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Joel M Frye Mar 2018
Trumpets scream out in
agony for a man too
terrified to speak.
For a time, Shostakovich was not Stalin's favorite composer.
303 · Mar 2016
Lick and a promise
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Humid air washes
air-conditioned face with a
mother's gentle touch.
301 · Feb 2015
Better not start...
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
The hands are laid,
the light has blazed
and scales tumble
from oblivious eyes.
it or not,
the thousand-mile journey
still awaits
your first trembling step.
If you can see
where your foot goes next,
that is enough.
Faith shuts the door behind,
trust leads you forward;
pray for the guidance
and willingness to follow.
Along the path
are placid pools of conscience;
points of depth and reflection,
murky darkness beneath
brilliant image.
Neither surface nor submerged
alone will save you
from the torture
of unfinished awareness.
Look into the eyes of both;
their wise, sad gaze back
will tell you that the 
thousand miles
are a lie.
"To know, and not to do
Is not to know."
Always more to know;
always more to do.
...once started, better finish.  Wiser beings than I left out the part about the wandering finish line.
299 · Mar 2016
Gratitude Day
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I'm moved to heights I've never seen before;
thrown into chaos, being carried through,
I come to love Great Spirit more and more.

Remembering when waking was a chore,
now gracious spring each moment is renewed.
I'm moved to heights I've never seen before.

Awaken into mystery; what's in store?
To harvest strength for what I need to do,
I come to love Great Spirit more and more.

My grasp outstrips my reach; what's heaven for
if not to give my life direction true?
I'm moved to heights I've never seen before.

Small unearned gifts which cannot be ignored;
a sunrise incandescent, thanks to You.
I come to love Great Spirit more and more.

Your grace has gifted me with friends adored;
surrounds me by beloveds, old and new,
I'm moved to heights I've never seen before,
I come to love Great Spirit more and more.
299 · Oct 2017
Horse with no name
Joel M Frye Oct 2017
My eyes aching with
dryness; crawling soul seeks an
oasis of tears.
297 · Jun 2022
I Wish
Joel M Frye Jun 2022
The mind will deceive.
It will read the exub-
erant writings of youth
as if still steeped neck-deep
in the turmoil of lust,
while the still-breathing dust
of its mortal remains
casts its gaze through the tears

from the distance of years
As an 88 year -old friend said, "I've been 18 now for 70 years."
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
Each day is a gift;
some days send me off in search
of the return desk.
Grumbly old curmudgeon...LOL.
1/20/2011 JMF
296 · Oct 2014
Observations #3
Joel M Frye Oct 2014
A heart breaks to see
a nine-months pregnant woman
in a cancer ward.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Softly, in silent
shimmering sobs, suffering
simmers, surfaces.
295 · Feb 2015
Found, not found out.
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
Released a demon
to a friend; a dragon slain
and a voice regained.
By taking back my responsibilities, I've taken back my response-abilities.
Joel M Frye Jul 2017
self-reliance was
my savior; today, it keeps
me from salvation
I needs my peeps.
Joel M Frye Jan 2021
from one who knows
the hours spent
honing a voice
to cut through a room
the days lived
seeing the unseeable
until the lyrics
bleed onto paper
and the sacred moment
when the masteries
and the mysteries
to rend my soul
and salt my eyes.
A tribute to Leonard and Pentatonix. This will be played at my service.
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Not a Poem.

I'm back in the music business!
Some of you wanted to hear my stuff, but as I can't play any more, I had to figure out a way to share my album.

My album, "Adrift", is posted there in mp3 format.

Let me know what you think.
286 · Mar 2016
Au revoir
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I'll be back when I
have a greater dream than to
live another day.
Written a week before I found I had cancer.  Ironic.
285 · Jul 2018
Joel M Frye Jul 2018
Steady, jagged line
paves a smoother path to a
possible future.
284 · Jan 2016
Negative One
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
icy blue skies are
clear and cold reality;
not a dream in sight.
282 · Jan 2016
Thanks for the call
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
An embrace of words,
voices singing over void of
miles warms heart, soothes soul.
281 · Jan 2019
Joel M Frye Jan 2019
Speak these words aloud;
hear the creak of
the rusted pump
seeking fresh flow
from a depleted source.
Hoping to prime the pump.
281 · Apr 2019
Taking time
Joel M Frye Apr 2019
Time takes from us.
What do we take
from time?

