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if there is glamour
in being anti it
you enamour it
so you make it so
your cause needs to be effective
so you affect it
keep the kudos coming
take your percentage
make the next gig
bigger than the one before
nothing less than
armageddon wins it
sell another ticket
on with the show
you perpetuate what you crave
what do you do
when your sustenance
becomes your torture
when every mouthful
equals an hour of your future
feeling mortal
when every missed mouthful
is the slow cold unsleeping road
to the same destination
when every thought of it is tainted
by your need and your hate of it
please understand
that you reap what you sow with me
im way beyond right or wrong
at this point in proceedings
nothing you say now can change how
our end is beginning
it started way farther back
than youre comprehending
that this is the first that youve heard
is your singular failing
you would have been well prepared
had you been concentrating
its been sixteen years
since i came to my senses
and ive shown you every single day
**** the consequences
make me the bad guy at your peril
aimed for the sun
found the ground
floundered rolling uphill
rolled back down
could have been a king
ended up a clown
stuck on this labyrinthine
merry go round
if you could ask icarus
of his time in the sun
his story would be as labyrinthine
as the tales his father spun
he didnt fall
he didnt drown
his every battle won
his hypocrisy and his hubris
make him heavens chosen son
Schadenfreude isnt a mythical creature
be they praise or profanity
all words are inanity
on the lips of fools
im old enough now
to see the patterns repeating
the cycles of life
the ever decreasing circles
repeating repeating repeating
while i stay the same
repeating days as if decades
accruing wisdom and rime in equal measure
spectating the game
seeing and saying
waiting for the day when the circles align
and the sky catches fire
energy causing matter to coalesce
bodies formed the function inherent
sentient life from chemical process
no gods just chance no more no less
black cats and beautiful women
when they cross paths
exchange shrewd looks and wry smiles
at their toll upon man
they never came back
when i set them free
not the women
not the friends
not the family
ive never been wanted
never wanted to be
i had to lose all id found
to find myself wanting
i hope with no hope
that this end isnt mine
that im at a beginning
a reset in time
but when faced with reality
when i open my eyes
every day has been a loss to me
wasted life
not doing it again
you faced your final adversary with your eyes closed
your faces deep set memories
told of times as old as time has tales to tell
old age is a living hell youd say
with a glint in your golden gaze
that may have been a tear
to someone else
we dont look like them
we dont act like them
we dont dress like them
we dont think like them
we dont think we want to be like them
but we are all us now
people worry too much about outside ideas coming in
its the inside ideas coming out they should fear
that which you covet controls you
keeps your soul in its grasp
makes you do what it asks
then consumes you with the tasks
it requires of your time
to be held in your hands
whilst never defining
who owns who
tories give you **** all
and then blame you for having it
make you the scapegoat
for their cause and effect
you should be self made
like them
and their forefathers
names you should recognise and respect
these nuclear families
at their core plantagenet
conserving themselves
at the cost of the rest
should be expelled
gelded and fed the excess
strung up from lampposts
by their wallets
until death
while they were intermingling
into everything
we couldnt feed our families
and our families went away

thats how divide and conquer works
if i promised you the future
would be there when we arrived
would you walk with me
every leap will be a stride
to conquer
we have to decapitate the domineering minority
separate the fools from their money
then instigate a global technological democracy
where every human is connected
directly represented
every choice debated and agreed
on civic days pride dictated
taking part is part of taking
what can be provided
by our trying to be
a true planetary society
i know one day im going to see you again
be with you again
although it may not be until
long after eternity has ended
in the grand scheme of things
when is a matter of perspective
times arrow returns to the quiver unequivocally
waiting to be reselected
i have all the time in the world to doubt. now i know.
if insight is inciteful
should i look away?
cant unsee the lies
with an eyeful
see what Im saying?
