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jimmy tee Dec 2013
a certain snow fell last night
to freshen the scene
covering shadowed footprints

seven, five and seven more
count your syllables
and abrupt endings for sure

you got to be kidding me
they’re all I got to offer?

fold paper along its crease
contemplate the change
you’ve made in the worlds future

a small handful of fresh snow
an immense glacier
a connection to be grasped

fill my stein with a foamed head
always tastes good but
the next one will prove theory

please pass the salt to me please
the Tao finds balance
so send the pepper also
543 · Jan 2014
Happy to Oblige
jimmy tee Jan 2014
my strong opinions
seem to make other people
feel good about themselves

just what is the difference
between passion and raw compulsion?

the underlying sense of the un-romantic
that is seen everywhere
that is why rage is a keyboard
and the joke lies eternal
543 · Mar 2014
jimmy tee Mar 2014
nobody has their head in the game

from mineral to plant
from plant to beast
from beast to human
from human to pure soul

it is an easy universe to fool
a simple paradox
a play on words
[ cue that guy from Crete ]
creates a small disorder
disrupts the soup
spills the beans
the stars continue to spin
in heaven for sure
but a little less certain of themselves

the earth need not be saved from the gnats
currently messin’ up the scene
who listens hard to sycophants  
who paint each other green
who fret and moan such personal fears
while they foul and **** the land
as if five billion balanced years
leaves you room to understand
that people are a stubborn lot
a speck on a crumb on a speck
a fact that is very easily forgot
what else would you ever expect
543 · Oct 2013
when young
jimmy tee Oct 2013
when young, I read Thoreau
the transcendentalists were but gone
by slightly over a century
disobedience was in style
we would all head toward the land
and live in the wood
soybeans simmering on the stove
as we headed toward a dream
the pull of the world
a force so very strong
as to last throughout the ages
interrupted our free fall
so when I would consult the mind of Walden
through his writings
there burned in me a sense of radicalism
to head to the forest, naked with poetry
I told myself I could not afford these steps
recognized that Thoreau’s considerations
were so true as to be dangerous
I set the sage aside
I am sure that sages expect that sort of behavior

soon after my 50th year in my personal limerick
I found myself looking at a summer morn…..
543 · Apr 2014
jimmy tee Apr 2014
541 · Jan 2014
jimmy tee Jan 2014
its just a thing
a bit of substance
it has no spirit
no hidden meanings,
thoughts or feelings
the frame boxes
the painting
a clearly defined
line of no existence
inside the line
think what you will
outside the line
530 · May 2013
jimmy tee May 2013
seems like our perception
is flawed, subjective
to base influences
such as our current
digestive state
or the nagging itch
that cannot be reached

there exists no open
invitation of opinion
yet, views appear and enter
every conversation
people rhymes wit steeple

sans wit, the year ends
as it began
with the ground thrush
pecking at the lawn
524 · Jan 2014
jimmy tee Jan 2014
my style has changed me
not the other way around
there are subtle differences
in myself that only I can know
this is traced back to the simple
requisition of living
and that is repetition
524 · Jan 2014
jimmy tee Jan 2014
alive and awake
as I can be at this hour
hey you: its midnight

break the low lay law
there is a stairway reversed
and always the purse

follow this cold world
a revolution required
screaming like Lennon
jimmy tee Nov 2013
now where did that parachute go ?
I like what you did with the house
the staircase with the stenciling
bright ornate table lamps gaudy
but it all fits somehow
I have to get home then to work
then back here again
but I need that chute
Tommy searched a hall closet
found one unfolded and one ready to drop
I’ll sleep on a chair somewhere I thought

Monday, November 4, 2013
jimmy tee Mar 2014
well, we’ve never had a lay off
and we’ve been here since ’44
when you see how we run this place
you’ll run screaming out the door
when you find your 8 hour shift
has ballooned to 14 or more
the labor is repetitive
with carpel tunnel galore
we bare no responsibility
when you slip on greasy floors
our health benefits
bought at a discount store
you see our business plan
treats you like a prisoner of war
until you wonder what is wrong with
being young and free and poor
516 · Apr 2014
no title
jimmy tee Apr 2014
an obsession defined is no obsession at all
strong, barely controllable, passion, when it rules
is invisible to the

when the storm passes
you are seeing the earth in the process of balance
the storms are not blotches of color on a screen
they do not follow dotted lines or spiked curves
they are living breathing churning of equipoise
and a universe strongly influenced by entropy
balance being a continuous give and take
in both large and small doses

you are truly alive only when you are young

the effects of todays spring thaw
will be felt tomorrow in the lower Lamoille
there seems to be room for more river
between the bank
the machines will increase flow
both upstream and down in a balance of volume

and it has been noticed that birds
prepare of the cold of the night
by roosting in pines facing the direction
of the morning sun
510 · Oct 2013
morning glory
jimmy tee Oct 2013
the pattern of the ferns transparent leaf
backlit courtesy of the august sun
caused me pause, left me wary
of the moments construction

it was not the leaf itself or its summer surroundings
the outline design of the radiant green held form
there are few things that truly exist
how could life ever be one of them?

