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511 · Mar 2016
kabuki (gojira)
one must acknowledge the mundane
before one can expand to the spectacular
accept that the world is a veil
a sham set in front of a backdrop
one that has rarely changed
beyond exit stage left for a core set of actors
until we seperate fortune from fame
it will be the same masks laughing back at us
that have laughed at every other disaster they have been master of
dave camos face cant really look like that?
the noose hes holding on to
is the rope that stops him drowning
balanced on the razors edge
of someone elses understanding
of how to stop a scrambled egg
standing in the fire surrounding
the frying pan hes made his bed in
but wont lie down and die in in silence
from spitting in their eye
fame makes yarappy
money makes yarrich
rich makes ya a target
in dis particular petri dish
ya face is worth **** all ere
about da same as ya paid fer ya ****
an ya arrogant fukkn attitude
is as blown up as ya fukkn fake lips

ya ****.
pardon my anglo-saxon
507 · Jan 2017
devils advocate (rations)
when the demons you were fighting
have become your only friends
the hell that you inhabit your only wall
against the winter wind
the line you swore youd never cross
worn flat from trespassing
them taking what you havent got
could be a mixed blessing

or a massacre
506 · Dec 2015
ismism (it cuts both ways)
if youre having to push
youre trying too hard
an idiot and their idiocy
will not be parted
be it ignorance
or mean hearted
anything theyre pushing
can be disregarded
waiting for the meat
to catch up to the mind
to stop dragging its feet
falling behind
how long will it take
for the string to unwind
so I can measure the difference
between life and lifetime
505 · Jul 2016
metal (bent on)
irons in fires
requiring firing iron
brass knuckles
brass necks
steel will bent under stress
fingers bent under duress
tied taxed and twatted
left messed up hair matted
in copper red
another bent copper dead
no more tears for a dead cop
how many lives saved from the five dropped
theres an american saying that comes to mind lots
payback is a *****
thats what black lives cost
there is such a thing as a righteous wrong
your dark past
casts long shadows
in your new light
lies defined
projected far and wide
in sharp relief
no protection
revisionist excision
cuts deep
for all to see
where would bundy be
in the media age
presenting daytime tv
from the presidential stage
calling aileen out
for her feminist ways
fighting chikitilos foreign policy
tooth and nail
Whether its the Don, Maggie May, The Butcher of Grozny or something like a Piers Morgan or a Katie Hopkins, the proportion of narcissistic psychopaths in the public eye is growing.
It's an attention ****** world.
the focus is in the periphery
uncertainty makes it a certainty
its right there before us
if only we could choose
to look away
then in that instant
we could see it
470 · Oct 2013
hollow beauty
your depths whisper
because your superficial screams
look at me
lost in front of lusting eyes
leering but not seeing
how can you hide
when plain sight
isn't even an option here
outwardly shining
inwardly cowering
in the light you're emanating
freedom only exists
because we need it
revolution is out there somewhere
455 · Aug 2014
do unto others
say what you mean netanyahu
you are looking for a final solution
lets gas the elephant locked in the room
genocide is only bad when its done to you
I hope there are 6 million spinning graves.
You deny the holocaust in your actions.
453 · May 2017
pray (prey)
come with me
you poor
you downtrodden
together we can raise the sky
where there are those
in a deeper circle of hell than yours
help them up
as one
we will take the next level
then the one above
start from the bottom when youre building
451 · Jan 2017
the penulti (seconds last)
lessons cost

the bill is mine to pay

loss has taught me more
than all the education
i could ever assimilate

you have to pay the piper

for the melody

but you dont get to second guess
when the dirge is delivered
in a flat minor key

you just do your dance

and you pay the fee
445 · Dec 2014
ojo (aye aye!)
perception is a blind mans kaleidoscope
a journey into geometry unreal
a twist or a turn can make a liar of an eye
that cant see through the pattern revealed
when a one dimensional mindset
is projected upon a 2D field
the world around us shifts on its axis
and another dimension is seen to be
more real than the real three
437 · Oct 2017
walled garden (ladyflower)
cant lose what was never mine
nor the lust left behind undiscovered
though our bodies may have lain intertwined
her heart was bound to another
gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em
ive got no time for time
i spent more than I had
living a lifetime
with no costs spared
age is a ruin
best be prepared
for deaths demolition
without a care in the world
the right word
at the right time
can paint a thousand pictures
435 · Apr 2016
he gets up again
gettin clean
feels like rocky on a step climber
gonna fly now on repeat
as im gettin higher
goin nowhere
punchin air
no i'll never tire
cant breathe
like a punctured tyre
how long must i rage
against the dying of the light
before i can go to my grave
having fought the good fight
im battered and bruised
black and blue
like the night i invite
pray take me gently
lest i take my own life in spite
man waits for no time
i know one day im going to see you again
be with you again
although it may not be until
long after eternity has ended
in the grand scheme of things
when is a matter of perspective
times arrow returns to the quiver unequivocally
waiting to be reselected
i have all the time in the world to doubt. now i know.
if theres a silver lining
im robbing it
ive had enough of waiting
for another hit
if theyll kick a down man
ill take a punt
put the boot on the other foot
if the shoe fits
wear it
when the other one drops
be prepared
when they kick my knees out
ill go down
killing and cursing
**** em
432 · May 2014
brittle (crack)
you did it again
lost the girl
lost a friend
this habit wont bend
you need a break from this trend
sort your head
or your heart will never mend
i dont know what you thought
you were in for
but equality means being ignored
when your pleas fall on deaf ears
you will know you have found your reward
welcome aboard
once upon a time
we were just one species
but then came places
and races
and war
until we recombine
our disparate pieces
we will never recognise
the face that came before
the face of the mother of us all
428 · Aug 2016
escape velocity (terminal)
too far gone
not far enough yet
falling further
from the bleeding edge
freefall freedom
as free as it gets
feel the impact
face the consequence
say hello to the nouveau *****
stormtroopers in top hats and tails
to remind us that right is might is right
and that the righteous always prevail
dissent will be met with violence
remember dead men tell no tales
penitence or consequences
are all thats left for the left in their dying days
living yesterday
on tomorrows ****
is no way to do much
with the time inbetween
what comes next will be painful
but nothing hurts in your sleep
and yet I still choose to wake up
from that other reality
to live this daydream
while awaiting patiently
my turn at eternity
magic flows
from my fingers
it lingers
in my ear
holding her
letting her breathe
making her sing
makes me happy
to be here
she whispers to me
at my frequency
lets me speak
my soliloquy
without saying a word
what a waste of life i would be
with no ability for creativity
i have a need for my heart beating
while my soul still has melody
yet to be heard
416 · Jun 2015
must have stuff (middleman)
be rated or berated
what choice have you got
no room for mediocrity
in societies melting ***
aspire to higher places
or expire in the rotten hole
you call a home
poor and forgotten
the people that care dont care
theyre not there to help you
theyre there to get theirs
whether theyre directors doctors or nurses
theyre at work
they cant remember the last time their calling was heard
through the cacophony of their own phony words
Placebo isnt an effect, its a business model.
413 · Apr 2016





