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I found my soul at 300 baud
in a world the world would one day come to adore
before there were webs
we were the spiders
before there were laws
nothing could be denied to us
we were wardialling before cybercrime
we were a virus before virii became a fake news byline
but if busted I'll deny I ever tried to
break a trunk through MCI jamaica
sat on ******* station for days
raking in creds like a madmuhfuhn rap master
with nothing greater than a pair of headphones
and a cheap cassette tape deck to take me there
kids today dont respect what they play with
back in the day we had to be outlaws
to connect to todays day to day bandwidth
.:MaG:. (Lo0Ns/A((e55)
an englishmans castle
is his last defence
against government forces
and their sole intent
to capture
to master
to demand his consent
to dominate him
to placate him
to have his will bent
into a shape more commensurate
to their nefarious ends
to perform all the tasks
on which their wealth depends
that it is disastrous
to the englishmans sense of self
is no matter to them
in their safe southern ensconcement
a civil war is in the offing
that we might not win
but if disaster is coming
then let battle commence
its harrowing up north
I'll believe in fate when it happens
til then I'm master of my destiny
that's all that matters
I'll stand or fall
but never kneel
before our masters
breathe my dying breath
at the throat of the *******
I never asked to be born in shackles
I never accepted their laws that made me chattel
if I am to die you can be sure it will happen
in a manner that can't be ignored
I'll take the bull by the horns
lead the battle
atwixt the time i knew you as forever
and the time i knew you were gone
there were moments atween us transcendent
in the space between bodies there is void

and many moons
to hammers
we are all nails
doesnt matter
what type of hammer
theyre all a ball pain
isnt it time we threw a spanner
in their taut chains
taught the masters
that were craftier
than they thought when
they thought theyd bought
our worth for coppers
i dont want to hear what i shouldnt be doing
when youre doing it for two
or three or four or more
my engine is too big
i dont recycle
i consume without thought
for sure
and ill do it some more
im one man
i cant possibly do as much damage
as your creaking fallopian doors
more daddies is not the way forward. theyre useless in ones.
you did it again
lost the girl
lost a friend
this habit wont bend
you need a break from this trend
sort your head
or your heart will never mend
i tried to sleep through the melancholy calls of the gulls
their desolation at the desolation plain to hear in their plaintive cries
so distinct from their usual raucous chatter
back and forth and back as they gorged secure
no more
i didnt know birds could cry
until i felt their tears fall
from my eyes
the feeding ground is gone
we carry our chains as tradition
a patricians vision of conservatism
the sins of the fathers written
as commandments
carved into the shoulders that bear them
when the inevitable comes
it is rarely as bad as the expectation
what does this tell us of death
one got caught up in a kerfuffle
looked ones opponent in his rolling eye
you come lookin you done found trouble
was his shirt ripping battlecry
now while confronted with the conundrum
of how to respond without responding in kind
ones attempt to maintain decorum
was met with disdain
and a wild right to ones blind side
momentarily dazed possibly mild concussion
left one for a second or two in a deep malaise
gentlemanly conduct wasnt going to be possible
so what one did next was beyond the pale
but **** em
one kneed him in the *******
poked him in the eyes
kicked him up the ****
then ran as fast as ones wobbly legs could provide
judging by the lack of follow up
and the sound of sobbing coming from behind
a ******* or an eyeball
was the cost of poking a finger at the wrong little posh guy
dedicated to the little posh kid i saw getting bullied the other morning. he wont be doing that again.
how do you keep sleeping
how do you stay sane
when your dream and your nightmare
are one and the same
where there be fair maidens
there be dragons to slay
but as they die
youll watch your fire
slowly fading away
if reason isnt reason enough
to change the unchangeable
is it feasible to be reasonable
in the first place
beauty doesn't cease to be
when it ceases to be seen
ignorance can't educate itself
without accepting its fallacy
happiness can't be quantified
without sadness in quantity
a life can't last a lifetime
without deaths finality
Higher man
ive realised that what is real has very little to do with our reality
that the stories weve been sold eclipsed it long ago
that weve paid in gold
to have streets paved in stone
to fall to when the gilt is gone
and the rock
and the hard place
are seen to be one
crawl to the gallows
or go swimming with the sharks in the shallows
dig deep for the hard place
hollow out the marrow
while the rocks keep piling up
building my barrow
i grind my teeth in the night
eating myself in my sleep
trying to extract enough sustenance
to face the day that keeps repeating
how many times must i relive
my nightmares upon waking
where im not the gallant knight
im the monster waiting to cremate him
im not afraid of what i think is out there
im afraid of what i know is in me
i cant promise a peaceful outcome
when bureaucracy meets suicidal antisocial nonconformity
theyve all got it infamy
she seemed to see him
as this big broken bear
that would cuddle and protect her
while she redid the stuffing
sewed back that wandering button eye
never noting the broken
or the bear
you cant hide a lemon
in the limelight
cant swap the fore
for the hindsight
cant choose to ignore
what is right there before you
without blaming the outcome
on your lack of insight
tis a fine line you push me over
that i got this far isnt pride
momentum moves onward in a slide
but my heart stopped beating when you died
inert i couldnt care less about the world outside
im just waiting for my time
look at what they gave us
killed themselves saving us
so we could live our lives our way
when they do the same
we castigate them
evil empire to this day
