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if i promised you the future
would be there when we arrived
would you walk with me
every leap will be a stride
to conquer
we have to decapitate the domineering minority
separate the fools from their money
then instigate a global technological democracy
where every human is connected
directly represented
every choice debated and agreed
on civic days pride dictated
taking part is part of taking
what can be provided
by our trying to be
a true planetary society
813 · Jul 2014
Pale (stine) horse
the ironic israeli
bombing their ghettoes daily
destroying homes
building walls and fences
using methods
learnt in bitter lessons
is degrading
but where all pain is forgotten
behaviours are ingrained
logical fallacy
caught in a malady
fighting his way out of a wet paper bag
you see cameron isnt a man of the people
no man is equal
hes the man you cant see through
opaque in a way the lucky few get to be
hiding behind their offshore identities
pulling the strings in a worldwide conspiracy
lurking in their murky puddle of deceit
and his dad was bent too. its the family business ffs
778 · May 2016
aporia (tabula rasa)
the first step to knowledge
is to know you know nothing
the second step to knowledge
is to follow the first
the third step to knowledge
is to keep on going
until you know your steps
go somewhere
769 · Apr 2016
thermometer (when gods die)
theyre out there in the ether
patterns are repeated by definition
cannot be an isolated incident


coincidentally mental efficiency
allows a nonsentient entity
such as the universal construct
our senses render perceptively
to assess its own state of entropy
thus rendering life necessary
though not necessarily anthropomorphically
so *I* said....
you could cut her out of the photograph
she'd still be there
no matter how much you try to edit the past
the past doesn't care
you can only pretend that the love and the laughs didn't happen
as you rip and you tear
or that the tear spattered mass of torn fragments in your lap
somehow got back at her
that i got this far isnt pride
momentum moves onward in a slide
but my heart stopped beating when you died
inert i couldnt care less about the world outside
im just waiting for my time
communication is the key
so i talk to myself as much as i can
we have a laugh
me and me
as a matter of fact
here he is now
with a joke
about a man
sat alone
with himself
you shouldnt have to force a man to think about his life
but the times are gone when thinking men were thought about as right
the fear of the thoughtful man is rife
in a world where ignorance keeps dominations grip tight
ya fukkn right am paranoid
you wud be too
snot long since a gang an a gun
wid a grudge came bustin thru
my fukkn livin room
so yeh am sittin ere armed ter da teeth
waitin fer roun two
coz if its gonnarappen
dis time am packin
da bodies in bags
so i can put dem in da boot
an am buryin da ***** on da beach
an am takin da loot
687 · Feb 2014
they say if it hurts
you know youre alive
but the pain in my life
is why i want to die
the screamers have time
its the silent that are nearest demise
so im being quiet
in the hope that theyre right
there is always hope
681 · Aug 2014
paranoid eyes
run infinite eights
try to see the angles
in this tesselated state
look beyond the holographic
mind recalibrate
repeat the mantra
to the self
678 · Nov 2018
toin coss
reaching for oblivion
falling short
searching for a reason
to end it all
infamy is beckoning
make the call
tails we're on a winner
heads will roll
for when the **** hits the fan
hes got his umbrella
a forty five calibre ******* repeller
so when the ******* and queers
all them uppity fellas
tell the good ol boys
muricas goin ta hell
he can ring libertys bell
667 · Apr 2016
a cute \ a bleak
tis a fine line
between darkness and sunshine
when youre in the shadows
667 · Apr 2016
if yesterday
was your last tomorrow
what does that make today
while you are trying to decide
if you lived or died
your time is wasting away
sedimentary memory
scraped away
just another day
past and future
both the same
spinning in his grave
nowhere to go
noone to be when i get there
im all alone
a refugee from humanity
going spare
got to go on
get going or get gone
get off at the next stop
between here and eternity
or seize the controls
let it roll
take the brakes off
see what fate offers
crashing headlong
forever headstrong
into the buffers theyve erected
marking the end of my line
632 · Jan 2017
7 days 7 names
decisions of consequence
matters of missed signs
crossed lines
beyond common sense
delve into the lost mind
one last time
find the insanity offence
