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reiteration is the basis of everything
the most perfect creations replaced inevitably
as taste, styles and the people that make them cease to be
then they themselves remade to replace themselves equally
but better
263 · Apr 2016
solar flare
should my time in the sun
be cast in the shadow
of those
that would set themselves
above me?
when icarus falls
will i be expected
to reach out a samaritans hand
to help him up
from laying in the dust
of his own char
or will i pluck a burnt feather
for my new jaunty hat?
263 · Jun 2015
dont you c?
somewhere our universe is ending
while we bicker inconsequentially
from our highs to our lows
all our joys and our woes are over
while we wait for the light to see
c = me 2
262 · Jan 2015
hate (resurrection)
if looks could ****
I would cut you down
dissect you
correct you
peel you and paint you
the colour of the clown
you are
so I could gaze
upon you again
and again
and laugh
no sane man lies down before the lion
accepts his fate and is devoured
instinct forges a heart of iron
there is no such thing as a natural coward
dotting the Is and crossing the Ts
drawing lines under finalities
saying goodbyes surreptitiously
inconspicuously thanking my serendipities
no going back
261 · Oct 2017
immigration (familiar)
we dont look like them
we dont act like them
we dont dress like them
we dont think like them
we dont think we want to be like them
but we are all us now
people worry too much about outside ideas coming in
its the inside ideas coming out they should fear
ive put my head through the loop
felt the rough rope
prickle and pinch
ive tightened the knot
just so
snug behind my ear
but not too snug
ive let it take my weight
bent my knees before eternity
ive seen the tunnel
seen the light in the dark
felt its pull
repulse me
ill come to you death
you smug *******
you wont take me
259 · Jun 2016
Danger EUXB
theyve got their eyes
and then theyve got their vision
as mutually exclusive
as the hearts and minds
that will make the decision
why are we paying self professed professionals if the biggest choices are left to amateurs
258 · Aug 2016
goin supernova
the world stopped growing when i stopped measuring
all of a sudden everything was within my reach
while outside my capacity
collapsing as i am under the weight of my own gravity
258 · May 2018
tramp (nobility)
dont confuse class with circumstance
coincidence can happen to the richest man
for many a king has faced catastrophe
lost their heads holding a hand out in defeat
better men than them need to eat
"homeless" is such a benignly malignant word isnt it? doesnt really convey the sleeping in doorways, asking people for pennies to ignore your pride vibe of the thing.
they were tramps when i was a kid, and we respected them. theyd come back broken from wars. they were at least owed their place in the ennog unmolested.
then capitalism monetised them, made them a demographic and demonised them for their lack of spending power.
Im a ***** with a house. an english land owner of all things. that most noble of men apparently.
257 · Nov 2014
dont take a breath
keep speaking
until there are no words left
so called leaders of men
to remember the hearts in their chests
not to be ******* the legs
that provide progress
through this mud called existence
to bear in mind
that the hands that create
are borne on arms
that when raised
can easily decapitate
a head of state
257 · May 2017
burn out (light em up)
how do you keep sleeping
how do you stay sane
when your dream and your nightmare
are one and the same
where there be fair maidens
there be dragons to slay
but as they die
youll watch your fire
slowly fading away
if i was your one
youd be mine too
we could be free
to do what we loved to do
what is life for
if ive lost you
back to basics
feels even worse than it used to
seventh heaven isnt hard to find
*** six times a day will do it fine
blow on my pfeife to blow my mind
foreplay becomes more play of another kind
three way needs leeway to make sublime
it takes two to tango but another one undermines
256 · Apr 2016
when the inevitable comes
it is rarely as bad as the expectation
what does this tell us of death
255 · Apr 2016
get the heaton on
I could tell from the faces
I passed on the streets
with their furtive sideways glances
up from the ground at their feet
that I was as different
as they were to me
an old scouser
in new manchester
is a very different beast
aiyohhhhhhhhh yaaaarriiiiiEEEE?
254 · Apr 2016
buyers remorse
ive realised that what is real has very little to do with our reality
that the stories weve been sold eclipsed it long ago
that weve paid in gold
to have streets paved in stone
to fall to when the gilt is gone
and the rock
and the hard place
are seen to be one
253 · Jun 2017
earthbound and down
pattern matcher extraordinaire
looked up to the clouds
saw faces there
looked beyond the sky
into that infinite expanse
the infinite looked back at him
purely by chance
there is more spirit in man than the ether
253 · Nov 2017
float (jettison)
yes i love you
but there is a but to that
there can be no future
where there has been no past
all that is before us
is but a part of what has passed
the bulk of what we could have become
was but ballast
252 · Apr 2016
you hide your fire inside
where its burning you alive
the pain of keeping it aflame
is shining in your eyes
in protecting it from the rain
youve stopped seeing the sky
look up while some spark remains
before the heat inside you dies
no news may be good news
but your silence is violence
when im waiting to see
if im waiting to be seen
as a statistic or a patient
of the perpetual NHS crisis
Only two and a half months of screaming gut pain since the 1st line customer service monkey GP brought up the Big C.