as branded by our insidious shared enemy
come the final conflagration
I'll trust the Rus more than the USA
have a proper gander, all is not what it seems
**** happens
but one day youll look up
unless youve buried your head in the sand for so long
sediment has made it your grave
then **** happens
what use a future now
my sage advice
is more sage than wisdom
yet they call me occam
when they seek my counsel
better a devil you know
when advocacy is needed
but beware
this devil has a devil of his own
ive come to see biting the hand that feeds
as a virtue
i like to let you know that you can bleed
i can hurt you
that nothing that you can do for me
is enough to
stop me going for your throat
and then dessert
cross the road faux samaritan
try to get some perspective
theres another world running parallel
you need your course corrected
of exalted larks and white lilies
whence she came
her beauty dazzles
hence for a jewel she is named
to glance at this vision
to try not to look away
is to fear being blinded
if she smiles as she gives you your change
every little helps
the years look good on you
dont count the rings
your leaves are green
your flowers bloom
from inside birds sing
dont be sour sweet thing
take your time
youre blossoming
I need to leave
my rage
at my feet
in the dirt
beneath me
to make peace
with my being ceasing
defer to deaths wish
instead of trying to beat it
submission the difference
between clawing and easing
my way into my grave
why would you greet a man
with anything but kind words
when his only other option
is to explode to be heard
if he wants your help, give it
if he doesnt the choice is his
dont presume that because he has what you want
he wants what you give
be honest with yourself
about your all encompassing greed
you dont want to help who needs help
you want to help yourself to what you need
if he has nothing worth taking
then he can at least be the seed
of the burgeoning budget
for your military deceit
let me tell you a secret
there are no secrets
only things you cannot know
an immorality of words
from a hypocrisy of humans
pretending to live a truth
with a lie underlying the illusion
collusion in revolution
the only way we have to prove
that life is what you choose
we never chose the chosen few of them
its hard to make plans
with your head up your ****
when you cant see past
the colon
never question progress
whilst supping
summer fruits
in wintertime
when all you can do is cry
you have to laugh
it's a weird ******* world sometimes
when things start to look choreographed
serendipity causes synchronicity
forces thoughts off track
even the arch atheist will thank the lord
when coincidence hands him his life back
**** just got biblical
was it that I was born and raised here
brought up under thatchers less than benevolent gaze
uneducated in the baker days
when they changed the game midway
made Es of our Ordinary As
no jobs no grades no hope no escape
youd try to explain to the dole
that reaping what theyd sown meant
paying for what theyd created
but noone evades DSS
putting ticks into boxes
slaves into cages
befehl ist befehl is the refrain
of the nasty collaborators
blaming us for the failings
theyd baked into their fortunes
loyalty is bought
not taken
the more **** you take
the more bile you are creating
the price is getting higher
with every mistaken
value you apply
to this worthless nation
havent got a *** to **** in
one hundred gormleys staring gormlessly out to sea
looking for who knows what at the **** end of the mersey
we cant find a *** to **** in in the midst of the city
but theyll keep searching earnestly for the rest of eternity
or til they get robbed for scrap
waiting for the meat
to catch up to the mind
to stop dragging its feet
falling behind
how long will it take
for the string to unwind
so I can measure the difference
between life and lifetime
sometimes the pain is a relief
i can stop grieving for a moment
im not mourning me
im crying for what could have been
there is a wisdom in agony
that allows the penitent to make his atonement
no regrets is a fallacy
when one comes face to face with eternity
horizons stretching
white and pure and distant
in their possibilities
more compass points
than a thousand skies
with a million sextants to read them
just waiting to breach
that final barrier to existence
to become all you can be
tossed into this mercurial 'pool
no hope no destiny
ya da mayzwell ad a **** lad
blue like your blood
blue like your dead face
enjoy the party
youre a ******* disgrace
i wouldnt **** on you
in a put out the fire race
id accept the loss
watch you burn til theres no trace
sometimes coming last
is no loss in this rat race
you think its tough at the top
try being last in the first place
am shittin meself abar shittin meself coz shittin meselfs gon be bad
but da besscorsarakshn terattak da bad bastd wud be shittin meself first insted
more pooetry from the 'pool
my synchronicity
is out of sync
missed opportunities
each time i blink
if i could keep my eyes wide
with matchsticks
nothing would happen
until the stick snaps
as if magic
the pattern
everything imaginable
at my fingertips
from the backs
of my eyelids
Im struggling to keep the pain within
showing its hated pitiful face to the world
while the raging storm swirls around me
I in the eye am utterly calm
be very afraid
I am
what if too good to be true
could be true
what would that do to your world view
cant turn your back on a truth
to turn back would prove youre a fool
when the proof is all around you
what fate is this that we cannot look away
from extreme beauty or extreme ugliness
yet we are blind to the majority inbetween
theyve got their eyes
and then theyve got their vision
as mutually exclusive
as the hearts and minds
that will make the decision
why are we paying self professed professionals if the biggest choices are left to amateurs
is there anything
as comforting
or as frightening
as the natural
state of things
to rob a bank takes a criminal mastermind
someone on the inside
a plan how to hide all the money and the guilt beside
to have the banks rob a country needs a prime minister
its only slander if its not true.
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