from the burning miracle that is our sun
light and heat escape through emptiness
such a powerful force is softened gently
to lie upon a delicate creation

this led to my eye to construct an emotion
that remains palpable to this very morning
the will to explore all that is around my pinpoint self
requires carrying questions and discounting others

October 4, 2013
509 · Mar 2014
The Tao
jimmy tee Mar 2014
i sat down to write a poem on how the Tao messed up my view
i was to mention that if Yin shot Yang, there was little we could do
and prove that unseen balance could fall on a turn of a *****
for all i saw was cocked and tilted with injustice shot clear through
how, despite my darkness, the nights breath starry hue
and days of rain outnumber the skies of summer blue
while the desert sand replaces the books of Timbuktu
i said, ‘the Tao removes our human passion, and vainly substitutes
a zero sum philosophy, our lives an I.O.U.’
but the words came doubly hard as the forced rhymes flew
i could feel a vague resistance that pulled my thoughts askew  
the tug of the Tao was strong and clear throughout this weak review
jimmy tee Nov 2013
dreams are powerful antics
grip you from absolutely no where
then they are gone
gone in a flash

let me sleep uninterrupted
the absence of dreams
is a dream itself

if the obscure is important
we’re ******
a total rewiring is required

capacities are misjudged
at only one step
the one in front of you

Friday, November 1, 2013
499 · Apr 2014
my final hello poetry post
jimmy tee Apr 2014
thank you hello poetry
you helped me find a way
to post and dream and fly
sharing thoughts at play
my work will now be found
at a blog called jimmy tee
with teeism by the pound
in our world menagerie

so long
498 · Apr 2013
Hume was right
jimmy tee Apr 2013
the rights to this poem belong exclusively to the author
the man with the drink in his hand
with scowls over chin
lock solid in his belief
tank tied into an intricate knot
as lovely as a flower
in equal permanence
by the theorized statement large
is but the universe
looking back at itself
493 · Feb 2014
jimmy tee Feb 2014
I am sitting with some of my possessions
by the steps and stone shadowed lions
outside the New York Public Library
there is a fellow there selling his poetry
in bound books
he has a table small with a sign:

Meet the Author

he is warm and personable
offering his hand with a wink and a smile
to strangers of the great city
and sharing lines of his verse with zeal
he appears to be a perfect match
of my dear departed friend
Jack Nuthall
and I wonder
now that I reside in this poem
how many Jacks are still in this world roaming ?
I mean the exact person
how many of myself are brooding in the shadows  
believing that we live individual lives
when we exist beyond count
jimmy tee Feb 2013
substance theory tells us that
while examining the soul of a hat
its atoms flung on quantum breezes
can show up in any form it **** pleases
only for convenience’s sake
does it acquiesce to reveal a stake
toward universal conformity
adding comfort [and headgear] to reality
how this theory applies to God
will tax our mind and lead to odd
musings, statements, lists confusing,
philosophies that find them losing
great arguments, by the wisdom controlled
from any mere child who’s eight years old  

September 2010
489 · Mar 2013
spent 7
jimmy tee Mar 2013
he was a person just like you or me

Raffaello died at 37
in between he created
unlike any other

counter movements
formed three hundred years
after his death
[the first modern art revolution   The Pre-Raphaelites]

that is how large he was

If you are able to live briefly
choose your time well
and large was the Florentine
1510 year of our lord

a time of spires rising toward heaven
and palettes of form and emotion
a short life as masterpiece
jimmy tee Oct 2013
lets contemplate great deeds for a moment
the tower of ideas, empty without action
acclaimed thought, twisted word frames
leadership, in free fall without disciples
stone monuments, covered with rain
social contracts, swallowed by flaws
the birth of the new, the turning of the world

Saturday, October 26, 2013
486 · Jan 2014
jimmy tee Jan 2014
sitting in my living room watching the Rose Bowl
Christmas tree cozy furniture plate and glass full
my usual view until the rooms substance fell away
revealing a desolate landscape under a muted sun
a few burned out trees soil finely crevassed
I was looking out at a pulp science fiction cover
this was as real as the scene I consider normal
and then that scene reappeared like nothing happened
but it was the sense of actuality, my easy acceptance
of the matter of fact of many worlds available
that really got me again
jimmy tee Oct 2013
back bitten
of cruelty
the look
of people
what you
to hear
the world
as opera
the sing
of appeasement
mans finest

