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399 · Apr 2016
biggest turd in the bowl
centre of a universe
mostly of my making
exception taken to exceptional lengths
to anything infiltrating
made up my mind
making running repairs
working with tools shaped by the same fool
that put me there
if i was a spider in a web
id be hovering over a mirror
waiting for the other spider to move
so i could eat it
im a monster of my making
overripe and set for reaping
im just waiting for the drop
im king **** of **** heap
sometimes I realise I read way too much Stephen King as a kid
398 · Dec 2013
there is only so much you can do
before your help becomes a hindrance
reflecting badly on you
as you become cold to his dependence
all that's left is to cut him loose
in the hope it doesn't **** him
but if it does, accept the truth
he's been dead all the time you knew him
396 · Jan 2017
called out (aggro phobia)
im not afraid of what i think is out there
im afraid of what i know is in me
i cant promise a peaceful outcome
when bureaucracy meets suicidal antisocial nonconformity
theyve all got it infamy
396 · May 2017
cursed (koinkidink)
my synchronicity
is out of sync
missed opportunities
each time i blink
if i could keep my eyes wide
with matchsticks
nothing would happen
until the stick snaps
as if magic
the pattern
everything imaginable
at my fingertips
from the backs
of my eyelids
396 · Oct 2015
its only really beautiful the first time
after that youre leering
look away
take your glance at the trap of perfection
as a sign sent from heaven
that hell only beckons that way
anything theyre selling
the shiny **** theyre telling you
you think is necessary
are the things that keep you
locked in and focussing
processing nothing
but programming
feeding back
into the mouth that feeds
its bile into the minds
of the majority
swallowing its tail
in the self fulfilling prophecy
that is the lie
at the heart
of the capitalist democracy
if they have to try to sell you it, its not very good.
along comes another season
spring again again
a reason to be cheerful
and fearful of the fall
after a long hard winter
in the wilderness alone
summer is rebeckoning
for Bekki
392 · May 2017
all matter is finite
does it matter
will it matter
did it matter
knowledge is learnt
ignorance is inherent
intelligence can't be taught
it's either there or it isn't
innocence can't be bought
reacquired or inherited
fear in all its forms
is the norm
learn to tether it
I am no mans slave
as I am no mans boss
I recognise deep inside
that no gain is no loss
I stand alone with my conviction
my own thoughts on us
knowing today is all that is definite
beyond that
I couldn't give a toss
391 · Apr 2016
inshallah (please stop)
we're brothers in flesh
disjointed in mind
allah is all together
all the gods refined
distilled and decanted
the measure the bind
the empty glass is more full
than the headiest wine
390 · Dec 2013
then comes the dark
as the sun came up
on the day I died
I began to weep
to my eternal surprise
for if I had known
in my black and white life
colours like these
I wouldnt have had to die
yet if I had known all along
what I would find
I would have died much sooner
with the sun in my eyes
it's not the winning
it's the taking apart
conspirational aspiration
would be a flying upstart
revolutionary metaphor
can only take us so far
solid action is required
before we're wiped out
like a wet ****
388 · Nov 2013
seer (see her)
nothing hurts more
than what you havent got
possession is nine tenths of the law
but its the other part
that you can never have whole
in your hand or your heart
that will sear
as it tears you apart
got burnt
388 · Apr 2016
Shades (crap rotation)
The futures so bright
It casts now into shadow
The price to be paid
For a better tomorrow
In these rarefied times
We have to live shallow
For what the past had
And the next expect
Leaves the present peasant fallow
a need me sanity back
as anybody seen it?
salways in da las place ya look
so me eds up me ****
just in case irrappears
sabit like dem pokie mans, gorra catch da bastud
youre filling my mind full of filling you full of me
i still cant decide if this is the buy of a lifetime
or a fools economy
im kicking the tyres looking for signs of a tired ride
selling itself as luxury
you could be mine for the one time price of just one good time
and the rest of my life with my ***** itchy
i can no more be who i am not
than i can be who i am
what is there in a same ol world
for a different man
but if a life is within my grasp
should i grab it while i can
or keep clutching at straws
until the shortest one is found
there is a credibility gap
where your mouth is
the words coming out
are what a man says
from behind a mask
with his hands shaking
as he robs a bank
with a cucumber in a bin bag
camerons on a moped out the front with a stocking over his head. looks the same.
