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332 · Sep 2017
snowballs (seasons end)
I expect to be pushing up daisies by spring
I cant do another winter here
in this life of hell im living
it would be better to fall now
with the autumnal leaves
and be gone before the ice comes
spill my only warmth for an eternal reprieve
gettin cold gettin old gettin gone
332 · Apr 2016
more cowbell
writing beats and rhymes
at the same time
theyre both the same
in my eyes
always looking for the pattern
like a frame
to hang the words upon
or to surround them
in percussion
every word has place in time
replacing bass with lines
a scribe to my racing mind
the rhymes hi hat rise punctuating
the punching reverberating bass drum
kicking your brain in
i want to live in a world of thoughtfulness
one where every action having an opposite is remembered equal
where we admire the different and accept its importance in keeping life interesting
and where its difference is admired simply for being
whenever two the same congregate a sliding scale is created
and the different become separated to be judged by one mans thoughts amplified and affirmated
and then lossily disseminated
i want to live in a place where we think our own thoughts
where in action or inaction we decide for ourselves that what is right is what is law
i dont want anarchy as a political congress
i want anarchy inherent and dominant in the whole of humanitys thought process
329 · Jun 2016
sleepwalkers (euro 2016)
they voted with their feet
took their ball home and went back to sleep
demoted from the champions league
scored an own goal from a gifted penalty
as unthinkable as that could be
it took 27 years to replace the shame
of families who knew their own werent to blame
for causing this great city so much pain
the 96 walk with their heads up again
They never walked alone.

Now the war is won, let them have peace.
328 · Apr 2017
brass tacks
to hammers
we are all nails
doesnt matter
what type of hammer
theyre all a ball pain
isnt it time we threw a spanner
in their taut chains
taught the masters
that were craftier
than they thought when
they thought theyd bought
our worth for coppers
if the working classes stayed in bed today theyd win
a days lost wage would free the slaves from the **** state theyre in
to keep us on our toes were kept one step from woe by our faux regal owners
if we blocked our roads we could cut their throats on their venal thrones
but we wont.
we are the infrastructure. we are the undercurrent. we are the underclass. we can only rise.
we live in a world
where freedom is the most expensive item
where you can buy a woman for less than the ring
where equality is measured by the cost of your wardrobe
where if you are pretty a machine can make you sing
where everything and everyone is a commodity
where talent is worth less than appeal
where intelligence is suspicious and frowned upon
where revolution is the only way to reveal
what a fake world has been sold to us as real
325 · Aug 2015
end of daze (re-evolution)
my eidolon is my equipoise
your voice is vice versa
I would deal only in ideals
if not cursed by my precursors
what came before I came before you
conditions my condition
Im bringing down what brings me down
content in forcing your contrition
324 · Apr 2016
Bb F Bb Eb G C
flat yet hollow
open resonance abounds
fingers find sorrow
wherever they land
music speaks of tomorrow
of past abandoned
left behind
gone solo
weeping tears of the mind
single coil motto
muted yet defined
roll off tone
roll on echo
discordance hard to find
322 · Mar 2017
one hundred gormleys staring gormlessly out to sea
looking for who knows what at the **** end of the mersey
we cant find a *** to **** in in the midst of the city
but theyll keep searching earnestly for the rest of eternity
or til they get robbed for scrap
the civil servant serves the sermon
servile to the party chairman
determined to deter the vermin
from scratching for the crumbs
always **** the messenger
take this lying down
im begging you
on my knees
with your knees
where i can hear
your arteries
feel you squeeze
as i tease toward
pushing your release
in a rush of exclaimed names
of carnal deities
i am
the great i am
am very pleestameecha
so delighted to see
**** a delightful creature
sorry i meant such
youre such a peach
id eecha
but ya *******
on those nuts
like ya need a teechaaaa
she seemed to see him
as this big broken bear
that would cuddle and protect her
while she redid the stuffing
sewed back that wandering button eye
never noting the broken
or the bear
319 · Jan 2017
dont ignore it (mugs)
look at the clutter we are living in
every part of it bought and paid for
have to work hard to afford it
making more of it to buy and pay for
whats it for why are we hoarding it
