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Jason May 15
I mean, what's 30 years between friends?
                                          between talks?
                                          between hugs?
                                          between kisses?
Jason Oct 2022
Ascending shadows free frigid forest
From silently stalking sylvan guest
Lilac light lilting songbirds astir
Crystals cascade from ruffled fur
Halting hoof crinkles tinkling grass
Seeking silver trickling under glass
Softly stifled step echoes eerily alone
Tickling giggling reply from icy stone
Drinking doe darts sight unseen
Elusive as spring in this snowy scene
I originally posted this in March 2021, it's had a bit of a snip and tuck.  Let me know what you think!
© 09/30/2022 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved.
Jason Sep 2022
I like to take a second to think about the things I say.

Unfortunately, this usually tends to occur after I say a thing...
Jason Aug 2022
Lonesome pair of warring stars each toiling against the other,

Immense gravities shadow-spar, the sky-fires tide and tether,

Spiral waves of brilliant sparks spin out on the edge of never,

Shining light gives way to dark, the eyes of heaven stare as ever,

Embracing entropy eon-stark yet twinkling twice as clever,

For that which forces stars apart is that which binds us together.
Jason Jul 2022
I stood looking up under that same moon
More desolate than the lunar landscape
More isolated than the furthest galaxy
More nebulous than any constellation

I stood looking up under that same star
Heart blacker than the void
Love brighter than a pulsar
Tears tailing like a comet

I stood looking up under that same sky
Missing you
Jason Jun 2022
I've cut open the corpse of this love
So I could crawl inside to survive
The eternal cold night of this loss
Jason May 2022
I have wings,
but no feet.
I am escape,
without retreat.
I am surrender,
but not defeat.

What am I?

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