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I found my soul at 300 baud
in a world the world would one day come to adore
before there were webs
we were the spiders
before there were laws
nothing could be denied to us
we were wardialling before cybercrime
we were a virus before virii became a fake news byline
but if busted I'll deny I ever tried to
break a trunk through MCI jamaica
sat on ******* station for days
raking in creds like a madmuhfuhn rap master
with nothing greater than a pair of headphones
and a cheap cassette tape deck to take me there
kids today dont respect what they play with
back in the day we had to be outlaws
to connect to todays day to day bandwidth
.:MaG:. (Lo0Ns/A((e55)
they taught us to fear
without learning to fear us
we're reaping the whirlwind
they've sown between us
one day they'll realise
they didn't defeat us
we are on the inside
their malignant fetus
make them go away
theyll eat us all
if we let them stay
repeating lessons
learnt already
is no remedy
i reiterate
the englishman must accept his lot
he'll take their *****
he'll live their strife
untroubled by what he hasn't got
they'll take his rights
he'll think that's right
because that's what they taught him
wont be long before shes blowing trumps trumpet
***** little cuntservertive strumpet
armageddons coming unelected to the ball
this ******* party is going to drown us all
military fluffers for when the going gets tough
were all going **** diving and its going to be rough
all the ****** in the universe couldnt help me get it up
for our new prime sinister and its new world ******
lets hope the ***** puts our gitmo somewhere nice, I suspect Ill be visiting soon
2.5k · Apr 2017
fairground attraction
welcome to the rollercoaster merry go round
shes guarenteed to please
your head will be spinning in the clouds
you wont know which way is up and which way is down
and then you get to go again the other way around
2.5k · Apr 2018
duty of care
youve monopolised our lives
and get it wrong at every turn
we are born into one of your hoshitholes
destined to die in the same hole
some day
under your care
no other option
but to put our lives in the hands of incompetents
NHS doctors
NHS doctrine
NHS business models built upon sugar pill suckers
cant afford bedpans
funds low
i feel my pain
i havent got the *** to **** in or the mercedes benz to sustain
my sympathy ended the same way your empathy did
in your apathy
like my life will one day soon
under you care
they dont
2.4k · Jun 2017
hijab and lace panties
its funny
how the picture changes
if you look from the other end
if we werent so fixated on places and races
we could all be friends
world spends a lot of time looking through the wrong end of the telescope
2.2k · Aug 2016
calcium fuelled dragonslayer
i grind my teeth in the night
eating myself in my sleep
trying to extract enough sustenance
to face the day that keeps repeating
how many times must i relive
my nightmares upon waking
where im not the gallant knight
im the monster waiting to cremate him
2.1k · Jun 2016
i can fix anyone except me
bring me your problems
i can put them to sleep
its nothing special i just say what i see
you see it too or you wouldnt be talking to me
its just a form of devils advocacy
i see your demons and i speak their language fluently
let them talk through me
occam would approve
as deeply incised insight like mine
is built on a life in ruin
It's easy to cut the heart out of life with Occams razor but I'll take it over Damocles sword every time.
2.1k · Mar 2017
balloon (hubble bubble)
all I gain is clarity from the clouds
while adding more weight to my inertia
disordered thoughts only form orderly mounds
in order to confound the pin searcher
i know i can find my needle
if only i could find my haystack
2.1k · Dec 2013
scousers of the world untie
cast off
they never wanted us
they just want what we've got
I decry
because I must
before what I remember of liverpool
is ground into dust
of a conservative government
determined to sell off everything
that makes us
we must what we must
its time to take back
what was ours in the first place
its in our blood
ordered liarbility
2.1k · Nov 2014
all at sea (world weary)
me grandad was a ******
he had an old ships gyroscope
that he would spin up
and set in the palm
of his open hand
dis ere has seen every dock
an point inbetween
dis world has to find
he would say
a mantra maybe
then he would sit it upon
the tip of my trembling
outstretched finger
holding my wrist
proving his point
steeling the tremble
balance in all things
he would say
to my mesmerised
widened whitened
crying out to be wisened eyes
and let go


then he would set it atilt
why as a species
have we consistently
empowered the enfeebled
allowed them to lead the way
what does that say about us
when what sets us apart
is our ability to deduce
we need to stop and decide
if we are the right animal
for the top of the food chain
as i suspect we taste
better than we think
1.8k · Apr 2016
jewellery box
what could i give you that would make you take me
take the risk of your heart breaking