say what i see
cant deny i say it seethingly
if thats a crime
then im a criminal
not guiltily
we're brothers in flesh
disjointed in mind
allah is all together
all the gods refined
distilled and decanted
the measure the bind
the empty glass is more full
than the headiest wine
i feel the dawn
as a living thing
the new life
stillborn by dusk
the key to longevity is knowing when to quit
but how does one go about starting it
its never a good feeling when a **** turns to ****
so if all you can do is follow through
make a splash and take the hit
even more pooetry from the 'pool
remade in an image tainted
clever clone of the spoils of war
perfect person for a perfect planet
stood on the bones of those come before
modified to be ever youthful
health glowing from every pore
the next stage in our evolution
will be a step backward into abject horror
for the weak and the poor
It shall be such a pretty hell
if theres a silver lining
im robbing it
ive had enough of waiting
for another hit
if theyll kick a down man
ill take a punt
put the boot on the other foot
if the shoe fits
wear it
when the other one drops
be prepared
when they kick my knees out
ill go down
killing and cursing
**** em
nothing left in a right world
conservatism and conservation are not compatible
consumerism is their watchword
devouring everything worth anything their will
if you will defend the indefensible
represent the reprehensible
offend the inoffensive for effect
then i feel i must respond in kind
give you a piece of my lost mind
as a nine millimetre double tap to the chest
im only right of centre in aim
if youre having to push
youre trying too hard
an idiot and their idiocy
will not be parted
be it ignorance
or mean hearted
anything theyre pushing
can be disregarded
no dissenting voice
no choice
no need to ask us
until the people rise above
the taskmasters
what we say is meaningless
dont listen
born into nothing
still got most
made it to the bottom
from the starting post
expectation throttled
expected overdose
no escape
cant evade
foundations were imposed
those that made it out were never there
life is yours
for such a short time
dont return it
with no scratches
and a full tank
the penalty is the same
when stoked
im fire
im burning entire
rake over my coals
make my flame reach higher
caresses like ice
succumbing to the pyre
steam rising
from colliding
elemental desire
we'll travel ever forward
our fragmented bullet
praying for nothing in the way
painting targets on the sky
killing and dying for them
until we all come together one day
when there's no way left to be saved
somewhere on our ballistic arc through the universe theres a bullseye
what could i give you that would make you take me
take the risk of your heart breaking
make a list and ill start creating
a cathedral from my heart of stone
every once in a while
the world requires a wildfire
from fallow to fertile
takes a force of will
if all you aspire to
is to acquire whats denied to you
righteously do what you have to do
light the fuse
be the spill
twisted firestarter
inevitably tomorrow never comes
as the shining beacon for the future
that today portrays
it comes as the lovers tumour
it comes as the dead pet
it comes as the crippling stroke
tomorrow explodes into our little lives
shattering everything we hold dear
except for that one thing we protect
sheltered in our broken hearts
the hope
that tomorrows tomorrow will be better
the surety of it
what fools we are
jesters til the end
one must acknowledge the mundane
before one can expand to the spectacular
accept that the world is a veil
a sham set in front of a backdrop
one that has rarely changed
beyond exit stage left for a core set of actors
until we seperate fortune from fame
it will be the same masks laughing back at us
that have laughed at every other disaster they have been master of
dave camos face cant really look like that?
heroes are a mystery to me
put upon a pedestal
fawning at their feet
no man is more special than me
when Im stood upon their shoulders
******* on their grave beneath
I just couldn't help meself
I went tearin in
it smelt like a bacon sarnie
to a lapsing vegetarian
I swore I wouldn't do it
and I'd swear I didn't then
but I'll sign for me crimes on the dotted line
I'd sell ya a *******, if you'll give me a pen...
an a baggadat ting aggen
Lad doh lad, kid lad, lad
a vision of youth
as blind as a bat
shouting into the darkness before it
only heeding the echoes bouncing back
self fulfilling prophecy
doesnt know that it doesnt know that
continues to be what it believes that its seeing
ignorance becomes fact
am a scouser la
dont want ya la dee da
grew up wid a yard
saw gardens from afar
jus me an me ma
wid ar windows barred
against da smackheads
an da scallys
dat wanted wots ars
not dat wot wuz ars
wuz ars anyway
stuff lifted off a wagon
dat got lost on edge lane
comin off da 62
could get ya waylaid
passin thru where i grew up
back in da day
big man
brought low
noone to be
nowhere to go
no way of getting there
eating his crow
locked in locked down
knows a way out though
we were once supernovae
roiling bundles of energy
chaos barely constrained
yet we survived our brightening
that we now must fade
is the nature of our being
we were giants of the sky
in our moment
but we shaped our own destiny
paying pawns to play the kings game is for the poor
Im not playing it that way any more
my monetary weakness has me hamstrung for sure
but its not like I havent made stronger moves before
checkmate is an uncomfortable place to be
sitting waiting for their brave knights on contracts to come and get me
but as impossible as it may seem
I will extract myself from this trap they have me in
even if it kills me
and them
start at four
unlock the doors
wash the floors
wash the tables
cleaning up whats left over
from yesterdays fun and games
then start again
12 hours more
of back and forth
and back and forth
and back and forth
and back and forth
and scorn
and whispered words of harm
from smarmy englands home grown army
braver now
since the bigots charter
britains best
at the bar rat arsed again
better than the rest
at spending their hard earned girocheque
Ghetto is a state of mind. Kristallnacht isnt.
we should **** the ruling class in their beds
make no mistake
they would chop off our heads
if the roles were reversed
some quirks of fate interspersed
if they were as poor and if we were as blessed
take from a taker, give to a giver
living yesterday
on tomorrows ****
is no way to do much
with the time inbetween
what comes next will be painful
but nothing hurts in your sleep
and yet I still choose to wake up
from that other reality
to live this daydream
while awaiting patiently
my turn at eternity
isnt an ally supposed to be on your side?
whatever your opinion of their affectations
or their flamboyant nature
was just a frame for your self hatred
there was a person behind the persona you hated
someones child youve taken
something irreplaceable
youre a real man now.
i can give my all
now theres nothing left
done the demolition
need an architect
thorough renovation
still time yet
a little tenderness
turns this rubble pile into a palace
thats the dating profile sorted

Opposite pov to this one i suppose
i was just getting started
found my way
after years in the wilderness
many moons wasted
going in circles
facing growing indifference
but subsistence was still existence
now with my path laid
a destination at last
on my way to an early grave
i wish i could say
that i got what i wanted
time heals all wounds
death erases the scars
love is the weapon
that cuts the deepest
the cause as well as the balm
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