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i ***** all my candles
squander my skills
smother my talents
when theyre revealed
present a peasant
when pedants are near
prefer people with fur
to any human here
only known myself since birth
every human interaction
intricately observed
psychopathic tendencies
kept strictly in reserve
dont look in my direction
noone gets hurt
everybodys happy
when i say eyes i meant ****
a need me sanity back
as anybody seen it?
salways in da las place ya look
so me eds up me ****
just in case irrappears
sabit like dem pokie mans, gorra catch da bastud
welcome to the rollercoaster merry go round
shes guarenteed to please
your head will be spinning in the clouds
you wont know which way is up and which way is down
and then you get to go again the other way around
if youre going to send
three pigs to my door
ill huff and ill puff
then ill blow the ***** up
your duty of care
doesnt work any more
it will get us all killed
in a cloud of brick dust
i live in me head
coz i know all the neighbours
i havent seen the outside world for ages
sat on me **** writing pages and pages
of justifications that just sound outrageous
the real reason why is coz im ******* dangerous
cant wait to take task to our lords and ******* saviours
all the cheeky ******* trying to influence our behaviours
and the blind ignorant masses satisfied with their delusions of grandeur
**** yaz
what of the shapes
we dont see in the clouds
the things that are there
but not for our eyes
are they any less real
than those recognised
like the face of a friend
not seen in a long time
our enemies are not our enemies
their enmity ends
when our friends and benificiaries
begin to make amends
for the long list of atrocities
we have committed against them
in the demonic name of democracy
and the freedom it pretends to represent
the truth of the search
no matter how long it took
is that everything you saught
was always in the last place you'd look
im hurting
none of it is the pain
all the same
because of me
the people i care for
are fearful
dying is killing
in my name
Im so sorry
yes i love you
but there is a but to that
there can be no future
where there has been no past
all that is before us
is but a part of what has passed
the bulk of what we could have become
was but ballast
i kept nothing fresh
that i could let rot on the vine
didnt need divinity
to make water from wine
drank my fill from the cup of life
then lay down to die
where i lay still
waiting for time
werz me cntroll wennaneedit
ad dis fukkn ting duhfeetd
annowiss gommee bakk on me neez
ferda saykova bigbaggagrreen
a carnt be fukkn arsd repeetn
dis same day aggen an aggen
av orreddee seen it laa
issdawonn dat never fukkn ennz
Just say no to drugs kids.

Unless its a really nice kush.
you feel the lows more
feel them cavitating at your core
so that when the highs soar
you know to take wing
the days go slower and pass faster
i make no apologies
for my words steadily
building into anthologies
but i feel i must say im sorry
for my lack of poetic knowledge
leading to reams of verbal slurry
i must add at this point in proceedings
that i think im doing well given educations failings
but dont expect too much entertaining
theres only so far i can go on my GCSE gradings
once upon a time
we were just one species
but then came places
and races
and war
until we recombine
our disparate pieces
we will never recognise
the face that came before
the face of the mother of us all
you need to check your front
is not on backwards
getting caught grinning
is no laughing matter
in it to win it
less is coming last
be the index not the epilogue
when it comes to chapters after
or its time to close the book
ya fukkn right am paranoid
you wud be too
snot long since a gang an a gun
wid a grudge came bustin thru
my fukkn livin room
so yeh am sittin ere armed ter da teeth
waitin fer roun two
coz if its gonnarappen
dis time am packin
da bodies in bags
so i can put dem in da boot
an am buryin da ***** on da beach
an am takin da loot
the irony is
that ends prompt actions
its always too late
once procrastination
lets go of the chains
that have held you back from
the things that you would have liked to have done
I could tell from the faces
I passed on the streets
with their furtive sideways glances
up from the ground at their feet
that I was as different
as they were to me
an old scouser
in new manchester
is a very different beast
aiyohhhhhhhhh yaaaarriiiiiEEEE?