make a list and ill start creating
a cathedral from my heart of stone
close enough is never close enough
you either is or you aint
an arf an a quarter an an eighth is only sorta
an ya never gonna make da whole weight
coz yer always gonna be short
no matter if ya think ya ought
ya never ever gonna be my fukkn mate
do one *** ed
1.7k · Jul 2017
is it crazier that i talk to myself
or that i listen
or that the message gets lost
between source and destination
i have my eyes wide
twenty twenty vision
a blind man
in a black cave
crawling toward the precipice
of all of his previous bad decisions
corner pocket
1.6k · Apr 2016
we sing our words as an invocation
of power for all the missing generations
left in this city of sorrow and elation
gone from the top of the world
to the depths of degredation
time and again left in cessation
never ceasing to believe in our own population
liverpool will never be part of this nation
but if you think we give a **** youre very much mistaken
1.6k · Sep 2013
miss (mind is a mirror)
can you miss
what has never been
if youve never seen it
can you trust your feelings
can you risk
what could be everything
on a chance meeting
with potential eternity
can you stop questioning
whats right before you
because you cant believe it
can what you want ever be
until you accept what she sees
isnt what youre seeing
can of worms
one day you will remember me
our lives are entwined inextricably
youll pay for your mistakes in agony
feel every pain you left me to feel
i tried to rely on your integrity
gave as much respect as you deigned deny to me
now i see you for the man you know yourself to be
ill know you as my martyr
you die with me
you are the snake. that makes me the big stick.
like spiders in silk shirts they sit there
spinning tales of golden thread
bare faced lies dressed as investment
in a future we will lament at best
but repent
one day the penny will drop, the bubble will pop... any of those financial type puns
yud say av gorra chip on me shoulder
if i adunett it
am from fukkn inner city liverpool la
an a won' letya fuggerit
yer posh scrans jus werds ter me
so gerrit down ya neck
instedda waxin lyrical abar it
coz a doh no wot ya jus sed
cheese... from goats? get ter ****
am shittin meself abar shittin meself coz shittin meselfs gon be bad
but da besscorsarakshn terattak da bad bastd wud be shittin meself first insted
more pooetry from the 'pool
1.5k · Feb 2019
im trying to decide
if this is hell
or heaven
when im eleven oclock ******
and its only seven
ive got enough
to power through until nine or ten
but then im crashing
ill be passing out
and ******* meself
I forgot the space between
1.4k · Dec 2013
media (Medea)
the views of the few
can make the views of the few
seem like the views of the many
what the news tells you
in the voice of the few
is that the voice of the few
speaks for the choices of many
more fool you
1.4k · Apr 2016
cum to liverpool
horizons stretching
white and pure and distant
in their possibilities
more compass points
than a thousand skies
with a million sextants to read them
just waiting to breach
that final barrier to existence
to become all you can be
tossed into this mercurial 'pool
no hope no destiny
ya da mayzwell ad a **** lad
we live in a time
when there are three
martyrs to the future
on the face of the planet
who with history assured
have no now
1.2k · Oct 2013
egg timer
I want to spend a day in your hourglass
being turned on my head as the hours pass
sliding down into the narrowness
collapsing into a pile of spent amorousness
up n down
like the proverbial ****** drawers
servin hors doeuvres
to rich *****
bein rinsed by cheap escorts
hands raw
work eight days a week
to be paid for four
make much more
on her back were she as debauched
with the petite bourgeoisie
tucking in to her
as the main course
cant buy honour
1.1k · Jun 2015
Ill back you to the hilt
in all that you do
but id like to
stab you in the back
run you through
for all you put me through
when you do
people eh!? cant live with em, cant viciously stab em to death
1.1k · Mar 2014
am a scouser la
dont want ya la dee da
grew up wid a yard
saw gardens from afar
jus me an me ma
wid ar windows barred
against da smackheads
an da scallys
dat wanted wots ars
not dat wot wuz ars
wuz ars anyway
stuff lifted off a wagon
dat got lost on edge lane
comin off da 62
could get ya waylaid
passin thru where i grew up
back in da day
if i thought i had the words youd want to hear
id write them down and post them
here, there and everywhere
wear every sole i own down
making sure you know im there for you
you are my soul now
dont let your fears turn into tears
youre not alone
ya daft cow
yes, i know, i can get punched
1.1k · May 2017
poor mother earth
bent but not broken
bearing her babies pain
like a monkey on her back
if you dont hear his voice when you read this I did it wrong
1.1k · Dec 2013
black (man) friday
presidential hypocrisy
the sincerest form of mockery
eulogise a man you'd have seen hang
had he worn a keffiyeh and a beard
free nelson mandela. sale price. limited time only.
