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 Sep 2013 Jodie Bee
Aisling O' L
We're new at this,
so please make allowances,
to why
your so shy,
and I smile up like an idiot
into your ocean misted eyes.
That shade,
the same,
as Forget-Me-Not's
but they should be called
Make-Me-Forget-my Name,
as I'm so busy tracing the lines of your face.
What do we do?
As we fumble and skid, were both like Bambi
on a slippery *****,
Launched into foreign territory.
Amateurs adventurers,
as we sit arm to arm,
my nerve endings singing,
at your very proximity.
I'm new at this,
so please
for me
make some allowances
and if it's not much to command
Could you maybe
Hold my hand?
 Sep 2013 Jodie Bee
Zoe Mize
It got warm outside at night
and the feeling of rushing air feels so right.
No matter what you say you know it's true.
You can move on if you choose to.
I know how it feels to stand there in your shoes.
I've stood there before, stood there with you.
And I know that it is hard to let go of love,
but I'm not really sure that's what this was.
Because days spent in bed,
fingers running through your hair,
the words in whispers of lust,
missing school and not giving you up,
and nights spent in agony.
The yelling and the screaming.
No, I'm not sure this was love.
Let me down softly,
why don't you?
Take me high,
and drop me like rain.
My heart is with you for so many reasons,
and you never came.
Tell me now what it is you want.
Tell me, now, why you care.
Tell me how,
how you can think of me
when all you ever wanted was her!
Because days spent in bed,
fingers running through your hair,
the words in whispers of lust,
missing school and not giving you up,
and nights spent in agony.
The yelling and the screaming.
No, I'm not sure this was love.
No, I'm not sure this is love.

You're at my back door,
begging to come in.
To sit down and talk.
I want to open up,
I really truly do,
but I can't.
This has to stop.
This was never love.
Though I thought it was.
And you saying such sweet things now doesn't make what happened any better!
Love is fallen
into the deep dark pits.
Never go after it.
This is what happens.
This is love.
This really is.
Love is a shard of glass
begging to pierce your skin.
 Sep 2013 Jodie Bee
Zoe Mize
follow me,

follow me quietly,
into the sun.

follow me desperately,
my child of darkened love.
 Sep 2013 Jodie Bee
When I was young and lonely,
yet wise enough,
I'd slipped off my skin and held it out to you
and you accepted it. I'd been left with bare bones, then.
And as I handed over my lips and eyebrows and fingernails,
You accepted those, too.
Next I'd slipped out my heart and offered you it,
But you refused to take it, and so
I'd realised I was left without a coat
in the cold winter's blight.
Nothing but a skeleton, as frostbite
bit at me and I'd stood shivering,
my skin in your hands,
my heart in mine.
The wind hit my back and sent through me shudders
and I pleaded for you to give back what had once been mine.
But you just stood with eyes like glass, and wordlessly
you let me know it was helpless.
One by one, I felt my bones begin to freeze
from my toes and swiftly traveling up.
I couldn't tell then if my shaking came from cold
or if it was the blizzard of emotions burying me.
At my fingertips I could sense
the heart which I still cradled in my hands start to grow rigid
and it's beating grew ever more mechanical,
losing all energy and life,
working routinely and with passion gone.
Time stopped altogether and we stood, unmoving.
A fleeting warmth, a single hot tear—
it barely left my eye before becoming solid.
And the silence broke with the sound of your footsteps
but there I stayed in stunned paralysis,
my eyes locked on the remains of me
that you had ****** at my feet
and the cold heart I still held.
I picked myself up and slipped me back on,
the same as I had been before.
But my heart I kept frozen, though now it's aware
and I won't make that misstep again.
With a heart not my own, I'll continue,
the only part of you I let myself keep.
 Sep 2013 Jodie Bee
Harold Pinter
No, you're wrong.

Everyone is as beautiful
as they can possibly be

Particularly at lunch
in a laughing restaurant

Everyone is as beautiful
as they can possibly be

And they are moved
by their own beauty

And they shed tears for it
in the back of the taxi home
You are a complex person
So many confusing equations to figure out
All these numbers and signs adjacent to each other
Only I can simplify you
Because my numbers and signs line up with yours
I am just as complex
And when you put two complex equations
Side by side with an equal sign in between
You either cross out all the same complexities
Or combine them to make a nightmare of numbers
And I know that you and I, side by side,
Will simplify each other
Our relationship will not be foiled
Because we'll cancel out all our symbols
And leave a beautiful product
That leaves others jealous
Searching for the match that will make them
Just as simple, just as beautiful
Simple as that.
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