me inner voice talks ter me
like ted rogers reelin off da clues
dats why am livin in a dusty bin
wid big ******* oles in me roof
I avent gorra *** ta **** in
burra still wudn **** on you
fer lookn down on me
fukkn frownin at me
like am da **** on ya ****** rich ***** shoes
whats the difference between manolos an a man in a hole?

the petrol can

If you dunno who ted rogers is then this will make little sense. Much like if you knew who ted rogers is.
375 · Apr 2016
quantum entangled
We'll find our own arrow of time
Live in our bubble
Of superdense time/space
Accelerating our mass
Until we collapse
In on ourselves
Form a new universe
Where we make our own rules
In physical superposition
375 · Sep 2013
but what else is there?
if reason isnt reason enough
to change the unchangeable
is it feasible to be reasonable
in the first place
she was born
tomorrow and yesterday
as lives came and went
and came again
searching for something
she needed today
that she lost in another another
the circles she describes
never change
in locus mortis
ex lucis vitae
repeating again
could be hell
or heaven
if it mattered
past present participle
money changes in a monetary temple
trading pennies for piety rental
minority more than majority
alchemical method sells water as wine
gold as base metal
our precious "lead"ers
beauty doesn't cease to be
when it ceases to be seen
ignorance can't educate itself
without accepting its fallacy
happiness can't be quantified
without sadness in quantity
a life can't last a lifetime
without deaths finality
Higher man
everything ive ever known
will dissolve with me
every thought
every feeling
every memory
everything real
will cease to be
when i come to the end
of my eternity
as I gazed into the darkness
I suddenly knew
she had become the light
in somebody elses sky
no debating what the heart says
cant unsee the truth
that the coming of the dark night
starts in the eyes
the time for me and intervention
was more years ago than I care to mention
but Ive always borne my bad intentions
inside and close to my heart
now Im asking myself if that makes sense
cross checking my ethics for consequences
deciding if I can live with it if I die in the offence
and I cant ******* wait to get started
364 · Apr 2016
Double Helix
Our paths will cross again
You're in the code
362 · Nov 2017
sweating like a **** at a parent teacher meeting
stinking like a dead baby stuck behind the central heating
coughing up me lungs like ive been smoking tuberculosis
sitting soggy in so much snot its not hard to get a diagnosis
coz ive got...
man flu
and you know theres nothing worse
man flu
itd be a blessing to be cursed
instead ive got...
man flu
and a headache the size of the universe
but im a man and ill survive
ive got time and pharmaceuticals on my side
im not just going to lie down and die
no thats a lie
because im dyyyyyyyyyyying!
360 · Mar 2017
pixie (clover)
who you are now
is all that you are to me
wont let the past
come before anything
if its a disaster
well what will be will be
but what if its not
often paths become sidetracks
the territory of your self is unmapped
destinations change
circumstance sets traps
on the way to end a life
life fights back
time and toil maketh the man
359 · Feb 2016
bully for you
one got caught up in a kerfuffle
looked ones opponent in his rolling eye
you come lookin you done found trouble
was his shirt ripping battlecry
now while confronted with the conundrum
of how to respond without responding in kind
ones attempt to maintain decorum
was met with disdain
and a wild right to ones blind side
momentarily dazed possibly mild concussion
left one for a second or two in a deep malaise
gentlemanly conduct wasnt going to be possible
so what one did next was beyond the pale
but **** em
one kneed him in the *******
poked him in the eyes
kicked him up the ****
then ran as fast as ones wobbly legs could provide
judging by the lack of follow up
and the sound of sobbing coming from behind
a ******* or an eyeball
was the cost of poking a finger at the wrong little posh guy
dedicated to the little posh kid i saw getting bullied the other morning. he wont be doing that again.
