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youve been here before
deja vu
think quickly
last time what did you do
accidents happen
lightning strikes in twos
but its your reaction
that decides
if the disaster is you
come with me
you poor
you downtrodden
together we can raise the sky
where there are those
in a deeper circle of hell than yours
help them up
as one
we will take the next level
then the one above
start from the bottom when youre building
when youre in a fight
youre in a fight
dont stop swinging
any chance to breathe
gives your enemy
a chance to beat you
if you come in waves
defeat lays wait
within the spaces
attack your foe
as tsunami
as one
to wash away all traces
mass equals volume times destiny
help wanted
apply within
surrender to your self
let the healing begin
being who you are
not who youre being
is imperative
if youre to have the key
to this loony bin
churchill was a mouthpiece
poor soldiers won the war
surrender is the dunkirk spirit
not propagandas fawning stories
cult of personality
nothing less nothing more
but britain is the land of dreams
to the tory bigots snoring
redundant and rhetorical
just talking lots whilst saying nothing
repeating lies ad infinitum
droning on and on and on
drowning out dissenting voices
all sense is lost
forestalled momentum
the country is going nowhere fast
conservatism at the helm
brrruuuuuhhhVICTORY! brrruuuuuhhhENGLAND! brrruuuuuhhh!
im burning all my bridges so theres no way back
my only defence for them is on the attack
in the end theyll understand that there was method in the madness
anger is the antidote to sadness
infinite sadness becomes ultimate wisdom
you shouldnt have to force a man to think about his life
but the times are gone when thinking men were thought about as right
the fear of the thoughtful man is rife
in a world where ignorance keeps dominations grip tight
the response is the attack
the attack is but the impetus
asymmetric war is fought
on the counter reversal
one martyr
one hundred million avid eyes
billions lost in commerce
billions more paid to keep the dream alive
coppers by the thousand
press choppers crowding the sky
whoever said one man cant make a difference
is living a lie on the losing side
one man can make a difference. you just proved it to him. and the next one. and the next one.
We'll find our own arrow of time
Live in our bubble
Of superdense time/space
Accelerating our mass
Until we collapse
In on ourselves
Form a new universe
Where we make our own rules
In physical superposition
Am I the only one who sees
there is no good
only degrees
of evil?
you hide your fire inside
where its burning you alive
the pain of keeping it aflame
is shining in your eyes
in protecting it from the rain
youve stopped seeing the sky
look up while some spark remains
before the heat inside you dies
having suffered the shoah
you should be ashamed
national socialist
in all but name
a fascist dictatorship
eugenically made
and educated in Germany
antisemitic if i dare to say
youre the same
the way you treat the Palestinians
reminds me of the ghetto tales
you told to help pave the way
to the gilded land of Israel
shalom to all but the zionists
dont denigrate the naysayer
for saying what he sees
while you may not believe your eyes
belief is not to be believed
nothing real needs proving
but everything real can be
there is no need for blind devotion
when with your eyes open you simply see
shouldnt need one
to have some
shouldnt have one
to not
i can no more be who i am not
than i can be who i am
what is there in a same ol world
for a different man
but if a life is within my grasp
should i grab it while i can
or keep clutching at straws
until the shortest one is found
the first take is the best take
get it while its yours
no pressure
take a deep breath of fresh air
let it out raw
then give it some more
nothing better than best
ever represented itself
in take two three or four
legends let it rest in one
peace out
when they remember to press record
still talking to myself
on the tin can telephone
if i shouted any louder
my tongue would be a semaphore
im getting nowhere faster
than a paraplegic tortuga
tortuously touring
a mini minotaur in its mystic maze
running marathons before the bulls
hit all the china plates
youve placed in every possible avenue
of escape
the language of anger is violence. sprechen sie?
if yesterday
was your last tomorrow
what does that make today
while you are trying to decide
if you lived or died
your time is wasting away
im up to my nuts in the tide
crying defiantly
warning the waves away
im not obstinate
im mired
my rime rimmed eyes
are master of naught they survey
my hands are tied
im bound to be riled up
watching whats coming my way
regardless i try
ill stop when im dried out
or drowning
take a deep breath
and start over again
cant mend broken bridges with the sticks and stones that broke them
they say names never hurt but they stick in the throat at both ends
the first cut is defensive the deeper wounds come with words oft repeated
with the mean comes the end no more love no more friends no more feelings except self defeated
the burn outs
fade away
lived all their life in the past
****** all their days away
many times over
time is no measure of life
reiteration is the basis of everything
the most perfect creations replaced inevitably
as taste, styles and the people that make them cease to be
then they themselves remade to replace themselves equally
but better
if i could
i wouldnt have to
that i cant
is why i must
revolution is the mother of evolution
for we are as first born
most amongst equal
it shall be we who crack the sky
our voices raised for all people
we who may lay down our lives
so that all may thrive
in the world that we leave them
at best were making the best
of a bad situation
adding stress to a stressed
to breaking point population
revolutions have begun before
for much lesser reasons
the lesson from the past to learn
is often treason is reasonable
Hello Doc,

You'll have to excuse me,

as it's been a while since you and I

have seen eye to eye about what I see as the reality of my reality.