They can stick their cancelled colonoscopy up their collective ****.
252 · Apr 2016
ex mortis
the words we said
are dead and gone
their pain remaining
the sting this tale
delivers often
keeps it fresh in memory
emotion decomposed and rotten
left alone to atrophy
now i feel
its time to move on
has forgotten me
249 · Nov 2017
find (aglet)
the truth of the search
no matter how long it took
is that everything you saught
was always in the last place you'd look
the best is behind us
the rest of our lives will be spent
paying penitence
for the cost of yesteryears opulence
the sins of the fathers
bestowed upon us
with consumption to bind us
internal combustion denied to us
rights being silenced
men with guns as their final defiance
of the wants of the overpopulous populace

itll be a riot.
245 · Jun 2015
cherry (many moons)
the years look good on you
dont count the rings
your leaves are green
your flowers bloom
from inside birds sing
dont be sour sweet thing
take your time
youre blossoming
when i look to the sky
i see our mirrored cave
mocking our monkey ways
as destination and restriction
of our pitiful little lives
our mother pearl
lost in dark velvet eternity
travelling into unending uncertainty
calming our insecurity
with azure reflections
of our deepest desires
reach for the limit
**** happens
but one day youll look up
unless youve buried your head in the sand for so long
sediment has made it your grave
then **** happens
what use a future now
244 · May 2018
the burning question i asked myself
"what do you know of love?"
then sat waiting
for the fire to subside
its never clever to dwell on forevers that never came. those where you feel the pain before you even remember her whole name. there may be smiles one day but for now nothings changed. every accidental recollection adds more fuel to the flames.
if you will defend the indefensible
represent the reprehensible
offend the inoffensive for effect
then i feel i must respond in kind
give you a piece of my lost mind
as a nine millimetre double tap to the chest
im only right of centre in aim
acting all surprised
like harvey weinstein opened eyes
hyper critical belies
this most hypocritical of people and places
casting couch denials
humblebragged ****** defilement
worked the feminista angle
best audition of the day
two thumbs up

How many hollywood men are sat at home knowing they can never talk about it?
id been rolling ******
gathering moss
for as long as i remember
until the day i came across you
so i stopped
changed my course on the spot
set myself on a path
that now im on
i cant step off
until i get to where im going
whether i like it or not
ive got to keep on rolling
from the bottom to the top
sisyphus would be proud
243 · Dec 2014
I can take it
or live it.
242 · Apr 2016
its a rental (hire living)
life is yours
for such a short time
dont return it
with no scratches
and a full tank
the penalty is the same
242 · May 2016
the truth of the universe
will almost certainly be
so blindingly simple
that we will never see it
the human propensity
to complicate things
would have us looking for the complexity
in a collection of nothing
human thinking is tainted by the human part
my name shall be writ in water
as waves to be carried away
all knowledge of me
shall be lost to this sea
until I lap at your shores
once more
one day
one memory
i tried to sleep through the melancholy calls of the gulls
their desolation at the desolation plain to hear in their plaintive cries
so distinct from their usual raucous chatter
back and forth and back as they gorged secure
no more
i didnt know birds could cry
until i felt their tears fall
from my eyes
the feeding ground is gone
241 · Apr 2017
plague of flies (teat time)
im anti this establishment and its arianism
i want to see it washed away
scrubbed bare of anything its touched
along with its pox bearing ways
that the rest of you need it spelling out
makes me wonder how i see
the filth this world is spilling out
while you all go on ******* at it so blindly
240 · Mar 2017
of foxes and wolves and men
never chase too good to be true
if its good and true it will come to you
perfection sets perspective askew
has us hunting our tails and howling at the moon
I see your eyes when I close mine
I see their glow through my eyelids
like a daydream in the sunshine
I close my eyes from time to time
just to be alone in your summer glade
under your cloudless sky
239 · Apr 2016
life is ugly
time heals all wounds
death erases the scars
love is the weapon
that cuts the deepest
the cause as well as the balm
think too much
do too little
reverse course
fickle piggy in the middle
youll make a tasty morsel
on the masters platter
if you carry on snuffling
into matters that dont matter
238 · Jun 2016
everybody sees
nobody looks to see
another mans problems
dont bother me
is their thinking
until another man
explodes outside their building
kills their children
flies a plane into their blinkered world
in no uncertain terms
problems are getting worse
all of a sudden solving problems
has a moral worth
drop some bombs on them
cant go wrong
though its never worked
fighting fire with fire
just gets your fingers burnt
with every new favourite everything I ever knew
now nothing more than a fast fading memory
I wonder if the wonder I felt in their company
was as real for them as it always will be for me
237 · Apr 2016
so ner (its my ball)
if the cost of a grown mans sanity
is the loss of the big kid inside me
then i dont want to play
236 · Mar 2017
putting the error in terror
the response is the attack
the attack is but the impetus
asymmetric war is fought
on the counter reversal
one martyr
one hundred million avid eyes
billions lost in commerce
billions more paid to keep the dream alive
coppers by the thousand
press choppers crowding the sky
whoever said one man cant make a difference
is living a lie on the losing side
one man can make a difference. you just proved it to him. and the next one. and the next one.
236 · May 2017
idiota (ad absurdo)
be they praise or profanity
all words are inanity
on the lips of fools
236 · Jun 2016
so where are you now
remember when we were fresh friends
remember good times neverending
remember laughter transcending
remember friends are forever
236 · Apr 2016
why would you greet a man
with anything but kind words
when his only other option
is to explode to be heard
if he wants your help, give it
if he doesnt the choice is his
dont presume that because he has what you want
he wants what you give
be honest with yourself
about your all encompassing greed
you dont want to help who needs help
you want to help yourself to what you need
if he has nothing worth taking
then he can at least be the seed
of the burgeoning budget
for your military deceit
235 · Sep 2020
empty funeral (dark times)
i would like them to say
the flames of his cremation
paled in comparison
to the light of his life
Posted posthumously by a friend - RIP Joey.
whether you like it or not
you cant escape it
come to terms or come to blows
but youre not going to change it
as the world turns
it has a way of rearranging
yesterday becomes tomorrow
every day
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