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intelligence isnt the great enhancer
evolution will ensure it never rises again
its nothing less than clever cancer
just another link in a terminal chain
if any other life ever suffers this mutation
let us hope that some sign of us still remains
so they can see how to avoid mankinds imagination
that leads to death in so many intelligent ways
i pray for armageddon
to all the gods in all the heavens
i beg mars gather his brethren
i call upon shiva to destroy again
i summon the titans wrath to free us
from our fatal flaw of fealty
in this pantheon to idiocy
we have created
dominating ourselves
in its insidious conquest
prayers make prey

new gods, old gods, all gods must die
the wisdom of crowds
suggests he who shouts loudest
and asks no questions
speaks for all
the noose hes holding on to
is the rope that stops him drowning
balanced on the razors edge
of someone elses understanding
of how to stop a scrambled egg
standing in the fire surrounding
the frying pan hes made his bed in
but wont lie down and die in in silence
from spitting in their eye
tell him something he doesnt know
and hell tell you something about it
doesnt matter if its true
because as you know too
its not what he knows
its how loud he can shout it
just like cancer
you keep cutting
until you know for sure
just like lancing a chancre
you scrape
until the blood runs pure
just like dressing a burn
you scrub and ignore the screams
til the flesh is like new
just like now
you must accept that some good must die
to ensure that all the bad is removed
just like... saying

settling debts always has a price. revolution leaves us indebted to noone. but it will cost. I will pay my price, will you?
if I could distil every fantasy Id ever dreamed
condense my desires from reams into mere chapters
take every vision of you Id ever seen
making reel after reel of memories captured
maybe then I could relax again
knowing having them
made you mine forever after
whatever happens next
you pass every test I could administer regardless
A plus
please consider this my application
to recommence relations accordingly
sincerely yours
Joseph Joseph Joseph Junior Shabadoo Esq.
I'm burnt
my emotions are too close to the surface now
raw reaction has me acting out of character
too much has happened
matters out of hand
it doesn't matter
can't make a mouse out of a man
made out of mountain granite
the wind the rain and time
might try
to try my patience
I'll stand my ground
cut off my nose to spite my face
if needed
they want to take me down
they'll have to take me out in pieces
while I can spit in their eye
I will never

but for now I could cry
Living in the now is not all it's cracked up to be
time scratches past infuriatingly
catching upon every tangle along the way
stretching tortured moments taut
tearing when its all too much to take
holier than thou
its cold in that void where you were
when i wander there wondering where
youre being warm
my heart feels as dead as a stone on a pebble shore
dearly departed
when the demons you were fighting
have become your only friends
the hell that you inhabit your only wall
against the winter wind
the line you swore youd never cross
worn flat from trespassing
them taking what you havent got
could be a mixed blessing

or a massacre
when you lose the illusion
when the light shines through
when your dreams are shattered
all that is left to accrue
is all that matters
even when its cruel
brutal truth though painful
is no less true
where next
sailing on this dry riverbed
paddle harder
bow your head
stern master said
work up a sweat
make it easier on yourself
give you somethin
to drown in
thats it, sever the channel umbilical, still time to be stillborn
i cant be any more than i am
without making less of me
im unsure
but i wish to understand
what stands between
fate and destiny
Ill back you to the hilt
in all that you do
but id like to
stab you in the back
run you through
for all you put me through
when you do
people eh!? cant live with em, cant viciously stab em to death
youre filling my mind full of filling you full of me
i still cant decide if this is the buy of a lifetime
or a fools economy
im kicking the tyres looking for signs of a tired ride
selling itself as luxury
you could be mine for the one time price of just one good time
and the rest of my life with my ***** itchy
the law is an asp
denying true will
there is only one path
thats yours to fulfil
be what you are
not what they tell
the only answer you owe
is to question your self
ethical quandry
is egoic suspense
wasting aeons of time
in this momentary existence
the daemon inside you
makes moral judgement
a surplus requirement
lest you hurt someone else
there comes a time
when the time comes
we call that time
the time
the time always comes
after time
after time
there are things i want to say
to the nobody listening
youll be somebody some day
if you live long enough
so settle in
do everything your way
the lessons in the learning it
the journey not the destination
death decides the terminus
time is neither measure
nor a tether on your consciousness
its time to take no notice
when the watch is on anothers wrist
the sooner you remember to forget it
then it doesnt exist
the longer you can stay in the now
because thats all their is
be ignorant of others wants
with full awareness of their wishes
try to help where you can
never harm
unless they raise their fists
violence begets violence
when youre in a fight
remember this
words can take a bigger bite
so try to end it with your lips
many a night began in anger
became morning kisses
we could speak the same language
but we all respond to it differently
reaction has a knack
of turning nothing into certainty
perspective requires distance from the self
to ever truly see
whats in front of it
terrorism works
thats the ugly truth
so why are you on the streets
on your knees
asking for your next move
protest soothes your conscience
once its been approved
signed off, sanctioned, actioned
by the very people youre shouting to
call it affirmative action if it makes you feel better. action being the operative word.
look at the clutter we are living in
every part of it bought and paid for
have to work hard to afford it
making more of it to buy and pay for
whats it for why are we hoarding it
to be surrounded by this **** we scrape for
sold on being told we need more of it
so we supply the time to make more
so we can pay more for it
the lesson you missed
because oblivious
you were earning
is that while you were feathering your nest
your tree was burning
we're all carrion in this carry on
prey to the vultures up above looking down on us
we should be soaring in the sun
as one or all must fall
no law can come before
the wisdom of the albatross
make them go away
theyll eat us all
if we let them stay
repeating lessons
learnt already
is no remedy
i reiterate
somewhere our universe is ending
while we bicker inconsequentially
from our highs to our lows
all our joys and our woes are over
while we wait for the light to see
c = me 2
all my stars were black holes
all my light points dark pits
plain to see in hindsights redshift
caution objects may appear as they are
Our paths will cross again
You're in the code
say what you mean netanyahu
you are looking for a final solution
lets gas the elephant locked in the room
genocide is only bad when its done to you
I hope there are 6 million spinning graves.
You deny the holocaust in your actions.
days become weeks become months become years
time measured by rejection
biweekly fears
face to face no compassion
pride mirrored in the eyes of a stranger
appears deflated
the reflection is harsh
your humanity barely tolerated.
youll listen to what looks good
or if it repeats a word
ad infinitum like a dump truck
going in reverse
i dont want to hear about
anything youve heard
its like sitting round
admiring the shine
on a gleaming polished ****
never let anger hold sway
cut your hate into a page
spit out the words of your rage
then walk away
youll thank me one day
catharsis serves the heart
can turn your evil into art
youll live longer that way
I can say some seemingly hateful things at times. I say them to avoid doing them.