1.1k · Oct 2013
council houses of parliament
loyalty is bought
not taken
the more **** you take
the more bile you are creating
the price is getting higher
with every mistaken
value you apply
to this worthless nation
havent got a *** to **** in
I see you coming
I hope you brought a friend
I distinctly remember
our last dalliance
as a night without end
so I am loath to have my last chance
spoilt by you again
please go away
save your last dance
for someone more deserving of your gaze
avert your eyes
I'm not taking your attention
for a change
1.1k · Dec 2013
I just couldn't help meself
I went tearin in
it smelt like a bacon sarnie
to a lapsing vegetarian
I swore I wouldn't do it
and I'd swear I didn't then
but I'll sign for me crimes on the dotted line
I'd sell ya a *******, if you'll give me a pen...
an a baggadat ting aggen
Lad doh lad, kid lad, lad
1.1k · Apr 2016
Trees (Syria)
if a man falls
in a country
with nothing to offer
does anyone care?
when you speak to me
I can feel my skin prickling
reacting sympathetically
to what I can hear
that youre thinking
your words are a symphony
vocal tranquility
at once both enrapturing
and terrifyingly ******
I can hear your breathing
hear it catch when youre
I hear your heart beating
faster and harder
in the tremble of your voice
and as youre nearing
I can hear your knees shivering
your toes curling
from your tone when you tell me
youve got to go
youve missed all the shots you didnt make
and youve taken all the shots you can take
now youre down on your knees
breathing hard
hardly believing
that you havent even started the race yet
yet theyre taking bets on your final time
when they can cross you out with a finishing line
as your heart all but beats out of your chest
retiring is for the rich and the dead under a conservative government
1.0k · Jul 2016
lazy migrants (anglo saxon)
start at four
unlock the doors
wash the floors
wash the tables
cleaning up whats left over
from yesterdays fun and games
then start again
12 hours more
of back and forth
and back and forth
and back and forth
and back and forth
and scorn
and whispered words of harm
from smarmy englands home grown army
braver now
since the bigots charter
britains best
at the bar rat arsed again
better than the rest
at spending their hard earned girocheque
Ghetto is a state of mind. Kristallnacht isnt.
976 · Oct 2013
got played
I wish I was a mindreader
just one look in your eyes
to see your thoughts
your needs
your desires
the reason why you told me lies
you never ceased to surprise
each and every time
you brought a smile to my face
you didn't need to hide
in plain sight
or push me away
whenever I came close
to coming close to your flame
I got burnt anyway
my lesson learnt
I ran away to my cave
to lick my wounds
and hibernate
fell asleep to your name
as a relationship lost
and awoke to a day
with a friendship to save
because if the only thing to gain
is speaking to you again
then I'm game
937 · Feb 2015
tyred (imbalanced)
rich begat rich
forget the rest
societal nepotism
reserved for the best
bias uncrossed
infinite regress
poor plied
into poor piles
made less
put em together then take em apart. you can only take so much. as can we.
born into nothing
still got most
made it to the bottom
from the starting post
expectation throttled
expected overdose
no escape
cant evade
foundations were imposed
those that made it out were never there
if you collaborate with the enemy
then you are the enemy
if you perpetuate hegemony
you must die
no vote no say you say?
that's no choice anyway
there's no hope for a change
while we're living your lie
no consideration
no toleration
no quarter
know this
904 · Sep 2013
to the victor, spoilt
i was walking tall
now im caught flat footed
i had won it all
but the game was crooked
what came before the fall
was pride reconstructed
pressed the wrong button

self destructed
892 · Dec 2013
collective now (free/dom)
an immorality of words
from a hypocrisy of humans
pretending to live a truth
with a lie underlying the illusion
collusion in revolution
the only way we have to prove
that life is what you choose
we never chose the chosen few of them
ironically democracy is imposed
by our capitalist task masters
clothed in our rolled gold souls
if it cant be bought
its worth more when its sold
and nothing pays faster
than disaster
war and famine
to a conquistador
you make me
a self fulfilling prophecy
so well played
you'd hand his ****
to machiavelli
what you don't see
is all you'll lose
to claim your bounty
what you taught me
is that you have to die
for my life to have had meaning
if i promised you the future
would be there when we arrived
would you walk with me
every leap will be a stride
to conquer
we have to decapitate the domineering minority
separate the fools from their money
then instigate a global technological democracy
where every human is connected
directly represented
every choice debated and agreed
on civic days pride dictated
taking part is part of taking
what can be provided
by our trying to be
a true planetary society
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