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Jessica, I've seen your bruises

The ones you try to hide
You were out shopping, thought no one was looking
While in the grocery isle

Jessica, I knew  this was happening

No need to see the proof
I'm about to do something to that good for nothing
Next time he lays a hand on you

Jessica, I saw you crying

Sitting on that old wooden stump
Just want you to know that no good so and so
May not be there when you get home

Jessica, you can relax now

And be anything that you want
I figured sooner or later I'd find some hungry gators
Down at the edge of Myrtle swamp

Now Jessica's no longer crying...
This applies to every single one of you. No matter how little you may believe you are worth, I swear to you, you are worth more, way more than you could ever imagine, in your wildest dreams. You are worth the same as those you value most, that girl with the body you aspire yours to be like, those people that you envy for being so naturally beautiful, your closest friends, your family. You are worth every piece of happiness, hope and health. I promise. You are not a diagnosis or a statistic, defined by criteria, percentiles and numerical figures, no. You are so much more. You are more than the inches around your waist, the abs on your stomach, the lbs that creep up and down on the scales, the self defeating thoughts, the highlighting of your insecurities, the constant regrets.
You are the air you breathe, the laughter that slips between your lips, the fight that you said you had ran out of months ago. The love you share and feel, the smiles that sweep across your face, those moments where happiness feels so close that you can almost taste it. You are daylight, the sun, nightlife, clubs and music and drunken confessions. You are a shining star, the scent of your favourite perfume, your most treasured memories crammed into ink and squashed between frames.

Never doubt that you are more.

2013 ©
This one isn't so much a poem but its uplifting and I wanted to share it.
She was damaged, needy
He loved that about her
Her love like no other,
Unconditional for all
Always doing more
than what was expected
He thought she was naive,
his ego couldn't get enough
She was good when it mattered,
Bad when he wanted her to be
She was unique, beautiful,
Quite sensitive, yet strong
She was desired by many,
Though she rarely felt wanted
He didn't deserve her,
She didn't know better
To the ladies who, thinking there to cute to break a sweat. A man gonna marry the worker, he'll just take your ***. The one thats grinding in the perfect timing, he needs her. Pretty hair, nice skin, your just a *******. And she wants a man not a boy. If she wanted to play guys she woulda got a toy. She'll sit and listen, she ******* with your ambition, but ain't no accomplishing a mission, if you the ***** acting moody. Because your on the couch with the homie playing call of duty. Never neglect your she, use your patience remember not to lie. Men to the ladies, ladies to your guy, everything is about consistency, communication, and compromise.
I'm tired of these ****** having down females they don't appreciate,Females who are willing to catch a case just to make sure your living straight Not on no phony ****, like ya homie **** The realist one on your team isn't always the one ur smoking with.But the one you can stay focused with.The one who's proved she's a rider through the ins and outs nd not looking for any hand outs. The one holding it down through thedrought. The ones who's gonna help you stack, not just spend your ****.The only one you share your business with Now that's a real *****, and it ain't to many. Money hungry birds disguised as bad *******, they come in plenty, always talking bout "gimme" Most of these good girls turn sour when they give ****** to much power. "These ******* ain't ****" I ain't doubting it, that's why you need a woman,who your proud with,settle down, start a family,build a house with. @fvckalexia
I couldn't do it, stand there and watch you walk away from me.
I know I pushed and I shoved now you're dangling on the edge holding onto my twisted string of hope.
But can't you see? I'm trying, to pull you back up but my hands are slipping.
Do you even still want me? Cause I don't feel you trying, you're like a dead weight on the end of this rope.

I told you I'm not strong enough for the both of us, so is this you hoping that I'll just let go and be strong for me?
You know I have no strength without you.
You are my strength.

I can't just let go, its not that easy.
If you go down, I'm going with you.
That's how it works.
Forever & Always remember?
I guess I'm just tired, so tired of having to fight to keep you in my life.
This battle, this war, is exhausting me.
I want you here, but I don't want to have to feel like I'm fighting to keep you.
All I wanted was you, and all you gave me was your back.
Its mornings like this,
when I wake up and the skies are black,
when the rain streams from the sky and thunder shakes the earth,
that I feel the heart wrenching ache of loneliness.

I miss the arms that used to snake around my waist at 3:30 in the morning after a terrifying nightmare
and the warm body that pressed snugly into mine during winter.

How you would lean into my neck
breathe me in like a summer wine,
and then sigh.
I miss the tear that occasionally fell to my cheek from your eyes,
when the thought of losing me crossed your mind.

How your fingers would suddenly intertwine with mine at the strangest of times
and you would look at me, not a word was uttered,
you said it all with your eyes.

The way you held me when we kissed,
the way you played with my hair,
the taste of your smile,
your sea green eyes,
your laugh,
the feel of your skin.

Your heartbeat in synchronization with mine.

I miss the colour in my life, the colour of you.
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