                             after a mile

in another mans

413 · Dec 2013
maybe checkmate
what do you take from the man that has lost everything
who is paying the price for not playing
in the game of life style before substance is king
a broken pawn to the brokers isn't worth anything
you looked the same
I marvelled
do I to you
knowing I couldnt
wearing your scars
as I do
the grey you left me
showing through
bright despair
from split tip to root
declaring the years I gave
and lost
in sharp contrast
to the dark vitality
you once knew
your unseeing eyes
then withdrew
my breath held
shakily exhaled
I was reproved
still cant get blood
from a stone
there is a monster in me
roaring and clawing itself free
my lifes only responsibility
is to keep it caged indefinitely
confrontation comes inevitably
self destruction isnt all it seems
flight is an impossibility
to a man fighting his own insanity
in all the dark places ive been
the same dark faces look on impassively
waiting to tear a mouthful of meat
from the bones of whats left of my psyche
but with no fight left in me
no life to succour
ive been picked clean
my fear is for those around me
when the beast sheds its chains
and the dark faces are revealed as my reality
409 · Mar 2014
executive decision
I am imprisoned
besieged on all sides
this human detritus
doth offend mine eye
escape is impossible
believe me Ive tried
to extricate myself
from this situation
one of us must die
but Im scared of dying
Im not scared of death
I couldnt care less
about a lack of existence
its the means to the end
that fills me with dread
so between me and you
its off with his head
408 · Jan 2015
ahh bollocks
Words can live for as long as there are eyes to read them
if you right them write.
the H in NHS is for Humiliation
that much i can say for certain
the N and the S? I can only guess
but im not hanging round to discern it
id hoped that the H was for Help
that id take them my problem
theyd be the people to hear it
but thats not what theyre there for
theyre only repairers
proactive is asking for miracles
Hypocritical Oaf.
408 · Aug 2014
I know better
you faced your final adversary with your eyes closed
your faces deep set memories
told of times as old as time has tales to tell
old age is a living hell youd say
with a glint in your golden gaze
that may have been a tear
to someone else
407 · Jun 2016
government (yessuh massah)
they make our beds
then they lie to us
cry crocodile tears
while they dine on us
sow their seeds
in the fields of our lives
then force us to reap
all ten times the tithe
407 · Nov 2014
little britain (titanic)
one day this imbalance
will tip us into the sea
with the souths weight sinking
and the north again rising
before sliding gracefully
into obscurity
Devolution me ****. You cut out cancer. It's time to excise London.
for we are as first born
most amongst equal
it shall be we who crack the sky
our voices raised for all people
we who may lay down our lives
so that all may thrive
in the world that we leave them
you are the blind eyes turned
to the orders following orders
you are the ignorant
bestowing your gift of bliss upon others
youll make a bad choice
when bad choices are all that are offered
then in that mans voice
you declare that your man is the man
to make the bad choices for all of us
then the man does what he does
"I hope this ******* world ******* burns away and I'd **** you all if I had my way"
402 · May 2016
MY kampf
if do what thou wilt
is to be the whole of the law
what of the inevitable transgressor
an eye for an eye
is just the blind leading the blind
but minds leading minds is no better
you have to make your own mind up
then you have to live with it
401 · Apr 2016
what a tw*t (goin nowhere)
ive got followers
people follow me
jesus only had twelve
ive got forty three
even though half of them
are friends and family
im still averaging higher
messiah level quantity
another scouser claiming hes bigger than jesus, i know. dont shoot the messenger this time
to rob a bank takes a criminal mastermind
someone on the inside
a plan how to hide all the money and the guilt beside
to have the banks rob a country needs a prime minister
its only slander if its not true.
399 · Apr 2016
biggest turd in the bowl
centre of a universe
mostly of my making
exception taken to exceptional lengths
to anything infiltrating
made up my mind
making running repairs
working with tools shaped by the same fool
that put me there
if i was a spider in a web
id be hovering over a mirror
waiting for the other spider to move
so i could eat it
im a monster of my making
overripe and set for reaping
im just waiting for the drop
im king **** of **** heap
sometimes I realise I read way too much Stephen King as a kid
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