to assess its own state of entropy
thus rendering life necessary
though not necessarily anthropomorphically
so *I* said....
communication is the key
so i talk to myself as much as i can
we have a laugh
me and me
as a matter of fact
here he is now
with a joke
about a man
sat alone
with himself
limited by form
enraptured by voracity
they come stumbling forth
a wave of alacrity
the dead reborn
graverobbed of their sanctity
tasting life once more
flesh called
theyre answering
zombies dont run!
genius is relative
******* twin brother
when theyre not communicating
cant tell one from the other
ive got no time for time
i spent more than I had
living a lifetime
with no costs spared
age is a ruin
best be prepared
for deaths demolition
without a care in the world
think too much
do too little
reverse course
fickle piggy in the middle
youll make a tasty morsel
on the masters platter
if you carry on snuffling
into matters that dont matter
have words but no sense
stressed as a consequence
take a




try again in sec
count to ten
procrastinate instead
spend the day in bed
I see you coming
I hope you brought a friend
I distinctly remember
our last dalliance
as a night without end
so I am loath to have my last chance
spoilt by you again
please go away
save your last dance
for someone more deserving of your gaze
avert your eyes
I'm not taking your attention
for a change
the calm that escapes me
waits for a space in the cloud
patient now
breaking down
destroying and remaking
my mind up
what hope do I have
when my last chance for help is the hangman
who holds my life in his hands and never wavers from his agenda
yet I am expected to stay calm and collected
present the better angels of my nature to be tested
as apoplectic representations of anguish are never accepted
my better angel fell
along comes another season
spring again again
a reason to be cheerful
and fearful of the fall
after a long hard winter
in the wilderness alone
summer is rebeckoning
for Bekki
all im wanting
is for us to be one thing
a beautiful new beast
with two minds and one heartbeat
two undred miles
burrabar twenny thousan leagues
away from ere
is a place called londinium
the land of dreams
the land of fears
fulla ten million foreigners
as different from us up ere
as dee are from each udder
judge the cover by the book
theres more inside the more you look
behind the eyes is where the best stuff is found
the stuff you cant touch
stuff like love and lust
the longing
to have something longer than a lifetime
could ever hope to have time enough
beg borrow or steal
the lives ive held between these hands
dont touch me as i pass them on
each as nameless as the last
their faces blurring into one
the pleas
the tears
the bended knees
like words repeated once too often
lose all human quality
as i lost mine
when i took this job on
dedicated to call centre workers everywhere. Death is just another customer service representative
pseudo science
semi read
partly understood
constantly repeated
conspiracy theory
empiracally void
unconditional belief
totally paranoid
reaching for oblivion
falling short
searching for a reason
to end it all
infamy is beckoning
make the call
tails we're on a winner
heads will roll
i loved you like you wouldnt believe
when i lost you i was on my knees
with my future torn away
on a breeze that had become a storm
you were my kite
you had me flying
propelling me forward without trying
lifting me up with a grace and an ease
that belied the load
you have the heart of a lion
wanted what was yours from the moment you arrived
on my doorstep
i was sure that you were mine
because you showed me so
now youre in my thoughts as i lay dying
forever more
until the end of my time
forever yours
next time around ill come and find you
never let you go
all time is one
knowledge is learnt
ignorance is inherent
intelligence can't be taught
it's either there or it isn't
innocence can't be bought
reacquired or inherited
fear in all its forms
is the norm
learn to tether it
I am no mans slave
as I am no mans boss
I recognise deep inside
that no gain is no loss
I stand alone with my conviction
my own thoughts on us
knowing today is all that is definite
beyond that
I couldn't give a toss
it is an eternal shame

to leave it so late in the day

to say what we say

in obituary
death masks dont spit back
you make me
a self fulfilling prophecy
so well played
you'd hand his ****
to machiavelli
what you don't see
is all you'll lose
to claim your bounty
what you taught me
is that you have to die
for my life to have had meaning
lies need to be caught
truth needs to be free
anyone can see that
so you close your eyes
put your fingers in your ears
ignore both for your happiness
live blissfully
i was walking tall
now im caught flat footed
i had won it all
but the game was crooked
what came before the fall
was pride reconstructed
pressed the wrong button