We take
nine months
of the life of our mothers.

We take
every sunny hour
from everlasting days
of childhood.

We take
sleep-time from our parents,
waiting up for us.

We take
of last day
of school.

We take
the suspended moment
as eyes lock from afar.

We take
all the precious minutes
when falling in love.

We take
our time
to lift the vail
and kiss.

We take
nine months
of two lives
creating another taker.

We take
the rapidly
evaporating time
of raising our children.

We take
sleep-time from our nights,
waiting for our teenagers.

We take
time slowly,
watching our daughter
walk the aisle.

We take
echoes of times past,
ringing through
empty bedrooms.

We take
time lightly,
years skipping past
incomprehensibly fast

Time takes us.
What, indeed,
do we take from time?
Day 3 prompt, NaPoWriMo.  A poem in which time passes.
281 · Mar 2016
It just is.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Cancer no more a
battle than life; work, eat, sleep,
wake.  Another day.
280 · Apr 2016
Spoken words
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I've opened a page on Facebook, where I'm recording myself reading my work.

If you have a poem of mine you'd like me to read, please message me with the request.  Otherwise, it's dealer's choice.  LOL
279 · Jan 2021
America, 1860 - 2021
Joel M Frye Jan 2021
...and so it begins,
rural against urban,
rich against poor,
change against established,
white against black,
privilege against opportunity,
proud boys against military,
prostitution against dictatorship,
both sides digging in
turning trenches to graves...

and so it never ended
Been watching CNN and Fox News, believing the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  There is no middle right now.
273 · Feb 2015
The Hanged Man
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
Wait for shoe to drop,
torn between alive and well;
suspended in time.
272 · Mar 2016
Milk and...
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Condensed, cloying sweet
life curdles; reality
evaporates it.
272 · Oct 2017
Digging deep
Joel M Frye Oct 2017
Have to dig up some
grave humor once in a while
to know I'm alive.
271 · Mar 2016
Haiku 1.26.14
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Winter sun bleaches
sky French blue above the sand;
false warmth lures, beckons.
270 · Mar 2016
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I came, expecting
I had something deep to write;
I guess I was wrong.
269 · Apr 2019
The Poet In the Dell
Joel M Frye Apr 2019
you can feel
the uncertainty in the touch
most days

long pauses,
trembling fingers...
perhaps a slight shake in the hands

a fair five minutes
looking me in the face
after each foray

hand drops from chin,
eyes grow wide
and the clicking away
becomes non-stop
and aggressive

head tilts
lip-reading a line or two
head shakes either yes or no

chair leans back
scanning the whole from afar;
a few terminal clicks

public, save,

then power, sleep...
and I see no more
Okay, so I own an's called poetic licence, kids.

Day 18, event from a participant, not the first person.
268 · Jan 2016
Bear Crossing
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
Light tread, heavy heart;
bears are the realm of spirit
in physical world.
The bridge they are carries weight;
a responsibility.
268 · Sep 2017
Joel M Frye Sep 2017
dust blown off the case
the left hand a wounded bird
almost a song comes
266 · Mar 2016
Just a moment
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Your poems leave
a trace of a breath
stirring hairs
on the back of my neck,
a shifting of weight,
quiet, implacable
creak of springs,

a pause

a door closing.
263 · Mar 2016
Cast Words Upon the Waters
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
What sort of spirit blesses humankind
with sights of splendid beauty every day,
while understanding most will pay no mind;
their eyes fixated on survival's way?

What gentle goodness graces humankind
as we build monolithic concrete wrongs?
In unused space, trees, birds come, unassigned,
forgiving us with nature's quiet songs.

What kind of kindness cradles humankind
in spite of spiteful evils that we do
each other; sends us beings more refined
than we, the saints unsung just passing through?