359 · Apr 2016
mutton dressed as lamb
sold as seen
seen as more
more is sold
all glimmer no gold
marketed as wanted
bought a millionfold
herds of willing customers
wearing your blindfolds
356 · Aug 2018
au revoir (hello again)
sad eyes see sad eyes you see
she said to me
we shared a tear
our moment shed
we sloughed away
each to our own despair
354 · Jan 2015
memorial (justification)
how many
lived to see another day
because the camp commandant
was at a party for the dead
Remember the holocaust by making someone else relive it. Scumbag Netanyahu.
354 · Jul 2015
brought to (no longer)
we carry our chains as tradition
a patricians vision of conservatism
the sins of the fathers written
as commandments
carved into the shoulders that bear them
351 · Apr 2016
help wanted
apply within
surrender to your self
let the healing begin
being who you are
not who youre being
is imperative
if youre to have the key
to this loony bin
345 · Feb 2014
youll save a whale
but youll leave a man poor
poor man cant understand
his lack of value to your portfolio
poor whale has no say
in what comes from the shores
where evil resides
with its own dead on its door
we are the only beast
don't hold onto the pain
until it sears your skin
you can't wash it out
once it's burnt in
you will scrub all your life
to be left feeling the same
raw and bloodied
cursing his name
whilst you congratulate
yourself on your win
dont drop your dreams for excuses
the real has its uses
but fantasy is its own reward
you may never be what the world says
society is a mindset
focus your entirety on your cause
your sights adjusted
do what you must
to set a path to what is rightfully yours
you have the right
to remove yourself
from all that you abhor
and the right to remove the heads of those
that would say that their dream
is the best that you can hope for
that then they them
at best were making the best
of a bad situation
adding stress to a stressed
to breaking point population
revolutions have begun before
for much lesser reasons
the lesson from the past to learn
is often treason is reasonable
342 · Jul 2015
HR drones and civil serve ants
only following orders
from the camp commandant
letter of the law
spelt with a capital punishment
do as youre told
is the mantra of the sycophant
what fate is this that we cannot look away
from extreme beauty or extreme ugliness
yet we are blind to the majority inbetween
338 · Oct 2013
we are I is me
when we speak for all
we speak freely
what can rise
can fall
just as easily
when we pull
on the ropes
binding us
they will come tumbling
how strong is 1% against 1.
338 · Dec 2014
unknowns known
the past writes the future
it's all there to see
bar the odd alarming
everything coming
has already been
the only change
is the time
the place
the name
human experience
is one long chain
linked back
to the last
and forth
to the beginning
338 · Jul 2015
birdbrained (shame)
spread on the winds
we fly
our wings tucked in to our sides
we dive
falling from nigh on divine
cawing our raucous cry
talons clawing
we climb
soaring triumphant
lions on high
could any life be more alive
yet we cage them
see their natures denied
brings a tear to my eye
338 · Jun 2016
benched (becoming)
a nice lady informed me I was ****** today
I tried to feign indignance but what could I say
my bed was made before I knew Id have nowhere to lay
it didnt even occur to me that homelessness was coming to stay
implosions become explosions
337 · Mar 2014
capitalism holds you to account
and if the books dont balance youre out
the age has passed when nuclear clout
was more dangerous than the trading floor shout
337 · Apr 2016
where do you think your pink hair
and piercings fit
into fashions plagiaristic style
or lack of it
tattoos so loud and bountiful
you make the yakuza look ****
out is the new in
alt is so alt
everybodies it
i dont want to hear what i shouldnt be doing
when youre doing it for two
or three or four or more
my engine is too big
i dont recycle
i consume without thought
for sure
and ill do it some more
im one man
i cant possibly do as much damage
as your creaking fallopian doors
more daddies is not the way forward. theyre useless in ones.
333 · Feb 2015
smartarse (splat)
there is a perverse part of me
that likes to look before i leap
just to see the fall coming
so i can say i say what i see
fulfil my own prophecy
hit the ground running
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