a list of who lives and who dies
who deserves recompence
whos eyes get to view mine
in my definitive act of ultraviolence
there can be only one
its not the same bed once its over
cant roll over to console her
isnt my role any more
since she decided to show me the door
so im lying here listening to her snore
tormented by thoughts of the morning
nothing i can say to the prone form
of my former lover
too late to tell her i love her
629 · Nov 2018
Vesuvius (damp squib)
remember remember the 14th of november
petrol and death and destruction
all other terror
for now and forever
shall pale before my final eruption
guy fawkes me ****

the yesterday that never was
i awoke today
to a universe ended
all humanity had been wiped clean
life went on
what you make invisible
will cast a dark shadow over your life
ignorance is bliss' evil twin
seduction sold as a box of bright light
look beyond what evil is feeding you
make up your mind
truth isnt too hard to find
revolution is feasible
if you only let leaders lead you
as a horse to water
not a lamb to slaughter
626 · Apr 2019
travails in the son
what happens when the prodigal son returns
wanting nothing but apologies for bridges burnt
is he has to cross a chasm
has his advances spurned
travels back to his far country
lesson learned
625 · Feb 2015
cynical arl bastard
what if too good to be true
could be true
what would that do to your world view
cant turn your back on a truth
to turn back would prove youre a fool
when the proof is all around you
621 · Nov 2018
red flag (bridge is out)
still talking to myself
on the tin can telephone
if i shouted any louder
my tongue would be a semaphore
im getting nowhere faster
than a paraplegic tortuga
tortuously touring
a mini minotaur in its mystic maze
running marathons before the bulls
hit all the china plates
youve placed in every possible avenue
of escape
the language of anger is violence. sprechen sie?
615 · Apr 2016
UN (uselessly neutered)
whats iraq got that syria hasnt?
whats the difference between them
and afghanistan?
whos deciding one deserves help
and the other doesnt?
how much more ******* carnage must we see
before well lend a hand?
or are you waiting til debating votes and ratings
lets you know which path your taking
meanwhile the genocidal wrath is unabating
like another bosnia
4 long brutal years ago I posted this. Nothing has changed. We should all be ashamed we havent overthrown our own governments to help them overthrow theirs.
599 · Apr 2016
Tied in knots
all im wanting
is for us to be one thing
a beautiful new beast
with two minds and one heartbeat
598 · Sep 2013
unnecessary yardstick
give them an inch
and theyll take a measure
rules make rulers of men
to be measured against
and to be found to be lesser
596 · Sep 2013
waits and measures
dont pretend to understand
the facts ive faced
the pacts ive made
or the price ive paid
in exchange
for staying one move
ahead of the game
out of my chains
free as a bird
in a cage of my making
582 · Jul 2016
I'm burnt
my emotions are too close to the surface now
raw reaction has me acting out of character
too much has happened
matters out of hand
it doesn't matter
can't make a mouse out of a man
made out of mountain granite
the wind the rain and time
might try
to try my patience
I'll stand my ground
cut off my nose to spite my face
if needed
they want to take me down
they'll have to take me out in pieces
while I can spit in their eye
I will never

but for now I could cry
Living in the now is not all it's cracked up to be
whatever your opinion of their affectations
or their flamboyant nature
was just a frame for your self hatred
there was a person behind the persona you hated
someones child youve taken
something irreplaceable
youre a real man now.
whether we are playing the game wrong
or playing the wrong game
does it matter when the result is always the same?
whats that saying about outcomes always being the same?
being insane?
what would I know
there I go
talking to the wall again
how long should you go on when the life you live is gone
when youve fought hard and youve fallen hard
is getting up again wrong
starting again at the end makes no sense to me
but then living was nonsense all along
logic keeps telling me life doesnt want me
while life keeps giving me something rotten to gnaw on
564 · Dec 2013
no win (wrong way)
as soon as you make it a cause
there is an effect
equal and opposite
to everything you intend
the battle was lost
with your failure to comprehend
that by naming your intentions
you had them condemned
protest is for amateurs. act once.
if you dont get it right the first time, youll get it wrong.