The sort of spirit, goodness, love dispersed
when poems are cast upon the universe.
263 · Feb 2015
By your leave
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
I leave you
the love I have
found along
the wandering;
I leave you
the peace
of heart and mind
you have planted;
I leave my
for all that you are;
as I leave you
259 · Oct 2014
So much for poetry
Joel M Frye Oct 2014
Hard to focus on the
little episodes in life;
each moment looms large.
258 · Jul 2018
Joel M Frye Jul 2018
Cane in the corner
says: You will depend on me.
I reply: For now.
Thank you all.
257 · Jan 2016
Beyond help
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
On hold half an hour;
bathroom break costs spot in queue.
Service is ****-poor.
253 · Jan 2016
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
In the heavy silence
of a gathered throng,
he stood before us,
asking us to reach
toward whatever we believed
in soul-bound silence,
and ask the Universe
the most audacious wish
we held most dear.
Spirit in the room with us
absorbed all ambient sound.
I closed my eyes,
beseeched the
Great Un-understood
to prove, to show me
It exists.  Show me
that I pray not to
a ceiling, clouds, the vapors
of overheated faith.
The quietude which followed
stilled my rushing blood
within my ears, behind my eyes
as one by one, the family
chosen, not born
over agonizing years
appeared to me, smiling,
extending their heart's embrace
to cradle me with arms
still felt today.  My friends,
*my God speaks love
through your creations,
and the love you create
feeds whatever Gods there are.
252 · Jan 2016
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
Every artist wants
to be admired, adored; so
few of us worthy.
from humus: "of the earth".
251 · Mar 2016
haiku 1.4.12
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Icy blue skies' glance
slices through the ends of earth;
winter's beginning.
250 · Jan 2016
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
We are awash in
love and many die of thirst;
learn to drink it in.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
such an odd duck,
this wounded dove
named love
flying about
searching for soft perch
and safe shelter
yet choosing
the cold warmth
of deadly currents
running through
high-tension wires.
...experience comes from bad judgement.
249 · Apr 2019
a more beautiful question
Joel M Frye Apr 2019
a word
a steady obbligato
on the window of my mind

of lightning
as charged particles of concept
are drawn up into ideas

and a trickle
becomes white water

every writer
finds a voice
that whispers
to them the clearest

Who is your word?
cummings has always whispered so clearly to me, it's like shouting.

Day2, NaPoWriMo.
247 · Mar 2016
haiku 6.28.14
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
When the day shutters
the sun closed, fingers of light
grasp through the cloud's slats.
246 · Mar 2016
Once removed
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
wish i could
feel passion
instead of
writing of it
246 · Dec 2015
This is my home
Joel M Frye Dec 2015
Email change locked me
out from my own words; glitch is
fixed, I'm home again.
I'm just catching up on all old posts and messages; bear with the bear, pls.  ;)
243 · Mar 2016
God rest ye merry
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Stolen holy day
made sacred by human love,
Spirit transcendent.
Most of us know that Jesus was not actually born on this day, but any day that a Great Spirit is celebrated is holy in my book.  Merry Christmas to my Christian friends, and Blessed be to my pagan friends.
242 · Mar 2016
Cold heat
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Winter winds entwine,
I blush as they embrace me;
naked, intimate.
242 · Mar 2016
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
your body yearns
for my feathering
fingers on your thighs,
for a mouth full
of tongues
and the fullness
you once had
what I once could give.
the fear of
not being enough
keeps me from
giving anything.
how selfish...
to keep what pleasure
can be had
from you
to keep from facing
what's been lost.
Just airing the stench from myself.
240 · Jul 2020
For Miss Raugh
Joel M Frye Jul 2020
You came back in 1968
from teaching Kenyans
to speak English
to teach Americans
how to see the world.

A nine-year-old boy
was in your fifth-grade class,
precocious, gifted
and quite full of himself
and ignorance.

It was magical, that connection;
the world-wise teacher
and the barely contained
bolt of potential.
It was his only year of school
where he never missed a day
or dropped a class.

Amazing how subtle,
blunt and gentle you were with him,
tapping walls of arrogance
with a wrecking ball,
allowing him to maintain
his structure
while rocking and rebuilding
his foundation.

You saw the boy
who danced on the the tightrope
between genius and insanity...
and quietly fed the jukebox.

He wanted to write;
you gave him Frost and cummings.
He yearned to draw;
you showed him Van Gogh.
He thirsted to learn;
you taught him how
to slake his parched mind.

He left your classroom,
but you continued to teach him.
You still do,
nearly fifty years later.

The last time he saw you,
he hurt you,
in that casual,
caustic way
of the high-school senior.
Still, when his nieces and nephews
with his last name
passed through,
you'd ask them
how he was doing,
and asked them to tell him
to stop in, or call.

He never did,
so he's now reduced
to offering words
you would have loved to read
in their full futility
telling you
that you
I hope you all have had that one special teacher.
239 · Jan 2016
haiku 1.20.16
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
winter's whisper shouts
louder than the full-throated
bellow of springtime.
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