to be surrounded by this **** we scrape for
sold on being told we need more of it
so we supply the time to make more
so we can pay more for it
318 · Apr 2016
paths (crazy pavin')
i need to get away
go away stay away
burn the bridge
on the way away
to anywhere the other way
from the way
im on my way to going
317 · Dec 2015
jig (jury rig)
inevitably tomorrow never comes
as the shining beacon for the future
that today portrays
it comes as the lovers tumour
it comes as the dead pet
it comes as the crippling stroke
tomorrow explodes into our little lives
shattering everything we hold dear
except for that one thing we protect
sheltered in our broken hearts
the hope
that tomorrows tomorrow will be better
the surety of it
what fools we are
jesters til the end
letting go is as easy as getting old
it happens right before your eyes before you know it
those sore spots on your soul become worn with time and times told
worn with pride once nostalgias tired old trick of the mind takes over
rolling in clover like pigs in ****
316 · Jun 2014
snake eye
in the end
you do what you have to
because thats all
thats left to be done
it cant be wrong
that one
the one
the one you wanted
all along
will be your swansong
314 · Jul 2015
in the name of men(gele)
remade in an image tainted
clever clone of the spoils of war
perfect person for a perfect planet
stood on the bones of those come before
modified to be ever youthful
health glowing from every pore
the next stage in our evolution
will be a step backward into abject horror
for the weak and the poor
It shall be such a pretty hell
314 · Feb 2014
is there anything
as comforting
or as frightening
as the natural
state of things
313 · Dec 2015
never question progress
whilst supping
summer fruits
in wintertime
313 · May 2019
halflife (rate of decay)
my yang
is a yearning
i can never fulfil
ive tried many times
to find the match to my sigil
whole is a concept unknown to my soul
i am one alone in my darkness
inviting dawns oblivion
312 · May 2017
decompression test
if I could distil every fantasy Id ever dreamed
condense my desires from reams into mere chapters
take every vision of you Id ever seen
making reel after reel of memories captured
maybe then I could relax again
knowing having them
made you mine forever after
whatever happens next
you pass every test I could administer regardless
A plus
please consider this my application
to recommence relations accordingly
sincerely yours
Joseph Joseph Joseph Junior Shabadoo Esq.
312 · Apr 2016
times executioner
the lives ive held between these hands
dont touch me as i pass them on
each as nameless as the last
their faces blurring into one
the pleas
the tears
the bended knees
like words repeated once too often
lose all human quality
as i lost mine
when i took this job on
dedicated to call centre workers everywhere. Death is just another customer service representative
312 · Apr 2016
if it licks its lips, run
black cats and beautiful women
when they cross paths
exchange shrewd looks and wry smiles
at their toll upon man
he shakes your left hand
as much as this offends
hes been here before
and hes heard the stories
how you buried his elders
in pig skin
a week late
facing west
hes keeping his right hand ready
and hes going to strike when his hospitality runs out
309 · Feb 2017
men in black
I spent me evening on the receiving end of a crap rap song
with a strap in me face an me back door gone
both the entrance and the exit if youre following on
coz five balaclavas and a glock got the block wrong
**** still twitching :(
309 · Jan 2019
fairy tale ending (fenrir)
if youre going to send
three pigs to my door
ill huff and ill puff
then ill blow the ***** up
your duty of care
doesnt work any more
it will get us all killed
in a cloud of brick dust
308 · Aug 2019
sharpie (erase a head)
it is as time for drastic measures
as it ever was
make up your mind to make your mark
make it indelible
so when they try to rub it off
they take their flesh with it
remind them riches have a cost
the more the less you accept
herein the lesson ends
theyll hear every word you said
like your voice inside their heads
when they look in the mirror
tell him something he doesnt know
and hell tell you something about it
doesnt matter if its true
because as you know too
its not what he knows
its how loud he can shout it
if you disagree
you're a fool
fall for their fallacy
it's in the rules
they'll talk tales of terror
then make it the news
tell you you're the best
we're the best
when you approve their next move
remember your forefathers
all they had to lose
in wars they never started
though they did you'll never prove it
if you're not part
you're the part that needs removing
guilty of the dark arts
thinking one and one makes two
how very dare you
Logic. Have some.
