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The Homecoming by Harold Pinter
No, you're wrong.

Everyone is as beautiful
as they can possibly be

Particularly at lunch
in a laughing restaurant

Everyone is as beautiful
as they can possibly be

And they are moved
by their own beauty

And they shed tears for it
in the back of the taxi home
It works.
We blew the **** out of them.

We blew the **** right back up their own ***
And out their ******* ears.

It works.
We blew the **** out of them.
They suffocated in their own ****!

Praise the Lord for all good things.

We blew them into ******* ****.
They are eating it.

Praise the Lord for all good things.

We blew their ***** into shards of dust,
Into shards of ******* dust.

We did it.

Now I want you to come over here and kiss me on the mouth.
Don't look.
The world's about to break.

Don't look.
The world's about to chuck out all its light
and stuff us in the chokepit of its dark,
That black and fat suffocated place
Where we will **** or die or dance or weep
Or scream of whine or squeak like mice
To renegotiate our starting price.
I send my voice into your mouth
You return the compliment

I am the Count of Cannizzaro
You are Her Royal Highness the Princess Augusta

I am the thaumaturgic chain
You hold the opera glass and cards

You become extemporaneous song
I am your tutor

You are my invisible seed
I am Timour the Tartar

You are my curious trick
I your enchanted caddy

I am your confounding doll
You my confounded dummy.
I saw *** Hutton in his prime

Another time

another time
Jill. Fred phoned. He can't make tonight.
He said he'd call again, as soon as poss.
I said (on your behalf) OK, no sweat.
He said to tell you he was fine,
Only the crap, he said, you know, it sticks,
The crap you have to fight.
You're sometimes nothing but a walking *******.

I was well acquainted with the pong myself,
I told him, and I counselled calm.
Don't let the ******* get you down,
Take the lid off the kettle a couple of minutes,
Go on the town, burn someone to death,
Find another ****, giver her some hammer,
Live while you're young, until it palls,
Kick the first blind man you meet in the *****.

Anyway he'll call again.

I'll be back in time for tea.

Your loving mother.

— The End —