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i spend my days
data on the computer
my machine
is almost psychically
connected to its user
everything is laid out logically
in this universe of illusion
to take a step away
into the chaos reign
of the real world
is an intrusion
soon be back again
sustenance attained
level up
and on with the mission
in the only game
ill willingly play
waiting to waste away
in front of the television
me inner voice talks ter me
like ted rogers reelin off da clues
dats why am livin in a dusty bin
wid big ******* oles in me roof
I avent gorra *** ta **** in
burra still wudn **** on you
fer lookn down on me
fukkn frownin at me
like am da **** on ya ****** rich ***** shoes
whats the difference between manolos an a man in a hole?

the petrol can

If you dunno who ted rogers is then this will make little sense. Much like if you knew who ted rogers is.
the time for me and intervention
was more years ago than I care to mention
but Ive always borne my bad intentions
inside and close to my heart
now Im asking myself if that makes sense
cross checking my ethics for consequences
deciding if I can live with it if I die in the offence
and I cant ******* wait to get started
decisions of consequence
matters of missed signs
crossed lines
beyond common sense
delve into the lost mind
one last time
find the insanity offence
a list of who lives and who dies
who deserves recompence
whos eyes get to view mine
in my definitive act of ultraviolence
there can be only one
is it crazier that i talk to myself
or that i listen
or that the message gets lost
between source and destination
i have my eyes wide
twenty twenty vision
a blind man
in a black cave
crawling toward the precipice
of all of his previous bad decisions
corner pocket
close enough is never close enough
you either is or you aint
an arf an a quarter an an eighth is only sorta
an ya never gonna make da whole weight
coz yer always gonna be short
no matter if ya think ya ought
ya never ever gonna be my fukkn mate
do one *** ed
tis a fine line
between darkness and sunshine
when youre in the shadows
its not the end of the world

just the end of you

man up

do what you have to do
history has only one lesson to tell

take note
pics or it didnt happen
plausible deniability
you become the victor
when you conquer the writers
by denying readers their right to see
Words can live for as long as there are eyes to read them
if you right them write.
i want to live in a world of thoughtfulness
one where every action having an opposite is remembered equal
where we admire the different and accept its importance in keeping life interesting
and where its difference is admired simply for being
whenever two the same congregate a sliding scale is created
and the different become separated to be judged by one mans thoughts amplified and affirmated
and then lossily disseminated
i want to live in a place where we think our own thoughts
where in action or inaction we decide for ourselves that what is right is what is law
i dont want anarchy as a political congress
i want anarchy inherent and dominant in the whole of humanitys thought process
everything ive ever known
will dissolve with me
every thought
every feeling
every memory
everything real
will cease to be
when i come to the end
of my eternity
me grandad was a ******
he had an old ships gyroscope
that he would spin up
and set in the palm
of his open hand
dis ere has seen every dock
an point inbetween
dis world has to find
he would say
a mantra maybe
then he would sit it upon
the tip of my trembling
outstretched finger
holding my wrist
proving his point
steeling the tremble
balance in all things
he would say
to my mesmerised
widened whitened
crying out to be wisened eyes
and let go


then he would set it atilt
i met a girl.
she makes me feel.
alive again.
it might be real.
she smiles at me.
and what i see.
is blinding me.
i cant believe.
its happening.
shes more.
than i could ever be.
or want.
shes everything i need.
i cant believe.
its happening.
i met a girl.
she makes me feel.
if the police cant police the police
then what use are they?
push the whole barrel into the sea
before the rot taints everything
if the law is to be believed
enforcement needs to be believable
but believe you me youll see
from the receiving end
theyre nothing if not predictable
because ultimately
masquerading as wolves
does it matter
will it matter
did it matter
these humans being
a plague of inhumanity
a cancer spreading
this human disease

another tomorrow
is one too many
when all life is lost
and only pain remains
waking to another day of torture