305 · Jul 2015
the green (friend) zone
i wish i was happy youre happy
but in truth im just glad youre not sad
i hope that the part of me i left with you
wont forget all the happiness we had
do you remember
when you remembered
I do
I remembered
until I forgot to remember
until now
when I just remembered you
i remember the pain
as if it were yesterday
because it was yesterday
I began to exercise again
The Day After...
303 · Mar 2016
poison (bait)
from a position of power
high atop their lofty towers
they expect us to cower
in their shadow is our darkest hour
meanwhile down in the trenches
guttersnipes fight over nighttime park benches
and the wretched fester
watching their masters gaining ever the better
fat cats get fatter
feeding on us as if taxes were rats
an unnatural disaster
caused by a ruling class to whom life doesnt matter
303 · Apr 2016
caveat emptor
my sage advice
is more sage than wisdom
yet they call me occam
when they seek my counsel
better a devil you know
when advocacy is needed
but beware
this devil has a devil of his own
303 · Apr 2016
i love your latest album
i love your greatest hit
i love everything you do or say
and ill pay for it
dont worry about the effort
thats no part of it
youre at the peak, at the top
of a curled dogshit
303 · Jun 2016
luck (foresight)
the man with the clock
says timing is everything
the man at the dock
thinks his ship has come in
the man with his head on the block
sees the future coming
whilst the man with the worst of bad luck
tries again
302 · Apr 2016
help yourself
ask for my advice
you can take it or leave it
ask me for help
youll take it as it comes
throw it back in my face
because you dont want to hear it
ill throw you out on your ****
hope your god succumbs
heroes are a mystery to me
put upon a pedestal
fawning at their feet
no man is more special than me
when Im stood upon their shoulders
******* on their grave beneath
301 · Jun 2019
(dont) stay grounded
we're all carrion in this carry on
prey to the vultures up above looking down on us
we should be soaring in the sun
as one or all must fall
no law can come before
the wisdom of the albatross
tories give you **** all
and then blame you for having it
make you the scapegoat
for their cause and effect
you should be self made
like them
and their forefathers
names you should recognise and respect
these nuclear families
at their core plantagenet
conserving themselves
at the cost of the rest
should be expelled
gelded and fed the excess
strung up from lampposts
by their wallets
until death
while they were intermingling
into everything
we couldnt feed our families
and our families went away

thats how divide and conquer works
301 · May 2016
i am the inky tip of my egos quill
sometimes needing blotting
always needing refilled
dipped into a bottomless well of will
i will stop at nothing
until my need is fulfilled
Am I the only one who sees
there is no good
only degrees
of evil?
300 · Apr 2016
stream of consciousness
theres madness in the method
what goes in comes out
direct from the subarachnoid
tried and tested
evolved into creation
being humans best bit
never let anger hold sway
cut your hate into a page
spit out the words of your rage
then walk away
youll thank me one day
catharsis serves the heart
can turn your evil into art
youll live longer that way
I can say some seemingly hateful things at times. I say them to avoid doing them.

there are no angels. just devils with themselves under control. we are all the human beast.
its been a long day
its been a long hard day
its been a long hard lonely ******* day
but thats alright
i feel fine
because i know that youre out there
and i know that youre mine
297 · Jun 2016
(you couldnt) make (it) up
the paint on her face is a projection
a protection against male rejection
only a man could demand that his vision of perfection
should hide behind her reflection
because youre worth it

If I wore a mask every day I'd get arrested.
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