got wabs from a lad
the scabs said its spot on
nice fat bags
with a little green leaf on em
scallys and their vanity
taggin themselves for taxin
easy backtrackin
you can almost hear the fingers snappin
say nottn if yer asked
ask nottn if ya told
keep yer eyes straight ahead
an ya toes follow ya nose
keep walkin
til ya get ter where ya goin
oh youll know where ya goin
when ya get there
dont ya know
ya know
youll get ter where ya goin when ya know
you looked the same
I marvelled
do I to you
knowing I couldnt
wearing your scars
as I do
the grey you left me
showing through
bright despair
from split tip to root
declaring the years I gave
and lost
in sharp contrast
to the dark vitality
you once knew
your unseeing eyes
then withdrew
my breath held
shakily exhaled
I was reproved
still cant get blood
from a stone
where will i put the ball
without a net to aim for
and a man to whistle
and approve
join the dots
paint the picture
take a look
at your depiction
what you saw
what you created
are different patterns
of the same creator
real and unreal
are both illusions
your minds eye
is the only one you see through
the world stopped growing when i stopped measuring
all of a sudden everything was within my reach
while outside my capacity
collapsing as i am under the weight of my own gravity
Im so tired
even breathing is a chore
Im not sure I want to keep doing it any more
I tried
but after a lifetime Im bored
of the days all being the same as the one before
im trying to decide
if this is hell
or heaven
when im eleven oclock ******
and its only seven
ive got enough
to power through until nine or ten
but then im crashing
ill be passing out
and ******* meself
I forgot the space between
I wish I was a mindreader
just one look in your eyes
to see your thoughts
your needs
your desires
the reason why you told me lies
you never ceased to surprise
each and every time
you brought a smile to my face
you didn't need to hide
in plain sight
or push me away
whenever I came close
to coming close to your flame
I got burnt anyway
my lesson learnt
I ran away to my cave
to lick my wounds
and hibernate
fell asleep to your name
as a relationship lost
and awoke to a day
with a friendship to save
because if the only thing to gain
is speaking to you again
then I'm game
they make our beds
then they lie to us
cry crocodile tears
while they dine on us
sow their seeds
in the fields of our lives
then force us to reap
all ten times the tithe
with every new favourite everything I ever knew
now nothing more than a fast fading memory
I wonder if the wonder I felt in their company
was as real for them as it always will be for me
i found a faith in the word
i couldnt find any other way
talking to myself or the wall
to while the days away
now im finding old friends
i find have nothing left to say
my whole mind is laid bare
right here
so i can just quote what i wrote
over thousands of lonely yesterdays
the word is mine
to build a life with no tools
is not an option with no rules
is no defence in law
crime is the occupation of the untaught poor
Tories give you nothing then blame you for having it
sunday morning
eating bird seed
watching birds feed
on discarded chips
and scattered shreds
of last nights
lost kebab
one of these things is not like the others
one of these things just doesnt belong
paranoia and parabellum
the perfect cocktail
go prepared for peace
prepared for war
prepare yourself to fail
my yang
is a yearning
i can never fulfil
ive tried many times
to find the match to my sigil
whole is a concept unknown to my soul
i am one alone in my darkness
inviting dawns oblivion
biting the hand that feeds me
is the nature of the beast that eats at me
raging caged within it beats self defeatingly
gnawing at its paw
if looks could ****
I would cut you down
dissect you
correct you
peel you and paint you
the colour of the clown
you are
so I could gaze
upon you again
and again
and laugh
ive put my head through the loop
felt the rough rope
prickle and pinch
ive tightened the knot
just so
snug behind my ear
but not too snug
ive let it take my weight
bent my knees before eternity
ive seen the tunnel
seen the light in the dark
felt its pull
repulse me
ill come to you death
you smug *******
you wont take me
when i look to the sky
i see our mirrored cave
mocking our monkey ways
as destination and restriction
of our pitiful little lives
our mother pearl
lost in dark velvet eternity
travelling into unending uncertainty
calming our insecurity
with azure reflections
of our deepest desires
reach for the limit
gettin clean
feels like rocky on a step climber
gonna fly now on repeat
as im gettin higher
goin nowhere
punchin air
no i'll never tire
cant breathe
like a punctured tyre
dotting the Is and crossing the Ts
drawing lines under finalities
saying goodbyes surreptitiously
inconspicuously thanking my serendipities
no going back
ask for my advice
you can take it or leave it
ask me for help
youll take it as it comes
throw it back in my face
because you dont want to hear it
ill throw you out on your ****
hope your god succumbs
we live in a world
where freedom is the most expensive item
where you can buy a woman for less than the ring
where equality is measured by the cost of your wardrobe
where if you are pretty a machine can make you sing
where everything and everyone is a commodity
where talent is worth less than appeal
where intelligence is suspicious and frowned upon
where revolution is the only way to reveal
what a fake world has been sold to us as real
i am
the great i am
am very pleestameecha
so delighted to see
**** a delightful creature
sorry i meant such
youre such a peach
id eecha
but ya *******
on those nuts
like ya need a teechaaaa
its funny
how the picture changes
if you look from the other end
if we werent so fixated on places and races
we could all be friends
world spends a lot of time looking through the wrong end of the telescope
where do you think your pink hair
and piercings fit
into fashions plagiaristic style
or lack of it
tattoos so loud and bountiful
you make the yakuza look ****
out is the new in
alt is so alt
everybodies it
if the working classes stayed in bed today theyd win
a days lost wage would free the slaves from the **** state theyre in
to keep us on our toes were kept one step from woe by our faux regal owners
if we blocked our roads we could cut their throats on their venal thrones
but we wont.
we are the infrastructure. we are the undercurrent. we are the underclass. we can only rise.
your depths whisper
because your superficial screams
look at me
lost in front of lusting eyes
leering but not seeing
how can you hide
when plain sight
isn't even an option here
outwardly shining
inwardly cowering
in the light you're emanating
acting all surprised
like harvey weinstein opened eyes
hyper critical belies
this most hypocritical of people and places
casting couch denials
humblebragged ****** defilement
worked the feminista angle
best audition of the day
two thumbs up

How many hollywood men are sat at home knowing they can never talk about it?
for when the **** hits the fan
hes got his umbrella
a forty five calibre ******* repeller
so when the ******* and queers
all them uppity fellas
tell the good ol boys
muricas goin ta hell
he can ring libertys bell
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