there are no angels. just devils with themselves under control. we are all the human beast.
this grey feeling
so monochromatically appealing
akin to staring at the ceiling
unaware of the storm that is passing overhead
youve monopolised our lives
and get it wrong at every turn
we are born into one of your hoshitholes
destined to die in the same hole
some day
under your care
no other option
but to put our lives in the hands of incompetents
NHS doctors
NHS doctrine
NHS business models built upon sugar pill suckers
cant afford bedpans
funds low
i feel my pain
i havent got the *** to **** in or the mercedes benz to sustain
my sympathy ended the same way your empathy did
in your apathy
like my life will one day soon
under you care
they dont
put me out...
beseeched the burning man
before the help came
then lay in tears
his searing mouth
incapable of the words
they needed to hear
...of my misery

help is only ever helping itself
im not strictly suicidal
but all i live for now
is to die well
to get to the end
friends and family beside me
exit stage left
in the right state of mind
pattern matcher extraordinaire
looked up to the clouds
saw faces there
looked beyond the sky
into that infinite expanse
the infinite looked back at him
purely by chance
there is more spirit in man than the ether
it was a false dawn
on a dark day
the last time i saw you
what i thought were stars
falling like rain
were tears with wishes
washing through them
as you walked away
nothing i could say
could turn you
from the path youd chosen
loved to watch you leave
when you were coming back to me
eternal truth
until it wasnt
I want to spend a day in your hourglass
being turned on my head as the hours pass
sliding down into the narrowness
collapsing into a pile of spent amorousness
i would like them to say
the flames of his cremation
paled in comparison
to the light of his life
Posted posthumously by a friend - RIP Joey.
ive come to the conclusion
that this planet is bad for me
i came to this conclusion
part madly part sadly but accepting
i came to my conclusion
long before my conclusion is happening
ive concluded if im not pulling through
pushing off will be nothing
if not a relief
when you write it you make it fiction
my eidolon is my equipoise
your voice is vice versa
I would deal only in ideals
if not cursed by my precursors
what came before I came before you
conditions my condition
Im bringing down what brings me down
content in forcing your contrition
there is a monster in me
roaring and clawing itself free
my lifes only responsibility
is to keep it caged indefinitely
confrontation comes inevitably
self destruction isnt all it seems
flight is an impossibility
to a man fighting his own insanity
in all the dark places ive been
the same dark faces look on impassively
waiting to tear a mouthful of meat
from the bones of whats left of my psyche
but with no fight left in me
no life to succour
ive been picked clean
my fear is for those around me
when the beast sheds its chains
and the dark faces are revealed as my reality
i stand alone

in a sea of same

one of them
too far gone
not far enough yet
falling further
from the bleeding edge
freefall freedom
as free as it gets
feel the impact
face the consequence
even the most contrary die
though with a smile on their face
and a fire in their eyes
that burns on
nobody looks to see
another mans problems
dont bother me
is their thinking
until another man
explodes outside their building
kills their children
flies a plane into their blinkered world
in no uncertain terms
problems are getting worse
all of a sudden solving problems
has a moral worth
drop some bombs on them
cant go wrong
though its never worked
fighting fire with fire
just gets your fingers burnt
be safe
be happy
be loved
my love
be proud
be stubborn
be strong
my love
i tried
i couldnt
i lost
my love
my love
she wanted nothing and i delivered
I am imprisoned
besieged on all sides
this human detritus
doth offend mine eye
escape is impossible
believe me Ive tried
to extricate myself
from this situation
one of us must die
but Im scared of dying
Im not scared of death
I couldnt care less
about a lack of existence
its the means to the end
that fills me with dread
so between me and you
its off with his head
the words we said
are dead and gone
their pain remaining
the sting this tale
delivers often
keeps it fresh in memory
emotion decomposed and rotten
left alone to atrophy
now i feel
its time to move on
has forgotten me
you could cut her out of the photograph
she'd still be there
no matter how much you try to edit the past
the past doesn't care
you can only pretend that the love and the laughs didn't happen
as you rip and you tear
or that the tear spattered mass of torn fragments in your lap
somehow got back at her
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