Saturday, October 19, 2013
484 · Nov 2013
jimmy tee Nov 2013
comma snowflakes dot the cold air morning
a very fine crystal coating of snow white results
I reduce my size  
the thin veneer of frozen specks
become the size of telephone poles
stacked leaning between my head and the sky
my new world has taken the grey light
to whiteness hinged with blue
that becomes the source of my magic
so, I gaze upon the closed loop wonder
of another imaginary world that is compelled
to be seen by an audience of its own creation

Friday, November 29, 2013
jimmy tee May 2013
a dream from the past, was required
and leave behind today’s complex romp
to quell sad ennui’s fire
oh! when youth cured all in joyous stomp
479 · Oct 2013
splendor in the grass
jimmy tee Oct 2013
write a love poem and do it in a hurry
mention summer afternoons
in the garden
make some comparisons between flowers
and the fresh air that surrounds them
to the light in your lovers eye
bring up time and its eternity
if amends need to be manufactured
then and only then declare weakness
consult Keats for a mythic touch
search your heart, share secrets, invent

the lack of negatives
do not necessarily equal a positive
478 · Oct 2013
real good start to the day
jimmy tee Oct 2013
this is what must be done
great changes are coming
put down the news
turn off the **** tube
sip coffee and think
475 · Apr 2014
got me
jimmy tee Apr 2014
there is a softness available
in the description of our intriguing world
the world of moving winds
living plants, bird on wing, an expanse of stars
and a blue white gray
found over us at all times
there is a gentleness, an ease
a sort of laziness behind creation
beauty is casual
474 · Feb 2014
jimmy tee Feb 2014
since we are not much more
than the sum of our days
let’s go back to childhood
that emotional blend
of terror and comfort
where hardly a day passed
that was lacking discovery
the air felt different
on the skin
colors and reflections
were stronger in depth
silliness was just around the corner
and mysteries dropped clues
like breadcrumbs on a trail
we truly live when young
and we share with the budding rose
the confront of actuality
474 · Jan 2014
jimmy tee Jan 2014
the pull of the earth
is felt richly
sixty years
of spinning
the exterior of said sphere
my feet are glued
and my eyes are bulging
473 · Jan 2014
jimmy tee Jan 2014
the built in accessory
of modern life
I can ignore it best ‘bout anyone
shifting focus at will
but I prefer it to just go away
jimmy tee Oct 2013
there in the crawlspace
they found me
drugged and *****
they pulled and tugged
spoke their plans
to help deliver sobriety
change my outlook
toward the better
I resisted
any idea seemed as hopeless
as no plan at all
that was my comfort
my morning joe
how many times
must this be said
my days can be lived
by one way only
aimed at the end

Saturday, October 26, 2013
468 · Mar 2014
jimmy tee Mar 2014
everyone lives ordinary lives
a list of similarities
found typical among us
would be very long, indeed
the fourth line proves the first
the very small widgets of ourselves
that are truly unique
become magnified to a large degree
when exposed to the theatre of this world
and has set about an order to permit ceaseless
displacement of the memory of past mistakes

it is always a war against something
and even an imaginary peace
cannot be created
462 · Apr 2013
2009 fine wine
jimmy tee Apr 2013
writing death-charged poetry
with little need
to search for signs,
for inspiration,
for it is abundant
and can take any form you like:

the mustard seed of parables
the gloss of autumn
a folding chair
a list of designations
anything that is brewed
verse jumping to memory
a quick appreciation of all that Jesus did
knowing that the lines should continue
an abstract painting
that finds a place in your soul to claw
the shear numbers of morning glories possible
the fun of knowing that your philosophy
begins where other peoples end
an empty strip found in a fortune cookie
as it did last night.
461 · Mar 2013
now it can be told
jimmy tee Mar 2013
the main obstacle to personal happiness
is anxiety
the main source of this anxiety
is your mother and her kind
there, it is now said
460 · Feb 2014
jimmy tee Feb 2014
my cat exists in another plane of actuality
an omni-directional balanced point turned into itself
no measurement can detect the far flung colors
of my cats solid state pillow caked universe
she floats upon balconies of clouds
rose fingered dawn or sacred dusk at her wish
as far away as far away can be, but really
in the same place after all
quietly asleep
460 · Apr 2014
no title 1
jimmy tee Apr 2014
bird on the wing
perched in the sun begins to sing
bunny on the hop
while mistreating others we elevate ourselves
the science behind personality testing
the theory of motivation
the fact that a certain trend will occur to satisfy a need
behavior is driven by an internal state of disequilibrium
this lack of balance is the source of all conflict, large and small
achievement, power, affiliation and intimacy
are described as secondary needs
and our personal reaction to these states
determines our personalities
when you pass a person on the street
remember to pay attention to the fact
that they are filled with desires to fill their secondary needs
the gaps add up to the person
456 · Jan 2014
Not alone in this one
jimmy tee Jan 2014
I refuse to believe that the increasing madness
is mine alone
this is  a shared trait among us
the pipers of the salty sea
the pipers of the interior beaches
same movement, same chirrup
456 · Apr 2014
jimmy tee Apr 2014
there was never a good reason to start anew
Marty got the shingles and immediately knew
the pain and sorrow carried from womb to tomb
and the unlikely chance they would cross the room
454 · Feb 2014
jimmy tee Feb 2014
the snow banks today are blinding in the sun
the very snow that formed from a far on high
invisible cloud that fell in temperature
and froze the water vapor itself into six sided
lightly blue crystals that never find their twin
448 · Mar 2013
spent 3 or 4
jimmy tee Mar 2013
from a faraway point of me
comes a click of understanding
the gears mesh: I am enlightenment
my soul less of a mystery
a mean little three point landing
only time dissolves this sentiment
then a distant echo as punishment
447 · Apr 2013
jimmy tee Apr 2013
the business was built on the sacrifice of others
that offering of the pennies of the soul
for the dollar delivery of modern existence
the plan was growth eternal
the interpretation of ledgers of lined boxes
page after page bearing the fruit of profit
it worked and if it didn’t, a kick of more of the same
brought results
people are meant to toil
the human machine designed for dexterous  invention
where do dreams fit in ? why produce when you can deduce?
how can a concrete rationalization  be formed
that causes us to drive through a beautiful morning
only to land in a container
operated by a mystery toward an easily questioned goal
of daily bread in a world overflowing with abundance
jimmy tee Oct 2013
reality is re-constructed
from scratch
every 5 or 6 minutes or so
how many times have you
lost something
oh, carkeys, that screwdriver
that fell to the shadows
the printed report that was just in that ******* pile just a minute ago
those instances are only slight faux pa  ses
by the re-construction crews
that toil in every medium
to create authenticity
437 · Feb 2013
the king of all I see
jimmy tee Feb 2013
my renaissance occurred
far from Florence
city of spires and orange skin domes
it hit me as an awakening
it shook my comfort with things
image is so very powerful
tiger skins
myth viewed through different eyes
having the time to examine art
and discover a large part of it all
I said it shook me
step through the doorway
to the hallway of change
via palate, brushstroke, desire
435 · Apr 2013
ribbon pig
jimmy tee Apr 2013
Now Russell used 10 million word
and Keats a fraction there of
but their discovery can be heard
as they speak from high above.

To find the truth, you take the dare
and give it all ye might
and accept it’s empty stare
as ye face the cold black night
434 · Oct 2013
hey baby get a load of this
jimmy tee Oct 2013
heard a gun shot at 2:51 am in the most quiet neighborhood in Vermont

listen, I cant tell her that

it is a very easy thing to steer in and out of her desires
as clear as a new paved highway
in the glare of my high beams
what of it
431 · Mar 2013
spent 6
jimmy tee Mar 2013
light and jolly
that’s my name
but call me _
just the same
see I arrived
in stance and pomp
then stole away
to this worlds romp
and I spread a whisper
‘bout the unseen
how it falls short
to reality’s scene
‘’Hard Headed Facts, folks
why I’m a living pun’’
slammed shut then chased
forever on the run
430 · Oct 2013
heres two
jimmy tee Oct 2013
the width and breadth of the world
people helping one another
the flood rages
the sky stays dry for ages
in between lies art and poetry
I suppose you could use a painting as shelter
or subsist for awhile on boiled books
build bridges using abstract sculptures
maybe a violin concerto could be a source
of necessary vitamins
art wont get you very far but it’s a step in the right direction

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
jimmy tee Dec 2013
you can’t lose
your nice new attitude
will save you

I also like the way
you keep an eye on the numbers
not getting’ very far
without them

takin’ things in stride
as close to being worry free
as a walking skin can be
Bravo !
to all I see and to all that I do
Bravo !
427 · Jan 2014
Repetition is Big
jimmy tee Jan 2014
the farmer tills the rocky field
his mule pulls the plow blade
there are straps and curved wood
that connect man, animal, machine and earth
until a stone is uncovered
the farmer will work with rod and lever
to remove the obstruction
the mules watches, relaxes
then hauls the stone away to the pile
they then commence to till again
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