556 · Dec 2013
the walking dead
limited by form
enraptured by voracity
they come stumbling forth
a wave of alacrity
the dead reborn
graverobbed of their sanctity
tasting life once more
flesh called
theyre answering
zombies dont run!
556 · Dec 2018
nostalgia (trippin)
they were once amateurs
living life for the joy
doing the things the professionals forget
once theyre employed
now they spend their time allocated
filling weekends with toys
trying to remember the feelings they had
when they were happy little girls and boys
whats lost is the wonder
once gone its destroyed
they can never recapture
that unfettered rapture
of knowing your time is yours
until one day theyre sat there
wrapped up in their own little world
wondering what happened
how they made their whole life work
start to look for whats lacking
now they can afford what they think they deserve
turns out all they were after
was to laugh like they didnt have a care in the world
rich in their poverty
Spending your money trying to buy the time you miss making it  makes no sense to me
554 · Jan 2015
sumerian oath
if I could take
all the lines
from my face
and lay them out
they would spell
all i can remember
is the hell ive been living
seems like its been like this
since the very beginning
though i hope thats not true
life before the fall was hardly heaven
everything is better in memory
than it is at the present
547 · Jan 2017
dont denigrate the naysayer
for saying what he sees
while you may not believe your eyes
belief is not to be believed
nothing real needs proving
but everything real can be
there is no need for blind devotion
when with your eyes open you simply see
542 · May 2018
ive come to the conclusion
that this planet is bad for me
i came to this conclusion
part madly part sadly but accepting
i came to my conclusion
long before my conclusion is happening
ive concluded if im not pulling through
pushing off will be nothing
if not a relief
when you write it you make it fiction
put me out...
beseeched the burning man
before the help came
then lay in tears
his searing mouth
incapable of the words
they needed to hear
...of my misery

help is only ever helping itself
540 · Dec 2013
waste your breath
pity the fool
that lies to himself
then open your eyes
and look at the world
539 · Jun 2016
no peace (the fall)
I have prided myself
on my piece of mind
sure in my head
that my thoughts were mine
but brought up in a prison
with the walls ill-defined
didnt need to be in jail
to be institutionalised
epiphany is a *****
538 · Nov 2014
surface tension
so i just discovered
having all the variables
isnt normal
the mask is slipping
what if something
is said to someone
their laser gaze
will fall upon me
who knows how
this plays out
3 moves ahead
is such a small lead
only so far
you can go
on such a short leash
lash out
lay down
accept whats coming
wanting to drown
when you float
is a punishment
of your own making
537 · Dec 2018
gameface (spell check)
you need to check your front
is not on backwards
getting caught grinning
is no laughing matter
in it to win it
less is coming last
be the index not the epilogue
when it comes to chapters after
or its time to close the book
pray take your paper morals
pay the piper for his troubles
you cast your bread upon the waters
to watch your ripples fade away
you pious men of clauses
masters of words and wars
and worse
no more martyrs to your causes
will come this way again
belief should be taken with a pinch of salt to cancel out the sugar
Im a courtisan of cortisone
I dream in adrenal tones
caught in thrall of them all
Im a dope fiend for my dopamine
but oxytocin is the belle of the ball
if only I could find some more to score
520 · Apr 2016
spinning joey
which tangled loom made me me
why was my pattern never repeated
what knitted the fabric of my ideology
who cut my strings and left me
wafting through the weave
genius is relative
******* twin brother
when theyre not communicating
cant tell one from the other
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