self destructed
dont confuse class with circumstance
coincidence can happen to the richest man
for many a king has faced catastrophe
lost their heads holding a hand out in defeat
better men than them need to eat
"homeless" is such a benignly malignant word isnt it? doesnt really convey the sleeping in doorways, asking people for pennies to ignore your pride vibe of the thing.
they were tramps when i was a kid, and we respected them. theyd come back broken from wars. they were at least owed their place in the ennog unmolested.
then capitalism monetised them, made them a demographic and demonised them for their lack of spending power.
Im a ***** with a house. an english land owner of all things. that most noble of men apparently.
i can fix anyone except me
bring me your problems
i can put them to sleep
its nothing special i just say what i see
you see it too or you wouldnt be talking to me
its just a form of devils advocacy
i see your demons and i speak their language fluently
let them talk through me
occam would approve
as deeply incised insight like mine
is built on a life in ruin
It's easy to cut the heart out of life with Occams razor but I'll take it over Damocles sword every time.
someone sells you a demand
so you supply it
they put the cart before the horse
you still buy it
theres this thing called critical thinking
you should try it
if theyre trying hard to make the sale
walk away
deny it
nothing you need needs to be sold to you
what happens when the prodigal son returns
wanting nothing but apologies for bridges burnt
is he has to cross a chasm
has his advances spurned
travels back to his far country
lesson learned
if a man falls
in a country
with nothing to offer
does anyone care?
they say if it hurts
you know youre alive
but the pain in my life
is why i want to die
the screamers have time
its the silent that are nearest demise
so im being quiet
in the hope that theyre right
there is always hope
rich begat rich
forget the rest
societal nepotism
reserved for the best
bias uncrossed
infinite regress
poor plied
into poor piles
made less
put em together then take em apart. you can only take so much. as can we.
its not the same bed once its over
cant roll over to console her
isnt my role any more
since she decided to show me the door
so im lying here listening to her snore
tormented by thoughts of the morning
nothing i can say to the prone form
of my former lover
too late to tell her i love her
the past writes the future
it's all there to see
bar the odd alarming
everything coming
has already been
the only change
is the time
the place
the name
human experience
is one long chain
linked back
to the last
and forth
to the beginning
give them an inch
and theyll take a measure
rules make rulers of men
to be measured against
and to be found to be lesser
what do you think
you can do to me now
when all you can add to my pain is flavour
i have already lost everything i ever found
but itll cost you your liberty
to do me a favour
whats iraq got that syria hasnt?
whats the difference between them
and afghanistan?
whos deciding one deserves help
and the other doesnt?
how much more ******* carnage must we see
before well lend a hand?
or are you waiting til debating votes and ratings
lets you know which path your taking
meanwhile the genocidal wrath is unabating
like another bosnia
4 long brutal years ago I posted this. Nothing has changed. We should all be ashamed we havent overthrown our own governments to help them overthrow theirs.
Im not going to lie down and die
while I can stand and explode in your face
we can have peace in our time
once Ive erased all the mistakes that you made
and the mistakes that made you
put your hands up and clap

like thunder
remember remember the 14th of november
petrol and death and destruction
all other terror
for now and forever
shall pale before my final eruption
guy fawkes me ****

the yesterday that never was
don't hold onto the pain
until it sears your skin
you can't wash it out
once it's burnt in
you will scrub all your life
to be left feeling the same
raw and bloodied
cursing his name
whilst you congratulate
yourself on your win
**** the police
theyre not on your side
make them obsolete
make your peace your pride
know your enemy
know that the thin blue line
will never leave you be
with itself to justify
how do i become everything i despise
in order to fit my mishapen thoughts
into the cracks undercutting
their fundamentally broken world
how do i overcome the revulsion
of seeing my reflection in the mirror
knowing every step i take towards financial freedom
binds me tighter to the oar bench of a sinking ship
set afloat on a sea of abject poverty
every tainted pound i make i steal from another
in this competition of survival where
natural selection is bypassed in the name of
exponential consumption
every meal i buy i steal from the lips
of someone who will never taste sweet promise again
every penny i pay in tax
to sustain a long dead dream
kills another man i dont know
with a bullet he wont hear
in a land i cant visit
as anything other than a culpable murderer
my shame arresting me with a jurisdiction
no court of human "rights" can ever understand
how do i look around me
at those that commit blind atrocity
in the name of demonic democracy
with their ignorant bliss
and not want to ravage their pretty
pampered throats with my teeth
spilling their warm careless lives
into the dust at their feet
of those that failed to learn
the lessons of the past
or saw the revolving door of politics
spit out clone after differently hued clone
painted with the same brush
hewn from the same men of the cloth
and came away spun and believing the hype
without ever acknowledging the possibility
of another radical option
how, in words without the ambiguity
of those with a reputation to protect
and a dollar to make
do i **** everything and everyone
that makes life a race to be run
a game to be played
and a resource to be monetarised
plagiarised and dominated,
why as a species
have we consistently
empowered the enfeebled
allowed them to lead the way
what does that say about us
when what sets us apart
is our ability to deduce
we need to stop and decide
if we are the right animal
for the top of the food chain
as i suspect we taste
better than we think
up n down
like the proverbial ****** drawers
servin hors doeuvres
to rich *****
bein rinsed by cheap escorts
hands raw
work eight days a week
to be paid for four
make much more
on her back were she as debauched
with the petite bourgeoisie
tucking in to her
as the main course
cant buy honour
dont pretend to understand
the facts ive faced
the pacts ive made
or the price ive paid
in exchange
for staying one move
ahead of the game
out of my chains
free as a bird
in a cage of my making
drunk all the time
balancing out
banging lines
too tired to be trying
to be patient
in work as in life
all alone
or with the wife
on a path
to a situation vacant
cant lose what was never mine
nor the lust left behind undiscovered
though our bodies may have lain intertwined
her heart was bound to another
gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em
we will take what is yours
to make it everyones
for every door you close
a window opens to let us
we are not a cause
we are the reaction to your measures
you do it to yourselves
we'll take the blame and the credit
I see your eyes when I close mine
I see their glow through my eyelids
like a daydream in the sunshine
I close my eyes from time to time
just to be alone in your summer glade
under your cloudless sky
pity the fool
that lies to himself
then open your eyes
and look at the world
time and tide wait for noone
sink or ride the waves of sorrow
pounding at the shores of tomorrow
washing clean the life you borrow
fill your hourglass watch its tumble
signify your times of trouble
clarity is an empty bubble
sitting over a sandy puddle
no sane man lies down before the lion
accepts his fate and is devoured
instinct forges a heart of iron
there is no such thing as a natural coward
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