stopped stone still
gathering moss
stopped watch tells time
whats what
stopped dropped
tames flames
Posted posthumously by a friend - RIP Joey.
the truth of the universe
will almost certainly be
so blindingly simple
that we will never see it
the human propensity
to complicate things
would have us looking for the complexity
in a collection of nothing
human thinking is tainted by the human part
"where's everyone gone"
the new life asked
"they've gone back to where they came from
back to dust"
said time
"but who will show me the way"
asked youth
"life will"
spoke age
who'd seen it all before
and had the patience of aeons
"but I need to know now"
demanded naivety
"yes, you do"
said wisdom, with a smile.
all good things came to an end
but the bad goes on and on
still struggling trying to comprehend
being a lonely only son without a mum
some things never got old.
i awoke today
to a universe ended
all humanity had been wiped clean
life went on
the first step to knowledge
is to know you know nothing
the second step to knowledge
is to follow the first
the third step to knowledge
is to keep on going
until you know your steps
go somewhere
the H in NHS is for Humiliation
that much i can say for certain
the N and the S? I can only guess
but im not hanging round to discern it
id hoped that the H was for Help
that id take them my problem
theyd be the people to hear it
but thats not what theyre there for
theyre only repairers
proactive is asking for miracles
Hypocritical Oaf.
whether we are playing the game wrong
or playing the wrong game
does it matter when the result is always the same?
whats that saying about outcomes always being the same?
being insane?
what would I know
there I go
talking to the wall again
logical fallacy
caught in a malady
fighting his way out of a wet paper bag
you see cameron isnt a man of the people
no man is equal
hes the man you cant see through
opaque in a way the lucky few get to be
hiding behind their offshore identities
pulling the strings in a worldwide conspiracy
lurking in their murky puddle of deceit
and his dad was bent too. its the family business ffs
stream of consciousness
theres madness in the method
what goes in comes out
direct from the subarachnoid
tried and tested
evolved into creation
being humans best bit
the right word
at the right time
can paint a thousand pictures
if i was your one
youd be mine too
we could be free
to do what we loved to do
what is life for
if ive lost you
back to basics
feels even worse than it used to
seventh heaven isnt hard to find
*** six times a day will do it fine
blow on my pfeife to blow my mind
foreplay becomes more play of another kind
three way needs leeway to make sublime
it takes two to tango but another one undermines
youll see man
youll see
we only build bridges
we can burn
so we can retreat
never to return
once crossed
we crash headlong
shattered we spurn
its only in loss
the lesson is learned
therein lays the gain
and so it came to pass
the more you crave the pinnacle
the easier it is to forget
that the lower you start
the less height you can expect
that you have to be dried out
to even start getting wet
you have to be drowning in it
to be caught in their net
adjusting ground level for instrumental approach
am I dying?
is this lie I'm lying in
not my death bed?
was I not born and raised
taught and trained
to be the man I am?
so who failed then?
me whose way was barred
went wayward
as would any so tarred
and feathered
when the wind is
nary a smorgasbord
nor a lilting breeze for me
nought but the storm
caught four square
dead on
can tame what ails thee
have you ever felt
like you have the truth of the universe
on the tip of your tongue
and that if you could only get silence
youd be able to hear all the answers
being whispered on the wind
waiting to be heard
poor mother earth
bent but not broken
bearing her babies pain
like a monkey on her back
if you dont hear his voice when you read this I did it wrong
off with the ex
and onto the next best
picture in the paper
only naturists dress less
open to all takers
thinks that *** equates to success
her ego and her **** inflated
rated for her *******
plies her trade upon the pavement
of the info superhighway
advertises with a sextape
source of pride her gaping ****
teaching tricks to tweens
so she can take their cash when theyre teenagers
morals of a quean
still requires a king to make her famous
ive got more respect for a crackhead street walker than the likes of a kardashian.
anti zion is not anti semite
anti israel is not anti jew
anti hypocrisy is my only viewpoint
anti you doing unto others as was done unto you
when your existence depended upon charity
when you were granted what your god could never gift you
when the door swung open from your hell to your holy land
you were blind to the fire
in the light of self righteousness it burnt into you
sad eyes see sad eyes you see
she said to me
we shared a tear
our moment shed
we sloughed away
each to our own despair
there is only so much you can do
before your help becomes a hindrance
reflecting badly on you
as you become cold to his dependence
all that's left is to cut him loose
in the hope it doesn't **** him
but if it does, accept the truth
he's been dead all the time you knew him
all I gain is clarity from the clouds
while adding more weight to my inertia
disordered thoughts only form orderly mounds
in order to confound the pin searcher
i know i can find my needle
if only i could find my haystack
take this lying down
im begging you
on my knees
with your knees
where i can hear
your arteries
feel you squeeze
as i tease toward
pushing your release
in a rush of exclaimed names
of carnal deities
this thin sliver of me
amid the spectrum
of rage and depression
fights on valiantly
stopping the needle swinging
too far in one direction
atonement or atrocity
two paths one destination
self destruction guaranteed
explosion or deflation
erosion or erasure
my gauge for engaging occasions
will always be
this thin sliver of me
and its quest for equanimity
flat yet hollow
open resonance abounds
fingers find sorrow
wherever they land
music speaks of tomorrow
of past abandoned
left behind
gone solo
weeping tears of the mind
single coil motto
muted yet defined
roll off tone
roll on echo
discordance hard to find
the civil servant serves the sermon
servile to the party chairman
determined to deter the vermin
from scratching for the crumbs
always **** the messenger
superlative hyperbole
describes the man
the culture
the nation
so imagine what a sight it will be
by far the greatest assassination
a nice lady informed me I was ****** today
I tried to feign indignance but what could I say
my bed was made before I knew Id have nowhere to lay
it didnt even occur to me that homelessness was coming to stay
implosions become explosions
centre of a universe
mostly of my making
exception taken to exceptional lengths
to anything infiltrating
made up my mind
making running repairs
working with tools shaped by the same fool
that put me there
if i was a spider in a web
id be hovering over a mirror
waiting for the other spider to move
so i could eat it
im a monster of my making
overripe and set for reaping
im just waiting for the drop
im king **** of **** heap
sometimes I realise I read way too much Stephen King as a kid
if you refuse
youre refuse
and theyll do
what they do
spread on the winds
we fly
our wings tucked in to our sides
we dive
falling from nigh on divine
cawing our raucous cry
talons clawing
we climb
soaring triumphant
lions on high
could any life be more alive
yet we cage them
see their natures denied
brings a tear to my eye
i have become master at accepting circumstance
withstand disaster without changing countenance
the last decade has brought me nothing less
but brief breathing spaces in a suffocating nothingness
no more tears for a dead cop
how many lives saved from the five dropped
theres an american saying that comes to mind lots
payback is a *****
thats what black lives cost
there is such a thing as a righteous wrong
presidential hypocrisy
the sincerest form of mockery
eulogise a man you'd have seen hang
had he worn a keffiyeh and a beard
free nelson mandela. sale price. limited time only.
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