From out here on the precipice, overlooking the depths of the great abyss

I have to say this,

I'm feeling fine.
Yours Sincerely

Joey Jo Jo Jnr Shabadoo Esq.
money changes in a monetary temple
trading pennies for piety rental
minority more than majority
alchemical method sells water as wine
gold as base metal
our precious "lead"ers
waiting ******* shaking in the gents
breakfast coming back up
with all the courage that ive drank
setting up the kit on rubber legs
no words of encouragement
can make this fright any less
sit upon the throne
the whole world changes
now i am the drums
about to make the place my slave
cant hide
all eyes looking my way
loudest ******* in the building
beating his chest and making waves
if existence had messed up
crossed paths on a different azimuth
missed us
would christmas still be christmas?
there is no god but man
if I tell you I'm fine
I mostly mean I'm wearing thin
a fish on a line
fighting futility with the net closing in
caught in a bind
the knot biting into my skin
if it's all in the mind
why do the scars ache so much
I can feel them
is the font of originality
from which necessity sups
thus suckling us
infusing music unique
the names of the notes
no education no emulating
nothing not ours is good enough
self bias raised
everything to gain
giving everything
make a tape of the songs
demo #1
then its on scene
say hello to the nouveau *****
stormtroopers in top hats and tails
to remind us that right is might is right
and that the righteous always prevail
dissent will be met with violence
remember dead men tell no tales
penitence or consequences
are all thats left for the left in their dying days
we sing our words as an invocation
of power for all the missing generations
left in this city of sorrow and elation
gone from the top of the world
to the depths of degredation
time and again left in cessation
never ceasing to believe in our own population
liverpool will never be part of this nation
but if you think we give a **** youre very much mistaken
cast off
they never wanted us
they just want what we've got
I decry
because I must
before what I remember of liverpool
is ground into dust
of a conservative government
determined to sell off everything
that makes us
we must what we must
its time to take back
what was ours in the first place
its in our blood
ordered liarbility
sedimentary memory
scraped away
just another day
past and future
both the same
spinning in his grave
nothing hurts more
than what you havent got
possession is nine tenths of the law
but its the other part
that you can never have whole
in your hand or your heart
that will sear
as it tears you apart
got burnt
the rage is my suicide
trying to save me
building walls on my shores
to break waves
to ensure i dont succumb to the tsunami
calming the waters
i am encumbered by a law
that restricts my every thought
and thats the way it ought to be
the law is mine not yours
doesnt need to be taught
isnt based upon your failed ideologies
do as thou wilt is the whole of the law
mine is mine yours is yours
and never the twain shall they be
morals imposed are for those
with no self control
natural selection will remove them eventually
so i dont have to

An it harm none, do what ye will
nowhere to go
noone to be when i get there
im all alone
a refugee from humanity
going spare
got to go on
get going or get gone
get off at the next stop
between here and eternity
or seize the controls
let it roll
take the brakes off
see what fate offers
crashing headlong
forever headstrong
into the buffers theyve erected
marking the end of my line
dont drop your dreams for excuses
the real has its uses
but fantasy is its own reward
you may never be what the world says
society is a mindset
focus your entirety on your cause
your sights adjusted
do what you must
to set a path to what is rightfully yours
you have the right
to remove yourself
from all that you abhor
and the right to remove the heads of those
that would say that their dream
is the best that you can hope for
that then they them
The futures so bright
It casts now into shadow
The price to be paid
For a better tomorrow
In these rarefied times
We have to live shallow
For what the past had
And the next expect
Leaves the present peasant fallow
it is as time for drastic measures
as it ever was
make up your mind to make your mark
make it indelible
so when they try to rub it off
they take their flesh with it
remind them riches have a cost
the more the less you accept
herein the lesson ends
theyll hear every word you said
like your voice inside their heads
when they look in the mirror
he shakes your left hand
as much as this offends
hes been here before
and hes heard the stories
how you buried his elders
in pig skin
a week late
facing west
hes keeping his right hand ready
and hes going to strike when his hospitality runs out
i am the inky tip of my egos quill
sometimes needing blotting
always needing refilled
dipped into a bottomless well of will
i will stop at nothing
until my need is fulfilled
i fear we are all born gods
for we have fallen far
our curse
our being here on earth
is a trial no mere mortal
can ever master
oh how mistress time
mocks our desires
as we try the futile
to outlast her
they voted with their feet
took their ball home and went back to sleep
demoted from the champions league
scored an own goal from a gifted penalty
as unthinkable as that could be
i slept perchance to dream
saw the black loom of eternity
spin out a blanket of the real
with no comfort
it was comforting
to know all that i see
is part of something
with no human taint
the infinite explains
the finite nature of human restraint
spread upon the winds
a seed of life without our massive weight
is as light as light can be
on a sea of waves with no anchors chain
to tie us to the bedrock
of our infinitely complex brain
the problem lay in opened eyes
to heavy waking life again
lost myself
in the mire of my mind
up to my eyeballs
in closed in horizons
cant trust my senses
seek and ye shall find
left me defenceless
relentlessly demented
there is a perverse part of me
that likes to look before i leap
just to see the fall coming
so i can say i say what i see
fulfil my own prophecy
hit the ground running
we look for wealth
amidst the poverty
searching with straining eyes
for signs of joy
so we can again look away
with our souls salved
our curiosity sated
and our lids unmoved
in our sleep
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