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Those platonic verses
Shifted in between
an immovable power
Of the violin strings
Creating a dulcet noise
A paradox
Because when words
and music collide
There came a new
Force into existence
Which began to mould
every soul
From the beginning
Like a child's clay dough.
Trying to forget you
Is like not getting a hit.
I'm addicted to you,you're the disgusting, so lovely drug I can't contain in my thoughts.

Your beauty makes it hard to breathe.
It makes it hard to hide my heart.
Although I can't get enough of you
You make me feel so blue.

My skin is yours to slice away.
I couldn't stop you if I tried.
You get inside and turn the tide
So I must inflict pain on the outside.

Although I've tried to let you go
If you love me I have to know.
Inebriated blue cloud,
I know you well enough
libertine ways you have
make you a lover of
deep thunder and meek rainbow
and also a chit of a lark
that loses itself in a song
be it is in grief or mirth.

Strange is the ways of my heart,
how much I long to fall in love with you
and proclaim this to the world scheming
to disrupt the pleasures one seeks
without any reason at all
"Look! love has no limits, no reason even
the lovely cloud, softness personified
caresses my foliage with sensuous abandon
kisses me with her wispy lips of moisture"

I know you understand, though unmindful of
my unbridled passion
making breaches in the limits,
I have no illusion about our improbable union.
True, how can we live
happily ever after?
I envy your gift of wings
though you have none visible,
you borrow it from the wayward wind,
too willing to carry your sweet load around.

I stood on the hill top,
wistfully thinking
that you will come and
take me within your soft folds
though I am a tree with deep running roots
that has become a restraining thing.

Freedom without any limit
gets you inebriated every minute,
your love for love,  makes you desirable
you live in the present, suspend thoughts on time to come
as it is hypothetical, you say.
You are in a hurry to roam
wherever lovers lead you one after the other
do you have an urge to dissolve and pour-
as water, without any remorse?

Do you know my  penitence for your love
on this hilltop is a true sacrifice?
My love for you doesn't bring anything
except my wilting hour after hour.
Let me be on your blue breast for moments
when my boiling love will seek
your shining center that melts, melts
we'd freeze as one, how long my darling?
Time would simply stand still
to a distance, i'd be transported,
where tree or cloud means nothing
we are an incessant rain lasting for ever.
 Feb 2014 Jimmy Solanki
In a tomb by the sounding sea
That’s where he waits for me
His lover long lost
Never to be beside again
Moans and wails and shrieks of horror
As that wickedly turning sea
Gracefully and steadily, it regurgitates me
His lover returning
But not quite the same
Gagging and choking and coughing up salt
Slimy skin from the waters embrace
A twisted grin of joy on his face
His out stretched arms
I stand at the shore line
With a glowing smile enticing
Laughing and crying he stumbles forwards
Water logged eyes shining bright
Knowing to him, I’m a glorious sight
Stopping just before my gentle touch
His smile fades as his mind catches up
Why won’t he come closer to me?
Hesitating and questioning his bride before him
His gut screams no but his heart pushes on
A whisper escapes ‘but you were meant to be gone’
I smile graciously as I reach for his hand
‘My sweet love, but I’m here now, follow me’
Holding and locking our fingers together
Turning to face the calmed, silent sea
Swallowing us whole to the depths to be free
In a tomb together, my lover and me
This town turns into a labyrinth at night,
A city of the sleeping dead,
If I wander these streets with nothing on my mind,
I can see it.
Buried under the dreams of those who are asleep,
Those who have locked away their passions.
Is my trembling heart
My reason for existence in that way,
My reason for existence in the same way,
Smiles and falls silent.
Why do my emotions sway as such?
I've always been looking,
Under a sun which was never meant to shine like this.
I can't see it anywhere
Where is key to that door.
The door to my love, hidden.
What's more important then words?
The time keeps passing and you can't realize it
Waiting for a sign to be taught like this
Let my music flow into my words. Let it ravage worlds.
A faint light shining on a real love
I'm looking for a reason
I've always been looking
Where could it have disappeared?
Where is that reason to live, laugh and love?
I hesitate to continue in this deep labyrinth
What if there is more pain?
My reason for existence in that way,
My reason for existence in the same way,
Smiles and falls silent.
Why do my emotions sway as such?
I've always been looking,
Under a sun which was never meant to shine like this.
I can't see it anywhere
Where is key to that door.
The door to my love, hidden.
Can you whistle to the winds for me?
Can you caress the dark recesses of the night as you would caress me?
Can you whisper to the sky, whisper what is to conspire?
Do this for me, while i wait for them to carry it on to me...
I pray to whatever Gods there may be,
to unite the two of us again.
Perhaps they'll heed my prayer,
Perhaps they'll heed your smile?
So, can you sing to the winds for me?
Can you caress the dark recesses of the night as you would caress me?
Can you whisper to the sky, whisper what is to conspire, between you and me?
Do this for me, while i wait for them to carry it on to me...
For now that you have caught my heart,
It can only pray for you.
You, this word holds new meaning for me,
for it sort of defines you.
Words, my only allies till now,
Suddenly betray me in front of you.
For it is in your absence that I remember how to breathe,
But it is in your absence that each breath turns painful.
This maybe too much to ask of you, yet,
Can you whistle to the winds for me?
Can you caress the dark recesses of the night as you would caress me?
Can you whisper to the sky, whisper what is to conspire?
Do this for me, while i wait for them to carry it on to me...
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